The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 33 It’s hard to lead a team, they are all actors! (Seeking for further reading)

Branton gave Ivita ten gold pounds as a deposit, and also gave Ivita a ruby ​​ring on his hand.

This is a mortgage.

On the side of this ruby ​​ring is the emblem of the Morlot family, which is a roaring wolf. It represents the responsibility of the Morlot family to guard the only road into the Viscount Country from the west for generations.

In this era, a ring seal can represent the identity of its owner, and can even write letters to others in the name of the owner.

Therefore, the other party took this as a deposit, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

In Ivita's previous life, this was equivalent to giving her ID card to Ivita.

That way, Ivita wouldn't have to worry about him not paying up later.

Blanton pulled them to the side of the road, "I will take you on the mountain road to the forest where my sister disappeared."

"We're easy to spot here."

"I don't know why, but my father hates me going to find my sister. Maybe he thinks I'm going crazy."

Reilly asked worriedly: "Where are the carriages, horses and oxen?"

The old witch said directly: "I will just add a human expulsion spell. This spell will make our carriage and cattle invisible to humans approaching our carriage."

As she spoke, she asked Black Wolf to tie the carriage and cattle to two trees.

Then, she found a pile of stones from the ground and some dead branches.

She used dead branches to draw symbols on the stones, and then arranged the stones in a circle to surround the carriage and cattle.

"That's good."

Brenton looked at the old witch with a little fear. "She...she's a witch?!"

"What's your opinion?" The Great Witch of Hearthstone looked at him disdainfully.

"I...I didn't." Branton's mind was a little stuck. He didn't expect that there was a witch among the explorers he hired.

Isn’t this a bit too good value for money?

I really don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.

Ivita said: "Okay. You'd better take us to the place where your sister's accident happened."

Branton said: "Yeah... too."

Branton led them over the mountain road and into a small forest that was rare in the mountains. It was deep and dark here, and it was even more dangerous and terrifying at night.

It's full of beasts.

Fortunately, the beasts are not stupid, and they will not attack humans with iron weapons.

This is a lesson learned by the ancestors of the beasts with their blood.

Along the way, they communicated in low voices and learned that Blanton was a first-level knight squire with an extraordinary heart.

The problem is that, according to him, he has just become a knight's squire and is not very effective in combat.

Rayleigh told him that he was a warrior who had used the warrior's secret medicine.

Black Wolf stated that he was a demon hunter who had passed four trials.

The old witch said: "Sure enough. When you used the magic medicine trap of the Griffin School in the inn, I knew you were not an ordinary demon hunter."

"Hey, Your Majesty, he is not simple."

Ivita looked at Black Wolf doubtfully. "Passed four trials?"

"What level does it mean to pass the four trials? Which stage is equivalent to that of a knight or a witch?"

The old witch respectfully explained to Ivita: "Your Majesty, the first level of knights is knight squire, the second level is formal knight, and the third level is grand knight."

"The fourth level of superior knights, as well as the fifth level, sixth level, etc..."

"And if a demon hunter passes the first trial, he is equivalent to a first-level professional."

"It's equivalent to the level of a knight's squire."

"After a demon hunter passes two more trials, he will be equivalent to the level of a formal knight."

"Black Wolf has passed four trials. As long as he passes one more trial, his demon hunter level will be equivalent to that of a great knight."

"So his strength should be at the peak of an ordinary knight."

Ivita didn't expect the demon hunter Black Wolf to be so strong.

The old witch stabbed the witcher Black Wolf in the back. "You guys have never used your full strength. You have always had ulterior motives. You actually have second thoughts in serving Your Majesty."

"I still want to leave."

"I'm not loyal at all."

Someone said without blushing and out of breath.

In fact, she had always planned to find a scapegoat and stay away from Ivita.

Demon hunter Black Wolf's face darkened, and he immediately looked at Ivita, "Your Highness, don't listen to her nonsense."

"That day at the inn, I was trapped by Charlemagne's army formation composed of seventeen knights and attendants. Not to mention me, a small demon hunter who passed four trials, even a hunter who passed seven trials. The Demon Lord will not be their opponent."

"That's a tactic used by the Knights in war. Knights are the most powerful profession on the frontal battlefield. We, the demon hunters who fight alone, will not be their opponents at all."

Ivita frowned. "But Black Wolf, can a down-and-out prince really hire you?"

"I..." Hei Lang said: "I swear to the God of All Things, I will never hurt you."

"If you die, I'll be broke."

"The little property you have now is not enough to make up for the many weapons I lost to help you!"

When he fled the manor with Ivita, he basically threw away a lot of spare weapons and only took away a few personal weapons.

The loss was so huge that Hei Lang was thinking about how to get Ivita to pay back the money.

Iveta suddenly changed from expressionless to smiling. "Why is that so? I just asked a few more questions."

After all, he seemed to really not care anymore.

In fact, Ivita was just thinking that the Black Wolf family was just a mercenary after all.

He has no right to care who he is.

I can't control myself.

At least the black wolf is better than the old witch. The old witch wanted to kill herself before, but now she looks restless and wants to get to Ambrose quickly all day long.

I don’t know what the hell is going on.

Hey, it’s hard to lead a team.

After working on it for a long time, only Rayleigh and Alicia were considered members of the team.

Everyone else has their own thoughts.

He now understood the lord's hard work.

Unless you’ve been raised as someone who knows the basics, it’s really hard to guarantee loyalty.

Bultun pricked up his ears and eavesdropped. What about the demon hunter who passed the fourth trial, what about the prince, what about the pursuit...

He was speechless.

Did he hire explorers or a group of gods?

At that moment, his expression towards Ivita was more respectful.

No wonder witches, demon hunters and warriors all respect this teenage boy and regard him as the master in everything.

It turns out that he has a noble status.

Bultun was a little scared, and he suddenly stopped in the woods. "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, please forgive me for not knowing your identity before. We have arrived at the place where my sister disappeared, but I really have no face to face you for bothering you to do such a thing. I am so rude."

The nobles of this era attached great importance to hierarchical order.

Even if he is a prince from a foreign country, even if the other person's situation seems to be bad, he is still a prince.

Ivita waved her hand at him. "Now we're just explorers."

"Are we here? Let's check here first."

Bultun was very moved. Different people do different things, and the results will be different.

Even if a commoner helps a lord, the lord will not thank him too much.

But if a prince helps a lord, the lord will be very grateful.

In this era, there is no pressure on Ivita to reveal her whereabouts because she is the heir to the Legitimacy Kingdom.

Even if the King of Alsace places a bounty on himself, he can only do so through assassins like the Brotherhood who cannot see the light and have no sense of honor.

There is no other reason, just because Ivita is the queen of the king.

No noble dared to accept the bounty mission to kill Ivita. In this era where nobility was particularly valued, almost no one dared to do so head-on.

On the contrary, if Ivita had enough money, she could try to put a reward on the current King of Alsace.

He is just a usurper.

But he had no money, and the King of Alsace had an army, so basically no one would accept such an outrageous reward.

Iveta did not intend to show her identity everywhere in a big way, because this would also attract some careerists with ulterior motives, which was not good.

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