The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 416 An out-of-control exchange

As the Drum of Fooling twisted, the entire inner demon space of the Tomb King began to become chaotic. Those in his inner demon space all turned to look at him with ferocious expressions on their faces.

"Don't even try to run away, you stupid coward."

"Are you going to run away? Just like in the past when you gave up your royal power for a commoner, you can obviously wear the Iron Crown."

"You don't love that civilian girl at all. You are such an arrogant person. When you were young, you wanted to think that you had achieved everything by yourself. You were just angry with your fiancée and your living environment."

Just as a group of people rushed towards him with ferocious faces, suddenly these people who had been transformed from their inner demons stopped.

The expressions on the group's faces became confused.

They looked at the Tomb King as if he were a stranger. "Ah, it turns out we got the wrong person. Mu's appearance is a little younger than yours, and his temperament is more arrogant and ignorant than you. It turns out you are not him."

The Tomb King's eyes widened, and the guilt and regret in his heart receded like a tide.

He looked at the funny puppet controlled by Pinocchio and said, "I didn't expect that the devil's twisted magic would work so well."

"My inner peace has returned."

The Tomb King even noticed that the magic growth that had stagnated in him due to the failure to create the dark soul was flowing again.

Pinocchio smiled at him and said: "Many times, people are selfish. But in order to protect one's own soul, it is nothing to distort and beautify some memories. I am the devil of lies, and I have met too many so-called good people. In order to protect themselves, they embellish and modify their memories."

"King of the Tombs, you are too moral, otherwise you would not have inner demons at all."

The Tomb King glanced at him and said nothing.

Pinocchio said to him: "But I can only shift the target, so now I take your place in your inner demon space. You go."

The Tomb King's eyes flickered.

He didn't know what a demon king could do if he stayed in his inner demon space.

Demons are closely related to psychic powers.

But when he thought that he himself was the zombie king who had escaped from reincarnation, the Tomb King felt that he had nothing to be afraid of.

When most of the power of the Tomb King returned to the Noble Village from the inner demon space, Ivita also returned from the mother river of knowledge, and realized the shocking and angry spirituality coming from the Noble Village, and the even more terrifying Yes, the other party is rushing towards him quickly.

But the Turin Law should give him some scruples.

Ivita said to Robinson Knight and Hearthstone Witch: "I have obtained the spell to create a heart that kills him. But the Tomb King has discovered our location and is coming."

Knight Robinson's eyes darkened, and he kept holding the hilt of his sword tightly, "This subordinate is willing to share your worries."

"You are no match for the King of Tombs." Ivita measured how long Knight Robinson could delay the King of Tombs, and refused to lead his troops to stop the King of Tombs.

A giant version of Ivita appeared next to him, which was the giant's magic clone. This giant's magic clone relied on its own magic power to float out of thin air, not by walking, but by floating.

Ivita said: "I used the giant clone to stop the Tomb King."

At the same time, Ivita's clone No. 2 said: "I went to find Qixiong and the emperor's son. I saved them before, but now I have to put them to use. Robinson Knight, you have to protect me, the Hearthstone Witch and others here. .”

At the Iron Crown Mountains, Ivita 2 walked out of the Dark Portal, and then walked up to Qixiong and the Griffin Knights who were avoiding the Tomb King's border magic attack.

"Hello everyone. Although it will be strange to meet in this environment."

Ivita 2 is standing in the void. This is a flying technique recorded in the ancient Great Library. In the ancient civilization period in the distant past, this magic was basically used by official wizards.

Duraubiner on the Griffin Group and Qixiong in the Ganesha Weapon both saw the appearance of Ivita 2.

Duraubin looked at Ivita. "You helped us before? Why do you suddenly come to us now?"

Qixiong was in the Elephant God's weapon and asked Elephant God to turn on the sound module and said: "No. Elephant God said that this guy is not the original body."

"We met you before, when you used magic to repel the elephant god's weapon. At that time, you were still a teenager."

"If it weren't for the elephant god weapon that records the magic power fluctuations of every enemy, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference."

