The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 325 The foundation of the Soul Palace!

Governor Rollov's meeting, of course, ended with the ineffectiveness that Iveta expected.

After everyone in the meeting dispersed, Governor Rollov burst out with the power of a fourth-level superior knight. A strong evil aura spread from his body, and the evil aura conveyed his anger, making everyone who stayed in the venue feel his emotions at this moment.

"I am the governor of Shipwreck Port, and I am the most evil pirate on the sea. I just wasted my time on this meeting!"

"These damn pirates, these damn scum, they only deserve to be killed with swords! Hanged with ropes!"

Governor Rollov took out the scimitar from his waist and slapped it on the table. The strong malaise flowing from his body made everyone in the room feel like a light was on their backs and they felt like they were falling into an ice cellar.

The Three Mountains Pirates, the Hearthstone Witch, and Ivita were all looking at him.

At this moment, Ivita remembered that he was a fourth-level professional. And every fourth-level person at the earl level must clearly understand his position in this world and obtain the relevant elements for his connection with this world.

The seemingly humble governor in front of him is actually a man who has figured out his position in this world.

He has clear goals.

He is the [Governor] of Shipwreck Port.

Captain Sanshan also sneered. They exuded the same evil aura, which counteracted the evil aura transmitted from Governor Rollov and offset the negative impact.

Captain Qingshan said dissatisfied: "Tch, what are you pretending to be here? Everyone here is your friend, are you bullying your friends to talk easily? How about I also imitate those big pirates and not answer a word you say?" "

Captain Volcano pointed to his nose. "That is to say. What prestige do you show in front of us? Is it meaningful?"

The Hearthstone Witch twisted her neck, glanced at Ivita, and then raised the corners of her mouth.

As expected, Your Majesty is not afraid of their power.

This temporary incident caused by Governor Rollov was actually very complicated.

First of all, Governor Rollov began to kill the pirates in order to ask them to do something;

Secondly, the vicious confrontation between Governor Rollov and the three captains resulted in Ivita actually being overlapped by the vicious auras of the four superior knights.

This was another attack on Ivita. The governor didn't want to fall out with Ivita, and he didn't dare to point fingers at his friend just after he made a friend, so he used this trick to suppress the enemy.

The three captains were also human beings, and they instantly understood what the governor meant. They also wanted to suppress Ivita, who had been rising in popularity recently, and wanted to tell him who was the master in the Shipwreck Port.

Hence the current situation.

The knight's evil spirit will not cause any harm to people unless it is deliberately directed at the enemy. At best, it is equivalent to a heavy object pressing on people's shoulders, but as long as the force is controlled well, it will not hurt people.

But the knight's evil aura is the product of the manifestation of the human soul and its influence on the material world.

Their bad aura carries the emotions in the hearts of the knights. These emotions are good and bad, evil and good. Now they all rush towards Ivita, treating Ivita as a trash can for their emotions.

Ivita now felt as if he had come to a place where the gravity was ten times greater, and a form of damage that he had never felt before appeared on his body. That is the psychological damage caused to oneself through the medium of bad energy.

Scenes of swords and swords appeared in front of Ivita's eyes. Four knights wearing iron armor, with only red light in their eyes, rushed towards him like demons, raised their knight swords, and slashed themselves down.

For a moment, Iveta felt that this hallucination was real.

I was really divided into several pieces by these four swords.

But at the moment when Ivita's mind was severely damaged, he suddenly found himself bursting with spiritual power. This power made him confident and gave him the energy to resist the evil spiritual attacks of the four superior knights.

A dragon roar appeared from the depths of his heart!

‘All of this is fake. It’s the malice in the other party’s aura that caused me to hallucinate. ’

‘In the spiritual battle, as long as I am afraid, I lose, but as long as I am not afraid, I win! ’

‘I don’t need to be afraid. Even if it’s a head-on battle, it’s still unclear who will win. What’s more, the four people in this room have many interests connected with me, and it will do them no good to fight with me. ’

‘This governor is so whimsical! You actually want to use me to establish your power! ’

With Ivita's anger, that emotion appeared in his spiritual inner world, and the sky-covering wings spread out in the depths of Ivita's heart. Every spiritual force deep in Ivita's heart was rapidly refined and refined. Fusion, ten threads of spiritual power turned into one thread.

