The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 304: Ghost Ship Affiliated Laws

In front of the original Vargy Manor and now the Ivita Manor, a group of immortal pirate undead climbed up from the ground. Some of the bodies that had been shattered into several pieces by lightning used their upper bodies to crawl on the ground and collect them. Put the fragments scattered all over the place for yourself.

As a result, Ivita and others saw a group of pirates fighting for body parts inside the manor in the courtyard outside the villa.

By this time, it was already dark.

The moon is high in the sky, and it happens to be full. Under the light of the full moon, the true faces of these undead are clearly visible. Their normal bodies are all fake, and their rotten bodies that are neither alive nor dead are their truth.

"My, my, this arm is mine, the thinner arm is yours."

"Fart, that arm of yours was lost to me when you were gambling with me on the boat. That thin arm belongs to you."

"Give me my ears back, you pervert, why do you want three ears? Are you a three-eared beast? Is there something wrong with you?"

In Ivita Manor, the servants living outside the villa witnessed this scene from the windows of the longhouse where the servants lived. They all looked horrified.

These people are not mortals at all.

They are a group of undead cursed at sea.

Captain Dardani Croc's body became rotten under the moonlight. He opened his mouth, which had rotted to the point of exposing the roots of his teeth, and said.

"You land man, you never try to adapt to the ocean."

"You can never conquer the world of pirates."

"Do you think you understand the ocean after you have been on the sea for a few months? No, we are born in the ocean, we die in the ocean, and we still turn into immortal souls wandering the sea after death."

When the ghost ship pirates heard this, they all stopped what they were doing and laughed ferociously in the moonlight.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

As they laughed, a man with an iron chain around his neck was led out by them in public.

Captain Dadani laughed coldly: "Look who this person is?"

Iveta saw the person clearly, her pupils suddenly shrank, and at the same time she felt extremely angry in her heart.

The Grand Knight of Iron Mountain clenched the sword in his hands, and Wilson, the fourth generation vampire, was surprised. "How is it possible? You actually caught him!"

The miserable ghost ship prisoner who was captured by the ghost ship pirates and treated like a monkey was actually the pirate quartermaster [Duva Greglewski] who had previously served Ivita.

Dua Gregorewski looked at Wilson awkwardly and licked his tongue. "It's nothing. These dead people broke into my residence and suddenly attacked me. Damn it, I didn't expect it to end up like this."

"Captain Dardani, I will not serve on your ship, you can kill me! Even if I die, I don't want to become an undead soul without consciousness, and never have the chance to live or die again. Ah~"

First Mate Clark slapped him across the face, causing him to scream, sweating from the pain, and knocking a tooth out of his mouth.

Duva Greglevsky gasped and glared at the pirates on the ghost ship, and said angrily: "You are against the rules. Pirates cannot attack the quartermaster. This is an unspoken rule. Even if you are a ghost ship at sea, you You can’t do this either.”

Ivita looked at Captain Dardani with an even more unkind look. It seemed that the expedition to Cross Island could not be delayed any longer. Looking at the few days she had stayed at the transit port, the other party was looking for assassins to kill her again. Send ghost ships to attack you.

The longer the delay, the more the Varji family will be able to mobilize their connections.

The more disadvantageous it is to oneself.

It’s just that Iveta realized that although the captain of the Holy Virgin’s Ghost Ship in front of her was indeed a bit difficult to deal with, their strength didn’t matter. Although they were strong, she could still think of a way to deal with them.

The key lies in their immortality.

Today, even if Leo God, the peak divine-blooded warrior of the fourth level, came over, he would still be troubled by this group of cursed undead, whose time was forever stopped in a 24-hour cycle, making them immortal.

Ivita said to Captain Dardani: "Just because he has done something for me, are you going to arrest him?"

Dardani Kroc shook his head. "It's not like this."

