The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 369 The Great Witch of Moonlight and the Location of the Witches’ Coven

After getting rid of the entanglement of the Oting family, Ivita took the Hearthstone Witch and her servants to a remote village [Trenker Village] located in the Barony of Loto under the jurisdiction of Joseph.

The residents of this village are not rich.

There are almost no service industries in the village. There are no taverns, no blacksmith shops, and no cobbler shops. All items are made by the villagers themselves.

Even the balls used by the urchins at the village gate were made by themselves from straw and rags. There are some scattered fields next to the village. Those fields are not fertile, because fertile land will not be left to such a poor and non-existent village.

This village is far away from the river and has the poorest farmland.

When Ivita's carriage convoy arrived at the gate of the village, it aroused the exclamations and onlookers of the people in the village. The village men and women who had lived in this village their entire lives had never seen such a magnificent convoy and convoy. 'Luxury' carriage.

Ivita stepped out of the carriage surrounded by servants, and the Hearthstone Witch followed him down.

Iveta said: "This is Chuangke Village. According to the Great Wizard of Dead Ox, there is a witch street in Chuangke Village, which is the most prosperous witch gathering place on Cross Island. The reason why those witches set the gathering place here is It was also because the family that was the original ruler of Joseph’s territory—Joseph’s family—was divided, attacking each other, and no longer had time to pay attention to their own territory.”

"The Great Wizard of the Dead Ox said that as I rule here, the witches who originally gathered here will automatically and quietly leave because of my increased control over the grassroots."

"Because witches don't gather in a prosperous, wealthy and powerful territory. What do you think, Hearthstone Witch?"

The Hearthstone Witch stepped out of the carriage, stood behind Ivita, and smiled sinisterly. "It's not up to them now whether to leave or not. Now that they are in our territory, this coven of witches is our asset. After all, everything on this land is theoretically mine... no, it's all yours. "

Ivita glanced at the Hearthstone Witch.

According to the aristocratic laws of this world, this is indeed the case.

Public resources belong to the lord.

The Hearthstone Witch pointed to the farmland outside the village and said: "The purple flowers on that farmland are [Hypnotic Violet], and the red flowers on this farmland are watered with pig's blood [Pig Heart Flower]. These materials are all available." It is a material used in very profound magic. It seems that the words of the dead cow wizard can be believed. This village is indeed not simple."

"Hmm... They probably used some kind of concealment magic on their gathering place. Even if I stand at the gate of this village, I can't detect their location."

Ivita looked at a young man approaching the carriage. The young man held a hoe in his left hand and asked Ivita in a good tone. "My lord, who are you? Why did you suddenly break into our village and let your minions block the entrance of our village so that our villagers cannot leave the village and go to the wells outside to get water."

Ivita frowned and glanced sternly at the young man.

The other party actually didn't know that he was his ruler.

This is not good news for the rulers.

Isn’t this a phenomenon that only occurs when there is rule without rule?

By the way, that's right, he is not the monarch of a country, and he did not issue new coins when he ascended the throne. Naturally, his face will not be printed on the coins, so how can his subjects recognize him?

Iveta rolled her eyes and said to the Hearthstone Witch next to her: "After you go back, discuss it with Tartax and send some portraits of me to all the people in my territory so that they can know who you are. Who is the ruler of."

Iveta turned her head and looked at the young man.

Then he raised his right hand.

The young man couldn't help but step back.

Ivita said: "I am Count Augustus, your lord."

"Let me ask you, who are you? You actually asked your lord to tell you who you are first, but you haven't even told you your past history."

The young man swallowed a sip of saliva, threw away the farm tools in his hands, and then said to Ivita: "This... then you are the one who collects our taxes. Our village is a small village, and it is difficult to know the outside world. We don’t go out much, and people from outside don’t come in very often. I’m sorry, sir.”

"This is my fault. Please don't blame my village."

"My name is [Adan], and I am the captain of the patrol team organized by the village."

Iveta glanced at him and saw that the guy was scared, knowing that he was afraid that he would anger the entire village and increase taxes on the entire village.

