The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 342 Dragon Teeth Wand! Holy spring!

After the black witch's will disappeared, the blue witch fell to the ground.

She opened her eyes, filled with exhaustion and unable to stand up.

The blue magic witch struggled on the ground and said to Ivita: "My lord, I'm sorry."


"Even the Grand Duke of Witches cannot underestimate a great witch who has mastered legal magic. I saw it. When a ray of her soul possessed me, I used all my strength to escape from the boundless In the darkness, I saw the direction of the only light.”

The blue magic witch struggled to raise her right arm. She held the cane and knocked three times on an ordinary stone next to her. Suddenly, the light and shadow of the entire sky and cliff overlapped, like three shadows overlapping. .

"Open it for me!" Blood appeared in Lan Huan Witch's mouth.


Many black crows flew out from the bottom of the cliff covered with thunderclouds. Iveta knew that crows are said to be the birds that announce death because crows will always follow the dying people.

At this moment, crows were flying in the sky, turning into a crow bridge and crashing into the gate of a castle that suddenly appeared.

Then, the gate of the castle suddenly appeared, blooming with blue light, and then the gate disappeared.

After doing all this, the Blue Fantasy Witch breathed a sigh of relief. She said to Ivita: "Sir, when I was possessed, I did not choose to break free from the possession, because I knew that it was impossible and unrealistic. .”

"I did one thing with all my strength, which was to search for the secret in her soul when she possessed me, and I saw it. There is a very powerful magic behind that castle. That castle The door is a trap. If you just walk in, you will die."

Iveta looked up and looked at the location of the castle's disappearing door. Don't worry, she might actually fall into the trap.

The Blue Fantasy Witch vomited blood, supported herself with her hands, climbed up on the ground, and said with a ferocious smile: "The Black Witch treats us low-level witches as if they are nothing, and possesses our bodies at will, as if she treats us like livestock, but she Wrong. Don’t underestimate any great witch!”

The Hearthstone Witch echoed: "Big guys always make a mistake, that is, they think they can manipulate little guys like us at will, so they feel that they will not be plotted and hurt by little guys."

Ivita nodded. "Blue Magic Witch, you did a good job. I will take you to treat your injuries and then go to the castle."

As a result, he heard two statements in unison.

"Leave me (her) alone." Hearthstone Witch and Blue Magic Witch said at the same time.

As a result, the Blue Fantasy Witch looked at the Hearthstone Witch dumbfounded. She said it was okay, which was considered a righteous act on her part, but you, a bystander, said this, what's going on?

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita confidently: "Thunderfang Cliff is your territory now, and no one without a good eye will come. Just let her stay here."

"Great witches don't die easily."

"Your Majesty, your investigation target should be ahead."

Ivita looked at the castle in the distance. The castle in front of her should be the castle where the Frog Princess disappeared.

But as he continued to investigate, he became more and more surprised that there were so many people involved and the powers involved were so wide.

Witness Frog Princess and Witness Governor, what roles did they play in the process of grafting the law!

Why is the Frog Princess’ territory disappearing?

What is the law of the Seven Seas Code grafted on? What happened sixty years ago?

All the answers seemed to be given to him by the castle in front of him.


A flash of lightning flashed between Ivita and the castle.

Under the heavy rain, everything fell into mud. The mysterious five-story castle stood quietly in the dark night. Ivita knew that the secrets that had been dormant for sixty years were sealed inside.

Ivita took a few steps forward, and then gave the order to Blue Magic Witch and Kamiziri: "Camiziri, you immediately contact the Great Wizard of the Dead Ox, the Wizard of the Coral Princess Mermaid, and Kino Kennedy. Let them lead their troops here and station themselves near the castle. Don't come near, and don't let anyone else come near."

"In addition, let the Grand Knight of Iron Mountain and the Grand Knight of Kelmo patrol the various territories with the professionals we recruited and the feudal lords and their troops who are nominally loyal to us."

In order to prevent herself from falling into the castle for a while, Iveta began to arrange manpower to prevent unrest in the territory. She also had to be prepared in case she was in danger in the castle, and deployed enough troops around to respond to her.

