The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 316 Dragon Palace Magic Contains Special Psychic Creatures and the Death Plateau

Iveta stood on the Govar Highlands, the largest highland in her territory. The grass on this highland was very short, and there were many rusty swords stuck on the lawn. Some of these swords had long been corroded by water vapor and became fragile. It breaks when touched.

Mr. Duva stood next to Wilson and the Grand Knight of Iron Mountain and explained to Ivita: "Sir, this is the highest point of your territory on Cross Island. After sorting it out, we found that the Valji family has two viscountries and five viscounties. An independent barony, eight independent knightly territories, a wealthy inland town [Maple Leaf Town], and a highland about the same size as the viscounty - Govar Highlands, but there are five small villages on the edge of this highland , so it can barely be regarded as a viscounty."

"You also know that the territory of this kind of pirate world has been abandoned for many years, so the territory is not as good as the territory in the normal kingdom, whether it is population, cultivated land area, number of professionals and army, it is incomparable."

"And my lord, this is the famous Govar Heights."

“This was originally a relatively wealthy area of ​​Cross Island.”

"Sixty years ago, when the vicious forces led by Marco Anson first landed on the island, the then Duke of Cross Island fought with them here. Marco Anson used this highland to wipe out the Duke of Cross Island. Most of the knights.”

"Even after sixty years, the weapons left by the knights who died in the battle are still full of resentment, so no one dares to clear the weapons here."

"Resentments and weapons have polluted the land here, turning it into a wasteland where no one dares to come. But from the highest point here, you can overlook your entire territory, as well as the territories of several neighbors around you. Those neighbors are now I’m watching your every move.”

"According to what I heard last night, I heard that there is a mysterious creature here. Once bitten, the wound will ulcerate and die in pain. There is no cure, so the locals call this place [Death Heights]. Therefore This place is inaccessible, and ordinary people will not come here.”

While Mr. Dua was speaking, Ivita had already opened her [Spiritual Vision] to observe this so-called highland of death.

After all, this is your own property now.

There are some creatures that you should know about.

Under the special vision of the wizard, the spirituality of most areas in the highlands is relatively normal, but the places where rusty weapons are inserted are really full of negative energy.

He even saw some small negative psychic creatures that inhabited the earth where the sword was.

These negative spiritual creatures are similar to hermit crabs, except that their bodies are rust-red like rusty iron, and they don’t move very fast. After they crawl out of the rust-covered shell where they live, they slowly use two rust-red pliers to pinch them. He puts the iron oxide that falls off from rusty iron tools in the ground into his mouth and eats the rust.

Ivita glanced at the Hearthstone Witch. The Hearthstone Witch also observed those small animals. She said to Ivita: "Under the crown, there are rusty hermit crabs. They are a kind of psychic creatures that live in war-torn places." It's more common here because rusty hermit crabs need to eat rusty weapons to maintain the spiritual level in their bodies."

"Once scratched by their crab claws, the contaminated negative spirituality will contaminate the wound, making it impossible for the person to heal on his own."

"Full of ulcers all over."

"That's why it's called [Rust Disease] by the witches."

"But this is not a difficult disease to treat. Rusty red grass should grow next to the rusty hermit crab. Dry the grass and apply it on the wound to cure this disease."

Ivita nodded.

Mr. Dewar's eyes lit up. "I see. By the way, sir, you seem to have obtained the Thunder Sword. That is a treasure of my motherland."

Ivita drew the sword from her back and threw it to him. "This is it, you can take a look."

Mr. Duva was surprised by the grandeur of Ivita. This was the sword used by Ivan III of the Grand Duchy of Tver. He held the Thunder Sword carefully. "I... thank you, sir. Speaking of which, you saved me from the ghost ship before, and you have now replaced the Valji family."

"Can I rely on you?"

Iveta glanced at him and knew that the other party felt that there was the Black Death in the Black Sea and the fleet of the Belisarius Mercantile Republic. He felt that the world was too chaotic and just wanted to find a protector.

Although it would be good to directly annex Dua's business, Ivita also knew that taking too big a step would hurt her.

Dewar is a pirate quartermaster and has his own business.

