The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 309 Exclusion from Universal Law

When Tataji Varji learned that their fleet in the port was almost completely destroyed, this old man, who was over fifty and had lived for most of his life, was still in the mansion of the family manor, talking with the people of the Republic of Epirus. Officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs discussed the industry of trade in precious marine extraordinary materials and the unit price of the imported salmon industry chain in the Republic of Epirus.

When the servant of the Varji family informed him of this matter, the official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Epirus suddenly looked embarrassed and told Mr. Tataji Varji that he would think about it for a while before deciding whether to marry Varji. Gee family cooperation.

Mr. Tataji Varji lowered his head and quickly reacted to the destruction of the fleet. At the same time, he realized that there must be some serious problem within their family, which caused internal strife within the family, and thus there was no timely counterattack at all.

Tataji Varji told officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Epirus: "Your country's demand for special materials is even comparable to the materials needed by a principality. I don't know what you are doing. But I know, Even among the black markets in Palembang, there are not many that can fully meet your requirements for choosing a partner."

"We've been talking for so long..."

The officer in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Epirus stood up and glanced at Tataji with contempt. "It seems you still don't understand the situation, but there's nothing you can do about it. After all, you're just a group of pirates."

"People who are born pirates, no matter how rich or powerful they are, are just pirates."

"What the Republic of Epirus needs is a stable partner. No matter how good your other conditions are, as long as you are in danger of being involved in war, we will not choose you and will try to stay away. This is why we avoid right and wrong. There are many large smuggler families, and the reason for cooperating with you..."

Sitting at the edge of the negotiation table, the granddaughter of the foreign minister of the Valji family, Snow Valji, had a sullen look on her face. She has always been pursued by various noble families, but now someone told her bluntly, you are just As a young lady from a pirate family who enjoys herself in the pirate world, no one can really think highly of you.

At this time, Snow Varji showed deep anger on his face, both at the rude official himself and at his remarks. "Your Republic of Epirus is just a small country with one city after another. It is said to be a country, but in fact it is just a port city on Cross Island."

"Why are you putting on such a big show in front of us? Our family's pirate ship can even rob the treasure ship of the Belisarius Mercantile Republic, and we are still afraid of a small city-state like yours!"

"The world of pirates is countless times bigger than your country!"

The official in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Epirus smiled. He took out the eye cloth from his coat pocket and wiped his hands with it. "There are some things that have nothing to do with force, it's just a matter of identity."

"Once a pirate, always a pirate."

"Anyway, I'm leaving first, Mr. Tataji. Congratulations on your early arrest by the navy of the Belisarius Mercantile Republic and your imprisonment. I am here to congratulate you in advance."

As soon as he got up to leave, the five secretaries following him also packed up the documents on the table at a very professional speed, took their suitcases, and followed the officials in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Commercial Republic of Epirus.

The two pirates at the door of the Valji family subconsciously took out their swords to stop him.

Who knew, but Tataji scolded him. "Let them go! Know the rules and don't let outsiders laugh at us for not having any rules!"

Sheet Talji stood up and looked at Tataji helplessly. "Grandpa, you just let him go?"

"Otherwise," Tataji Varji sighed. "Everyone pushes back against the wall, and forcing is useless. No matter whether I am tough on him or soft on him, I can't change the fact that he doesn't think highly of our family. In this case, let him be."

Snow Valji bit her lower lip and said unconvinced: "Then what should we do now? Now that they have arrived at the shipwreck port, what should we do?"

"Are you going to send someone to assassinate that damn Ivita!"

Tataji Varji looked up at the window with a sinister expression, but then the gray-haired old man showed a decadent expression. "No, the assassin failed last time, and the possibility of failure this time is very high. If it fails again, it will completely anger Ivita."

"Ivita just wants two viscountries now, but he doesn't mean to completely eliminate us yet. It can't be too extreme."

"Let me think about it... looking for connections... No, no one in Palembang can be relied on now, but the pirates have left the sea, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced. Street fighting on land may not be possible."

