The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 374 The family ties of the Alsatian family

A week after Ivita agreed to the assistance of the Mangoya Kingdom and General Antioch, the assistance previously promised to Ivita came to Ivita's territory.

First of all, the Mangoya Kingdom had previously agreed to give him eight hundred troops, a fourth-level knight and a third-level witch. When their army came to Joseph's castle, Ivita stood on the wall and watched. There were groups of mercenary troops wearing chainmail and holding various short-handled weapons, with many first-level professionals mixed in among them.

It can be said that this is a very sophisticated elite force, and at first glance, Ivita found that this force has a very good order.

There may not be such sophisticated troops on the entire Cross Island.

The Mangoya Kingdom was actually willing to give such troops to him, which made Ivita look strange.

As the leader of the troops, Knight Gaoken looked up to the highest point of Joseph's castle, where he felt danger and terror. This made Knight Gaoken frown. If he remembered correctly, he remembered His Majesty telling him, The little prince of Alsace was just a great wizard.

But why would he have the illusion that he participated in slaying the most evil and powerful wizards in the past?

The Goken Knight was riding on horseback, holding a plainly dressed little girl in his right hand. The girl was wearing a pair of blue suspenders and a milky white shirt. The girl looked up at the Goken Knight and said curiously. : "Dad, is this the new place you said we would live in? But this city looks so small."

"This city seems too deserted compared to our country's capital, Lisbon. Will there be good theater and doll shops here? Will there be troubadours here who tell stories to children? How long will it take for us to Return to our homeland?”

Knight Goken frowned. "Shar, I told you a long time ago. We came here after listening to the king's order. We will live here for a long, long time, and I don't know how long."

"Don't let anyone hear what you just said."

"Otherwise, the owner here will be unhappy. After all, this is just an ordinary city in the world of pirates. How can you compare this place with Lisbon."

Knight Gaoken looked at the shabby castle in front of him and sighed. Well, he also admitted that this city was still too desolate and he might not be able to hire a qualified grammar teacher for his daughter.

But since he married a woman from the Alsace family of the Mangoya Kingdom, and now his wife has been killed by the enemy, he must be loyal to the Alsace family.

‘Your Highness is the Alsatian who needs my help. ’ Knight Goken sat on the horse and mentally suggested to himself: ‘I had anticipated this situation when I left Lisbon. ’

In front of the castle, the drawbridge was lowered and the castle gate was also opened.

Knight Gaoken ordered his deputy to let the troops enter the city gate.

But at the same time, he also saw four professionals riding four horses approaching quickly from a distance.

Knight Goken suddenly felt the hairs on his back stand up. Based on experience, he knew that the four people approaching quickly were all ruthless men with bloody hands. He pulled out the battle ax from his back and ordered to the troops behind him: "It could be an enemy attack."

"Line up in a turtle formation, defend first, and then observe the situation."

The troops behind Gaoken Knight immediately started to move after the orders of the herald. In a very short period of time, five hundred infantry formed semi-circular square formations, and combined a hundred artillery troops and a hundred People and cavalry surrounded the center.

Ivita, who saw all this from above the castle, nodded involuntarily, expressing her affirmation of this elite force.

Such a square formation not only has strong defensive power, but also the cavalry troops protected in the middle can attack at any time, and the artillery troops can launch a round of bombing against the outside world at any time.

It can be said that you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat.


The adjutant beside Knight Goken looked into the distance with his binoculars in confusion. "He is a fourth-level church knight. The robe he wears has a golden iris pattern. I think he is a middle-level clergyman in the church. He should be surrounded by high-level rangers, priests and a very A rare professional marksman."

The adjutant paused, then continued: "The sharpshooter's face is as round as a plate, but he is very short. I think he is not from the magical Black Forest, but a barbarian from the vast grasslands outside the Black Forest. . He also has a lot of tattoos on his body... Damn it, how could our employer get into trouble with such a person?"

"I knew this was going to be troublesome."

Knight Gaoken glanced at him coldly and warned: "Are you able to talk about the Alsace family's affairs? If you are unwilling to serve me and His Highness, you can return to Lisbon now."

