The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 349 Magic without upper limit [Dragon Battle]

There are statues of petrified knights and soldiers everywhere on the top of Dragon Bone Mountain. If Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch hadn't seen the weak residual spirituality contained in these stone statues, they would have thought that this was some kind of performance art, a place placed on Statuary art display on the mountain.

But these are obviously statues left behind after the army protecting the Frog Princess was petrified sixty years ago.

Sixty years later, nothing has changed here.

At the highest point of the mountain, the Hearthstone Witch and Ivita encountered a statue of a male knight that turned into gold. He was holding a knight's sword. His left hand seemed to be pressing something, and his right hand was holding the knight's sword and making a downward wave. The chopping motion, with a pre-victory expression on his face.

It can be seen that he once pinned the enemy down with the intention of killing the enemy, but he failed.

He was turned into a golden statue.

Iveta looked at the statue of the knight and said to the Hearthstone Witch: "The remaining spirituality contained in this statue exceeds that of the ordinary knight. He should have been very powerful when he was alive, but now he is just a golden statue. Magic can turn people into A statue of solid gold?”

The Hearthstone Witch circled around the golden statue, stroking the statue to get to know it. Her face was extremely ugly. She turned around many times and marveled. With each turn, her face became more serious.

Ivita frowned. "What's wrong?"

"what have you found?!"

The Hearthstone Witch muttered. "It is not difficult to permanently petrify people. You only need to study deeply in the field of transfiguration and have the magic level of a high-level witch to permanently petrify people. But turning stone into gold... that is the most powerful thing in the world. One of the most powerful magics.”

"Being able to turn stone into gold means that this witch has mastered the magic of immortality."

"The magic of everlasting youth is the prerequisite magic that turns stone into gold."

The more Ivita listened, the more fantasy she felt. "The magic of eternal youth? What level of magic is required to do this?"

The Hearthstone Witch swallowed her saliva and said to Ivita: "It requires at least the sixth level. The Witch Queen, the Grand Duke, and the Witch Prince can all do it. The Witch Kings can also do it. Things are big. Sixty years Before, there was at least one being who was the Witch Queen, who appeared directly on Cross Island and helped Marco Anson and the others realize their plan."

The Hearthstone Witch's eyes moved rapidly again. "The story behind this matter is more complicated than we imagined."

"Yeah." Ivita also felt troublesome after hearing this. She was the Witch Queen. "But since we've made it this far and she hasn't come to trouble us, it means we have nothing to fear."

"When a person does something, he always has to do it with benefit. But Cross Island can't give the Witch Queen anything. I feel that although she participated in some things for some reason sixty years ago, this does not mean that we explore These past events will offend her."

The Hearthstone Witch also reacted. "It's just something of this magnitude, but of course it's nothing compared to what we can get."

“This is the closest we can get to the law, to have a law that is entirely our own.”

"You can take risks."

"Your Majesty, let's go to the dry spring over there..."

Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch came to the third spring they saw on Cross Island. The damage to this spring was even more serious. A small part of it had been destroyed, and now it looked like nothing more than a ruins. .

As they approached, a spiritual light pillar rose from the spring pool, and a mermaid with dragon beards appeared in the light pillar. He was also huge, but half of his body was missing, and his eyes were very serious.

"I have been waiting for sixty years, and you have finally appeared, the people chosen by the Frog Princess." The dragon-bearded mermaid made a strong man's voice, "You two, I am the patron saint of the Dragon Spring, the one I chose. The three heroes have all died in battle, and the dragon weapon they were supposed to return to Dragon Spring has not been returned."

"So I don't have the ability to choose a hero anymore, sorry."

He nodded to Ivita in apology.

Ivita waved her hand. "I'm here to ask you to help the witch next to me to unlock the power of the frog princess that obscures her vision."

The dragon-bearded mermaid said in a low voice: "I understand, the remaining power I have is just enough to do this. But I have another thing to give to you. The most precious power of the dragon spring water is actually ——The blue dragon stick representing the Dragon Princess."

Ivita raised her head and looked at the patron saint in disbelief.

Because he guessed what the other person was going to say next.

But... no way.

Ivita looked at the Hearthstone Witch, and sure enough she saw a ball of light appearing in the Hearthstone Witch's eyes, helping her regain her vision.

The Hearthstone Witch was just happy for a while, and then, in front of the Hearthstone Witch, an illusory stick condensed in the void, with giant dragon patterns wrapped around both ends of the stick.

