The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 385 Unified Cross Island

Ivita looked at the dragon scales on her hand and frowned. There seemed to be a serious imbalance in the power attributes in her body.

This is most likely caused by the fact that he has been staying at sea for a long time, which has enhanced the power of Quetzalcoatl. It seems that he cannot stay at sea for a long time.

Ivita said to Wilson and others: "Check our troops to see how many people are injured, and then check the surviving people in the town of Hattings."

Wilson lowered his head and said, "Yes."

After more than two hours of inspection, Wilson reported to Ivita that unfortunately, all the counts who came to Cross Island for an appointment died in the battle between the servants of the Black Death, Poseidon and the pirates.

Earl Daun and other three Earls who had previously wanted to establish friendship with Ivita were also included.

And Countess Simic, who had previously wanted to establish an alliance with Ivita to protect herself, is now a soaked corpse, and her death was extremely miserable.

As for ordinary people, they have no chance of surviving.

Only some great knights survived because they had the ability to resist natural disasters and were not targeted by Black Death servants and Poseidon because their levels were too high.

In this way, it means that except for Ivita and the people on the church side, who have almost nothing to do because of Ivita's protection, except for some people who were injured by the servants of the Black Death, the entire town of Hattings actually Almost no one survived.

Ivita said to Wilson: "Those earls are basically protected by high-level professionals, and there are many ordinary soldiers who will voluntarily die for them, so why do these earls still die?"

Wilson took Ivita to where the bodies of the earls were. Ivita immediately saw the clues, because next to the bodies of the earls there were the bodies of assassins from the Little Lutheran Brotherhood.

The Hearthstone Witch stepped forward and laughed sharply. "So that's it."

"I'm afraid that Count Shirkler and Count Rosrolov have already asked assassins to ambush the Counts of Cross Island before. If the fight between their two forces becomes too fierce, in order to prevent the other Counts from watching the show. Instead, gaining an advantage would allow assassins to assassinate these counts. These counts died at the hands of the Black Death, Poseidon, and assassins."

Iveta looked thoughtful.

As a result, almost all high-level nobles and high-level professionals on Cross Island died here.

A vacuum of power appeared on the entire Cross Island.

Ivita said to Wilson: "Immediately ask Tartax to compile a list of the high-ranking noble heirs on the entire Cross Island. Wilson, you and the Great Witch of Blue Magic and the Great Witch of Dead Cow will find a way to make those territorial heirs loyal to me. If When I sensed that there was an heir to the territory who was dissatisfied with me, I tried to find a way to get rid of him and replace him with another heir to the territory."

"Hearthstone Witch, Gorken Knight, Robinson Knight, we will head to Central Port immediately."

"Without further ado."

"Leave immediately."

Knight Goken and Knight Robinson looked strange.

Who would have thought that Ivita was just participating in a relatively regular knight competition, and all the top officials of the entire Cross Island died.

However, this may have been within the church’s advance expectations.

Everyone expressed their surrender and approval to Ivita.

At this time, Priest No. 333 came over with Wensk, who was very awkward and guilty, and said to Ivita: "Mr. Ivita, now that all the senior officials of Cross Island are dead, Cross Island is yours."

Iveta could clearly tell the difference between what was already his own and what was most likely to be his own. He waved his hand and said, "Cross Island is the pirates' base."

“It’s hard to say what will happen in the future.”

Priest No. 333 smiled and said: "Although the development of things is a bit unexpected, and Mr. Wenske did not obtain the power of a superior knight, we did intercept the power of Poseidon. In this way, the Western Mediterranean will return to its former peace. .”

"It's time for us to leave. You are busy, so there is no need to see us off."

Ivita nodded to him. "Nice to meet you."

Although Wenske was not angry, of course he could only follow Priest No. 333 and leave here quickly when faced with this situation.

As soon as the people from the church left, Ivita ordered his army to march towards Central Harbor because he suspected one thing, that is, the previous tsunami not only destroyed the town of Hattings, but also destroyed the upper city of Central Harbor. Defense force.

If you don't seize the upper city first before everyone can react, you will miss the opportunity and the fruits of victory will be grabbed by others.

Now, when the tsunami killed all the ordinary people in the town of Hattings and no one knew about the tragedy that happened in the town of Hattings, it was a golden opportunity to occupy the position of the governor.

The town was originally very close to the upper city. Ivita led the army to walk for half a day and arrived at the city as night fell.

Surprisingly, this huge city built on the shore will certainly suffer heavy losses due to the tsunami at this moment. The city walls were washed away, the towers collapsed, and the city guard was paralyzed.

At this moment, Ivita's army approaches the city.

There was almost no reaction from Shangcheng.

Knight Goken and Knight Robinson came over and said to Ivita: "Each wall of the upper city has hundreds of artillery. If any troops attack the upper city, they will encounter a rain of shells. But now, because of the tsunami, , the gunpowder should have been soaked by sea water. In other words, the artillery in the upper city is no longer usable. Their walls have also been destroyed."

"Judging from the lack of any patrol troops on the other side's remaining city walls, the order in the upper city is out of control."

"In this city of sin, so many people want it and make countless efforts, but in the end they get nothing."

"With failure."

"But this sinful city didn't expect that it could be obtained by you so easily."

Ivita said: "The tsunami incident was purely an accident. It can only be said that fighting the ocean goddess on the sea is extremely stupid."

"After all, the walls of the upper city were destroyed by the ocean goddess."

"You can arrange your own attack plan. I hope we will enter Central Port tomorrow."

The attack lasted only one day, and by the afternoon of the next day, Ivita's army had controlled all the remaining troops and militia self-defense forces in the upper city, and Ivita also entered the administrative buildings of the upper city.

Only then did Iveta realize why the upper city was captured so easily.

