With Gulishati Garp and the Hearthstone Witch's visceral divination, Ivita and her group really speeded up.

Ivita was eager to reach the Iron Crown Mountains quickly. It was like the king died and she had to hurry back to the capital and inherit the throne.

But along the way, even if the direction can be clearly discerned, it still takes a lot of effort to pass through those monster lairs.

What troubles Ivita the most is that in the desert, there are actually some ancient guardian weapons made by ancient civilizations. This may be the secret weapon of the Tomb King to fight against the Iron Crown.

But it brought a lot of trouble to Ivita and the others.

Gulishati Kapu pointed in the direction ahead and said, "Let's go over there. There is water there."

The Hearthstone Witch gave her a suspicious look. "Your talent is really useful."

"Are you sure you don't want to show your value in our team, so you just pointed it out?"

Knight Robinson said to Ivita: "Sir, the water we carried before has bottomed out. Walking in the desert cannot be without water. Even if we are physically strong, if we want to go deep into the desert now, we must find a water source. I think it can Try to believe her."

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "As long as I find a water source once, I can put the entire tributary of the underground river in my glass bottle."

Ivita nodded thoughtfully. "Then let's go over there."

The group of them followed the direction she pointed, and after walking for about twenty minutes, they actually saw an oasis ahead. However, before the Hearthstone Witch, Robinson Knight and others had time to be happy, they saw the oasis ahead. There were three groups of carriages, as well as the Black Knight Cavalry regiment controlled by the Iron Crown that they had encountered before, and a group of believers wearing black robes with a golden sun mark on the top of their robes.

Garp looked at Ivita with some fear. "Mr. Ivita, I didn't bring you to this place on purpose."

Ivita nodded. "In this desert, the oasis must be something that is fought over by many parties. In other words, the heir candidates who enter the principality will definitely stop here. So... if you want to intercept them, the best way is to wait here and wait. "

The war in the distance was very fierce. Just because he and Garp said some words, there were at least dozens more corpses.

The cultist who seemed to worship the sun was holding a dagger, jumping and running through the battlefield like a madman who was not afraid of death, causing massacre on the convoy members of the successor candidates who were resting in the oasis.

The golden sun marks on their robes will appear on the foreheads of the corpses of those killed by these cultists.

Moreover, these corpses will burn under the sun and turn into a ball of flame.

From this behavior, Iveta saw that the other party's secret church seemed to be specifically against the Iron Crown, because the corpses on the land here also needed to belong to the Iron Crown like living people.

If the corpses are not burned, those corpses will be turned into immortal puppets by the Iron Crown.

Not even death can cut them apart, their allegiance to the Iron Crown!

Ivita suddenly understood why the Iron Crown could confuse time, because for the Iron Crown, the past, present and future, death and time, space and mission are not things that can sever allegiance to the Iron Crown.

Once you are a slave of the Iron Crown, you will always be a slave of the Iron Crown.

Garp said to Ivita: "Sir, those people are so pitiful. Can we save them? Just like you saved me before."

Before Ivita could answer, the Hearthstone Witch angrily snapped at her. "I saved you before just because I didn't know the situation, but now that it's clear, there's no need to save them. Besides, I've seen it. The three candidates for heir over there are all men. There may be some in the order of succession. Before us adults.”

"We want to save a competitor?"

But in fact, Ivita was too late to rescue them.

Because people from the Sun God Cult had sent troops to intercept the three heir candidates in the oasis, but two of them were killed by the Iron Knights who chased them with knight swords.

There was only one successor candidate left, who was grabbed by the neck and carried away by the followers of the Sun God Cult, while the remaining believers of the Sun God Cult stayed behind to stall for time.

Ivita looked strange when she saw this scene. She believed in the religion of the sun and didn't know what she was doing by arresting people and taking them away.

But the Iron Knights, who had always been conniving and ignoring people of their status, would actually take the initiative to kill the heir candidates.

