The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 356: Get together the conditions for promotion to the Grand Wizard!

When Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch were in the disappeared territory, they were trying to unlock the seal of the Frog Princess.

Outside the disappearing territory.

On the Thunder Tooth Cliff, Earl Isenhanjian led thousands of ordinary cavalry mixed with knight troops to suppress the front of the Frog Princess's castle. Hundreds of cavalry troops overwhelmed the soldiers of Ivita's troops stationed near the castle. Feeling intimidated and moved.

Earl Isenhamjian rode in the lead. He had a scar on his face and crazy eyes. He rode a nightmare horse with hoofs burning with nightmare flames. The body of the smoke horse burning with the color of nightmares contained terrifying powers. Powerful, this nightmare horse is a unique monster in the nightmare realm in the Black Sea.

A nightmare horse can equal the power of a great knight.

Very rare and difficult to tame.

As a senior knight, Earl Isenhanjian rode on this war horse, and his combat effectiveness increased by more than one level.

"Call your lord to come out to see me." Earl Isenhamjian said to Wilson and Kino Kennedy. He held it empty in his hand, and a knight's sword condensed with evil energy appeared in his hand.

There are many silver horseshoe prints on the knight's sword that is condensed with evil energy.

Condensation of evil energy is a characteristic of high-level knights. To make weapons with condensed evil energy appear a certain pattern, special beliefs and skills are required.

This is something that only the best among the superior knights can do.

The troops on Ivita's side were frightened by the sight.

The knight's sword in Count Isenhanjian's hand would continuously emit malignant light just by appearing in the air, making ordinary people feel dizzy, their heart beat faster and they wanted to vomit.

All the beautiful things in the air seemed to have been dispersed by a weapon condensed with evil energy in the hands of Count Isenhanjian.

With him as the center, everyone seemed to hear the roar of the sword condensed with evil energy in his hand. 'I want freedom! ’

‘Injure other people’s freedom, destroy other people’s freedom, freedom fighters! ’

Earl Isenhamjian just raised the sword in his hand, and the ten ordinary soldiers behind Wilson who stood in front of him fainted on the ground because they could not bear the malignant aura in the air.

There was even black energy on the faces of these fainted soldiers, which was obviously caused by Count Isenhanjian's evil energy invading their bodies.

Wilson felt the omnipresent evil in the air, and knew in his heart that this man was a more powerful knight than Governor Rollov.

With his strength, if the vampire's immortality was not taken into account, he might not be able to defeat Count Isenhanjian in ten moves.

Wilson looked at the continuous cavalry troops behind Earl Isenhamjian. Even though there were probably more than two hundred professional knights among them, and most of the soldiers were just ordinary cavalry, it was still amazing.

Just the two hundred real knights among them are enough to bloodbath this castle today.

Wilson and Chino Kennedy looked at each other. Both felt that this moment was the biggest crisis they had ever encountered.

Earl Isenhanjian said to the two of them: "Are you that Ivita's subordinate?"

"Let him out."

"Someone wants him to shut up. As for the way to shut up, it depends on how he chooses."

Wilson showed a smile on his face, trying to delay time and ease the atmosphere. He said to Earl Isenhanjian: "Our lord is not here for the time being..."

Suddenly, the Blue Fantasy Witch and 'Ivita' came out from behind him. The Blue Magic Witch smiled and said, "My lord, what brought you here in person?"

"My master is here..."

'Ivetta' waved to the Earl and said friendly: "Dear Earl, I am the lord here. First, let me introduce the history of my glorious family and the history of this territory. This may cost you and me a lot. time……"

Wilson, the Dead Ox Grand Wizard, and Chino Kennedy all secretly thought that the Blue Fantasy Witch would cause trouble, and as long as this illusion Ivita continued to talk nonsense, it would buy them time.

But the next moment, Count Isenhanjian swung his sword directly, and the powerful pressure of the sword caused the illusion to shatter into bubbles in the air.

Even the Blue Fantasy Witch fell to the ground because she couldn't stand firm.

Earl Isenhanjian looked fiercely, "Do you know who I am? Do you know what they called me when I was young? I am a madman!"

"If you dare to lie to me again, I won't wait for that boy Ivita today and will kill you all first."

He slashed with his backhand sword, and strong evil energy condensed on his horseshoe-patterned sword blade. At the same time, his right hand expanded twice. It must be some extraordinary fibrous organ at work, so a black sword light emitted from his sword. He swung up and slashed straight at the neck of the Blue Fantasy Witch.

