The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 351 Dark Soul and the Truth of Everything

Yvetta stared at the ice lich while remaining alert. "what are you saying?"

The Ice Lich stared at Ivita and said, "When I was a human girl less than ten years old, I once saw you in the cemetery of the kings in Alsace two hundred and fifty years ago. You were there at that time. , it seems even more inhumane than it is now. You saved me there at that time, in a place where there were a lot of big shots who didn’t care about the life or death of a girl who was less than ten years old. You saved me and told everyone in the world All important.”

"You gave me the ability to respect myself. You are my teacher in life."

"But you also said to me, don't thank you for saving me, because this is all fate."

"When we meet again in the future, each will fight based on his own ability. There is no need to find out who is right and who is wrong."

"I've always wondered what you said."

"Now I understand what you meant at that time. After seeing your appearance, I suddenly realized something. Being promoted to Wizard Marquis will cause chaos in time and space. At that time, you should be conducting the [Border Trial] to condense the power of darkness. Soul—dark soul.”

The Ice Lich nodded to Ivita and thanked: "It seems that my sudden magical talent at that time - I always thought that I suddenly received a gift from the God of All Things and changed my destiny. Now it seems that, But it was because I was too close to your dark soul and was contaminated by the dark spirituality emanating from your dark soul."

"That magic gave me the potential to become a Witch Marquis."

The Hearthstone Witch glanced at Ivita in astonishment, and then said to her: "You lied. The dark soul of the Witch Marquis cannot be powerful enough to support you to become the Witch Marquis."

The ice lich smiled sarcastically. "Little witch, I should be considered your senior, speak with respect to me. Also, nothing is impossible in the field of magic. Don't forget, Her Highness Ivita is not an ordinary wizard... He has been promoted to a wizard The dark soul formed by the Marquis..."

The Ice Lich's expression was not very good, as if he had thought of something terrible.

"That is an unprecedented dark soul. Just relying on that soul structure is enough to create a world-class source of magic. There are too many laws entangled in it, and it is incredibly powerful. If you go to an ordinary small world , a medium-sized world, enough to become the universal law of that world..."

The Ice Lich said to Ivita: "Of course, that is the future for you after all. The future is variable. Everything you do now, every decision you make can determine what your future will be like."

The Ice Lich took out a picture frame from his pocket. The frame was like mercury, with no paintings inside.

Ice Lich said to Ivita: "This is a time frame. Through the time frame, you can see yourself in the future. But it cannot be used on people who are too spiritually powerful, such as you."

“Because the Church’s St. Peter’s throne suppresses time and stabilizes time, you cannot change anything that happens in the future through the time frame.”

"But I think it will do a lot for you."

The Hearthstone Witch said strangely: "Since you can't change anything, then what can you say will be useful to Your Majesty!"

Ivita also looked at her doubtfully.

Ice Lich said: "It cannot change anything in the future, but through it, after paying a certain price, you can see the future. In other words, if His Highness Ivita is eager to become a great wizard, there must be an official Students of wizards and students of three wizard apprentices.”

"A wizard with ordinary qualifications, no matter how good the resources are, cannot be promoted to wizard immediately."

“The learning time span is often decades.”

"But use this time to draw a frame, and you can use it to see what your students will look like in the future, so that you can use the frame to gain [teacher] status from the future."

"In addition, as long as you use related magic to strengthen the power of this time frame, you can reflect the future appearance of your territory. In other words, you can use this frame to obtain the principles of law."

Ivita narrowed her eyes.

The other party actually gave him such an important thing.

Having this thing is equivalent to bringing yourself infinitely closer to the great wizard.

To others, this thing may be just an ordinary rare treasure.

But for me, it is a priceless treasure.


Ivita frowned at her and said, "What do you want? What do I need to pay in exchange for [Time Frame], so that I can help you pull out the Power Sword?"

"But it's impossible for me to leave this disappeared territory. It's just that the territory is okay, but now I need to get the law of Cross Island!"

