The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 415 Foreigners intervene again

The Tomb King's expression changed greatly, and he was about to use the Dark Soul to strengthen his inner demon space, but Ivita had already left here, and the dark power he originally used to restrain his inner demons had disappeared, which instead made the Tomb King The king himself fell into the world of inner demons.

Couldn't get out for a while.

In the inner demon space, the angry Tomb King sprayed out green zombie fire from his eyes, killing everyone in the inner demon world, including himself.

Just after he squeezed himself to death, with eyes full of shock, anger, and horror, the Tomb King saw his inner demon space restored again with an ugly expression.

The person he didn't want to remember reappeared again and again.

"Oops." The Tomb King said in a low voice.

He once took the initiative to give his soul to the Law of Winter, and the Law of Winter used its unique power [Winter Shadow Ash] to help him restrain his inner demons.

If it weren't for his inner demons, he could have created a real Dark Soul.

Where is it like now, standing still and becoming a monster.

But now, the boy used his light soul to tear apart the shadow of the undead [Winter Shadow Gray], and he was trapped in the inner demon space and unable to contact the Law of Winter.

Looking at it now, he actually got himself into a desperate situation.

Once that kid takes advantage of this opportunity to create a weapon that can kill his heart, his dreams and his zombie army will all disappear.

There will be an heir to the Iron Crown.

Nothing will change in this country.

When he thought of this, the Tomb King hated him for leaving room for some extreme measures before.

"No!" With the anger of the Tomb King, all the people in the inner demon world died again, but soon the inner demon space gradually appeared again from his heart.

Ivita opened her eyes and saw the thick moonlight and a bright full moon, "It's done."

"I won."

He heard the sound of weapons being exchanged, and turned around to see Robinson Knight and others and the Hearthstone Witch fighting against a group of heavily armed pig-headed men.

These pig-headed men looked like just a group of pigs holding wooden sticks, but their skin was rough and their flesh was thick. There were traces of magic transformation on their bodies, and they kept making intimidating roars when they were beaten.

If it were an ordinary army, they would probably suffer a big loss if they encountered this kind of pig-headed man.

Because these pig-headed men should be the product of a certain wizard being backlashed by magic, but they are still not enough to see in front of the Robinson Knights.

The pig heads were chopped off by Robinson Knight without blinking an eye, and fell to the ground.

"It turns out that I teleported us to the monster's den." Ivita stood up. "When teleporting, it may be too late to determine the location."

Ivita still showed some doubts.

Because when he was teleporting, he had clearly made a simple judgment with his light soul, and there shouldn't be much of a problem. He just teleported to the edge of the Republic.

How could there be such a group of monsters in the suburbs on the edge of the republic, which is equivalent to the kingdom.

Moreover, each of these monsters actually has the strength of a formal knight level, and there are more than forty in number.

Ivita also joined the battle, speeding up the speed at which Robinson Knight and others killed these pigmen.

An hour later, Ivita sat with everyone and said: "Although some problems have occurred, they have been solved. Now we need to create a weapon that can destroy the heart of the Tomb King. This is simple. Use Ambrose's Broken Steel Sword, plus our combined magic on it, might be able to do it."

Ivita, who was familiar with the books of the ancient great library, was already conceiving and making the spell for the weapon when she was in the inner demon space.

Ivita looked at the Demon King of Knowledge who was being carried by the leader of the Sun God, and said: "Normally, even I can't think of a spell that can kill the heart of the Tomb King in a short time. I need to use you to directly Connect with the mother river of knowledge.”

"May I?"

A voice came from the corpse among the Iron Maidens. "Yes. But contacting the mother river of knowledge is very risky. Forget it, your light soul is strong enough. For ordinary people, if they contact the mother river of knowledge, they won't even have the chance to go crazy, and their souls will be drowned by the mother river."

Ivita nodded, "Most of the Tomb King's power has been trapped in the inner demon space by himself, and he is unable to stop us. Then let's get started."