There are two possibilities -

Either they are the walking dead controlled by the Iron Crown, which may not be dangerous to themselves and others;

Either the Iron Crown would rather kill the heir candidate than let the Sun God Church take away the heir candidate. Perhaps the Sun God Church uses the heir candidate for special purposes.



Or become a puppet?

Ivita fell into speculation.

However, he had no intention of getting involved. After all, it had nothing to do with him. At worst, he would wait until the Iron Knights killed all the followers of the Sun God Cult in the oasis before he went over to collect groundwater.

It is not difficult to remove the pollution caused by blood water to clean water sources.

But just as Ivita was lost in thought, he suddenly heard the screams of Miss Karp next to him. It turned out that two followers of the Sun God Cult came to Ivita without knowing when.


Iveta thought, almost forgetting that she was also a candidate for heir, as well as Garp.

If the Sun God Cult's goal is to steal the successor candidate, then they will also take action against themselves, stand aside and watch the show, and will also be involved in this war.

Two religious believers in black robes approached Ivita and Garp in a very crazy parkour posture, preparing to hug the two of them and intercept them directly.

However, the Robinson Knight quartet was faster.

Knight Robinson stood in front of Ivita, holding a two-handed sword with a halo around his body. He struck the head of the Sun Cult believer with one sword, trying to split him in two.

The believer who rushed towards Ivita was cut away by Robinson with a sword. The sword power of his superior knight was like a poison that invaded the human body, piercing through the pores of his skin and causing internal damage to his body.

Such a sword can make a formal knight lose his ability to fight.

On Garp's side, the sharpshooter accurately shot an arrow at the black-robed believer who pounced on Garp, falling into his left eye. The black-robed believer also fell to the ground directly.

But then, Garp screamed.

Because whether it was the black-robed believer who was chopped down by Robinson's evil aura or the black-robed believer who was hit by a sharpshooter, he stood up from the ground as if nothing happened, and then ran towards him with agility and openness. Ivita and Garp.

Their running posture is very weird, not that there is anything wrong with it, but that it is too standard.

The tightness is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Ivita frowned and stepped forward. "They actually have the special ability to be immune to damage. No wonder the Black Knights also face difficulties with them."

"If the hundreds of black-robed believers over there have the ability to be immune to damage, then this will be a very terrifying force. No, any magic and ritual will have flaws. There must be something in the oasis, these black The fatal weakness of the robe believers."

"Your Majesty, let them fight. Let's retreat quickly." The Hearthstone Witch pulled Ivita back and hid behind Knight Robinson and the High Ranger.

The high-level ranger uses [Energy Drain] and [Life Drain]. Life Drain is a higher-level ranger skill than Energy Drain. It can drain the enemy's vitality during the battle.

A white light and a green light appeared on the two men in black robes.

The High Ranger frowned. "With this speed of extraction, Robinson, the vitality and spirituality of those two believers are not even as good as those of the formal knights. They themselves should be equivalent to the first-level professionals."

"There must be some secret method."

Robinson Knight cut down the opponent three times in a row, but the black-robed believer stood up excitedly again, like an over-excited fanatic believer who was not afraid of death.

Ivita pushed away the Hearthstone Witch's hand that pulled her back. "Here you go. Attack with magic and see if they are immune to magic!"

The Hearthstone Witch waved her hands repeatedly. "I can't do it. Robinson is no match for me!!"

Ivita quickly used her newly recovered light soul to envelope the Hearthstone Witch. "I'll give you an increase!"

The Hearthstone Witch looked sad. "Okay...okay."

The two believers suddenly stopped, leaving Robinson Knight and others confused.

To the Sun God Cult, their behavior is like a madman who suddenly breaks into your home, attacks you, and then stops suddenly. This really makes it impossible for Robinson Knight and others to judge their true purpose.

Maybe... madmen have no purpose?

The black-robed believers looked at Ivita's light soul power with fear.

"This is what my Lord warned us to avoid. Let's go."

"Respecting our Lord's wishes is the path we should take. Anyway, there is already a Son of God."

After saying that, the two of them turned around without any hesitation and immediately ran away.