Things have to be done step by step. Being too anxious will only make the people who want to join you run away.

Ivita said to him: "It doesn't count to surrender, but it does matter if we form an alliance."

"If you encounter any problems in the future, you can come to me."

Duva Greglevsky was filled with joy. "Thank you so much, sir, but how dare I trouble you for ordinary things?"

"If you have any instructions in the future, or if I can help you, you can come to me. You don't need to pay the six hundred gold pounds you owed me before. At the same time, we don't need to sort out the property of the Valji family this time. You pay any fees."

"It is my duty to sort out the enemy's property for my allies."

While Dua Gregorevsky was admiring the Thunder Sword, the Hearthstone Witch suddenly had an idea and asked Ivita to catch some of the 'specialties' on the Death Highlands (Govar Highlands) - rusty hermit crabs and release them. Enter your own dragon palace magic.

The female guard of Hearthstone said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, this kind of psychic creature has special characteristics. They can make water magic more powerful. Therefore, it is something that many witches who are good at water magic love to capture. It's just random Over the past two hundred years, the international system dominated by the church has led to a temporary peace, and it has become increasingly difficult for witches to find these negative psychic beings."

Iveta quickly thought that if the reproduction speed of this thing was good, he could open a shop selling [Rusty Hermit Crabs].

He used two hundred magic hands to lift up the soil where a rusty broken sword was inserted, but he deliberately did not touch the remains of the iron sword and did not destroy the negative spiritual environment.

This is all for sustainable development.

As the soil was turned over, the hermit crabs clinging to the clods of soil where the iron swords were stuck were so frightened when they first encountered the sunlight that they dug holes in the soil and tried to escape.

Ivita snapped her fingers, and Wilson took off the water bag hanging from his waist. After opening it, he poured all the water inside on the eight hermit crabs. Ivita recited a spell.

I saw that the water poured out of the water bag formed a whirlpool before it fell, and then it was wrapped around the eight hermit crabs, and the eight hermit crabs were completely sucked in.

Ivita thought for a while, and then used the water vortex to absorb the iron sword stuck in the ground and a large circular clod of soil on it into her Dragon Palace magic.

After the rusty hermit crab entered her water magic, Iveta immediately felt that her water magic reacted. He found that the magic of the Dragon Palace had become more stable. After this kind of creature lived in it, it seemed to be developing in the direction of building an ecosystem on its own.

He turned his attention inward and found that after the rusty hermit crab entered the water in his washbasin, it automatically swam to the iron sword and clods of soil floating on the water, and climbed up. It seemed to adapt quickly. And fell in love with living in the magic of Dragon Palace.

The highly spiritual area inside Dragon Palace Magic is the most suitable place for them to survive and live.

After Mr. Duva returned the Thunder Sword to Ivita, he said to Ivita: "Please don't use this sword in the Ross area in the north. The royal family of Tver will notice you."

"I once heard that this sword can kill any enemy. I just got it and felt the terrifying power contained in it. I think what I said is true."

"Ivan III once used this sword to kill almost all enemies, defeating dozens of Russian princes who were separatist and broke the laws of the Russian plain. But ten years ago, the predecessor of Catherine the Great— —When Elizabeth II succeeded, there were several major turmoils, which caused some famous swords from the Tver Kingdom to flow into all parts of the world."

Dua said to Ivita: "By the way, Mr. Ivita, there is one more thing. The Vargy family's store business that you took over can basically only be given up, and not much can be retained. Because the Vargy family's business is all In the gray area, these businesses are relatively small in scale and not well managed. For businesses based on stores, the assets of this kind of business are really not very valuable."

“It’s the people that are valuable.”

"Businesses in this kind of gray field, or small units, basically rely on people's faces to do business. But the people in charge of these businesses are basically people from the Varji family, including the marine extraordinary material trade and slaves. trading."

"So the best way to deal with these shops is to sell them. I estimate that they can be sold for about nine thousand gold pounds."

Ivita nodded, "I know it in my heart. I had guessed it would be like this before."

"In addition to the territory, how many troops and fleets have I got now?"

