The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 392 The Tomb King and the Sun Cult

While the Hearthstone Witch was talking to the Grand Witch of the port city, Ivita said to the Hearthstone Witch: "Hearthstone Witch, please stop arguing. From the beginning, I didn't want to defend this city."

The Hearthstone Witch and the Grand Witch looked at Ivita at the same time.

The Hearthstone Witch looked proudly at the strange Grand Witch. "Did you see that? Don't take us for granted."

The great witch of the port city was extremely sad and said to Ivita: "My lord, you are one of the heirs to the Iron Crown. If you want to inherit the Iron Crown, you must not abandon your responsibilities."

Ivita asked her: "Is it because of those Zerg that you don't let the merchants and outsider merchants in this city leave the city and enter the Principality of Lombardy?"

The big witch shook her head. "No. Ever since the Iron Crown lost control and gave up using laws to control the country, instead using the walking dead to control the country, many strange things have happened in this country."

"Even time is out of whack."

"Many monsters that disappeared long ago have reappeared in this land, and many enemies that were supposed to be in this land in the future have also appeared in this land. The order of the country and the morality of the people have been destroyed, but Now we have to face all the enemies of the past thousand years and the next thousand years, as well as the abyss of chaos."

"They are not allowed to go out because there are more terrible dangers."

The Great Witch added: "There were some heirs who went to the Principality of Lombardy before, thinking that they could inherit this country, but they never came back. I think they should have died at the hands of the enemies in the wilderness. "

Ivita nodded. "I see. Then let me tell you, I didn't bring the army here. It's impossible to confront those Zerg head-on."

"Simply put, it just can't be done. It's not something that humans can do."

The big witch's eyes widened, a little desperate.

Ivita said to her: "But I see that your city is only less than 10,000 people, so it is not big. I can use teleportation magic to take away most of them."

Now it was the Hearthstone Witch's turn to be frightened together with the strange Grand Witch.

The great witch looked at Ivita in stunned silence. She didn't expect that this was Ivita's method.

But is it really possible for a wizard to teleport such a large unit?

The Hearthstone Witch warned Ivita: "Your Majesty, magic on this scale is a magical power that only the most powerful Witch Marquis and Witch Queen can possess. No matter how powerful your light soul is, this will not affect you." It’s still too risky.”

"It is in our interests to abandon these ordinary people and let them be killed by the Zerg."

"Why should we save those ordinary people?"

Ivita shook her head. "I'm not too kind. But the biggest reason why I came here is to see if I can inherit this country. If I don't have the ability, forget it, but if I can trust the people of this country - the country I want to inherit, The people were brutally massacred by a swarm of bugs.”

Ivita clenched her fists. "Then what dignity do I have to talk about inheritance here?"

"As a ruler, if you can't protect the people, then why do the people need their own rulers?"

At that time, fifteen minutes had passed, and the defensive line of soldiers in the port city was overwhelmed by the sea of ​​insects.

The huge sea of ​​cockroaches has killed all the enemies they encountered.

The remaining soldiers, covered in blood, used their last bit of strength to scream and not make any retreat from the sea of ​​​​insects, but the enemy would not stop because of their sacrifice for justice, but because they were all injured, they used A more fierce offensive came forward.

But at this moment, dark clouds filled the sky. Ivita used her light soul to illuminate the entire sky of the port city, and used her light soul in the sky to distort the laws of physics and rebuild her own idealistic system.

The sky melts into gold at dusk.

The sun gradually distorted, and a huge golden flaming phoenix flew out from the sun. The first moment the flaming phoenix appeared, it burned countless insect swarms.

No matter what kind of insect they were, they were burned to ashes in an instant.

At this moment, everyone around felt the terrifying power of Ivita using her light soul with all her strength.

When Ivita was in the stage of a great wizard, her power was close to that of the Witch Marquis because of the Heavenly Palace of Souls, not to mention that he was now a high wizard with a light soul poured out of the godhead of a pagan god.