This turned into a trace of spiritual power, and was merged again with the same quality of spiritual power, and the ten strands of spiritual power became a trace again.

As the cycle goes on and on, his originally huge spirituality shrinks rapidly, and the spiritual light pillar becomes a short and low foundation.

But this spiritual foundation, although it has become shorter, is hundreds of times stronger than before; although it has become lower, it is more pragmatic.

In front of this pure spiritual foundation, the four superior knights felt their evil aura facing Ivita, as if they were hitting a wall of granite.

It's so thick.

The four superior knights looked at each other in surprise, especially the initiator, the Governor, who was even more frightened.

Just now, they suppressed Ivita with their evil aura, but now, their evil aura is actually ineffective.

But Ivita continued to use her own spiritual power to fight against the evil aura of the four of them. The five people had developed a spiritual coupling and fought against each other. None of them dared to withdraw their spiritual power for fear of being accidentally injured.

The Hearthstone Witch noticed the changes in Ivita. "Pure mental power? Hahaha... Those four idiot pirates wanted to scare you with their bad energy, but I didn't expect that under this huge mental pressure, you actually broke through your own limits and solidified your mental power."

"This is really a coincidence."

"Quickly, you must take advantage of this opportunity to build more foundations, so that you can lay a good foundation for the [Soul Palace]."

"The solidification of mental power is the prerequisite for creating the [Soul Palace], and the [Soul Palace] is one of the conditions for three official wizards to advance to the Grand Wizard."

"If the emergence of the [Spiral Tower] can allow the wizard's inner world to affect the external world and use spiritual power to change the shape and properties of matter, then the emergence of the [Soul Palace] can purify spiritual power and allow the external world to change. The world can no longer affect you, further expanding your inner world’s ability to influence the outer world.”

"It can be said that the Soul Palace is your solid spiritual world."

"Ah, your total mental power is beginning to be insufficient. Condensing the soul palace requires a huge amount of mental power. Here you go, this is the spiritual tear potion used by ordinary wizards."

"As long as you can complete the [Soul Palace], your natural lifespan can be extended to five hundred years!"

After listening to what the Hearthstone Witch said, Ivita suddenly felt that this [Soul Palace] was very similar to the so-called golden elixir in the novels about cultivating immortals in previous lives.

Anyway, the golden elixir condenses the dual cultivation of life and life into one place. From now on, my destiny is determined by me and not by God. For the most part, isolate yourself from outside influences.

The [Soul Palace] is similar to the wizard's version of the Golden Pill.

After possessing the [Soul Palace], this wizard should be able to use his own power to fight against external laws.

Iveta took a bottle of potion thrown by the Hearthstone Witch. The potion inside the bottle was transparent, but as soon as she opened the cap, the potion turned into tears and flew up in the air, automatically turning into Floating tears fell into the corners of his eyes one by one.

The method of taking this medicine is really strange.

As this potion enters his body, the soul power in his body is rapidly recovering, and the recovered soul power continues to fill the spiritual foundation.

Under the rebound of the increasingly powerful spiritual foundation, the four pirates with the strength of superior knights fell into hallucinations. They fell into a disadvantage in the battle of the soul, so they saw a trance with six pairs of wings. dragon.

Governor Rollov looked at this scene in horror. "What's this?"

"Why don't you stop?"

"I just want to establish a prestige, but this happens, what should I do?"

"It would be too embarrassing for me to ask for help directly, and those three pirates would never agree to it. But if you want to take care of your own face, you may have to pay a high price. In the end, you are holding on for the sake of dignity. , or for practical benefits, take the initiative to ask that guy Ivita to take back his mental power?"

"Damn it, if I had known earlier, I shouldn't have done such unnecessary things."

He looked at the three pirate captains and saw that although the three pirate captains were struggling to support themselves and were frightened by the terrifying Quetzalcoatl they saw, they were still risking being poisoned by Quetzalcoatl's spirituality. The risk of pollution continues to persist.

In the eyes of these three pirate captains, the dignity of their captain is equal to their lives. If the captain of a large pirate group has no dignity, what awaits him is to be dismissed by the crew collectively.