Iveta walked over and put her hand on the cold iron maiden. Suddenly his soul seemed to have passed through thousands of mountains and rivers, seeing countless mysteries of space and time, and came to the end of the soul's home, where he saw a The long river of emptiness and reality passed through his body from a distance.

In an instant, Ivita's light soul lit up, constructing an idealistic philosophical world to protect his own soul and cognition, so that Ivita's soul would not be destroyed by the long river, and his cognition would not be destroyed by the long river.

Countless knowledge delusions want to enter Ivita's head, allowing Ivita to obtain this endless knowledge.

But they were all blocked by the light soul.

Ivita looked at the river outside her philosophical world with surprise and confusion in her eyes. "This knowledge enters my mind proactively, rather than being acquired through acquisition. Then the relationship between this knowledge and me will be reversed. It is the knowledge that is chasing me, not me chasing the knowledge, so that I will be in an instant. , assimilated with the mother river of knowledge, and has since become a puppet of knowledge.”

No wonder, the Knowledge Demon would remind himself.

Wizards are more or less eager to learn. Faced with such a massive influx of knowledge, if they are even slightly tempted and allow them to enter their heads, they will be finished at that time and cannot escape from the mother river of knowledge.

Ivita became serious. “You must pursue knowledge here yourself, otherwise you will become a puppet of knowledge.”

Ivita thought for a while and said: "I think knowledge is a tangible substance, something that everyone can learn the day after tomorrow. As long as I don't accept it, knowledge cannot enter my head. Its shape should be a Ribbons, useless knowledge is a yellow ribbon, useful knowledge is a red ribbon.”

Under the influence of the light soul, Ivita reconstructed the concepts in her philosophical world. Suddenly, the knowledge that was prevented from flowing in and entering the scope of the light soul changed its shape and turned into yellow ribbons one after another. .

Ivita felt herself becoming more stressed.

After all, no matter how powerful his light soul is, it has its limits, and the mother river of knowledge is endless for him now. He cannot act recklessly here for too long.

Ivita said: "I want to create a spell that can kill immortal zombies."

A red thread appeared three inches in front of Ivita's body. Ivita's eyes lit up and she immediately hooked the red thread and pulled it towards herself.

As he took the initiative to acquire knowledge, Ivita felt increasing pressure on his light soul.

The voice of the Knowledge Demon appeared in Ivita's ears. "Master Iveta, you'd better hurry up. My authority over the Mother River of Knowledge is too low now, and I won't be able to open the back door for you for too long. What's more, you are two people now."

"It's very stressful for me to open the back door for both of you at the same time. I feel the mother river of knowledge is angry. If it starts to target us, I will immediately kick you out of the mother river to protect you."

Two people?

Ivita turned around and saw the soul of a Hearthstone Witch not far from her.


The effect of the blue sky potion has not yet passed, and my spiritual consciousness has come to the mother river of knowledge. Not only has the Hearthstone Witch also come to the mother river of knowledge, but she is also protected by her own light soul, so that she will not become a demon in the mother river. An inconspicuous ripple.

The Hearthstone Witch was surprised at Ivita and said, "Ah, your Majesty, I am also following you. By the way, if I can also successfully create a dark soul, wouldn't I be able to help you even more?"

"I am here to gain knowledge about Dark Souls, and I discovered that everyone needs to use [Ancestral Spirits] to create Dark Souls."

"The more knowledge we have, the greater the possibility of creating a Dark Soul. The knowledge in the mother river of knowledge seems not comprehensive. Some of it is knowledge that is not available in the books in Hearthstone, but there is also magic in Hearthstone. The secret taboos to protect are not found in the mother river of knowledge.”

"Perhaps we can also get a piece of knowledge about the Dark Soul from the Tomb King."

Ivita glared at the Hearthstone Witch who wanted to eat and drink, but she didn't care about her. After all, she had to sort out her priorities now.

First find a way to get a spell that can destroy the Tomb King's heart.

As for what the Hearthstone Witch said, the knowledge in the Mother River of Knowledge is incomplete, this Ivita has already guessed, after all, the Mother River of Knowledge is shared publicly to some extent.

But regarding high-end things like Dark Souls, even Mother River doesn’t record much.