Mr. Dua said: "There is a standing army of about a thousand people in the territory. Most of them are ordinary people, and a few are professionals. There are about fifty first-level professionals, and there are no second-level professionals. Even if Yes, all of them were killed by the attack of the Black Death servants before, and the rest also escaped."

"This force is Varji's direct force on land. Because they were destroyed by the Black Death servants at sea, this force did not have time to use it against you, so it directly became your force. It's just that you have to maintain it every year. This ragtag team will cost five thousand gold pounds.”

Ivita gave him a surprised look. "So cheap? I thought it would cost at least seven thousand gold pounds."

"Before, it cost me thousands of gold pounds to recruit two hundred guards."

Mr. Dewar smiled bitterly. "That's why they are not sophisticated. The soldiers you recruited before were all elite soldiers."

"But the Varji family clearly attaches more importance to the sea."

"It's a pity that their fleet was destroyed by you."

"There are only thirteen single-masted dinghies left. Now you only have one three-masted ship and ten two-masted ships, but the components on these ships of yours, whether it is the sails or the decks, and the guns on them are cursed It has physical components, so it is still a relatively powerful fleet.”

Ivita smiled. "There is nothing we can do about it. If we don't destroy their fleet, their most important fangs, the arrogance of these guys will not be low at that time."

Mr. Dua said: "This may be a good thing. Now the pirate world is at war with the Merchant Republic of Belisarius. If our fleet is too powerful, it will attract other people's attention, push us out, and let us fight. "

"But even so, you may have been noticed by some thoughtful people now, and these people are trying to trick you."

Ivita nodded and said: "The most important thing for me now is to digest the territories I just acquired. To be honest, although I have money, people, and land now, but because I got these things instantly, some It’s normal for people to be tempted to act.”

While they were talking, something very similar to a gargoyle, but more terrifying than a gargoyle, suddenly flew over their heads. The area where this thing flew was torn apart by white clouds, like an ugly scar on the blue sky.

That thing Iveta had seen was the Difference Demon.

Everyone who looked up and saw the Difference Demon felt frightened, their heartbeat accelerated, and there were obvious abnormalities in their body, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

In the sky above Cross Island, a Difference Demon actually appeared. Although it was just one, it clearly showed the ferocity of the Belisarius Commercial Republic's offensive and its determination to eradicate the pirate world, a cancer of maritime trade.

The Great Knight of Iron Mountain said: "Sir, what if the Difference Demon comes to our territory? There is no way to kill that thing."

Ivita said: "Believe those big pirates, this matter has nothing to do with us."

"Just let the tall guys hold it up."

"Don't worry, I owe the Republic of Belisarius a lot of money. With this relationship, they won't make things difficult for me, a person who owes money."

Ivita said: "Our territory now is about 895 square kilometers, because a standard viscount's territory is 400 square kilometers, and a standard baron's territory is 35 square kilometers. The independent Maple Leaf town has At 10 square kilometers, the total territory of independent knights is only eight square kilometers, and the total territory of independent baronies is 175 square kilometers."

"So now I have a total of 1,409 square kilometers of territory on Cross Island."

The Hearthstone Witch was slightly stunned, because she was the one who followed Ivita all the way. Ivita had to fight her own way in Ambrose to have a territory of forty square kilometers, but now the territory has increased by hundreds of times.

Sure enough, wealth can be found in danger.

If you defeat the Valji family, you can inherit their territory!

Iveta said: "The standard earldom requires a territory of four thousand square kilometers, and I need to advance to the third level of wizards, and I need to become the guardian of the earldom. Things are a bit difficult. It needs to be close to three times. Territory, no wonder most wizards will become guardians instead of directly being lords of an earl territory."

"We must find a way to expand our territory. It would be better to become a count."

Ivita fell into deep thought. The best direction for expansion is the surrounding neighbors.

Of course, you can also use the method of purchasing wasteland to forcibly create another earldom.

Ivita said to everyone: "The enfeoffment of the territory I promised before will also be carried out. I hope that the work of old Baron Anto to re-enclose the territory is going well."

The Grand Knight of Tieshan's eyes became extremely enthusiastic.

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