"The law here is mine!"

The Ice Lich shook his head and said: "You and Marco Anson are the same kind of people, teacher, so I have no intention of persuading you to leave here. But since it has reached this point, I also want you to die in a clearer way."

"I gave you the treasure. This is equivalent to repaying your kindness to me."

"The Time Picture Frame is a treasure in the treasury of the King of the United Kingdom of the Lowlands. It is very precious and the only one in the world. Although it is such a precious and functional thing, it has become a toy played by the King of the United Kingdom of the Lowlands. , it’s really a pity to waste natural resources.”

"The reason why I gave it to you is so that I won't be embarrassed to kill you later."

"I kill you, and then use undead magic to control your body, so that I can come into contact with the power sword, and then pull out the power sword myself. Although you have a great debt to me, you said it yourself two hundred and fifty years ago , when we meet again, we will not ask about right or wrong, only about life and death..."

As she said this, an icicle suddenly rose from under the feet of Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch, pushing both of them to the sky at the highest point of the castle.

Ivita looked around and could actually see the entire disappeared territory.

Forest part, lake part, residential part...

There are also countless tombs built on the plain directly below the huge hole in the sky. The tombstones are very shocking. At first glance, Ivita found that there were dozens of them there. Each of Wan's tombstones has a special mark, which seems to be some kind of special ceremony.

Even after the ceremony was over and sixty years later, Ivita could still see in that area of ​​tombstones an evil power and residual spirituality that was far more terrifying than death, night, and demons.

That ceremony...

Is that the truth that the nations want to hide? !

A huge icicle also appeared at the Ice Lich's feet, lifting her to the same height as Ivita. "That is the [Great Tomb of the Kewell Peninsula], and through its connection with more than six kingdom-level laws and the sacred church laws of the church, the identities of [Hero] and [Princess] are radiated to those who believe in the God of All Things. Every corner of the nations.”

"Don't look at me like that."

"We are just a group of pirates and puppets of other countries. This matter has nothing to do with us. What we do is grafting the law, destroying most of the laws of the Divine Fountain, and then planting them in the spring of the Fountain of Justice that is now located in Central Port. The law of the tree elves destroyed by other countries - the tree of spring, to draw strength from it, and then let the tree of spring breed the laws of the Seven Seas Code."

"This is the truth about grafting."

"The ritual performed at that time required the frog princess as a sacrifice, and a young mortal, that is, a witness. The ritual of transplanting the law was handed down from ancient civilizations, and there were many missing parts. Research and complete it yourself.”

"If you want to untie the parasitism of the Seven Seas Code Law on the Divine Spring Law, you need the blood and verbal commitment of two witnesses. Only then can this grafting ceremony be broken."

The Ice Lich glanced at the spiral ice staircase where her body was, paying attention to the speed at which the Power Sword absorbed her mana. If not for Yvetta's great kindness to her, she would have regarded Yvetta as her teacher in the past two hundred and fifty years. In the role of benefactor, she would not waste so much time explaining to Ivita the truth he was seeking.

All this is just so that when she kills Ivita later, she can be more efficient.

Ice Lich said: "As for the disappearing territory, it disappeared because the princess of the Divine Spring Law, the Frog Princess, received the help of the King of Elves, the Djinn, and once made a wish to make all of us disappear. , which caused the territory to disappear, and the magic that later made the remaining traces of the entire territory disappear was an illusion enhanced with related magic."

"I remember that the Frog Princess's castle should not be in the disappeared territory, but is located in a territory called Thunder Fang Cliff. That castle is hidden by enhanced illusions."

"The despair in the princess's heart caused the bodies of all the pirates in the territory to rot and turned into scavenger monsters, and took away the vision of everyone in the territory."

"Even now, I observe the world through an out-of-body way, rather than through physical eyes and spiritual vision."

"Some of the knights loyal to the princess are still fighting for the princess in the forests and cliffs of the lost territory, trying to rescue her from the ice palace at my feet."