On the other side, the Hearthstone Witch looked at the changes in Ivita's soul world and started thinking. "Ordinary official wizards will only collapse under the oppression of the four superior knights. No matter how unwilling they are, they will be like flowers weighed down by stones."

“No matter how bright the flowers are, they will only fade.”

"But Mianxia has endless potential. As a demon god, he only used a mortal body and didn't use much power. Under the pressure of external forces, he actually quickly built the foundation of the soul palace and compressed the soul."

"As expected of a devil."

"Furthermore, taking the Spirit Tears potion will be accompanied by huge magical risks. If you are not careful, you may be assimilated into a stone man. The main material of this potion is the tears of the water dragon, and I only have two around me. But I I know that nothing will happen to Your Majesty, so I don’t need to say more about this, so as not to make Your Majesty think I’m too talkative.”

Ivita found that this spiritual tear potion was really effective. A steady stream of spiritual power appeared in her soul, transforming into the foundation of her soul.

However, he still discovered that the Spirit Tears potion had been used up.

Ivita opened her eyes and saw Governor Rollov and the Sanshan pirates surprised to find that Ivita had run out of potion, so it was time to stop.

But Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch: "Is there any more potion of spiritual tears?"

The Hearthstone Witch was stunned for a moment. "Run out?"

"That's an amount that can be used by thirty official witches to be promoted to grand witches."

"It's a particularly precious medicine."

Although she said it was a precious potion, the Hearthstone Witch endured the physical pain and opened the last bottle of Spirit Tears potion in her hand. As the bottle cap was opened, the potion inside turned into crystal strings of pearls. Fly towards Ivita and enter Ivita's eyes.

‘Ding Dong~Ding Dong~’

Drops of the elixir entered her eyes, and Iveta could still feel the sound of the spiritual power breaking and entering her body.

At the same time, Ivita once again felt the advancement of the soul foundation in her body. More than half of the soul foundation was completed, and the remaining half was also forming rapidly.

This costly soul foundation also formed a solid and stable spiritual world.

And around Ivita's waist, the soul stone given by the bikini man also emitted a faint blue light, and slowly floated up, began to break free from the rope, and flew into Ivita's body.

The Hearthstone Witch said in surprise: "Good luck, this stone is used for the foundation. The foundation is the second most important part of the soul palace. If the foundation is not good, it will be difficult to build a good soul palace."

In the church, Governor Rollov finally couldn't hold on anymore and began to shamelessly ask Ivita for help. "Mr. Ivita, can you recycle your mental power a little so that our evil aura loses connection with your mental power."

"There is a dragon that has entered our hearts from your spiritual world, running rampant and destroying the elements in our bodies. If it goes on for a long time, we will all be hit hard! Stop it, today is all my fault."

"You shouldn't lose your temper, you should control your emotions!"

The next moment, four little dragons shot out from Ivita's spiritual world. The four great knights were startled. The eyes of the four little dragons glowed red, full of malice and contempt for them, as if they were from countless eras. Always maintain the presence of the superior.

In just an instant, the four knights' spirituality was contaminated by madness.

But because they are superior knights, they have the sublimated [Lord's Heart] in their bodies. Therefore, the Lord's heart automatically secretes energy to resist this pollution.

The evil energy in front of the governor condensed into a black shield, while the evil energy in front of the other three pirate captains condensed into [Knight Sword] and [Knight Spear].

Condensing evil energy and turning it into weapons is a high-level ability only possessed by superior knights.

Evil gas weapons formed from higher quality evil gas have spell-breaking abilities that are superior to those of great knights and ordinary knights, as well as psychic resistance. Each person can only condense one evil gas weapon, and they must relearn it if they want to replace it.

Armed with four weapons of malaise, they directly confront the dragon in Ivita's inner world. This time, the entire church was struck by five powerful spiritual fluctuations. With the church as the center, more than twenty ordinary humans nearby suffered an excessive amount of emotions in an instant.

As a result, ordinary people felt fainted one by one, and many could only kneel on the ground, breathing heavily, waiting for their brains to return to normal.

And the spiritual battle in the church also showed results.

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