The adjutant knew that he had made a mistake and quickly explained: "No, no, no... Sir, you know that I didn't mean it. I just complained casually, okay, I was a bit mean. But now there is a fourth-level knight and a third-level knight." A third-level professional is approaching us quickly, what should we do?"

A look of eagerness for war appeared on Knight Goken's face. He handed the girl he was holding in his right hand to his adjutant and threw the giant ax upwards with his left hand. "kill!"

"Let the troops prepare for artillery bombardment, and the cavalry troops be ready to continue the pursuit if the opponent flees."

"Consultant Kriska Griffiths, can you use magic to call up the strong wind and attack the opponent? It doesn't need to cause much damage, it just needs to affect their line of sight."

Next to him, there was a witch wearing a black coat and black gloves riding a black horse. Her name was Chrisja Griffiths.

Kristina Griffiths is the palace advisor of the Mango Tooth Kingdom, serving the king directly, and is also one of the king's experts in magic. After all, there were many witches who tried to control the king with magic such as ecstasy potions. Therefore, there must be some magic experts in the king's court to prevent such evil things from happening.

Kristina Griffiths said to the Gorken Knight: "I am better at curse magic, such as turning people into frogs, maggots, etc., but if you ask me to blow up a strong wind that can cover four people, you can't do it. Difficult. But I advise you to be more cautious, because a high-level professional who suddenly approaches may not be an enemy, especially if the opponent is a member of the church."

Knight Goken turned to look at her and was about to speak when he suddenly saw a vulture hovering above them.

The Hearthstone Witch said to them: "Stop. Those are professionals who are supported by the church, not enemies."

"Don't mistake the target of your attack!"

The Hearthstone Witch fell to the ground in an instant, like a black line hitting the ground in a straight line. The moment she hit the ground, she transformed into a human form again.

She said to the Gorken Knight: "Are you the commander of this unit? Let them stop preparing to attack."

Knight Goken raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Are you the witch next to His Highness? The fourth said that the church directly supports His Highness's four high-level professionals?"

The adjutant shook his head repeatedly. "The Church rarely does this kind of thing. Let alone four high-level professionals, it is very difficult for the Church to support a second-level professional. Even our King cannot let the Church Support him."

Everyone present knows why.

Because what matters is not the professionals who support it, but the attitude of the church.

Everyone can know that if the church supports the four professionals of Ivita, the attitude behind it is not ordinary, and the thoughts hidden in it are definitely not as simple as they appear on the surface.

Knight Gaoken first scolded the adjutant for being 'rude', and at the same time he thought of something.

Before, he had heard from senior officials in the Mango Ya court that Pope Innocent III had asked the monarchs of various countries for the Thirteenth Holy War, asking them to support this sacred cause for the God of all things. And the hard work of war.

As a result, it was perfunctory by the monarchs of other countries.

I heard that the Pope was very dissatisfied with this, especially with the Church’s traditional allies, the Kingdom of Alsace and the two monarchs of the Holy Empire, as well as with the Church’s traditional semi-vassal state, the Principality of Montenegro, and even with the Holy Principality of Brittany. .

The Pope once said - 'It is the God of all things and the head of the church who chooses the king who is above the people, not the king who chooses the church and the God of all things. If the princes were unwilling to contribute to the holy cause, he had only to choose a king from among the poor but pious shepherds. ’

The Gorken Knight swallowed.

Could it be said that now the Pope and the Church have finally made a choice?

Knight Gaoken shook his head, no, no, he shouldn't think nonsense, this might be just ordinary assistance from the church.

Knight Goken said to his adjutant: "Let our little cubs stay out of trouble and come with me into His Highness's castle."

On the other side, the good-looking priest who had met Ivita before had a good sense of Ivita who was deliberately humble to him, so he kept bragging to his colleagues on the road about Ivita's respect for the sacred cause and his humility and courtesy. .

A fourth-level holy knight, Knight Robinson is a very stable and introverted person. He glanced at the passable castle in front of him and said: "As a newly promoted earl, there is really no chance to build a castle suitable for my status. But it doesn’t matter, as long as you are pious to God, even a thatched house can be resplendent.”

"What matters is not material things, but the heart."

The third-level ranger, Locke Ranger, said: "There seems to be troops staying in front. They look very sophisticated."