Ivita said to her: "I feel something strange about this ice palace."

"Well, part of this palace was indeed built by mortal craftsmen." Ice Lich said, "But another part is actually the result of my inner soul palace, directly embodied in the outside world."

"This palace is the embodiment of the essence of my magical power."

Ivita raised a brow.

No wonder, since I entered this palace, I have been feeling uncomfortable.

The Ice Lich said: "The princess used the power of the djinn to disrupt the ceremony, so that the ceremony was not completely successful, so Marco Anson had to do a lot of remedial work to make the laws of the Seven Seas Code operate normally. Originally we decided to After the ceremony, I killed the frog princess, but because of the djinn, now I can only use my soul palace to suppress the frog princess."

"Keep her from getting out of trouble."

"If she escapes, it is possible to collect the blood of the two witnesses of the ceremony, causing all our efforts of more than sixty years to be in vain."

The Ice Lich said to Ivita: "Teacher, do you think that in the face of such a situation, should I use all my strength to prevent you from rescuing the Frog Princess under the Ice Palace?! I can also feel the Frog Princess's There is not much time left. She has been frozen for too many years, and in a few days, she will meet her true death."

"At that time, even if someone rescues her, it will not help. The death of one witness will mean that the conditions for breaking the ritual will not be met. In this way, the great work we and Marco Anson did sixty years ago will be impossible. The cause. Only then can it be declared completely completed.”

Ivita was unconvinced by her words.

I'm afraid that if they can find a way to graft the law, it's all given to them by God Pan.

In the final analysis, Marco Anson and the others were indirectly used by Pan.

Ivita said to the Ice Lich: "How many dead people are there in the necropolis over there?"

"One hundred and fifty thousand." The Ice Lich sneered, and a scepter made of ice appeared in her hand. There was a soaring ice sculpture owl on the top of the scepter. "One hundred and fifty thousand people, because they forcibly 'associated' most of the laws of the Enchanted Black Forest with the laws of the Divine Fountain, and intercepted the [Heroes] and [Princesses] unique to the Divine Fountain Laws."

"And the way to do this is that our pirate group, with the help of Marco Anson, went to an area as vast as the New World and discovered it among the primitive tribesmen. By the way, the person who discovered it... …It seems to be called Peter Pan.”

Ivita was speechless, her face twitching.

Ice Lich said: "That is a method of using blood sacrifices and rituals of sacrifice to gods to connect laws and make different laws have the same commonality. This cruel method is too primitive and unique to the primitive tribes in that area. method."

"Because of the conditions of the ritual, the life of an animal cannot be used, it must be a human life, and it must also be the life of a believer who believes in the God of all things."

"And although the church was not involved in the past, they knew about it and just acquiesced."

The Hearthstone Witch held her belly and laughed. "Hahaha...a bunch of hypocritical guys. It made me laugh to death. They are neither kind nor purely evil. They are a bunch of shameless imbeciles."

"No wonder they are secretive. It turns out they have done this kind of thing."

"Isn't this a very good thing? Why not announce it to everyone and let everyone see what this world really looks like."

Ivita said nothing about this. After all, that was sixty years ago. Many of the people in charge at that time have now retired, and no one can be found for a long time.

Moreover, the countries were forced into near desperation by the pagan countries at that time, and the countries were eager to increase their power.

In extraordinary times, there is no way to use extraordinary methods to preserve the fire.

Ivita asked the Ice Lich: "If the connection between the laws of the Seven Seas Code and the laws of the Cross Island is severed, will it affect the rituals of the countries and cause them to lose their heroes and princesses?"

The ice lich shook his head. "The special rituals of various countries are directly connected to the laws of the divine spring."

"So the laws of the Seven Seas Code have nothing to do with this."

Iveta was silent, this is why, when the Belisarius Republic attacked the pirate world, no third party came out to stop it.

The ice lich said coldly to Ivita. "You actually think so far. Hahaha, think about whether you can survive for another half hour first. Do you really think you can defeat me?"

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