The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 397 Elephant God and Elephant God’s Weapons

Ivita pointed at the desert machine elephant that was at least two hundred meters high and said: "Hearthstone Witch, can you transform into a vulture and sneak into the body of that machine golem?"

"If you want to get the Three Sisters Grass, you need to at least sneak into the demon elephant."

"It's a bit unwise to start a head-on war. Because we don't have people from other forces available now to let them test the combat effectiveness of that machine demon."

Robinson Knight volunteered. "If you need it, sir, I can test the combat ability of that machine elephant for you. Even if I am not its opponent, I should be able to escape."

Ivita shook her head. "The forces within the Principality of Lombardy are complex, and no one can tell whether they can stabilize the situation until the last moment."

"It's better that you try not to get hurt."

The Hearthstone Witch looked at the huge demonic elephant connected to the sky and the earth, and used her spiritual vision to see the powerful spiritual power emanating from the huge mechanism, and she also hesitated.

The other party doesn't look easy to mess with.

If such an enemy is provoked in vain, it will indeed be a bit of a disadvantage for Ivita.

Three sisters grass may not have such value.

The Hearthstone Witch was about to tell Ivita that she gave up her previous idea when she suddenly saw the huge demon elephant slowly moving its limbs and turning, and it was turning in their direction.

Because the demon elephant is too huge.

Therefore, it is impossible for the demon elephant to turn directly like a human. Instead, the left foot moves forward with a shorter step, and the right foot moves with a longer step. In this way, the walking path of the demon elephant is an arc.

It can turn like a car and turn around, but the arc of the U-turn is larger than the arc of a car's normal turn, which can be said to be more clumsy.

The Hearthstone Witch was both stunned and ecstatic. "Your Majesty, you see they have really turned around. The vulture I transformed is like an ant to this huge machine elephant. I can definitely sneak into it."

"Stealing the Three Sisters Grass."

"If necessary, I can kill everyone in this huge mechanism and seize this demon elephant."

Ivita and Knight Robinson both looked into the distance, wondering why the demonic elephant suddenly turned.

In the castle on the demon elephant's back, the cannons were pushed to the muzzle by mechanical mechanisms, and then pointed in the direction of Ivita. In the center of the demon elephant's belly, there was a huge cavity. In the middle of the cavity Many iron plates were installed in the location, and many rooms were placed on these iron plates.

In the center of these many inner rooms is the control room of this terrible demon.

There are many men busy in the control room, dealing with various problems with the Golem. Because the Golem is so big, there are tens of millions of parts in total, including more than 5,000 functional modules classified into different categories.

With so many parts and functional modules, it can be said that this giant mechanism is malfunctioning all the time, so it is necessary to control the mechanism personnel in the room to send messages manually at any time to instruct how to control and repair the demon.

In the middle of the control room is a square pedestal made of iron sheets, and on the top of the square pedestal is a purple crystal ball, which is as big as a football.

But it contains almost terrifying magical energy.

A small crystal ball is not only the control center of this huge mechanism, but also the energy supply center. It can be said that with it, it is possible to create such monsters.

There is an ugly old man's face with brown skin in the crystal ball. He seems to be very tired, and his gray beard is dirty. His whole face is listless, and he looks like he is malnourished and has been abused for a long time.

The old man in the crystal ball said to the young man standing in the Sfinwell family: "Sir Sfinwell, someone just used spiritual power to scan the elephant god's weapon. Do you want to attack it and fire a rain of artillery fire at it? Level it with the ground upon which it rests.”

Sfenwell Chichon, dressed in an aristocratic evening gown, turned around, glanced at the crystal ball, and sneered. "Elephant God, how dare you plot against me. You are just an object forged by primitive humans based on their inner guess of God's appearance. You are not even a human being. I'm warning you, I don't necessarily need you to control the weapon of Elephant God. . This machine is just something made by a primitive country from afar that does not believe in the God of all things."

"To deal with a few people trapped in the desert, it is stupid to ask me to spend extra artillery. I must save my limited resources for the end and use them to fight for the Iron Crown."

Sfenwell Qixiong gave instructions to the elephant god in the crystal ball, "Turn around, the person who just used spiritual power to scan the elephant god's weapon was either a witch or a wizard. And the level may not be low, but in this elephant god's weapon Under the power, these are nothing. Hahaha, counter-scan them for me and then project them over."