The stick quickly turned into reality and fell into the hands of the Hearthstone Witch.

The Hearthstone Witch was also surprised. She did not expect that she, who had been ignored by the Holy Fountain and the Fountain of Power before, would now be favored by the Dragon Fountain.

The Hearthstone Witch wanted to refuse this kind offer. What would be the use of a stick? But holding the Azure Dragon Stick, she felt her magic power boiling due to the rapid increase. She was shocked. "This is a magic wand..."

"And it seems to have its own magic."

The Hearthstone Witch raised the stick in her hand and waved it forward. Suddenly, a luminous body composed of many magic rings appeared on the front of the stick. It had a very sci-fi feel, and each magic ring was spinning rapidly, attracting the surrounding air. Boiling.

The sphere composed of magic rings flew straight ahead at high speed. After hitting a rock as tall as a person and completely shredding it into pieces of gravel, unexpectedly, each magic ring also automatically moved towards Flying out in different directions, and then launching attacks in all directions.

This is far more powerful than the Hearthstone Witch's Sad Flower.

At least in terms of attack power.

The Hearthstone Witch looked at the special wand in her hand dumbfounded. Only then did she realize that although the magic wand was broken, this thing was after all a legal weapon of a duchy.

She specializes in magic plants, and her attack power has never been very strong.

Now I finally got a sharp magic.

The dragon-bearded mermaid said to the Hearthstone Witch: "Dragon Spring is the spring in the divine spring where the Lord fights. The princess chosen by Dragon Spring is also a battle princess. The green dragon stick has the power to strengthen good magic."

"The Blue Dragon Stick contains a dragon attribute magic called [Dragon War]."

"The power of this magic increases as your inner determination increases. This is equivalent to fifth-level magic. As long as your heart is strong enough, this magic will definitely not let you down."

The Hearthstone Witch's face turned dark. She was happy just now, but now she was less happy.

Strengthening the power of good magic?

That means that almost all of her magic cannot be enhanced.

Black magic itself is mixed with negative emotions. No matter how gentle black magic is, there are some strong negative emotions in it, but they are not harmful enough. For example, if you want to be a master, you must be strong, if you want to be rich, you must be greedy. A desperate desire to excel.

It is these emotions that give humans the courage to climb mountains, and therefore black magic is more powerful than white magic.

But... just in this way, these magics will be judged as evil magic by the Qinglong Stick.

The Hearthstone Witch looked unhappy.

The Hearthstone Witch looked dangerously at the patron of the spring. "Then can't this wand also be able to amplify evil magic?"

She had a bad look in her eyes, and she didn't know what bad thoughts she had.

Iveta glanced at her speechlessly, don't let people think that we are the same kind of people as Marco Anson.

The dragon-bearded mermaid didn't know what she was thinking of, and immediately said to the Hearthstone Witch: "Witch, I am one with the Dragon Fountain and the Green Dragon Stick. No matter who among us dies, it will cause the disappearance of the other two."

After hearing this, the Hearthstone Witch restrained her bad thoughts.

If that's the case, there's nothing she can do with the patron saint of spring water.

It seemed that she was destined to suffer the consequences of being mute.

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch: "Now the Power Sword has absorbed enough ritual power, as well as the power of two type four pirate ship components."

"Now you have also obtained the fifth-level magic equipment, the Green Dragon Stick. You must make full use of its power."

"Let's go to the Ice Castle and kill the fifth-level ice lich while she's sleeping."

The Hearthstone Witch became a little panicked when she heard that Ivita asked her to make full use of the power of the Azure Dragon Stick.

Dragon War Magic is a magic that becomes more powerful the more determined your heart is, but she also knows psychologically that this seems to be really not her strong point.

On the Ice Palace, Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch spent three hours arriving at the palace on the top of the mountain.

The entire palace is completely carved from ice. The main body of the palace is completely translucent. It can even reflect colorful light under the sunlight. It is very beautiful and makes people feel like they are in a palace in heaven.

Iveta walked to a broken ice brick wall, picked up an ice brick on the wall, and saw the time and name engraved on the bottom of the brick.

"The bottom of the ice brick has the name of the workshop where the ice was made at that time and the name and time of the worker responsible."

"It seems they want to use this to facilitate the tracing of responsibility."

Ivita looked at the majestic three-story ice palace in front of her. "This turned out to be made by mortals."