The blue fantasy witch didn't expect that she would be self-defeating. She was so frightened that her hair stood on end. She thought she was dead this time. After all, she had accumulated too many injuries before. She might not be able to survive this time when faced with a full blow from the top knight. .

But the next moment, her eyes blurred, and she had already left the place where she was standing, ten meters away.

It turned out that the Dead Ox Wizard used the [Corpse Substitute] magic to block the blow for her at her most dangerous moment.

The Blue Fantasy Witch felt relieved and nodded to the Dead Ox Wizard.

The Dead Ox Wizard summoned a bull-headed skeleton to block Count Isenhanjian's next attack. The bull-headed skeleton was unable to fight back under Count Isenhanjian's attack. If the sword touches it, the skeleton will break and fall apart.

But not long after, the skeleton will recover again.

Earl Isenhanjian thought for a moment, 'Is there no way this skeleton can be killed by slashing? But there is no way to kill it with evil energy. It cannot be killed by slashes, nor can it be killed with energy. Even if it is broken into pieces by slashes, it can be recovered in a very short period of time. ’

‘A mere great wizard actually has such a difficult spell. Calm down, since this spell has so many powerful advantages, it means that it must have a loophole that will be eliminated immediately as long as it is discovered. ’

‘Do we have to use magic to attack this bull-headed skeleton? ’

‘There are quite a lot of capable people under this Ivita. No wonder the big shots find him a troublesome person. ’

The Dead Ox Wizard walked up to Wilson and whispered: "My specially made skeleton should be able to haunt him for a while."

"As long as he doesn't order his troops to attack us."

"But it won't last long. Such a little trick can't stop a count and a top knight."

"Mr. Wilson, please think of a solution quickly. If it doesn't work, we can only retreat temporarily, otherwise we will be waiting to die if we stay here."

Wilson glared at the Dead Ox Wizard, making the latter fear that he would complain to Ivita.

But at the same time, Wilson was also worried about what he could do.

How could he, a vampire, deal with a superior knight and so many cavalry troops?

Even if they retreat to the castle and hold on, the Frog Princess's castle is almost in serious decay and is vulnerable. It is unrealistic to hold on to this castle.

"Ah, I know the weakness of this bull-headed skeleton. Oh, you are such an idiot, I didn't find it for so long before." Count Isenhanjian's mouth twitched, and the knight sword condensed with evil energy returned with a sword, cutting off the bull-headed skull. The two horns of the bull were struck, and then he slashed vertically with the sword, and the bull-headed skeleton immediately fell apart.

Its bones were scattered on the ground, and after a cloud of black mist flew out, they immediately withered and decayed, turning into useless bones and losing their original white luster.

The Great Wizard of the Dead Ox did not expect that Count Isenhanjian would discover the weakness of his skeleton so quickly.

However, it is better to say that this is inevitable.

After all, it really wasn’t hard to guess.

Earl Isenhanjian sneered as he looked at Wilson, the Dead Ox Wizard and others. "You do have some skills, but you are with the wrong person."

"In that case, the troops are ordered to kill everyone here."

Count Isenhanjian's troops made a loud roar.

Behind Count Isenhanjian, two men wearing gray hoods came out. They exuded spirituality that was not inferior to, or even more powerful than, the Count.

The two looked at each other, and when one looked up, his hood fell off, revealing a pale face with scarlet pupils.

Wilson blurted out when he saw this. "A third-generation vampire! A third-generation vampire equivalent to a superior knight?"

The other person in the gray hood suddenly sneered and said to the third-generation vampire: "You usually hate people calling you a vampire. I didn't expect that there is a vampire here who has an affair with you."

The expressions of the three generations of vampires were gloomy. "My race is indeed a vampire, but I am a vampire knight with a heroic identity."

He pulled out the sword hanging from his waist. The one-handed sword was completely red and looked strange and ominous. "I am a church knight of the Pearl Fang Kingdom, a knight of judgment, and one of the king's most reliable friends."

"That fourth-generation vampire has violated my taboo."

"Mr. Job."

Ranger Job took off his hood. His face was painted with leaves-like green paintings, and he looked handsome. A rapier with a golden hilt hung around his waist.

Ranger Joblo glanced at Wilson, the Dead Ox Wizard and others with complex eyes. "I am a fourth-level high ranger from the Holy Principality of Brittany. If possible, I hope we can avoid too much blood. But in short, if your lord Ivita will not cooperate, then I will There is no way to stop this third-generation vampire and count."

"After all, this matter is complicated."