Duraubiner looked at Ivita with sharp eyes. "Although you saved us before, we are all on the same boat now, so I don't need to thank you. Anyway, you have your own purpose for saving us. Why are you suddenly here now?"

"In other words, who are you?"

Ivita looked at the Ganesha weapon curiously, not expecting that this thing from a primitive country could detect her true identity.

Originally, I had no intention of contacting these two people with my true identity.

Ivita No. 2 said: "I am a candidate to be the heir to the Iron Crown just like you. At least at this time, only this identity is more important."

He was careless and made it clear that he didn't want to tell who he was.

Neither Qixiong nor Duraubin were satisfied with this, but there was nothing they could do to make Ivita take the initiative to reveal her origins.

However, Ivita learned the origins of these two people from the Demon King of Knowledge.

Ivita said to the two of them: "I saved both of your lives before, so I came here to ask you to pay me. The problem is not big, I ask you to help delay the Tomb King."

Qixiong in Ganesha's Weapons has a strange expression.

Duraubin, who was on the back of the gryphon, laughed heartily. "I said, on the battlefield, I won't care about saving lives. Now you want us to deal with that monster, and then you go to the Iron Crown Mountains yourself? It's simply wishful thinking."

Facing Duraubin's provocation, Ivita said calmly: "The Tomb King is indeed a difficult enemy. I have fought with him indirectly or directly several times, and he has never failed."

Qixiong's expression became even weirder.

Iveta's words seemed to be saying that she was already a monster after fighting him several times without failing.

Duraubin snorted at Ivita. "Don't give yourself too much money."

Ivita's expression remained unchanged and she said: "In fact, when I helped you escape last time, I have left my magic on you. It is the mark of the Dark Portal. I can throw you from here to In front of the Tomb King."

Duraubin's face changed drastically. He quickly asked the guards around him for magic manifesting powder and sprinkled it on himself. As a result, he saw traces of a curse on his forehead.

His guard, who was also riding a gryphon, exclaimed. "How is it possible that just by touching his magic, he was successfully cursed? Your Highness has the blessing of the fairy and various accessories to defend against spells. If this is the case, then the magical power of the man in front of us is inestimable. No longer a mortal."

"But your highness, don't worry, we carry [Eating Curse Earthworms] with us and will immediately cleanse you of the spell."

Duraubin breathed a subtle sigh of relief, and then looked at Ivita provocatively.

However, the next moment, his expression changed.

Because the special earthworm placed on his forehead did not crawl on his forehead for a few seconds before suddenly stretching out and dying.

The guards around Duraubin immediately exclaimed. "Your Highness, the opponent's magic is too powerful. It is so powerful that even earthworms cannot lift it, it can only weaken it."

"He has magical power comparable to that of the Witch Marquis. If this is the case, even if he fights that monster directly, he may not be at a disadvantage."

Duraubin frowned and clenched his fists. He was always told by others, but he didn't expect that he would be taught how to behave as soon as he left home. "Of course that guy won't fight that monster head-on."

"After all, he's not sure he can win."

"The Witch Marquis is a character that neither the kingdom nor the empire can necessarily recruit, or can command 100% of the time. Although I am the prince of the empire, after the last civil strife, the empire has ceased to exist in name only, and the remaining power of our family is only stronger than that of the kingdom. Some."

"Of course they won't support my third son, who is so powerful as the Witch Marquis."

Having said this, he looked at the old guard who had been beside him from beginning to end, even when he was attacked several times by the Tomb King, he never drew his sword.

The panicked heart calmed down.

He said to Ivita: "Even if you send us to the Tomb King, the worst we can do is not fight him, just turn around and leave. I really can't think of why we must keep fighting."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"I also want you to fight each other. I'm going to get the Iron Crown."

Ivita shook her head. "No, you have a reason to fight the Tomb King. Because I will give you the most important thing of the Tomb King. His heart."

"The only way to kill the Tomb King is to destroy his heart, and I give it to you now."