"You said that the Valji family owes you something and must return it to you, but this guy also owes me something. Anything taken from the Ghost Captain must be returned ten times the wealth after one year. Those who disobey must serve on the Ghost Captain and become a ghost on the sea without taste, smell, and unable to feel the existence of any good things. This time is limited: two hundred years."

"Of course I can choose not to use this right, but when I notice certain borers, I can exercise my rights. This is the law of my ship! The subsidiary law given by the law of the Codex of the Seven Seas! "

"Mr. Dewar, please tell Mr. Ivita, tell him the reason why I want to arrest you."

[Duva Greglevsky], who was being held by a ghost ship pirate with an iron chain, said to Ivita dejectedly: "Lord Ivita, he is right, this matter actually has something to do with you. It’s not a big deal.”

"I once told you that my reputation was ruined due to the persecution of the Varji family and I could no longer be a quartermaster, but do you know how I made a comeback?"

Ivita raised her head and glanced at the captain of the Ghost Captain, already having the answer in her heart.

[Duva Greglevsky] said with a gray face: "That's right, you must have the answer in your heart. I went to sea when I was at my lowest and encountered the Ghost Captain on the sea."

"In the white fog, I was invited to board the ship. I found on the deck of the ship that their seemingly broken ship was actually made of gold. I moved down from the deck of the ship and tidied it up. A bucket of gold bars. Just when I was about to leave the deck of the ship, Captain Dardani suddenly appeared on the empty ghost ship and warned me that if I took away a whole bucket of gold bars, it would take a year. Then return ten barrels of gold bars.”

"He warned me that if I don't have that much ability, I should take less."

"Because once I violate the agreement, I must serve on the Ghost Captain for two hundred years."

[Duva Greglevsky] gritted his teeth and regretted: "I was obsessed at the time, thinking that I would get the wealth first and then talk about it later, so I took the bucket of gold bars without fear. But a year later, also No one came to see me, I thought this matter was over, who knows..."

Ivita glanced at him and said that the Ghost Captain did have the legal basis to capture him.

Ivita asked strangely: "Can the law of the Seven Seas Code be given to a ship, an auxiliary law?"

Captain Dardani doesn't mince words. "That is the subsidiary law that was born immediately when the pirate world was established. This subsidiary law was divided into many parts, automatically forming ghost ships of different sizes on the sea."

"This is the ghost ship law under the law of the Seven Seas Code."

Ivita was silent.

This law of the Seven Seas Code is indeed a kingdom-level law. Even if it is only broken, it still has subsidiary laws such as the Great Sea Wall (transit port), the five special laws of the Central Port, and the ghost ship law.

I am afraid that the Kingdom of Alsace, which has more than one complete kingdom-level law, will have much greater power.

It's just that the ghost ship in front of him took away the people who had served him, which would be a bit of a blow to his own morale. Moreover, if the other party did such a thing at this time, I'm afraid it was mainly targeting him and suppressing his own arrogance.

Ivita didn't speak for a while, but was thinking about countermeasures.

Just when Captain Dardani felt that Ivita's silence was due to depression.

The Hearthstone Witch came out and said to Captain Dardani: "Great, if you take him away, we can pay six hundred gold pounds less."

"He helped us sort out the Varji family's property before, but we haven't paid him for his services yet."

"If you insist on taking him away...hahaha...we have made a profit."

"Thank you, little pirates."

As soon as these words came out, all the pirates on the ghost ship, including First Mate Clark and Captain Dardani, fell silent. They even began to wonder whether they were actually helping the enemy by doing so.

How do you feel that they are helping the enemy save money?

[Dua Grigolevsky] After listening to this, I felt like my conscience was being fed to the dogs. Although he was not a good person as a quartermaster, at least he was against Ivita's attack on the Vargy family. The behavior is still fully supported.

The Iron Mountain Knight and Wilson on Ivita's side both looked sideways at the Hearthstone Witch.

The Hearthstone Witch spoke sincerely, leaving both the enemy and the passers-by silent and shocked.