The good-faced priest began to think. "I remembered that on the day I visited Lord Ivita, I also noticed that there was an envoy from the Mango Tooth Kingdom here."

Master Archer asked strangely: "Mango Tooth Kingdom? They are very well-informed."

The good-looking priest stared at him. "The Mango Tooth Kingdom and the Pearl Tooth Kingdom are both frontline countries facing the heretics. The headquarters of the Inquisition. You'd better not say such things in front of those people from the Mango Tooth Kingdom, my friend. Otherwise, I don't know. They’ll do something.”

Knight Robinson said in a low but steady voice: "In the Magic Black Forest, the two fang countries are the most sensitive and religious areas. Ding, you may not know this very well, so I want to remind you."

Master Marksman Din shrugged. "I didn't expect that Mr. Ivita could get so much help. I really underestimated him before. It seems that this job is not as dangerous as I thought before."

Robinson Knight said: "To completely occupy Cross Island, you must have an army of about 10,000 people. The army does not have to be too elite, but it needs at least a certain number of troops stationed in every key city and town to officially control Cross Island. island."

"That Mr. Ivita may not have so many troops. So it will still be difficult in the future. Let's go, enter the castle, and meet that lord."

In the hall of Viscount Joseph's castle, the rectangular dining table is filled with sumptuous delicacies, from roast goose to roast lamb, roast suckling pig, as well as delicious caviar, foie gras and tender smoked herring, as well as... A hot soup made with vegetables and cream.

More than twenty servants in white dresses walked around the dining table, passing dishes and filling wine glasses to Ivetta, Wilson, the Hearthstone Witch, the Grand Knight of Iron Mountain, and the distinguished guests who had just entered the castle.

Ivita sat on the main seat without moving a word, but looked at the table full of high-level professionals with a smile.

The senior professionals of the Mangoya Kingdom and the church are also secretly observing Ivita's character and conduct.

A person who respects others means that his every move is watched by everyone. Some people try to find his hobbies to please him, and some people try to observe his likes and dislikes to adjust his subsequent words and deeds.

Knight Robinson nodded secretly to Ivita. From the cordial exchanges between Ivita and the servants, it can be known that Ivita is not the kind of lord with an eccentric personality.

Nothing else, except that the character shouldn't be too weird.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to get along with each other next.

Shar, the daughter of the superior knight Goken, suddenly spoke to Ivita: "Brother, are you the lord that Lord Antioch mentioned? Why do you look so young, so young that you seem to be my brother, and Not the majestic Lord."

Knight Goken scolded her: "Watch the tone of your words."

Of course, he didn't apologize to Ivita. He was a fourth-level professional. He was always a guest and honored guest everywhere, and he didn't need to please a count.

It's not that he despises Ivita, it's just that he can get along with Ivita on a relatively equal footing.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Iveta knew that she had to speak. It was not because she was forced to speak, but because everyone had just come into contact with each other, and she needed to show the necessary tolerance, so as to win over people's hearts.

Ivita smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. It's nothing."

At the banquet, everyone also showed some smiles.

Ivita brought some lightness to this slightly serious atmosphere.

Knight Goken stood up, glanced at Knight Robinson, and then said to Ivita: "Mr. Ivita, my Majesty asked me to tell you that the Alsatian family will never give up on their relatives. For the cause of our family..." He took a sip of wine, and when he thought of his wife who died tragically at the hands of the Franks, he roared like a beast. "Cheers to our family's business."

Ivita was stunned for a moment, and then she guessed something. "I heard that Mr. Goken's wife is my cousin, so we are a family."

"One family does not speak two languages."

"If given the chance, I will make our enemies pay with blood."

When Knight Goken turned his head, tears seemed to appear in his eyes. Every time he mentioned his deceased wife, he would be very sad.

Hearing this, Knight Robinson and the people from the Holy See looked at each other in horror.

Ivita is actually a member of the Alsatian family.

Did General Antiochus know this?

No, he must know.

Robinson Knight quickly regained his composure. For him, all he had to do was do his own thing. No matter what Ivita's identity was, he would assist Ivita.

The good-faced priest and ranger master beside him were having a heated discussion.

Only now did they discover that General Antioch might want them to help Ivita conquer not only Cross Island, but a larger territory.

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