The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 359 Soul Heavenly Palace and Promotion to Great Wizard 3

There are now dark clouds and thunderclouds above the Soul Palace. People in the castles and palaces in the Super Soul Palace all raised their heads to look at the sky of Ivita's soul world. These low-latitude people in the Super Soul Palace showed worries or expressions. A look of surprise.

The worried villain is worried that the thunder and lightning in the sky will destroy every brick and tile of the super palace. When the time comes, they will climb up to the high place to repair the super palace.

The surprised villain saw the thunder dragon rolling in the dark clouds in the sky of the soul world, and felt that the power of the Lord of the World was becoming more and more powerful, and they were incomparable with it.

In the core of the Super Soul Palace Group, that is, in the building complex surrounding the spiral tower and the main hall of the Soul Palace Group, a series of inscriptions appeared on the wall of a gorgeously decorated castle - 'Thunder Dragon Castle'.

At the same time, there is a taller hexagonal, simple castle next to this Thunder Dragon Castle, called the Giant Castle.

This is after Ivita's natal magic evolved. Because it was too powerful, it affected its proportion in the soul palace and formed a new castle.

Now, Ivita's thunder snake magic has officially evolved into thunder dragon magic. Even if she casts the spell normally, a thunder dragon will be summoned.

In the disappearing territory, the giant clone Ivita came back to her senses and saw the future Arabi on the time frame. She just nodded to the current Arabi and disappeared immediately without saying anything more.

Then, he gave the time frame to the fourth student, the little girl who had been possessed by the Dark Girl of Light and many demons.

As a result, he unexpectedly paid only the magical power equivalent to thirty-five ordinary formal wizards for the Time Frame. Iveta glanced at the little girl in surprise. He did not expect that the qualifications of this casual student were better than Kamizir's qualifications.


In fact, Kamizizhi's qualifications were the worst among all his students.

But it seems that he can become the monarch of a certain country in the future. Perhaps it is because he has put his mind elsewhere, which leads to this result.

After all, human energy is limited.

Ivita felt that this guy seemed to have embarked on another path, and what was fed back to her was a natal magic experience that was deeply related to demons and hell.

In the time frame, there is a girl with dreadlocks, her face is covered with tattoos, and her nose and ears are covered with copper rings inlaid with various gems. She does not look like a serious person.

Ivetta glanced at her, but didn't dwell on it.

Because he felt that he had provided too much magic power to the time frame, and even his own super soul palace would have its limits. The most realistic thing is that the time frame may fail faster than your own super soul palace.

The giant Ivita stretched out her hand, and the entire frame faced the entire disappearing territory.

He has already met the two conditions for promotion to the Grand Wizard, and now he wants to obtain the legal principles of a county.

Suddenly, the sky changed.

At that time, there were streaks of uncontrollable magic lightning flowing on the time frame. When the time frame reflected the future of a territory, it had reached its limit.

Now that Ivita has solved the Ice Lich and Lizard King, the Frog Princess will naturally break away from the seal as time goes by. According to his previous agreement with the mermaid patron saint, the disappeared territory equivalent to the area of ​​three viscountries will naturally belong to him.

In addition to the three viscounty territories of the original Vargy family, Death Highland, Death Swamp, and Joseph Viscounty, as well as the viscounty territory of Ice Wolf Viscount, as well as the independent commercial town of Maple Leaf Town, some independent baronies and knight territories, these are put together. , already exceeding the wealth and area of ​​an ordinary county.

But now, Ivita wants to use the time frame and a huge amount of magic power to directly obtain the principles of law in the future that she originally obtained.

The voice of the Frog Princess appeared in his ears. "The three fourth-level professionals who broke into the disappeared territory have gradually adapted to your space magic and thought of a way to crack it. But fortunately, with their efforts, more than half of the pirates in the territory became All the scavenging monsters have been killed, and the ritual power has been successfully collected."

"Next, I will continue to inject ritual power into you."

"Lord Ivita, I would like to congratulate you in advance on becoming a great wizard."