In the distance of the insect swarm battlefield, three people are wandering in the flames of the Chaos Abyss. They look like humans and insects. Their upper bodies are the graceful bodies of beautiful human beings. They wear gold braided underwear. They have plump buttocks and fat breasts, but their lower bodies are as fat as queen ants. .

The three insect queens of the Chaos Abyss stood on the top of the hill, discussing with each other, and looked at the tyrannical spiritual power in the sky in the distance in amazement.

"A very powerful spiritual body appeared in that city. I didn't expect that such a powerful individual still exists in this country."

"That body uses its own mind to change the surrounding city at will. It must have come to the city recently, otherwise we should have known of his existence."

"Both of you, control the army and press it forward. No matter how strong an individual is, when they are exhausted, an individual cannot defeat the army."

The insect queen in purple underwear sneered. "Exhausted? Haven't you discovered that the magic power behind the spiritual power released by the wizard is endless? He probably has infinite magic power."

"Moreover, if the other party uses his own spiritual power to reverse the laws of physics, he can never get tired again."

"However, even if there is only a slight accumulation of damage, if there is too much, fatal injuries will still occur. It is foolish to fight against an army created by 300,000 abyss demonic insects. Everything is a breeding ground for the Chaos Abyss."

Next to the hill where the three insect queens were, corpses lay everywhere. Countless ironworm-like abyssal protozoa were drilling on the corpses of these animals, humans, and some abnormal creatures. Each adult cockroach was able to hatch out.

What the three insect queens said was true. To fight against the Chaos Abyss, one must be prepared to fight endless enemies.

But the three insect queens were also very nervous.

Because the spiritual power displayed by the other party is too powerful, it is extremely rare even in the abyss of chaos.

Farther away, in an ancient tomb, a monster with black fur pushed open his coffin. He climbed out of the sarcophagus in confusion and glanced at the zombie subordinates kneeling beside him. them.


He should have been killed by the heir of Lombardy with a sword. Why can he crawl out of the sarcophagus now?

The zombies around him began to praise him.

"Great Tomb King, great rebel, you lead us to resist the rule of the Iron Crown. As the son of the king who inherits the blood of the Iron Crown, you lead us to become the rebels of Lombardy."

The Tomb King took off the crown from his head with doubtful eyes. "This [Time Stop Crown] should have been cut in half by the Iron King. Why is it still intact now?"

"I seem to... understand something. The Iron Crown seems to have fallen, and time in this country has been chaotic. I am in the past time and space, the time and space where I am still alive, but I can step into the future time and space."

The Tomb King stepped out of his sarcophagus. "I am resurrected. This is my second chance. Only by completely destroying the Iron Crown can we be free after death. It is completely wrong for a law to bind even the dead."

Suddenly, he looked at the southern sky and saw that the distant skyline suddenly became much brighter.

The light even made him cover his eyes with his hands.

"No, this is too bright, too bright." The Tomb King found it dazzling. "That disgusting light, there is a wizard causing trouble in this land. This power is even more powerful than the witch who was around the Iron King at the time."

"But that is already the Witch Marquis. It seems that I have another enemy on my way to destroy this backward Iron Crown."

The Tomb King turned to look at the rows of zombies kneeling in front of him and said: "Although I don't know why it is like this now. But our opportunity to revenge against the Iron Crown has come. I, the Tomb King, will Will lead you to freedom. From now on, kill all the heirs of the Iron Crown, we are all victims of the Iron Crown!"

Many zombies showed their fangs to express their anger and surprise.

Farther away, on a circular altar filled with candles, a group of men in black were praying to the sun. The black-clothed leader of the Sun God Sect was sitting in the middle of the altar performing a ceremony. Suddenly, the flames of all the candles on the altar lit up. It suddenly surged, and then went out one by one. Every time a candle was extinguished, a member of the congregation who was chanting the cult's teachings would fall down and die.

After the last candle went out.