Tataji Varji seemed to have made some kind of decision. He looked at his granddaughter, took out a black iron badge, and whispered: "Disguise yourself as an ordinary family maid, then escape and go to Palembang." No. 3 Xinming Street, find someone who moves a small stool at that intersection every day and drinks low-quality drinks all day long, and then give him the black iron badge."

"Tell him that you are going to redeem the contributions accumulated by the Valji family over the years. Now the family is in trouble and needs help from adults."

Snow Valji looked at her grandfather in surprise, because she was wondering, at this time, what kind of big shot were they asking for help?

But she knew that this was a top family secret, so she didn't ask. He just agreed immediately and said he was going to change into the maid's clothes.

At the port of Palembang, the warships of the Valji family were almost completely destroyed, but in this victory, the vampire Wilson discovered a terrible anomaly——

On a sailboat of the Valji family, stood a man with black hair all over his body. Large swaths of skin peeled off from his body, forming black tentacles.

This guy's strength has also gone from that of a trainee knight to that of a second-level official knight.

Wilson immediately called out to Ivita. Seeing that Ivita was already standing on the sunken ship with him, he said: "This is the monster I encountered when I wanted to clean up the Valji family's troops. Look at the physical changes of this monster , he was just an ordinary person before, but he kept coughing and his body was stained with black substance."

"In less than twenty minutes from when the boat started to sink to when he was stimulated, this guy's form actually changed completely."

The Hearthstone Witch also transformed into a vulture from another ship, flew down to the wreckage of the shipwreck, maintained the form of a vulture and said: "I have said before, Wilson, some people will die under the Black Death, but still There are a very small number of people whose bodies will mutate and become independent walking sources of poison."

"Continue to spread more Black Death."

"The most terrifying thing about the Black Death is not only its contagiousness and lethality, but also its terrifying ability to create servants of the Black Death."


The monster with black tentacles all over the sunken ship suddenly rotated its upper body and kept its lower body motionless, as if its body had been divided into two parts. It looked very strange. The tentacles on its upper body are rotating, attacking everything around it crazily.

Ivita originally thought that the other party was going to attack her and summoned the Magic Cloak of Destruction, but unexpectedly, this servant of the Black Death actually turned towards the sea and sky and attacked crazily with its tentacles.

Hitting the air again and again, getting angry again and again, Iveta even saw that this guy's eyes were actually crying, and there was a painful sound on its distorted face.

"It hurts~" A completely deformed voice came from his mouth. "It hurts too much."

"It hurts."

"Why is it so painful? Where is this? What is this place?"

This monster can actually speak, and Ivita stops Wilson and the Mermaid Witch from continuing to attack. "Let's see what he has to say first!"

The monster knelt down on the wreckage of the sunken ship, "It hurts so much. It hurts to breathe, and when the skin touches the water, it feels like it is being poured by lava."

"It hurts."

"Universal law! Universal law is only broken, not lost."

"I can't get used to it!"

"Why can't I adapt to this environment? After becoming like this, am I no longer qualified to live in this world? World, why are you rejecting me!"

Ivita noticed that the whole body of this deformed monster was rapidly collapsing. When its body came into contact with every plant and tree in this world, it was as if it had encountered the worst poison.

The Hearthstone Witch clapped her hands and said: "I know why it didn't attack us, but attacked the air and the sea, because for it, the air and the sea are its biggest enemies."

"Although the universal law that rules the world is broken, there is still a residual power of law. It seems that this thing born from the Black Death cannot adapt to a world ruled by a certain universal law. "

"It's not attacking the sea and the air, it's attacking the universal laws behind the sea and the air. It's attacking the principles of this world!"

As soon as the Hearthstone Witch finished speaking, the monster screamed miserably. The entire right arm it attacked the air seemed to dissolve. First the arm dissolved, and then the entire arm fell off and turned into some black flesh. end.

The monster was actually standing next to the wreckage of the shipwreck, trying to jump into the sea.