"The pawns on the chessboard are not supposed to know these things. The pieces on the chessboard should have their place as the pieces on the chessboard."

Earl Isenhanjian could no longer restrain his malice, "What nonsense do you say to them? People are going to be killed today anyway..."

While they were arguing.

Suddenly a portal appeared between the two armies. The portal was luxuriously decorated, especially there were many kinds of sea fish, shells and water plants on the door, as well as carvings of sea waves. There was a thin layer of light blue in the stone door. The light of color magic is misty and uncertain, like the surface of the sea.

Facing the space gate that suddenly appeared among the two armies.

Whether it was Wilson, the Blue Fantasy Witch, or the Ranger Yorbo, the third generation vampire, and Earl Isenhanjian, they were all extremely surprised. Neither side knew what happened.

From inside the space door, Ivita's voice came out.

"This is my new teleportation magic [Juhaimen]. This [Juhaimen] can teleport five people in."

"And it can ignore the barriers of ordinary illusion magic and space magic."

"Teleportation will not harm humans at all. Don't you want to see me? Enter here and you can find me."

After Ivita's words fell, the two foreign heroes and the count looked at each other. They didn't know whether they should believe Iveta's words, but it didn't take long for the count to laugh.

Earl Isenhamjian looked at Kino Kennedy and Wilson with malice and said: "You must think you have been saved, right? But I just don't want to follow the instructions of that young boy. After I kill you, I will not It's the same thing if you enter that space gate to settle accounts with him."

"Come here, kill him..."

Wilson and others' expressions were extremely ugly.

But in the next moment.

Ivita's voice came out again from Juhaimen. "Don't want to come in? I'm afraid it's not up to you."

Najuhaimen actually started to move quickly on the ground, and at lightning speed, it directly enveloped Count Isenhanjian and the heroes sent by the two countries. The three enemy generals immediately disappeared. In front of the two armies.

Everyone was dumbfounded again.

The count's cavalry troops, after losing their leaders, quickly fell into chaos and a huge commotion occurred.

It is simply impossible to organize a formed army anymore.

Wilson and others were relieved.

Wilson said to the Dead Cow Wizard and others: "It seems that our lives have been saved by adults."

The Dead Ox Wizard said depressedly: "Yes."

Chino Kennedy frowned. "But it should be our responsibility to protect you, sir."

Wilson said to Kennedy: "Mr. Kennedy, as long as we can delay these more than a thousand cavalry, we will still make a huge contribution to your Excellency."

In the disappeared territory, the heads of Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch have returned to the Ice Castle.

They tried to give the Ice Lich a final blow on the Lord's Seat, but because the opponent's health was locked, they could not kill the Ice Lich without finding the Lich's phylactery.

It's just that the Ice Lich has lost its power and can't do anything to them.

In short, it is equivalent to a dead state.

With the collapse of the Ice Lich's soul palace, it would take some time for the Frog Princess to unlock the seal, but she contacted Ivita in advance and told Ivita what happened on the Thunder Fang Cliff.

And Ivita also discovered that her ruling sect magic had actually been promoted to Juhai sect due to the Super Soul Palace.

The magic of the Lacedaemonians is very continuous, which is a huge advantage.

Juhaimen is not just about drawing a portal on the ground, Iveta can even control this Juhaimen to move quickly on the ground, or even open a portal somewhere from a distance of tens of kilometers to let the other party come over by himself.

It can be said that in this way, Ivita's space magic has been taken to a higher level.

Because of this, Ivita thought of inviting the count and the two heroes sent by other countries to kill her into the disappeared territory.

In this way, he can solve the crisis encountered by his troops outside the frog princess's castle.

Juhaimen can only teleport five people in total, so it is impossible for the other party to bring troops here.

In addition, the disappeared territory is almost completely in the hands of the Frog Princess, and the Lizard King and Ice Lich have also lost their power or died, so here, I have the right location and timing.

The most important thing is to invite heroes from all over the world to see the good deeds of all the loyal believers of the God of All Things in the past when they killed 150,000 people on Cross Island.

I believe it will be an eye-opener for them.

Iveta looked up to the sky and said: "Princess Frog, please tell Wilson and the others to bring some of my disciples - Camizir, Arabi and Juno, as well as the peasant woman's daughter Yongju Haimen, to Come here."

"I will open the second Juhaimen!"

The Hearthstone Witch looked at Ivita in confusion. "Your Majesty, why did you ask them to come here?"

Ivita held the time frame and said, "I want to gather all the conditions to advance to the Grand Wizard here."

The Hearthstone Witch's eyes widened.

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