As Ivita overused the power of the Soul Palace, many corners of the Soul Palace in Ivita's spiritual world began to be broken and damaged. The villains in the Super Soul Palace automatically repaired Ivita's Soul Palace. , actually played a role in maintaining the soul palace.

Thanks to their efforts, the Soul Palace, which had begun to suffer damage, was actually repaired.

Ivita noticed this. ‘As expected, the soul palace appeared after I destroyed a medium-sized world. It is indeed useful. ’

‘The low-latitude humans in the Soul Palace are automatically repairing the origin of my soul and increasing the upper limit of my infinite magic power in disguise. ’

Ivita saw that the time frame was full of cracks and was almost completely shattered. He was worried that the treasure from the Lowland Kingdom would be shattered before he succeeded in obtaining the Law.

But fortunately, a beam of light flew out of the frame and fell into Ivita's soul world.

That is the principle of law obtained from the future earldom!

At the same time, the time frame exploded directly, just like a bomb. Its scale uprooted all the trees in the surrounding woods and left a deep hole.

Wilson and his four students would have died in the explosion if they had not been blocked by him with his giant body.

Ivita touched her forehead. ‘It’s so dangerous. ’

'If I hadn't acted quickly, Juno and Camizir would be dead by now. ’

‘The magic backlash is indeed serious. ’


But he has gathered all the conditions to advance to the Grand Wizard.

Ivita looked inside her soul world and found that after the light pillar entered her soul world, it automatically went below her soul palace, and was constantly pushing up, pushing up the soul palace.

Ivita looked at the beam of light. "Even the devil's eyes can't see through that light beam. I can only see that it is a very powerful divine object."

"This is something I can only get by running the earldom for at least ten years."

"It has everything to do with the law."

"I can detect that almost all laws are composed of these pillars of basic laws, but they are composed in different ways and have different pillar structures, so they show different characteristics of different laws. At my level, I still can't see It’s something like Toru. But as long as I can use it.”

Ivita felt that at this moment, the teacher's identity, the principles of law, and the super soul palace began to merge together.

Moreover, there is a steady stream of power that appears from the void in the sky, passes through the top of his head, and descends on himself. This should be the ritual power that the Frog Princess mentioned.

The principles of law are constantly pushing the soul palace into the sky.

We must turn the soul palace into the soul heaven palace.

At the same time, the entire disappearing territory seemed to notice the changes in Ivita. There were no dark clouds in the sky, but there were thunder and lightning, and the earth began to vibrate irregularly.

The few building ruins in the disappeared territory collapsed one by one in these earthquakes.

The world seems to have sensed that terrifying existences will appear, so there is a natural reaction.

If this wasn't a lost territory, I'm afraid more people would see this change.

The trio of earls in a corner of the disappeared territory were panting to eliminate the last scavenger monster here. They originally wanted to take a rest, but were frightened by this change and became alert, and everyone looked up. He looked up at the clear sky with thunderbolts.

Earl Isenhanjian gasped: "What happened?"

“Why does the world cause this change?”

"Could it be that the wizard named Ivita is performing some kind of powerful ritual magic and wants to use that ritual magic against us to cause changes?"

His speculation silenced everyone present.

The third generation vampire was the first to object. "No. No matter how powerful the ritual magic is, it all depends on who is using it. Such a powerful ritual magic cannot be the work of that Ivita. I guess the frog princess is trying to escape. No, no, no... maybe it's the Big Brother There's something wrong with the graveyard."

"Perhaps it is the back-up left by the nations... It will help us kill Ivita who breaks in here."

The count pretended not to hear the third generation vampire speak.

He doesn't want to know any more secrets about this place!

High Ranger Jobel said: "I just hope that this so-called back-up force of the nations will not kill us here. After all, although we have heroic status, we know too much. By the way. , after my observation, I think Ivita should be on the other side of the snow mountain."