After a period of silence and reflection, Captain Dadani said to the pirates of the ghost ship: "Let's go."

The ghost ship pirates immediately dragged [Dua Greglewski] outside the manor.

First Officer Clark asked Captain Dardani in disbelief, "Are we just going to let them go? Are we not going to save the grandson and granddaughter of the Valji family that you want to save?"

"Damn it, if I don't kill them all, I will feel uncomfortable all over!"

Captain Dadani glanced at him, turned around, and then whispered to him: "Ivita, that wizard from the land, his lightning magic just now not only destroyed the bodies of our crew, I found that our crew Their spirituality has been damaged."

"For the undead, this is a real blow."

First Officer Clark was stunned. "What! The strength of that wizard's thunder magic is actually so powerful!"

"Of course we don't need to be overly afraid." Captain Dadani was not panicked. "I just don't want to fight him without knowing his intelligence. That would be detrimental to us."

"If we really want to fight, we have a better chance of winning, because after all, we are not ordinary undead, we are cursed sea ghosts. Our time will stay on the same day forever - the most sinful day. As long as we After midnight tonight, no matter what kind of damage we suffer, we can recover directly."

Captain Dardani sighed. "This is what happens when we blaspheme the God of all creation."

Seeing these ghost ship pirates dragging Dua away with iron chains, Ivita knew that if she did not intervene in this matter, people at the transit port would soon know that helping her would mean death.

This is a conspiracy of the Varji family.

They want to completely isolate themselves.


"But there is one thing I want to say. Mr. Dewar owes you ten barrels of gold bars, so according to the laws on your ship, you are certainly qualified to take him away." Ivita said: "There is just one thing, this It’s not like you’re the only one in the world who has laws on your ship, while others don’t have laws.”

"So I think you will come back to me later. So you'd better be quick and make things simple..."

Captain Dardani stopped, and so did the pirates of the Ghost Ship.

Captain Dardani looked at Ivita suspiciously. "We will come to you for the matter. We can leave here directly. Anyway, the purpose has been achieved. Of course, you can also exchange the two children of the Vargy family for Mr. Dewar."

"A child can replace a hundred years of service on my ship."

"It's worth it. I can give you three hours to think about it, because we will leave the transit port in three hours."

Ivita pointed behind herself. "No, it won't take three hours. I don't think it would take two kids to trade with you."

"Because I just recruited nearly a hundred first-level professionals, but now I only bring ten. Do you know why?"

Captain Dardani, First Mate Clark, and the ghost ship pirates stared at Ivita with wide eyes.

Ivita said: "I asked ninety first-level professionals to go to the dock to look for your ship."

"At this time, they should have started to tow your ship. I think if you want to return to your ship, it is best to return Mr. Duval to me. There is still some wealth in the Varji family that has not been sorted out, and there is still need here. He, he can’t leave for now.”

The ghost ship pirates suddenly burst into laughter.

"He said he was dragging our ghost ship?"

"Ha ha……"

"If the ghost ship is really gone, that would be a good thing, but unfortunately that is unlikely. No matter how you destroy the ghost ship, the ship will return to its original state the next day. That guy actually wants to use our ship to threaten us. Hahaha……"

Captain Dadani smiled and said to Ivita: "Even if you turn my ship over in the sea and sink to the bottom of the sea, as long as I blow a whistle, it will automatically float up from the sea."

"Young wizard lord, you are still too young..."

Ivita crossed her arms and crossed her chest, while the Hearthstone Witch next to him showed a sarcastic and expected expression.

Ivita said to the pirates of the ghost ship: "You are wrong. I neither thought of destroying the ghost ship that seemed to be sinking, nor was I stupid enough to let your ship sink to the bottom of the sea. I just I just asked my people to use iron chains to pull your ship to the land."

The pirates of the ghost ship seemed to have their necks strangled by a giant hand at the same time, and none of them could laugh out loud.