No matter how strong and stubborn a man is, he can't withstand the lord's words to increase taxes.

Ivita didn't argue with him. "I came to this village for something. Let all the young people in your village surround the inside and outside of the village, and no one in the village can be allowed in or out."

"Hearthstone Witch, the hundred soldiers you asked us to bring will also join us."

"Surround the village for me."

"Don't let out a fly."

Ivita jumped on a white horse brought by her soldiers. After riding on the horse, Ivita was stunned for a moment. Why did she feel like she was a villain.

However, those witches were difficult to manage, and he had to defend his majesty as a lord, and he could not even let those witches secretly cast magic on the people in the village at will.

Therefore, he had to carry out this strong behavior.

Also, it is impossible for me to make the witches keep the gathering in this village through compromise. In other words, doing so will be more dangerous.

Therefore, he can only act forcefully.

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch: "We will take fifty more soldiers and search the houses, walls and grounds of this village."

The Hearthstone Witch laughed shrilly. "Hahaha...Okay, Your Majesty. I will apply [Fire Barrier Breaking Magic] to the torches in all soldiers' hands, so that even if there is a concealment spell, they will be burned away by the flames of the torches."

In the village, among the witch gatherings - [The Street of Werewolves and Witches in Chuangke Village], this street is like a dark secret room, but the complex maze constructed by the numerous walls has white lights hanging on it. Candles and white candles will automatically be replaced with new ones after they burn out.

At this time, many witches and werewolves left their shops and gathered together on this street.

They were all nervous.

"The stupid soldiers of the lord of this village suddenly broke in outside the village. They also surrounded the village and searched the ground, as if they were coming towards us. What should we do now?"

"Army? Soldiers? Which level of lord is coming? Is it a viscount? Is it the army of a baron or an earl? I heard that the new lord of this territory, the earl, is a very powerful wizard, and his men are also very powerful. He has many more Soldiers who work for tigers. Because of this, we werewolves are preparing to move away from this village, even though we have already regarded this village as our home."

"Don't be afraid, everyone. We used ritual magic to strengthen the concealment spell. I think those minions won't be able to find us for a while. As long as we wait until night, we can use the moonlight pool in the street to leave this place. But the moonlight pool can only To teleport away humans and living beings, I think everyone will have to give up on those properties.”

A big witch came out, holding a stone shaped like a waning moon, and said to everyone. "As long as we have this [Crescent Stone Ball], which symbolizes the identity of the organizer of the street rally, we can control the moonlight pool. As long as the other party does not have powerful space magic, it is impossible to stop us."

"I, the Moonlight Witch, the student of Marquis Sealing Witch, promise you that I will protect you."

Hearing this, the witches and werewolves breathed a sigh of relief.

But on the dark and dim street, a little female werewolf asked her innocently. "What if some of the soldiers outside know powerful space magic?"

Before the Moonlight Witch could speak, she felt a huge vibration in the whole street, as if someone was taking a giant hammer outside and hitting their street.

The Moonlight Witch glanced around, her face turning pale.

Because the candles in the dark streets were extinguished one after another.

It was as if a dark sari was draped over those candles.

A powerful force of dark energy surged towards this underground secret meeting place.

The Moonlight Witch looked towards the end of the street. Because there was no moonlight and the moonlight pool was now withered, her face looked ugly. "The other party is using a very powerful dark magic force to attack the space where we are. It is also a very powerful space magic."

"If the concealment spell is broken, we have to prepare for the worst and forcefully break out of Chunk Village, our second home, and then never come back here."

The witches and werewolves did not keep up with the change in attitude of the Moonlight Witch. Some of them were still in a daze, while others were bowing their heads and crying.

Although most witches and werewolves come here just for trading, there are still many witches and werewolves who regard this place as their social place, a place to meet friends, and a very important part of their lives.

Because witches and werewolves are actually marginalized people in society.

Most of these people are low-level professionals and do not have many places to socialize. If they want to meet friends similar to themselves, they can only come here.

This place has almost become the focus of their lives.

On the surface of Chuangke Village, Iveta did not wait long. Fifty soldiers used torches to sweep over the things they were inspecting, and soon found a problematic wall.