Ivita said: "Blue Magic Witch, just stay nearby and recuperate."

Camizir and the Blue Magic Witch expressed their obedience to Ivita.

Then, Ivita took the Hearthstone Witch into the castle on the top of the cliff. The moment she entered the castle, Ivita felt that there were people everywhere in this castle that no one had entered for sixty years. water vapor.

The interior of the castle is even more luxurious than the surface. There are gilt walls everywhere and tableware and antiques that are crumbling, covered with cobwebs and dust, but can be seen to be pure gold.

The Hearthstone Witch accidentally stepped on a gold-inlaid dinner plate. She looked down and felt that the place was too chaotic, so she waved her hand. The cobwebs and dust in the entire hall automatically floated up. She waved again, All the cobwebs and dust are gone.

With her last wave of her hand, the whole hall almost saw the scene sixty years ago again, and all the objects were automatically returning to the positions where they were placed sixty years ago.

But everyone here is gone.

Iveta saw a portrait framed in a gold frame, which automatically returned to the wall. He saw a girl with long blond hair in the portrait. Her hair reached her shoulders, her pupils were blue, and there was a hanging smile on the corner of her mouth. A faint smile.

Ivetta noticed that the girl in this portrait seemed to be smiling, but in fact her brows were slightly frowned, with a sad expression on her face.

What is she grieving about?

Who is the owner of this painting?

After Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch checked the hall and found nothing important, they conducted separate searches with the Hearthstone Witch. The Hearthstone Witch went to the servants' room, kitchen and other places on the first floor of the castle to check, while Ivita It was to check the second floor of the castle.

Walking up to the second floor of the castle, Iveta found that the entire second floor of the castle seemed to be used for soldiers and male servants.

The design of this castle is a little weird.

Iveta also found some iron swords hanging on the walls in the soldiers' rooms on the second floor...

After sixty years, these iron swords have long become rusty.

But what makes Ivita wonder is, why did these soldiers leave their weapons in their bedrooms sixty years ago, while their men were nowhere to be seen?

Iveta continued to walk up to the third floor of the castle, which seemed to be the masters' bedrooms.

Iveta opened the bedrooms one by one and found that the third floor should be for the children and relatives of the owner of the castle. There were some sundries inside, including unopened cosmetic boxes and so on.

But Ivita estimates that cosmetics that have become antiques have no special value in this era.

The largest room on the third floor is a very cozy bedroom. Iveta estimates that it is the frog princess's room.

He actually saw an ice wand in the corner next to the bed in the room.

Ivetta was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that there was actually a wand in the castle. Sixty years later, this wand of pure ice, which looked like a one-handed sword and was made of pure ice, actually didn't exist. The slightest bit of damage.

Ivita held the wand and suddenly felt a steady stream of foreign magic entering her body. "The quality of this wand is far superior to the lightning wand and plant wand I drew from Joan Anna. It can really increase my combat ability."

He didn't use any magic, he just held the ice sword wand casually and waved it forward. Suddenly, a stream of cold air rushed forward, freezing the bed, table and other items in the bedroom.

Ivita was shocked, knowing that the origin of this wand was definitely not simple.

It's a pity that such a good thing has been kept in the castle for sixty years, and now it finally falls into his hands.

He saw a notebook that had been blown to the ground by the air-conditioning just now. He walked over and picked it up. He opened it and saw that the owner's name was not written in the notebook, but a frog was drawn on the cover.

Opening the diary, Ivita found that these were words written by the little girl herself, and some contained content such as being jealous that her best friend had an extra hairpin than her, and feeling that her hair color was not so pure.

But something caught Ivita's attention.

That is, the first half of the diary mentioned that her father was a beloved hero, and this hero had the fifth level of knighthood.

The level of this profession is very high.

And her father, after helping a country in the mountains to clean up a monster called the Magma Lizard, was regarded as the king by the people of that country.

After the girl's father became king, he quickly began to spend money and loved gold and all shiny stones. However, his country was small and the number of people was not large enough. Therefore, the king gradually became tyrannical. In order to obtain wealth, the girl's father gradually became tyrannical. Whatever it takes, no matter what.