The leader opened his eyes, sweating profusely, and announced to the congregation: "The séance ritual is easily influenced by the outside world. Someone just now, for some unknown reason, actually changed the physical laws of a city, causing the séance ritual to fail. ”

"But our god warned me that we should avoid wizards who release spirituality on that scale. Continue to hunt the heirs of the Iron Crown until we find the body of a god suitable for us. This world has appeared because of the Iron Crown There have been too many tragedies, and now is the best time to end them."

"All of our believers are from poor backgrounds, and all of us have been squeezed to the limit. Destroying the Iron Crown is the long-cherished wish of all of us!"

The believers were infected by his emotions, and they all became excited and wanted to destroy the Iron Crown immediately.

In the port city in the south, Ivita had just used her Light Soul and Dark Portal to move more than 5,000 people and some of their houses to a land 40 kilometers away, and that land was the Principality of Lombardy. The next country - the territory of the people and ecclesiastical state of Ravenna.

This is territory that Chaos Abyss would never dare to invade.

Because this is equivalent to Chaos Abyss breaking its promise and invading territory that has nothing to do with them.

At the entrance of the town, Iveta sat on the ground and gasped. He felt that his light soul was temporarily dimmed, and it would take at least three days to be able to use it again. The infinite magic power of the Soul Heaven Palace had a tendency to dry up, and it would take at least one day. It takes time to recover.

But when he brought these people here and abandoned the buildings in other cities, he felt a faint connection from the Principality of Lombardy.

It was as if Iron Crown was actively contacting him.

The Hearthstone Witch asked Ivita a little guilty: "Are you... okay?"

Ivita nodded. "Um."

The big witch of the port city on the side opened her mouth wide because she did not expect that Ivita would really teleport the city to another location.

After the surrounding soldiers realized all this, regardless of their injuries, they all knelt on the ground and paid allegiance to Ivita.

The townspeople who knew about it also knelt down to Ivita along with the soldiers to express their gratitude.

Before long, more than 5,000 townspeople knew who they wanted to thank.

The Great Witch of the port city said to Ivita: "Sir, I am the Great Witch of Rock Flower. You saved this city. I am very grateful to you. Please allow me to work for you."

"A powerful wizard like you must have a great witch by your side as your servant to serve you."

Out of gratitude to Ivita and impressed by Ivita's power, the Great Witch of Rock Flowers directly became loyal to Ivita.

Knight Robinson still stood between the Great Witch Iwaka and Ivita, preventing the Great Witch from taking the opportunity to sneak attack on the weak Ivita.

Knight Robinson, who knows people but not their hearts, has been deeply involved in church activities. He has long been accustomed to betrayal and human nature. Coupled with his prejudice against witches, he will be on guard against this strange and powerful witch.

Ivita nodded to the Great Witch of Rock Flower, indicating that she accepted her allegiance, and then said to Knight Robinson and others: "I will reopen a dark door, take us back to the Principality of Lombardy, and avoid the swarm of insects."

"But I will be relatively weak in these three days, and I don't know when Hell will come and sign a contract with me. Therefore, I need your protection."

Knight Robinson said to Ivita on behalf of his team: "Your Majesty, you spent all your strength to save five thousand people. I will report this kind of righteous act to the church. Of course we will protect you at all times."

He became more close to Ivita beyond his responsibilities.

Ivita nodded.

In my own opinion, I am not at a loss this time, because necessary good deeds must be done.

This can give you a lot of rewards.

Ivita said to the Great Witch of Rock Flower: "If you really plan to be loyal to me, stay here during this period to protect this city. I may be of use to you later."

Iveta thought, I can't save these people in vain.

Later, this matter may become the one thing that makes him stand out among the many successors.

After that, Iveta reopened the door of darkness and took the lead in walking in.

In the port city, the three insect queens looked at the bare land after the entire building in the middle of the city disappeared, and they were all lost in thought.

In the Chaos Abyss, we may encounter a terrible enemy.

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