The faces of Captain Dardani and First Mate Clark turned gloomy at the same time, their ferocious undead faces showing ferocious features.

The ghost ship's power comes from the sea, and once it is dragged onto land, it loses most of its power.

Ivita's move is indeed the best move to deal with the ghost ship.

They used the ghost ship to roam freely on the sea, so they got carried away, but forgot to guard against the land.

These damn land people.

Only they would think of such a trick!

Captain Dardani roared. "What are you going to do?"

"What are you going to do to my boat? Give it back to me!"

The pirates of the ghost ship were really panicked.

"Landlanders, what are you going to do to our ship? The ship is our only home. What are you doing? Where are you dragging our ship to?"

"That's too much. You dare to rob the ghost ship. I want you to die badly."

"Bring our ship back quickly."

An undead middle-aged man holding a stabbing sword suddenly rushed towards Ivita, his eyes filled with madness. "Captain, I don't care, I must kill him today."

Before this undead got close to Ivita, he was blocked by the Iron Mountain Knight with two large iron swords.

No matter how much strength he exerted on the Iron Mountain Knight's swords, it was like a stone sinking into the sea.

The Great Knight of Iron Mountain said to the undead indifferently: "You alone are worthy of being close to Lord Ivita?!"

The next moment, a bull-headed rubber figure bounced around on the ground like a rubber ball, and hit the undead body, knocking it away completely. The companions of the undead pirate also pulled out their knight swords and inserted their swords into the body of the minotaur from both sides.

The eyes of the two undead pirates were filled with surprise.


Who would have known that the next moment, the body of the bull-headed rubber man would actually have wavy patterns, as if it was eating two knight swords, it would slowly swallow the two knight swords into its rubber-like body.

The undead pirates all realized that something was wrong. This bull-headed rubber man also had immortality.

Ivita looked at this scene and thought. ‘The combination of the bull skull and the water element seems to retain the basic ability of the immortal body, but some changes have occurred. ’

The Grand Knight of Iron Mountain stood in front of the undead pirates who were about to move, and thrust his swords into the ground. The Grand Knight with six extraordinary organs exuded an evil aura that almost turned into substance, flowing to the pirates like a carpet. .

Seeing this scene, Captain Dardani had no choice but to carry Mr. Duva back who had just been carried away, and walked to Ivita. "Well, what are you going to do to give me my boat back?"

"Where did you take my boat? I still have my most precious church on my boat! If this guy returns it to you, you can put my boat back into the sea!"

"What are you going to do! Are you going to start an all-out war with me, a real fight?!"

However, Ivita seemed to have not heard him and was thinking with her head down. ‘Laws of Ghost Ships… Speaking of the seven legendary pirate ships I know, many of them have the attributes of ghost ships, and there must be secrets in them. ’

He looked up at Captain Dardani. "As the Hearthstone Witch said, if Mr. Duval disappears, I can still pay six hundred gold pounds less. So don't worry. You keep saying that the Valji family is your friend, why don't you tell me how you got in touch with that family? People become friends.”

"Can sea ghosts also make friends? I'm really curious."

Ivita wanted to find out more about the ghost ship, so she said this deliberately. Anyway, now that she has the king bomb in her hand, she can play cards in any way.

When Dua heard what Ivita said, his heart became cold again.

Why does it feel like he was the one injured from the beginning to the end!

Are middlemen so weak?

Captain Dardani was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You really want to know how Ray Varji and I met..."

"It's rare to see people like you on the sea who love to listen to others talk. It just so happens that I am filled with the desire to find someone to talk to about 'that day'. This desire is so strong that everyone wants to stay away from me! It seems that you will also do it for a while. I won’t give my boat back.”

"I can tell you how I met Ray Vargy. That boy broke into the day when we atone for nine thousand and eighty-one days and woke us up from sleeping in the ocean. So I met him We have become friends, but before that, I want to explain to you why what happened that day and how the Ghost Captain appeared."

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