The old elephant god in the crystal ball did not refute Sfenwell Qixiong's rudeness to him, and activated the relevant functional modules expressionlessly.

So in the desert, the mechanism of the eyes of the giant walking demon began to deform, and the overall structure of the eyes became prominent, like a telescope.

In the control room in the abdomen of the elephant god's weapon, the elephant god explained to Sfenwell Qixiong: "These are the scenes of where those people are and what they look like."

Sfinwell Qixiong saw the dry well behind the Hearthstone Witch and others. "They also met those strange elves. I don't know what their choice was. Could it be that they chose the third option, the location of the big library?"

"I gave up originally. Who knew that such a good thing would happen."

"Ganesha, attack him."

"Start a sandstorm with Ganesha."

The elephant god in the crystal ball suddenly reminded him. "Now we still have 81% of the energy. To activate a sandstorm of the Elephant God's weapon, we need to consume 1% of the magic energy."

"Are you sure?"

Sfinwell Chichon snarled at it. "Hurry up. Or I want you to look good."

The poor artificial god Ganesha had no choice but to do as he was told.

In the desert, Ivita and the others saw the Elephant God approaching. Ivita also understood at this time that the Elephant God had noticed them and the others for some reason.

Then, for some purpose, the other party wants to directly attack themselves and others.

Maybe he had the same idea as the Hearthstone Witch, wanting to take from others the wishes they didn't get from the Dry Well Elf.

Or perhaps, the other party simply wants to eliminate opponents who will compete with them.

But none of that matters anymore.

Ivita's eyes turned cold. Since the other party provoked her, he must pay the price.

The barbarian marksman behind the Robinson knight took the initiative. "I'm here to test the opponent's strength."

He bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and the arrow was wrapped with sunshine, and then the arrow fell towards the demon elephant. This is the most powerful skill of the marksman in the third-level career stage [Sun Shooting Arrow].

The arrow fell on the demon statue, like a flame bursting out from the sun, and landed on the trunk of the elephant god's weapon.

However, what disappointed the sharpshooter was that the sun-shooting arrow exploded on the nose of the elephant god's weapon, but did not cause much damage to the huge mechanism.

Because the elephant god's whole body is covered with a layer of earth.

The sun-shooting arrows only broke part of the thick layer of earth on Ganesha's weapon.

Ivita frowned. He knew the output ability of the barbarian marksman, but he did not expect that even he could not cause much damage to the divine weapon.

Judging from pure defense power, the opponent's defense power is probably at the level of the Witch Marquis.

It is worthy of being an institution for worshiping the elephant god that an overseas country has devoted its whole country to build.

So powerful.


Ivita instantly realized something was wrong. If the elephant god's weapon was really so invulnerable, it would not fall into the hands of a big family in the Kingdom of Champagne and Brandy.

That needs to be done with at least one country's strength.

"Although its defense power is amazing, its movement speed is very slow." Ivita thought. "And with such a huge size, it is entirely possible for someone to sneak into this golem. Set it on fire or something like that."

Ivita tried to open the Dark Door inside the Golem, but the Golem's weapon seemed to have the power to shield space magic, and Ivita was never able to open the Dark Door there.

Iveta said to the Hearthstone Witch: "Now you turn into a vulture and lurk inside the golem for me. I will leave the power of the Dark Portal on you. As long as you can enter, I can use the Dark Portal to help you at any time. .”

"Go quickly and get the Three Sisters grass by the way."

"I'll be your cover."

Iveta's eyes were cold, I haven't even thought about you yet, but you sent it yourself.

Thunder flashed in Ivita's right eye, and as he chanted the spell, the desert sky became covered with dark clouds, and even in this arid land, it started to rain lightly.

This is mainly because there is too little water vapor in the desert.

A thunder dragon poked out from the dark clouds. As soon as the thunder dragon appeared, it threw three divine thunders at the elephant god's weapon, and then the entire soil layer on the elephant god's body collapsed rapidly.

Ivita cannot use the light soul at full power now, but the power of the Emperor Star and the Soul Palace alone are enough to support an attack at the Witch Marquis level.

At the same time, the demon elephant used its trunk to roll up a large amount of sand and dust on the ground, and then blew it in the direction of Ivita and others, forming a sandstorm.

