The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 299 Encountering a legendary pirate ship!

The Hearthstone Witch's voice soon came from the bottom of the sea, "Your Majesty, the bottom of the sea is safe."

"You also come down and take a look."

"Down here...I finally the Neptune-like creatures are produced!"

"It's actually like this! Oh my God."

Ivita hesitated for a moment, and the Cloak of Destruction automatically flew over and draped over his shoulders. Then he also used the complete rule-based transformation technique to transform into a peregrine falcon. Since he turned the cloak of destruction into the feathers of a peregrine falcon, so The feathers of the peregrine falcon become hard and indestructible, possessing the properties of a magical cloak of destruction.

Moreover, the falcon he transformed into was surrounded by three black magic balls of destruction. Although the transformation spell at the second-level wizard stage could not turn into a magical creature, now Iveta actually used a combination of magic spells to transform into a magical creature. A magical creature.

When Ivita's incarnation of the Peregrine Falcon of Destruction crossed the sea surface, three destruction spheres quickly destroyed the sea surface, leaving a long trace on the sea surface.

This is Iveta testing whether the seabed is safe. He is using the three destruction spheres around him to attack the huge black spiritual pillar on the seafloor to see if the spirituality will automatically fight back.

When Ivita noticed that the things on the seabed did not react in any way, she was not relieved. One of the three destruction spheres around her flew out automatically, fell into the seabed, and hit the black spiritual light pillar.

The Destruction Sphere automatically sank into the spiritual light beam that shot from the bottom of the sea to the surface and automatically dissipated in mid-air. There was no reaction at all. Ivita realized that it had lost contact with herself.

‘Although I lost contact with the destruction sphere, the spiritual light pillar did not attack me. ’ Iveta thought: ‘We should be able to go down. ’

The peregrine falcon he transformed into plunged into the sea, and the two destruction spheres around him automatically rotated, forcing the sea water to separate from Ivita's body. As soon as he entered the sea, Ivita saw two sea monsters on the bottom of the sea calling out. , and another Minotaur sea monster came from the distance. It was the sea monster that Wilson forcibly controlled with his mind.

The three-headed sea monster gradually moved closer.

Ivita glanced at them in the water and saw that the three-headed sea monsters had no intention of attacking her, so she ignored them.

The other party seems to be a family of sea monsters.

But since the Valji family did not mobilize these two sea monsters when they attacked themselves, this may mean that the two sea monsters are neutral.

I just don’t know what their attitude will be like after coming into contact with the Minotaur sea monster that is completely loyal to them.

The falcon transformed by Ivita continued deeper into the sea, and he had already seen the vulture one hundred and fifty meters underwater.

But the birds they transformed into were not aquatic creatures after all. Even if he uses magical power to isolate the sea water from his side, he cannot go too deep into the sea.

The voice of the Hearthstone Witch came from a distance. "Under the crown, the middle of the spiritual light pillar is hollow, filled with air, without any sea water."

"Let's fly down from there. Don't worry, Your Majesty, this spirit seems powerful, but it is full of the breath of death. I'm afraid the original owner has been dead for who knows how many years. His body fell into the sea, and then the spirit It turned into radiation, causing slight distortions in the surrounding sea fish, and those sea monsters are probably one of the ten thousand sea fish, and they have serious distortions."

"I'm afraid this requires a special rare bloodline, so there are only three sea monsters here, which are the family of sea monsters just now."

"Those sea monsters carry blood that is easily mutated by this spiritual radiation."

Ivita said: "Then let's fly in and take a look to see whose corpse has such power. It can still pollute the sea water and create Neptune-like sea monsters many years after death."

On the coast of Ivita's private fishing and hunting area, the Iron Mountain Knight was slightly worried as he watched Ivita enter the sea. His idea was to let the witch serve as cannon fodder. His own lord Ivita should not take risks in the sea. .

Juno and Arabi, who were beside the Iron Mountain Knight, saw the power of Ivita transforming into a peregrine-destroying falcon, and their eyes lit up. They also wanted to become such handsome creatures, especially when they thought of Ivita. Their teachers, then they may learn this ability as students.

The Great Knight of Iron Mountain warned the two girls: "Don't go near the sea!"

In the deep sea, the peregrine falcons and vultures transformed by Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch entered the black spiritual light pillar, and then they swooped down. After about five hundred meters, they saw half of the ship below, and the whole ship. It is composed of special locust wood planks. Although it has been broken into half and dilapidated, it is spiritually powerful, and every inch of the plank contains terrible resentment.

It can be seen that many people have died in the hands of this ship.

They could see the inner cabin of the ship, because the ship was cut off in half, leaving only half of it, so the entire space was exposed, and the cabin could be seen clearly at a glance.

Ivita saw a black heart inside the cabin.

The heart has withered, and its entire body is black, but the core is covered with cracks caused by withering.

The vulture transformed by the Hearthstone Witch stopped in mid-air and said, "Your Majesty, this is not an ordinary ship. Even if only a small part of it is left, it still gives me a sense of threat."

The peregrine falcon transformed by Ivita spun around the ship and said, "Didn't we hear in the tavern before that an original legendary pirate ship sank in the transit port?"

"The name of that ship is [Black Heart], and it seems to be the one in front of you."

"The black heart on the wrecked ship looks like a treasure. Let's go over and get it."

The Hearthstone Witch told Ivita: "Your Majesty, that ship is not the starting point of this black spiritual light pillar. There is something underneath that ship. That is the best treasure here."

The peregrine falcon transformed by Ivita was about to land on the mast of the ship, when suddenly he felt a chill on his back. So he flapped his wings and flew up suddenly. At this moment, the broken rope on the mast of the smaller half of the Black Heart suddenly stabbed towards Ivita's incarnation as a wandering falcon like a steel thorn.

If Ivita didn't take off instantly, he would have to face these eleven sailing ropes that were like steel cables or chains.

Iveta's eagle eyes caught a glimpse of the withered heart beating slightly in the cabin of the half-broken ship. The beating was already very subtle, but it was still beating.

Ivita flew all the way up, and the eleven ropes followed him, trying to continue attacking him. They did not return automatically until they were a hundred meters away from the ship.

Ivita looked ugly and said to the approaching vulture: "The Black Heart sank thirty years ago. I think the sunken site was later acquired by the Valji family and became a boost for their rapid development."

"But maybe they can't get past the obstruction of the small half of the broken original legendary pirate ship. Therefore, they have never penetrated deeply into this spiritual light pillar and discovered the source of this spiritual light pillar."

The vulture said: "Doesn't that give us an advantage?"

"Your Majesty, you don't need to force your way through the Black Heart. You can use the [Domination Gate] magic to get past it and go directly behind it."

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