Knight Robinson still wanted to chase, but Ivita said: "There is no need to chase, the other party seems to not want to provoke me, and our goal is just to get to the Iron Crown Mountains as soon as possible."

"After all, it would be good for me if they kidnapped and killed the successor candidates."

Knight Robinson stopped and gasped softly. "After meeting the cultists, I realized how serious the church is, and I realized the benefits of the church's many redundant rules."

At this time, the killings in the oasis had gradually stopped.

The black knights killed most of the black-robed believers and captured more than twenty black-robed cultists. These black-robed cultists were pinned to the ground by the puppet knights, lying like pigs and dogs.

Ivita was curious about why the black knights could kill these cultists, and he also deliberately tried to see if the black knights would attack him, so he led everyone to use the Dark Portal to pass by instantly.

Hearthstone Witch, Robinson Knight and others couldn't understand it.

It's only a few hundred meters away, can't we walk there?

He actually moved there instantly.

The sharpshooter murmured: 'If this happens often, will there be a lack of exercise? ’

As soon as Ivita teleported over, she appeared next to the Black Knight. Robinson stood in front of Ivita to prevent the Black Knight from suddenly attacking Ivita.

But just as Ivita had guessed before, the black knights barely even glanced at Ivita and others who had teleported over.

Only the knight leader of the Black Knights, holding a skull sword hilt, turned to look at Ivita.

Immediately, it looked blankly in the direction of Garp.

Ivita thought. ‘The black knights still did not attack us when they saw us for the second time. In other words, the previous successor candidates were killed by the black knights because they were captured by the followers of the Sun God Cult. From this point of view, the Church of the Sun God did something terrible to the successor candidate and seriously affected the interests of the Iron Crown. ’

Iveta glanced around, and he saw the Hearthstone Witch pointing at something in the grass. He walked over and took a look, only to find that it was a half-ruined small temporary altar made of stone. The altar was similar to a stone chair. structure, the top of the stone chair has the same sun pattern as the clothes of the black-robed believers.

But now this pattern has been cut off.

Among the grass, there are many small altars smaller than the size of a palm, but they all look damaged.

Obviously, the black knights destroyed these altars before they could kill the black-robed believers.

Iveta saw the words on the ground that were dug out by his fingers on the dirt, and he read them softly. ‘Throw yourself into the sun, be reborn from the fire, cut your flesh and return it to your country, and be free. ’

As he spoke these words.

All the black knights present looked at Ivita.

A believer who was pressed to the ground, kneeling on the dirt, looked at the black knights with hatred, and then said to Ivita: "We are just a group of people who want to resist oppression."

"See with your own eyes, this country that oppresses us with these corpses, can the king who drives the corpses be a good person?"

"Although I am dead, my spirit will never die!"

The next moment, the enraged black knights waved their knight swordsmanship and chopped off the heads of more than twenty black-robed believers.

Rivers of blood flowed.

This scene made Garp behind Iveta scream again.

The Hearthstone Witch said proudly: "These cultists are really fun."

The leader of the Black Knights walked up to Ivita, knelt down on one knee, and said to Ivita: "The Sun Cult is good at deceiving people. Don't be deceived by them."

“A people without a king is like a body without a head.”

"It is the people who need the king, not the king who needs the people."

Ivita looked at the leader of the Dead Knights in astonishment. He did not expect that this guy could speak and his logic could be so clear.

It seems that the Iron Crown will give some ideological freedom to the corpses of some high-level professionals.

Ivita felt that the black knights were dissatisfied with him for reciting the teachings of the Sun God Religion just now, and even had some hostility towards him at this moment. He had to single out the bad aspects of the Sun God Religion. "In any case, those cultists are just carrying out terrorist activities."

"Terrorism is not acceptable."

The leader of the Black Knights became obviously happy. "Sir, please go to the west. There is a large library there that was once burned down. Now it has reappeared due to the chaos of time. Maybe there is something useful for your magic there."

the Hearthstone Witch exclaimed. "Are you talking about the big library that was burned down by the barbarians? By the way, it should be that one. That is where many books from ancient civilizations were collected!"

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