The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 378 Poseidon’s Revenge on Humanity

Almost everyone present was surprised by this sudden turn of events. Ivita finally understood why the Tide Witch and the Sea Spirit Witch, as Witch Marquises, had to serve as subordinates to wizards who were far inferior to themselves, and why the Moonlight Witch would They are not even human beings, let alone witches.

These two witches are simply clones of the pagan sea gods.

It seems that Marco Anson once broke her body into pieces, so she has been secretly plotting in order to put her body back together again.

Ivita thought for a while and realized that she might have inadvertently helped this female Poseidon. Because her behavior of exploring the disappeared territory caused the death of the governor, it probably gave the female Poseidon great convenience in resurrecting herself.

Then the map that the Moonlight Great Witch gave her was probably not a secret to quickly advance to the fourth level, but the place where the Poseidon was resurrected.

But why would Poseidon give such a thing to a mere great witch, the Moonlight Witch?

Although this behavior does not cause any loss to the female Poseidon, it should not benefit her at all.

‘This kind of change now is not necessarily a bad thing for me. Let’s see what the female Poseidon wants to do when she is resurrected, and then I will decide what to do. ’ Ivita thought. At this time, he noticed a gaze staring behind him. When he looked back, there was no one there. 'It seems like someone has been spying on me, but they have no ill intentions toward me. ’

‘To be able to keep so many of my subordinates from spying on me seems to be a big deal. Considering that the female Poseidon has appeared and the other party is still staring at me, then there is a high probability that the other party is not an enemy...'

The Tide Witch raised her hands and screamed loudly at the sky. Suddenly her body turned into fish and shrimps. All of them jumped to the ground and entered the huge water man behind the Tide Witch. .

At the same time, the sky became dark and cloudy, with lightning and thunder everywhere, and heavy rain poured down on the small town of Hattings.

In an instant, the ground in the town of Hattings was covered in mud.

A large number of dead spirits rose into the sky from the competition venue and entered the body of the giant water man.

Count Shirkler narrowed his eyes and said angrily: "Bitch, you actually tricked me?"

He raised his right hand prosthesis, and the right limb immediately began to change shape. A wooden cheetah crawled out of his right hand, and at the same time a wooden tiger crawled out of his left prosthetic leg. Two prosthetic magical creatures rushed towards him. Towards the giant water man.

Count Shirkler said angrily: "Let my two good friends bite you to death. Whenever these two good friends of mine go out, they must end up biting someone to death."

In other words, this magic of his will definitely take away two lives.

Unexpectedly, when the wooden cheetah and wooden tiger he summoned rushed to the body of the huge water giant, the two crabs in the water giant's body rushed over on their own initiative, allowing the wooden cheetah and wooden tiger to bite them to death.

Then, in Shirkler's horrified eyes, the wooden cheetah and wooden tiger returned to him again.

Shirkler didn't expect that the magic he relied on to kill countless people would be broken by the goddess of the sea in such a ridiculous way.

The water giant transformed by Poseidon is getting bigger and bigger.

The water giant walked towards Sirkel, and all Sirkle's soldiers who stood in front of her were trampled to death. Wherever he passed, corpses lay everywhere.

Count Sirkle looked at this scene in horror. The goddess Poseidon had been with him for too long and knew him too well, so she could easily decipher his methods.

Count Shirkler said to the two fourth-level high-ranking knights behind him: " her quickly."


"How can there be such a thing in this sea? I am too careless."

The two high-ranking knights of the fourth level quickly gathered their evil aura weapons to fight against the female Poseidon who was approaching them. However, their mortal bodies were like chickens and dogs in front of the terrifying Poseidon giant. The malicious aura of the two of them was like a river. He rushed towards the body of the female Poseidon. The next moment, the body of the female Poseidon seemed to have two holes, from which a large amount of sea water flowed out.

The surge of sea water actually pushed back the sword power composed of their evil aura.

On the other side, Count Rosrolov held a black-gold gilt double-barreled musket and pointed it at the head of the Sea Spirit Witch, "What spell are you chanting? Stop it immediately?"

The next moment, the knight swords of two great knights and a high-ranking knight were placed on the neck of the Sea Spirit Witch.