Because that's the magic fire created by the Hearthstone Witch.

It is impossible to self-destruct naturally, and it is impossible to ignite ordinary objects. It will only ignite magical objects.

However, there was still a soldier holding a torch, and the flame on the torch went out in front of the wall of a mill. At the same time, the torch also smoked the wall black.

This attracted the attention of Ivita's soldiers.

The dozen soldiers who gathered quickly called to the Hearthstone Witch who was guarding them. After seeing the abnormalities on the wall, the Hearthstone Witch quickly called Ivita.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivetta who was in the mill: "I have known for a long time that those damn little girls must not always break into the villagers' homes when they want to gather, so they must be here in the mill. But then There is a very powerful shielding magic on the wall. To unlock it, you need some magic materials. Most of them are in my ghost carriage, but some pure black blood of a male dog that is not in heat is missing."

Ivita nodded, looked at the wall, and pressed her arm up. Suddenly, the wall emitted a flickering light, which made the soldiers stop and watch, and they were all surprised.

And there were hundreds of fingerprints on the wall that were the same as the ones Ivita pressed on the wall.

The whole wall was shaking.

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch: "Don't be so troublesome. The Dark Portal can ignore most low-level magic and forcefully open a space door, so I can use this to open up a space behind this spell through the concealment spell. Door, in order to break all the magic in front and behind the space door."

"The magic of the Lacedaemonians works so well."

There was a hint of envy in the Hearthstone Witch's eyes.

As Ivita cast the Dark Door on the concealment spell, more and more black handprints appeared on the entire wall, and finally connected together, turning the entire wall completely black.

In this way, it is equivalent to Iveta breaking the opponent's magic.

The wall of this mill started out like building blocks, divided into countless square-shaped building blocks, and then automatically sunk inward. Finally, a door-shaped hole appeared in the wall, and the world behind the hole was the witch coven in this village. place.

When the door on the wall opened, a flame appeared behind the door.

Ivita snapped her fingers, and the flames that were heading towards her disappeared into the air.

"It's so boring, this kind of official wizard-level magic..." Ivita held her left hand in the air and caught an arrow that was aimed at her left eye. Then she broke the arrow with a little force. As soon as the curse hidden in the arrow was launched on Ivita's soul, it was directly suppressed by the overly powerful Soul Heavenly Palace and had no effect at all.

Iveta raised her foot to enter the door in the wall, but a moon arc arrow was shot at her from behind the door!

Ivita narrowed her eyes. This magic was at the level of a great witch.'s not of much use.

A portal of darkness moved in front of Ivita and swallowed up the moonlight attack.

The Hearthstone Witch exclaimed to Ivita: "Your Majesty, not long ago you were an official wizard, but now you have despised the magic of the official witch."

"You're progressing too fast."

The Moonlight Witch and the other witches behind the door were all panicked.

"The new Earl, the lord of this territory, is indeed a powerful wizard. Our magic can hardly get close to him!!"

"He...what is he going to do?"

Ivita looked at them and said: "Two things. One is that I am here to trade magic items. The second thing is that you should pay taxes!"

The witch and the werewolves were stunned.

In such a big battle, the village was surrounded by soldiers, but Ivita said that he was here to trade! !

Is there anyone as domineering as you?

But this is his territory, and it seems like it's okay for him to do this.

The Moonlight Witch was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought absurdly - 'The small magic trade market she opened has been open for so many years. I don't know how much trade has been done during this period, but it seems that she has never paid any money to the local lord. Trade taxes. Could it be that this wizard lord came to ask her for the business taxes that she had escaped over the years? ? ’

The Moonlight Witch shook her head, no, no, no, this is too ridiculous.

The Great Witch of Moonlight said to Ivita: "I am the Marquis of the Witch - a student of the Sea Spirit Witch. Please..."

"Oh, I've heard about your teacher, but she has nothing to do with you." Ivita raised her eyebrows. Based on the average moral level of witches and the average teacher's ethics, she basically doesn't have to worry about who is the student of a certain witch marquis. .

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