"Look, the Ice Lich Palace over there is collapsing. Ivita must have eliminated the Ice Lich pirates guarding here, but he should have also suffered a lot of injuries. If we go there now, we should be able to meet him. .”

The third generation vampire snorted coldly. "The damn Ice Lich pirates, even a second-level wizard can't deal with them. These pirates are just pirates, and none of them are reliable."

Earl Isenhanjian, who was on the side, showed a trace of anger when he heard this, but he did not speak.

The three of them were talking when Ju Haimen appeared next to them again. All three of them were startled and responded quickly.

But the three of them were still enveloped by the space door.

Only this time, Senior Ranger Yobolu had already shot two sealing arrows at the teleportation gate at the same time. As long as he works harder, he may be able to solve this teleportation magic.

High Ranger Job took a glance and found that they had been teleported to a plain full of walking corpses. "Sure enough, they want to use our help to clear out all the walking dead in this territory. Although the reason is unknown. But we probably have no choice. If we don't clean up these monsters, we will be unable to move forward and will be harassed all day long."

"But as long as I break the teleportation magic."

"We will go straight to the snow-capped mountains to find Ivita."

The Count was silent as he was chopping away at the walking corpse.

When Joseph saw the third-generation vampire pulling out the sword from his waist and playing with it, he reminded him: "The witch of Potsdam told us not to kill that Ivita."

"If you use hero skills on him, I'm afraid you won't be able to control it and will kill him. Then we will be in trouble."

The third-generation vampire was not afraid at all and instead licked his tongue. "I said you all seem to be afraid of the Witch Queen, but I am not afraid of her. I have the status of a hero, and I have the best luck. If you are an enemy of me, you will only continue to have bad luck. Even if I kill Ivita, it seems... …No one will hold me accountable.”

"What do you think?"

Job remained silent.

He knew that this fellow knight who seemed to be a civilized world was actually a monster.

He had little friendship with Ivita, so he would not risk angering a monster for a stranger.

This vampire likes to disobey the king's orders, so it has nothing to do with him.

Job whispered. "The situation of our Holy Principality of Brittany is getting more and more worrying, and the resources available to it are getting less and less. If this continues, it will be annexed by the Franks. So I care more about the things promised to my country after helping you here. Remuneration. I don’t want to know about other things either.”

On the snowy mountain, Ivita felt that her soul and mana, which had been stabilized to the limit, experienced huge fluctuations.

The entire official wizard stage is actually developing in the direction of how to prevent the outside world from affecting its own stability. In this way, the wizard's magic can protect himself from changes in the outside world.

But now because they have to advance to the Grand Wizard stage, this trend was abandoned in an instant.

The ascension of the soul palace to the sky symbolizes that the wizard's soul and mana are going to another level, so that he can transcend the ordinary laws of physics and obtain more powerful magic - legal magic, to formulate temporary laws.

Iveta, who is aware of this, even suspects that some people will stay in the formal wizard stage to continue to stabilize their souls and mana, making the soul palace indestructible and preventing external objects from having the slightest impact on it. .

Perhaps a long time ago, when magic didn't have much development, there would have been such misguided people.

But Iveta understands that such a line of thought is not enough to prevent herself from being affected.

Now trying to make your soul palace ascend to heaven and override the laws of physics is the right direction for magic.

But Iveta felt that every time she let her soul palace float one meter, the greater the pressure would be on her soul. In this process, if her soul palace was not stable enough, she would be seeking death. The palace collapses on itself and the self perishes.

Fortunately, his soul palace was strong enough, and it rose three thousand meters and was still flying into the sky.

During this process, my body and soul feel like they have been washed away and reborn from the ashes.

In a corner of the disappeared territory, the head of the Hearthstone Witch, who was constantly 'arranging' the Earl's trio, looked at the vision in the sky and murmured to herself. "Your Majesty, I think he is turning the Soul Palace into a city in the sky. I just don't know how far he can make the Soul Palace rise. Four thousand meters? Five thousand meters?"

"I've only climbed 2,100 meters and I'm already called a genius..."

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