The reasons are complex.

First of all, Count Shirkler and Count Lozrolov had been engaged in a war of attrition against the upper city for half a year. When it was about the same time, they decided to use the knight competition to determine the winner between them. Negative, secondly, it turned out that before the start of the knight competition, more than a dozen servants of the second stage of the Black Death appeared in the upper city, killing people in the upper city.

Directly kill the last remaining superior knight pirate in the upper city.

He also destroyed most of the upper-class nobles in the upper city.

Then, before the city could recover, the tsunami happened in the town of Hattings.

In this way, the Sin City with a population of half a million easily fell into the hands of Ivita.

Ivita immediately asked Knight Goken and Knight Robinson to maintain order in the upper city, immediately punish those who fought, forcibly punish those who stole and robbed, and prevented refugees from escaping from the city, instead organizing manpower to restore the city. Damaged buildings.

Ivita stood on the tallest building in the upper city, overlooking the entire busy city that had restored order, with the figure of the Hearthstone Witch appearing behind him.

The Hearthstone Witch said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

"Do you want to get familiar with the light soul first, or go to the most precious place hidden in this city - the body of the Seven Seas Code of Laws."

Ivita looked up at the sunset in the sky. He could feel a mysterious power coming into his body. It should be the so-called law recognizing him as the governor.

According to the rules of governance here, the leader of the army who gets the upper city is the big pirate who stands above all pirates.

Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch: "Now we occupy the position of the Governor. But if the upper city is destroyed, I am afraid that some ignorant little pirates will attack us. The troops of those little pirates gather here Together, it is also a huge power. Therefore, I don’t have time to understand the light soul specifically now."

"The defense capabilities of the upper city must be restored as soon as possible."

"Let's talk while walking."

"Now there is only one final step left to give this land real rule and end the chaotic rule that began on this island sixty years ago."

"Providing stable rule to the people is the basic obligation of all rulers."

As Ivita stood in front of the window and said these words, his heart beat suddenly and accelerated, and then he had a mysterious feeling and looked at a place in the center of the upper city.

It was the law that resonated with him.

‘That should be where the body of the law is. ’

‘The upper town was built around this. ’

‘It’s calling me. ’

Ivita clenched her fists. Cross Island was divided and chaotic, so once unified, it would gain powerful power. This power would be enough to help her get Ambrose and then attack Alsace.

In fact, in the history of the earth, newly unified civilizations often cause great harm to civilizations that have been unified for a long time.

This is also normal.

Naturally, there would be no need for so many armies and warriors after unification. Only after unification would a large number of civilian officials be needed to maintain governance.

In divided places, the forces of all parties are mixed, and it is often necessary to maintain a large number of troops.

During the period of feudal division, these armies were all used to fight against each other internally and hurt each other. But as long as they were unified, these armies would unite and attack the outside world, bursting out with powerful force.

Cross Island and Ambrose are divided areas.

As long as they can unify themselves, they may threaten the already weakened Kingdom of Alsace.

"The church may help me, and the Pearl Tooth Kingdom can lend troops. It seems like it's the right time." Ivita thought about it. The key is that her magical power combined is equivalent to the power of the Witch Marquis.

Such power, coupled with secular armies and some political intrigue, was enough to threaten the declining Alsace.

What's more, he still holds great righteousness.

When he was weak, the Kingdom of Alsace might be monolithic, but when he was strong, there would be people in the Kingdom of Alsace who wanted to contact him.

The Hearthstone Witch looked at Ivita in a daze and said, "Your Majesty?"

"Follow me." Ivita transformed into a peregrine falcon, flew high in the sky, and quickly headed to the place in the upper city that carried the body of the law.

After searching for a while at high altitude, Ivita quickly located an abandoned well in a residential area.

The diameter of that deserted well is about one hundred meters.

It looks like a cube, which looks unremarkable, except that a thick iron chain is placed in the middle. The iron chain is about as thick as two people.

The chain is already rusty.

Ivita thought for a moment and realized that the deserted well was similar to the Longsuojing on Earth in her previous life, but it was only used to balance the water level.

But it was this place that resonated with me.

Ivita lingered at the mouth of the dragon-locking well for a moment, staring at the deep well mouth, and suddenly realized that this should be the last divine spring.

I am afraid that people who went to the city ignored this huge well, thinking it was some kind of ancient building left behind, and completely forgot that this well was a sacred place that was once cherished by the people of Cross Island.

However, this is the reality.

No one can refute the rumors created by those who win and survive, because the losers have become bones.

"The laws of the Seven Seas Code are grafted onto the laws of the Divine Spring." Ivita said, "I'll fly down first and take a look."

The vulture transformed by the Hearthstone Witch followed closely behind Ivita, "Wait a moment, Your Majesty, let me first see how deep this well is."

The vulture swooped down to the ground, picked up a stone, then grabbed the stone and threw the stone into the deep well. However, after waiting for a long time, there was no sound of the stone falling into the water or the ground.

Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch looked at each other.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "There is something strange about this divine spring. Do you really want to go down?"

Ivita thought for a moment, and then recited a spell. A huge giant appeared behind him, and the giant fell into the deep well.

Ivita said: "Using a clone to enter this transformed divine spring can avoid danger. Even if the clone dies, to me, it means that the magic has failed."

"Huh? This wellhead...can't do it."

"This is not a well at all."

The giant clone fell into the deep well, as if falling into the entrance to the center of the earth. All that was left in his ears was the whistling of the wind and the water droplets floating in the air.

The water below the well seemed to be boiling, and water vapor kept flying up from the bottom.

Then, after another period of darkness, darkness and monotony, Ivita's clone suddenly saw many rock houses on the rock wall of the well. There were actually many residents in this well!

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