Ivita also noticed the woman behind her.

Rayleigh even stood in front of him, treating himself as Ivita's human shield. This was much more loyal than some witches.

And Black Wolf also drew his sword against the woman. "Who are you?"

Ivita was ready to release the triple ring's damage spell at any time, and after turning around to face the squatting woman, she slowly backed away.

The old witch thought for a moment and said, "Don't worry, this thing won't hurt you. It's just an phantom."

"The era when she actually existed should have been thousands of years ago. But she left a magic on this stone wall. I'm afraid the switch that triggers this magic is to open the book in my hand right here."

"And she shouldn't be a human, but a humanoid creature like a blood bird or an eagle."

"Haha, thousands of years ago, the Ambrose Basin was full of these alien races. Later, they were killed by humans. They were so scared that humans won the final victory."

Only then did Ivita notice the 'woman' squatting on the ground, with some black and silver feathers between her neck.

This guy is definitely not human.

You just can't tell if you don't look carefully.

The woman suddenly spoke. "When did even witches love the human race so much? Has the world changed after a thousand years?"

The old witch puffed up her chest and said very proudly: "We witches have done all kinds of bad things, but we have never betrayed humans!"

"So, the druids are being hunted to the point of extinction, while we witches are still prosperous despite being hated by everyone."

"That's why."

The 'woman' squatting on the ground was silent for a while.

She said: "Actually, I betrayed you, but..."

"The Druids did not stand on the side of non-human beings. The civilization they chose at that time was just a little special, but it was still human. It's just a pity..."

The old witch was bewildered.

Because it involves things that happened thousands of years ago, she actually doesn’t know very clearly.

Regarding the civilization supported by druids, her teachers were very taboo about it and rarely talked about it.

But after all, this was what a phantom said from thousands of years ago. She snorted coldly and did not choose to believe it.

The woman suddenly looked at Ivita and the obsidian ring on Ivita's thumb, "The meeting ring of the druids. Since you have this thing, maybe we can be friends."

"The order in Viscount Ambrose is about to fall into chaos."

"Everything here will be overturned soon. Do you want to join our Alliance of Children of the Forest?"

Ivita looked at the old witch. The old witch had said that her beloved disciple had done something great.

The key is, what did your apprentice do to cause chaos in Viscount Ambrose's independent country?

Enemies from thousands of years ago have revived again.

Ivita shook her head at the 'woman'. "I am the future king of Alsace, and I will not betray humanity for the sake of a failed race!"

Who knew that the woman actually laughed after hearing this. "Hahahaha... No wonder the druids gave you the conference ring."

"He is actually a descendant of the Alsace Sinful Family, hahahaha... There are actually people from that family still alive, and they are still alive today."

"It's really not easy."

"But I guess they won't make it easy for you Alsatian criminals."

"The Alsace family actually said that they would not betray, hahaha..."

Ivita was confused. Is the Alsace royal family a sinner?

What did the Alsace royal family do to deserve to be called a sinner?

Thousands of years ago, it seemed that humans had not yet fully dominated this continent and were fighting with various races. So what role did the Alsatian royal family play at that time?

Could it be that there are more secrets behind the Alsace family losing their throne? !

Moreover, this conference ring is so famous that even a deceased person who has been dead for many years can recognize it at a glance.

What exactly is this conference ring?

Is there really no problem if I run around with a Druid's conference ring...

Now I have my own problem.

The royal family of Alsace, the druids, and the old witch were also around. By the way, the old witch thought she was a demon from subspace.

I have almost become a label box for anti-humanity forces.

The Great Witch of Hearthstone said to Ivita: "Your Majesty, do not listen to the nonsense of a phantom from a thousand years ago."

"Her time has stopped thousands of years ago."

"Your Majesty?" The woman turned around, revealing a beautiful face, so beautiful that it could even attract people's souls.

She looked at Ivita in confusion, "It's weird that you call this human child a being from the subspace. Wait, my eyes can't see through his soul, I can only see his body."

"Even if it spans two thousand six hundred and twenty-two years, it shouldn't be like this."

"The only possibility..."

Suddenly, her expression changed, and she actually bowed to Ivita and gave a standard salute.

"The Grand Duke of the Forest salutes you as great as you. I didn't notice your identity before. It seems that you have also noticed that the Thousand Years Fire has reached its limit, so you chose the descendants of the sinners as the carrier of its descent."

“The fire is extinguished, the law is weakened, and the order is overturned.”

"I appeared to kill the reader who opened the Forbidden Book of Ambrose, so that the book would never be seen by humans. My spell was not cast on the stone wall, but on the book of."

"But since it fell into your hands, it means that humans will never get this book."

"Thank you for keeping the forbidden book for us."

Ivita: "..."

Don't make it sound like I'm the ultimate anti-human force.

This woman from thousands of years ago was actually led astray by the old witch.

I borrowed the names of six god kings, which caused me to be a bit abnormal, but I am not a demon god.

This old witch tells others that she is a demon when she meets someone, and she leads one person astray. What if this spreads far and attracts people to the church? !

The Great Witch of Hearthstone! When the time comes, will you be responsible for explaining it to the church for me? !

The woman suddenly raised her head, blood flowed from her eyes, and her body began to crack like a broken mirror.

The blood flowing out of the corners of his eyes turned into blood beads, flying upward strangely.

She threw her head back and screamed hysterically, her voice hoarse like a man's, not the beautiful and soft voice of a woman just now.

"I make the following prophecy in the name of the Archduke of the Sixth Estate, Ruler of the Children of the Forest, and the Archduke of the Forest."

"Next, Ambrose will leave the age of peace and enter the age of blood and fire, the age of swords and betrayal, and the age of human weakness."

"The following disasters will occur in this land."

"The first disaster was when the land began to wither and humans did not get the food they deserved."

“The second disaster was when the Po River ran red with human blood.”

"The third disaster was when rats infested the city of Ambrose, and the bones of my people who had been suppressed for thousands of years emerged from under the land of Ambrose."

"The blood of the children of the forest for thousands of years must be repaid with thirty times the blood of humans."

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