The Sea Spirit Witch stopped reciting the spell, smiled coquettishly, and covered the corners of her mouth with her fingers, losing all of her previous deference to the earl. "We've been working on it for a long time, but you still haven't figured out our purpose."

"Myself and I are deliberately trying to get close to you and gain your trust. We want you to hold a competition here - the place where Marco Anson sealed me, so that a large number of spiritual beings caused by the violent deaths of high-level professionals can accumulate. Here, cause damage to the seal.”

"Sixty years ago, Marco Anson fell in love with me, deceived me, used my kindness to him to hurt me, cut off my head, and sealed it in the deep sea. At the same time, my Out of the motivation of self-preservation, all the divine powers automatically turned into clones of dozens of weak witches. It took decades for us to regain the power of the two witch marquises through continuous fusion."

"To resurrect the sea, two conditions must be met. First, the seal sealing my head is destroyed; second, all my divine clones must be gathered into one person."

"But to achieve this goal, we have to temporarily rely on the power of mortals, which makes us extremely sick."

Her voice appeared throughout the competition, but everyone who heard her voice felt dizzy and brain-ache, like a bug crawling around in your brain.

In the stands, Ivita instantly noticed something was wrong.

Aggregate clones?

He turned his head to look at the giant water man transformed by the Tide Witch. As expected, he saw the huge sea god water giant. He actually ignored Count Hilkle and his two high-ranking knight subordinates who had been clamoring to attack her, and turned around. He stretched out his hand and grabbed an official witch from Count Shirkler's side.

The official witch screamed and was sucked in from the palm of the water giant's hand.

Ivita understood. ‘Poseidon’s first purpose is not to kill, but to take back her divine clones scattered outside. These divine clones are strong and weak, and they all use the identities of witches to cover up their identities. But I am afraid that some of the divine clones have lost their memories of when they were Poseidon. ’

Iveta was surprised to see the Moonlight Witch, who was wearing a black hood to hide her eyes from the crowd, but she was hiding in the crowd. At this moment, she turned around hurriedly to escape from the crowd and left the town far away.

But Ivita knew it was in vain.

Because, the moment the Poseidon appeared, the sky started to rain. The rain and dark clouds had powerful divine power, enough to trap everyone in the entire town.

Ivita. ‘Why is she here too? I'm afraid that the Moonlight Great Witch hasn't given up on the opportunity to quickly advance to the senior witch in the so-called lotus, so she came here to try her luck. Wait a minute...if we assume that the Great Witch of Moonlight is also the divine avatar of Poseidon...'

‘That would explain why Poseidon gave her a map of the resurrection location, and why her attitude suddenly changed and she stopped killing her. ’

As the huge water giants continued to find the divine clones of the female Poseidon in the crowd, the female Poseidon was getting closer and closer to resurrection and becoming more and more powerful. She used one hand to fight against Count Shirkler and Rhodes. Count Roloff's army.

Count Rozrolov's Type 4 pirate component double-barreled pistol has been swept away by a waterspout that suddenly fell from the sky.

Count Rozrolov himself summoned a giant nightmare bird to attack the water giant. However, such an attack basically just tickled the Poseidon Giant. The Poseidon Giant grabbed the wings of the nightmare bird and actually killed it. Throw it into the sea, and use a dozen huge whirlpools to divide the body of the nightmare bird.

The nightmare energy dispersed after the death of the giant nightmare bird even polluted a large area of ​​​​the sea.

Count Rozrolov kept summoning monsters from the Nightmare Legion to attack the Poseidon, but to no avail. His army was also repelled several times by the tides summoned by the Poseidon.

Count Rozrolov gritted his teeth. "Damn it, you were the one who instigated me to seize the upper city. Now, you have betrayed me. It's all lies. It's all lies."

"How dare you deceive a high-ranking wizard."

"I want you to die badly."

A giant nightmare snake appeared behind him. The snake's whole body was covered in burning nightmare flames. As soon as it appeared, ordinary people nearby fainted and fell into a terrifying and long nightmare world.

the Hearthstone Witch exclaimed in Yvitar's ear. "Your Majesty, that giant nightmare snake is a deep product of the nightmare world. It is a very famous nightmare creature. We all call it [Akaloyd]. It is known as the most terrifying object in mortal dreams. Its snake eyes He can peek into the most feared things in anyone's heart. I didn't expect that the wizard pirate captain has such a high level of integration into the nightmare world."