The next moment, everyone present was shocked.

First, the Tomb King actually has a heart weakness.

Second, Ivita actually wanted to give up such an important, so to speak, key point of the entire situation to them.

At this moment, Qixiong and Duraubin were both greedy and wanted to take over the heart of the Tomb King from Ivita.

On the back of the gryphon, Duraubin suddenly thought about it. If he could obtain the heart of the Tomb King, he might be able to use this heart to threaten the Tomb King and serve him.

If he has such a monster as his subordinate, will he have some hope of competing for the imperial throne in the future?

When he thought of this, Duraubin's breathing quickened.

He looked at his most silent guard, the Imperial Sword Master with the rank of Knight Marquis, and an old man from his mother's family.

The old sword master nodded slightly to him.

Immediately, Duraubin said to Ivita: "If that's the case, we can still talk about it, but if you want us to help you hold back the Tomb King, then what are you thinking about..."

Ivita No. 2's body directly threw the box containing the Tomb King's heart.

Then, he activated the Dark Portal, using his giant clone as the coordinate origin, and forcibly sent all these people there.

Ivita 2 watched them disappear and smiled. "Anyway, if you get the heart, you don't have the weapon to destroy it, so what if I give it to you. As for if the Tomb King gets it, it doesn't matter. The Dark Portal mark I left on the heart can get the heart back at any time. .”

"At this point, what if I give you my heart?"

At the border of the Principality of Lombardy, Ivita's giant clone blocked the Tomb King's path.

Ivita's giant clone used strong gravity on the Tomb King, causing the Tomb King to be crushed to the ground by gravity. "We finally meet in reality, Tomb King."

"This is nothing like meeting in reality." The Tomb King turned the drum of fooling held in his left hand. He only turned the drum head a few times, and the distortion magic suddenly appeared, and the gravity magic disappeared without a trace.

The Tomb King looked at the giant controlled by Ivita, "Are you going to laugh me to death? Meeting me with a life created by magic is even if you meet me in reality. Can you have some courage and let your body and Shall I meet?"

"But having said that, using magic to create life is quite an idea."

Ivita simply said: "The black witch guided me well."

The Tomb King suddenly became nervous. "Is your teacher a dark witch? Did she ask you to come here?"

Ivita said: "No, I only met her once."

The Tomb King suddenly relaxed and became fierce at the same time. "Boy, I don't want to embarrass you, give me my heart back. Then, get out of Lombardy."

Ivita smiled. "Sorry, I'm very interested in any territory that I have a chance to get. I really don't want to leave."

"I don't understand one thing. I will change the Iron Crown. In a sense, I will destroy the Iron Crown in the past. Why do you keep chasing me?"

The Tomb King immediately rushed towards Ivita, tearing the air with his terrifying body strength, and hit Ivita's giant clone with a fist.

Even if the giant clone controls gravity and repulsion, it cannot resist the opponent's physical strength.

Ivita instantly realized that in addition to the magical power comparable to the Witch Marquis, the opponent also had the physical fitness comparable to the Knight Marquis.

It's just that every part is half-baked.

But the key point is that when these half-baked abilities are added together, coupled with an immortal body and eternal power, it becomes a terrifying monster. Even the real Witch Marquis will be beaten to death.

Ivita understood that because of the Dark Soul, the Witch Marquis was actually far stronger than the Knight. At the high-level stage, the strength of the Witch system was unmatched by other professions.

The Tomb King sensed that Ivita might be stalling for time and forging a weapon that could kill him, so he punched the body of Ivita's giant clone one after another. "Give me my heart back..."

Suddenly, he realized that his heart was infinitely close to where he was now.

The Tomb King looked down at Ivita's magical giant clone. "What the hell are you doing? You gave me my heart to surrender!"

Ivita pointed at Duraubiner and others who were suddenly teleported by the Dark Portal. "I forgot to tell you, my heart was taken away by them."

The Tomb King's eyes suddenly turned red with anger. "Kill someone with a borrowed knife? Okay, just kill them together."

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