This is just like common knowledge can be found on Baidu, but high-tech knowledge is difficult to find even by reading papers.

Ivita frowned. "I always feel uneasy somewhere."

"Wait a minute. Actually, it looks like I won, but there are still variables. Those foreigners haven't shown up yet."

In reality, three phoenixes appeared around Ivita. These three phoenixes flew in the air to keep alert. After seeing it, Knight Robinson said to his friends around him: "Stay alert."

"It seems that your Excellency still has some concerns that we don't know about."

In the inner demon space of the Tomb King, the wooden drum sound of Pinocchio, the Demon King of Lies, sounded. The Tomb King's expression changed, "It's impossible..."

"How could you enter my inner demon space?"

"Even the Witch Queens cannot possibly enter the deepest room of my heart without me noticing."

"Although you are the devil, you can't do it."

Pinocchio, the devil of lies, continues to manipulate a puppet to communicate with the Tomb King. "That's because the person behind me has great hands and eyes, and you don't need to know who he is."

"This has nothing to do with you." Pinocchio said: "What makes us angry is that you still failed to get the Drum of Fooling."

The Tomb King looked at him calmly. At this time, he pretended that he was not in a hurry. "Oh, you're just here to scold me?"

"I'm here to help you," Pinocchio said.

The King of Tombs was moved in his heart, but he pretended to sneer and said: "Haha, help me? That kid has the Demon King of Knowledge by his side. With his help, he can obtain the spell that can destroy my heart at any time."

"You don't have to worry about that." The wood controlled by Pinocchio was spinning in place while beating the drum. "I moved one of my master's laboratories to their location."

"Those pigs were enough to delay them for more than half an hour."

"So you don't need to rush."

"Now I can use the [Drum of Fooling] to fool your inner demon space and make you become another person in front of your inner demon space, and then you can go out."

The Tomb King looked at him. "Thanks for your help, but what do I have to pay for it?"

"No need to pay anything. This country itself is our experimental site." Pinocchio said cheerfully: "Now the experiment is getting more and more interesting, we just don't want it to end early."

"Of course you don't have to think too much. Because we hope your purpose will succeed."

The Tomb King narrowed his eyes.

The other party actually regards a country and millions of humans as an experiment.

The puppet controlled by Pinocchio said: "But your zombie men have suffered too many losses. In order to prevent you from failing, I will give you another thing."

The belly of the wood opened, and a very ordinary-looking embroidery needle came out.

Pinocchio said: "This is an eternal spell that can only be used once. As long as the person is pricked by this embroidery needle, the person will fall into a permanent sleep and cannot die."

"It's just that his consciousness will enter a dream world connected by the Eternal Spell, and he will be trapped in the dream of that world forever, and will not be able to detect any abnormalities. With this, I think you have a chance to deal with him."

The Tomb King said seriously: "This thing should also be effective on me?"

Pinocchio, the Demon King of Lies, beat the wooden drum and said: "Hahaha... yes. The Eternal Curse is a magic spell. Even zombies who have escaped reincarnation cannot escape this spell. Originally, this spell was not used to fight the enemy, but It’s about creating a species that will last forever.”

"It's a pity it failed."

The Tomb King put away the needle and secretly exclaimed, wondering what kind of force was behind this puppet.

"There is one more question." The Tomb King asked him coldly: "Do you know the origin of that boy? I used divination to calculate his origin before, and it was blank. There seems to be something invisible ahead. Tooru's power is preventing me from divination."

"Since you are so powerful, you must know the origin of that kid, right?"

Pinocchio suddenly stopped tapping.

The Tomb King stared, no way, doesn't even the man behind the scenes who helped him many times know the origin of that kid?

Pinocchio said: "Similar to you, we also use divination, and we can't predict the other person's origin. So we use the most primitive method - using people to find out his origin."

"But it takes time. Just treat him as a stranger who suddenly breaks in."

The Tomb King almost died laughing, was the other party just a stranger who suddenly broke in?

"Then help me leave the space of my inner demon."

He looked at Pinocchio, his eyes moving strangely.

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