The Hearthstone Witch said: "It should be made by mortals. Although many witches are powerful in magic, they have low aesthetic ability, so they need mortal craftsmen to help them build palaces. But to maintain this huge ice palace and keep it from melting for decades The powerful magical power comes from the Ice Lich."

Ivita nodded and walked into the Ice Palace first.

He walked through the hall, walked through the small door in the hall passage, and saw the spiral tower he had seen from a distance before, as well as the Ice Lich sitting on the lord's seat at the top of the spiral tower.

She still closed her eyes and fell asleep so arrogantly, as if she had been sleeping for a hundred years, which was just a passing cloud to her.

The Hearthstone Witch and Ivita walked up the spiral tower. Every step they took, they felt their bodies getting colder. When they reached the height of one floor, the coldness was even worse. Both of them looked like He was put into the bitingly cold lake water, and the intense coldness hit his face.

Just when the two were about to be frozen, the Hearthstone Witch used the fire magic cast by the fourth-level witch to break the ice magic that the Ice Lich used to protect herself before falling asleep. At the same time, the fire of law in Ivita's body It also reacts automatically and resists ice magic.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "As expected of Your Majesty, an ordinary official wizard walking on this would probably be frozen."

"Are we just going to go up there? Can things go so smoothly? I always have a bad feeling."

Ivita shook her head. "Don't worry, even though she is a fifth-level witch, she is still sealed by the laws of Cross Island."

"We have the power sword. Just kill her. There's not much we can think about."

The two of them walked to the top of the spiral icicle and saw that in addition to the Ice Lord's crown and throne, there were many ice statues on the top of the icicle that was as big as a room.

Most of these ice statues are soldiers wearing armor.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "That Witch Queen may be the teacher of this Ice Lich, otherwise, they wouldn't all love to turn their enemies into statues..."

"Just kill it directly. If it turns into a statue, it can still be restored if it encounters powerful fairy magic."

"The Blue Fairy's magical power should be able to do it."

Ivita did not speak, but walked up to the Ice Lich, pulled out the power sword in his hand, looked at the Ice Lich sleeping on the Lord's Crown Ice Seat, and without any hesitation, inserted the Power Sword in his hand directly.

This is a fifth-level witch.

I can't give her any chance.


The Ice Lich, who was inserted into the power sword, suddenly closed her eyes and raised her head and screamed. Her voice contained powerful magic power, so it was extremely penetrating. The surrounding ice blocks were shattered by the scream.

exclaimed the Hearthstone Witch. "Your Majesty, leave quickly. That's the [Banshee Scream]. Although she has been sealed, she is still trying to attack you."

Ivita didn't take the power sword from the ice lich when she was halfway through her words. Instead, she transformed into a peregrine falcon and flew up.

As soon as he flew up, he saw standing next to him, a middle-aged knight who had turned into an ice sculpture and was riding a tall horse with a golden saddle and spurs. He was dressed in gold and silver, and even his earrings were diamonds. Suddenly, his whole body The ice above and below cracked.

The ice on his body exploded.

He himself jumped off the horse, rushed to Ivita's original position, and slashed him with a sword. The knight's sword contained too much evil energy, causing the entire icicle to crack.

There is a tendency to fall.

Seeing this, the Hearthstone Witch also planted a sad flower, transformed into a vulture, and flew into the sky.

The sad flower, which was between reality and reality, automatically attacked the knight, but after being blocked by the knight with his shield, he used his shield with his backhand to smash the sad flower.

Ivita was quite concerned about this, because the Sad Flower was indefensible, but the golden shield in the knight's hand didn't seem to be a popular product. It was estimated that the shield had the ability to strengthen defense.

Ivita sensed the identity of the knight who suddenly woke up. "The fifth level..."

"Wear gold and silver..."

"He should be the father of the Frog Princess, the Lizard King."

"The Power Sword is absorbing the power of the Ice Lich, but it takes time. The Ice Lich is too powerful. Ah, the Lizard King is going to pull out the Power Sword. Hearthstone Witch, stop him quickly and use Dragon War Magic! Your magic is now the most powerful in terms of instant attack ability among the two of our magics, and theoretically there is no upper limit! As long as you are determined enough in your heart."

The vultures incarnated by the Hearthstone Witch were circling in the sky, feeling bitter inside.

What does she have to do with inner determination?

Wait a moment.

The Hearthstone Witch lowered her head and looked at the Lizard King below with her eagle eyes. There are many types of determination in the heart. Being firm in the heart is good, and being firm in the heart is evil. She has always been very determined that she is an evil person. There is no trace of kindness in the body!

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