However, Ivita summoned the fire phoenix magic with her left eye, and the fire phoenix appeared in the center of the sandstorm and burned directly through the sandstorm.

Moreover, the flame phoenix continued to attack the elephant god weapon unabated.

At this moment, in the control room inside the Elephant Weapon, Sfenwell Qixiong had a very ugly expression. Ever since he entered the Principality of Lombardy, he had used the brute force of the Elephant Weapon to crush the enemy forces all the way, going deep into the desert without seeing anyone. There was a decent resistance.

What kind of living corpses, what kind of Chaos Abyss Zerg, what kind of deformed villagers are all just a matter of kicking under the terrifying power of the elephant god's weapon.

If one kick is not enough, use two. If that doesn't work, let the elephant god use his trunk.

Before, it had always been unfavorable.

He has almost developed the habit of being invincible.

He also despised the chaotic situation in the Principality of Lombardy. After all, he was born in a grand ducal family in the Kingdom of Champagne and Brandy. He felt that the Principality of Lombardy was just a principality and it was very natural for him to come here to inherit the Iron Crown.

But now, Sfenwell Qixiong looked at the opponent, a young wizard who was about the same age as him, using two magic spells in succession to defuse and counterattack the elephant god's weapon, which surprised him.

According to the evaluation of his father, the patriarch of the Sfenwell family, the elephant god weapon is a powerful weapon that can rival the most elite military predecessors.

Could it be said that the young wizard in the desert in front of him is a character who can defeat thousands of troops?

He himself is the elephant god's weapon?

The Elephant God weapon shook violently. Sfenwell Qixiong was disrupted from his thoughts and grasped the iron railing in the control room. The Elephant God asked: "What happened?"

The elephant god in the crystal ball was very sad.

An old face was wrinkled with pain. The life of the Elephant Weapon was connected to it. When the Elephant Weapon was injured, it was also injured. This was why Sfenwell Qixiong could handle it.

If it disobeys, Sfenwell Qishon can torture it by destroying the elephant god's weapons.

The Elephant God in the crystal ball showed the scene of the outside world to Sfenwell Qixiong. When Sfinwell Qixiong looked up, he was immediately horrified.

It turned out that the vibration just now was caused by the divine dragon in the dark clouds reaching down with its claws and hitting the elephant god weapon on the head. At the same time, there were hundreds of thunder and lightning attacking the elephant god weapon outside at the same time.

The elephant god in the crystal ball endured the severe pain and reminded him: "Master Sfinwell, I want to tell you that we only have 73% of the energy left."

Sfenwell Qixiong felt a little regretful. He shouldn't have been greedy for the location of the big library. If he had known this, he should have let the Elephant God Weapon go directly instead of seizing the location of the library.

"Why is it consumed so quickly?"

The Elephant God in the crystal ball explained: "The opponent is too powerful, and the intensity of magic is as strong as the Witch Marquis. Previously, the Elephant God weapon was defeated by the Witch Marquis of the Sfinwell family and took control of it. How is it possible now? Can you defeat the Witch Marquis?"

"Even if we can win, we will still have to spend a lot of materials and energy."

"His magic attack just now damaged a large number of modules inside the Ganesha weapon. Therefore, I used part of the energy to drive the little elephant puppet in the Ganesha weapon to help me repair those modules."

The Elephant God remembered that the Sfenwell family had modified the Elephant God's weapons and built a cannon castle on the Elephant God's back, so he added. "Our artillery still needs to deal with the armies of other heirs."

Sfenwell Qixiong looked ugly.

Of course he felt that the Elephant God's weapon could kill the opponent with all its strength, but if he continued to fight, it would have an impact on his plan.

Sfenwell Chichon sneered. "I will not ignore the overall situation and fight an unknown wizard in that desert. Let's go, counterattack with deterrent artillery, and then turn."

"let's go."


The elephant god's weapon trembled again.

The Elephant God in the crystal ball screamed in pain: "No, his fire magic burned many of the steering mechanisms of my left leg. We can't retreat now. We need time for the time being."

"He... seems like he doesn't want us to leave. This is wrong. Continuing to fight would not be a good thing for him. Why is that?"

Sfenwell Qishon clenched his fists and knocked on the table. "Can you say that again!"

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