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

Ivita did not answer, but continued to observe the battle between the two counts and their armies and Poseidon.

Count Rozrolov had just summoned the giant nightmare snake, and the giant snake stared at the eyes of the giant female Poseidon, and the giant snake actually uttered human words. "Let me see what you are most afraid of, what are you most afraid of..."

The giant snake's pupils suddenly dilated, and then kept retreating. "You're scared……"

"You're scared……"

"Count Rozrolov, run away. When I left here, I saw destruction. The huge tsunami killed all mortals. This god hates people extremely..."

The next moment, it was choked by the water giant formed by the female Poseidon. The giant snake looked at the female Poseidon in horror.

It was not sure whether what it saw was really what Poseidon was most afraid of.

The Sea Spirit Witch floats in mid-air, with the divine radiance unique to a true god in her eyes. "Once upon a time, I had great protection for mankind. I am the true God, and mankind's faith is only poisonous to me and full of the power of blindness and ignorance, but I will still respond to their prayers. Later, the believers of the God of All Things came, Those are the followers of the Creator, so I tell my followers to stay away.”

"But later..."

"Marco Anson set foot on this land. He deceived me and made me fall in love with someone I shouldn't have loved. For humans, true love may be the most beautiful thing, but for gods, falling in love with someone Being a human is equivalent to giving up divinity and lowering one's own status. Marco Anson made a move on me during the period of weakness caused by my love for him, and those witch queens, I want them Don’t die well.”

"Marco Anson tried to conquer the ocean by conquering me. He never thought of living in peace with the ocean."

"Human beings keep hurting me, even the sea is angry."

The Sea Spirit Witch glanced at every human present indifferently. "For thousands of years, you have thrown all the garbage at me, and I have never complained. I have silently purified the water for you, but I have only received complete betrayal and lies. I know that the human beings present There may not be a good person among them.”

"But I am a bad person now. So please die together."

"When I am fully resurrected, the entire Cross Island will sink!"

All the pirates present fell silent.

Counts Rozrolov and Shirkler all shouted to the pirates and sixteen counts around them. "Do you hear this, this is a crisis for all of us and you won't let your troops support us?"

"When our army is defeated, all of you will die. Everyone, please send your own troops."

But in fact, Count Rozrolov and Count Shirkler only let a few high-level professionals go up to resist the goddess of the sea, and instead let their troops retreat.

These two people obviously wanted to preserve their strength.

Floating in mid-air, and full of divinity and magic in the heavy rain, the female Poseidon suddenly closed her eyes and muttered to herself very strangely, as if she was having a conversation with someone. "I know, I really have to thank you for this matter. I have not forgotten your friendship. The Citadel and I are the best friends."

"I said, I will support your ideals."

"But can you wait a moment, I'm not fully resurrected yet!"

Ivita, who was in the stands, looked at Poseidon's clone, the Sea Spirit Witch, strangely. "Who is she talking to? Is there another secret behind this matter?"

Hearthstone Witch and Wilson looked at Ivita, "Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

Ivita knocked on the armrest of the seat, "Stay still for now. I don't want my army to die for others, especially Count Shirkler who simply wants to find a scapegoat."

"The situation is unclear now. Blue Fantasy Witch, you create an illusion first to protect me and my troops. Hearthstone Witch, you keep the Gorken Knight and Robinson Knight on standby, and have the army form a defensive formation. Keep the High Ranger alert. , observe the surroundings.”

Wilson said to Ivita: "But sir, even if we don't attack the Poseidon, we still have to find a way to leave."

Just as Ivita was about to speak, a man in a white robe trotted over from a distance, walked to the high platform, came to Ivita, and whispered: "Please wait a moment, Lord Ivita, and keep your army stationary. I am a member of the church. The resurrection of the goddess Poseidon this time was within our expectations."

"The reason why we didn't deal with her in advance is to create opportunities for you to get rid of some people who shouldn't exist."

"His Majesty the Pope asked me to tell you something - 'devout believers will definitely get help from God'. In addition, the people in this knight competition today are not as simple as you think. Just take a look, okay. The drama is yet to come.”

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