Originally known as the Knight King by the people, he was gradually regarded by his own people as a greedy and terrifying lizard...

That is, the Lizard King.

But the girl likes frogs. Her pet has been frogs since she was a child. She likes frogs and knows about them.

She feels that frogs are closer to people than lizards, so she wants to become a frog king.

Ivita was speechless when she read this. How could this be both a frog and a lizard?

Can't you give yourself a nice nickname? !

In the second half of the diary, it was written that the father of the girl who wanted to be the Frog King, the Lizard King, became so extravagant that he even started to become a pirate to rob other people's businesses.

After returning from an outing, the Lizard King met a man named Marco Elliot.

Iveta's pupils suddenly narrowed when she read this.

Because the Anson family is a branch of the Elliot family, it seems that the frog princess's father, the fifth-level knight, met Marco Anson when he went to sea.

The diary states that among the 'friends' brought back by the Lizard King, there was a fifth-level Witch Marquis [Grand Lord of the Ice Lich], who gave a gift to the Frog Princess they had just met.

It's that ice sword wand.

Ivita read the diary and realized that the ice sword wand came from an ice lich and a fifth-level witch marquis.

The Ice Lich told the Frog Princess that she was a very talented witch, and she did not even need to study to have magic power beyond that of ordinary witches.

She can do a big thing for the Lizard King and the King of the Seven Seas in the future, so before that, she must use this ice sword wand to protect herself.

The ice sword wand is made from the teeth of the ice bone dragon, and is a wand of dragon teeth.

In addition, the fifth level witch spent fifty years carefully making it, so it is already very powerful.

It's just that if a mortal touches it, he will definitely die and turn into ice. Otherwise, a mortal holding this ice sword wand would have a chance to kill a professional.

The most important thing is that this wand has the effect of freezing magic and freezing magic. It can be said to be the nemesis of witches.

Ivita looked at the ice sword wand she held in her left hand, "In the diary, the Frog Princess said that from that day on, she had been assassinated by various witches. If it weren't for this wand, she would have died long ago. "

"But what does Marco Anson want her to do? That witness?"

Ivita wanted to finish reading the notebook, but he discovered a serious problem, that is... The Frog Princess is a person who spends three days drying nets and two days fishing.

This diary actually only contains less than six months.

In other words, the frog princess' habit of keeping a diary every day... only lasted less than half a year. Well, her willpower was already higher than the average person.

Because most people who want to develop a habit may not be able to stick to it for half a year and give up within a few weeks.

The further you go in your diary, the less you write, and the time between the last entry and the next becomes longer and longer.

But there are a few words mentioned repeatedly at the end of the diary——

‘Teacher Ice Lich said: My magic talent is probably not natural, but the effect of the sacred spring under the castle. ’

'I asked the teacher how many sacred springs there are in the world, and the teacher said there is only one, and it is only on Cross Island. But there are five other springs on Cross Island, and they will destroy those springs one by one. ’

‘The teacher said that the law represented by the spring water was their goal in coming to the island this time. ’

Ivita closed her diary because she had reached the end. "Spring water? Is that the symbol of Cross Island's original law?"

Iveta was about to continue thinking when she suddenly heard the Hearthstone Witch's exclamation.

He thought the Hearthstone Witch had encountered an enemy, so he broke open the door and rushed out without even pushing it open.

But when Iveta reached the stairs on the third floor and looked down, she discovered that the Hearthstone Witch was standing in front of a dry spring dancing.

Ivita frowned, transformed into a peregrine falcon, jumped directly from the third floor, and landed on the first floor.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, I just met a mouse in this hall, and then I threw a fire magic. Guess what, my fire magic actually blew up the floor. Then the dry spring water sealed underneath by wooden boards was revealed.”

"Look, there's a knight's sword stuck in the middle of the spring water!"

"After sixty years, the sword has not rusted."

"It's a treasure, it's definitely a treasure. But why has the spring dried up and been sealed under the floor of the castle hall on the first floor with wooden boards and stone slabs? It's really strange." Hearthstone Witch wondered.

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