The Hearthstone Witch said: "No, it will jump into the sea, turn into a source of poison, and pollute the entire sea area."

"Can anyone stop him?"

Ivita glanced at her and said, "Come up."

The Hearthstone Witch realized it later and nodded quickly, "Ah? Yes, yes... I'll go..."

She wanted to cry but had no tears. She didn't want to fight something so disgusting. What happened to the Valji family that they were infected with such a disgusting thing.

Ivita raised her left hand, shook the cow bone bracelet, and then chanted a spell to a corpse on the sunken ship. Suddenly, a cow-headed skeleton warrior crawled out of the corpse!

At the same time, the skeleton directly removed his left shoulder and left hand bones, and then combined them with his right hand, and actually combined them into a bone tomahawk.

The bull-headed skeleton warrior raised his battle ax and rushed towards the Black Death servant monster. The Black Death servant monster turned around and reflected dozens of black tentacles to infect the opponent with the virus.

But the bull-headed skeleton warrior was not a living person at all. Apart from the blackening of its bones, it showed no other signs.

The next moment, it swung the bone ax in its hand and slashed the deformed monster's chest, almost splitting it diagonally into two pieces.

Ivita quickly judged: "It is most appropriate to use undead magic to deal with this kind of thing."

The Hearthstone Witch threw five potatoes towards it, and the potatoes exploded immediately, covering the bull-headed skeleton warriors and Black Death servants summoned by Ivita.

The smoke cleared and both sides were blown to pieces.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, just now is the explosive potato magic plant that I recently developed. I have to say that when combined with your cannon fodder bull-headed skeleton warrior, it is like a combo."

"I will use fire magic to burn these fragments later. I also need some fragments to make anti-epidemic potions to ensure that no one is infected."

The Hearthstone Witch explained: "This kind of Black Death can be saved with magic potions in its early stages."


Ivita said what the Hearthstone Witch had not finished. "But witches and wizards may not be willing to do such good things. They obviously have the ability to suppress the Black Death plague, but due to various complex reasons, it instead causes the Black Death to spread."

"We obviously have the ability to solve it, but everyone just sits back and lets bad things happen."

"But this kind of thing happens all the time."

“That’s why it’s important to improve the organization and cohesion of the country.”

"That's why all the countries are brought together into one country," Ivita said.

Everyone on the sunken ship was shocked when they heard this.

Ivita said to everyone: "There are no outsiders here. Wilson, Hearthstone Witch, and Coral Princess, you are all loyal to me."

"I can just say what I think."

"If there are no more countries, city-states, or autonomous organizations in this world, and everyone is under the rule of one country and abide by the same set of laws, no one will have different intentions, and everyone is working hard for this empire, then what is the Black Death? All can be easily solved.”

"People will no longer have to kill each other. Peace and prosperity will come to the world forever. There will be a heaven on earth. The kingdom of God, the God of all things, will no longer be the only beautiful place in the world."

The Hearthstone Witch suddenly thought of a country. "Ancient civilization is a country like the one you mentioned. There is only one God of all things in the sky, so there can only be one empire on the earth."

" has been a thousand years since the Enchanted Black Forest, and no other ancient civilization has appeared again."

Wilson's words were trembling. "Unify all countries? Flatten all countries? This..."

"Lord Ivita, that would destroy almost all independent countries and their independent laws."


"That's what we have to do in the future, not now, so you don't need to panic." Ivita shook her head. "Besides, ancient civilizations have done this before, so it's not difficult for me to do it again. But what I think is that even the ancient civilizations didn't do it thoroughly, because it was not the only civilization in the ancient civilization period."

"Perhaps this is why ancient civilizations suddenly collapsed."

"I don't want to repeat history, so I don't want to create another ancient civilization. Future generations must be better than their predecessors, otherwise there will be no point in standing on the shoulders of giants and developing."

Ivita smiled and looked at the Hearthstone Witch and Wilson. The two people were silent and did not say another word.

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