The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 419 Changing the Law

The deserts that once covered the Principality of Lombardy began to slowly disappear, one after another. The monster tribes that were originally in the desert felt the call of time again, and gave out their last frightening howls to the sky, and then began to disappear one after another. .

Green buds grew in the desert, and every plant and tree began to regenerate. A whirlwind appeared in the center of the territory. The whirlwind grew from small to large, and finally formed a huge storm. The storm seemed to absorb everything. .

Countless ancient ruins that once appeared in history, or were supposed to appear in the future, are gradually disintegrating.

The past returns to the past, the future returns to the future, and the present returns to the present.

As Ivita inherited the Iron Crown, the law that disappeared from this land reappeared, became powerful again, and began to check the enemies of the law who had taken advantage of the chaos to enter the country.

The moment Ivita put on the crown, the mountains shrank.

He seemed to be a giant with an iron crown on his head, and he really gained this giant's perspective, overlooking all the territories of the entire Kingdom of Lombardy.

At the same time, there are countless iron chains hanging down from the giant's body. These iron chains bind heaven and earth, life and death, good and evil, bravery and cowardice.

Now as long as you are willing, you can untie all sentient beings at any time.

At the edge of the Lombardy country, a puppet with two bleeding heads looked at the man in black robe who turned to leave. The puppet casually threw away the garbage and threw away the original king of Lombardy and his last healthy son. His head was thrown on the dirt.

These heads are already a bit stinky.

The body of a majestic king is now as lowly as grass.

The puppet man said to the man who left: "With these two heads, we still have some chips. With these chips, we can still do some tricks in this country. Why are you leaving now? Master?"

The man in black didn't say anything.

But he didn't stop at all, he made up his mind to leave.

Pinocchio followed and said in confusion: "This experiment was interfered with by that boy, and we didn't get what we wanted. Is this the end? Why don't you want to meet that wizard boy, I Seems like he’s not that important.”

The man groaned and said: "Although we didn't get what we wanted in this country, I have seen the signs of that thing appearing. In addition, the previous two countries' experience in successfully obtaining that thing, I Just know that our guess was not wrong.”


"Your wish to become a human is about to come true."

"The existence of that thing can make the law lose its original meaning."

"Really?" Pinocchio's voice was full of joy. "That's great. Master, I will definitely help you."

"Next, which country are we going to? Should we go back to the Kingdom of Alsace again? Now it seems that the experiment we did in the Kingdom of Alsace was wrong. If we do that experiment again, it will definitely Get what we want.”

The Pinocchio puppet followed like an innocent child. Of course he was not an innocent existence, but once he encountered the problem of becoming a human, he would lose his mind and have more uncontrollable impulses.

That impulse is enough to turn even the wisest and most ruthless people into emotional puppets.

Ivita hesitated, but she only restored the land of Lombardy, drove away the monsters, and released the Iron Crown's abnormal control over life and death.

But no, they disbanded the Black Knights, the immortal rotten men of the Iron Crown.

Because there are still many enemies in this country, I cannot give up these troops yet.

In addition, Ivita has lifted the Iron Crown's curse on the traitors. There should be many civilians in this country who were cursed and turned into monsters, restored to their original state.

Because she wears the Iron Crown, Ivita can observe the number of civilians who can now revert to ordinary humans. There are about 200,000 of these people.

Although there are many people, this is actually only about 10% of the country's original population.

Because the Iron Crown lost control before, causing most people to lose their lives.

At the bottom of the Iron Crown Mountains, Duraubin and the old sword master looked very ugly.

Their gryphon knights landed on the ground and joined them. After continuous fighting, there were only eleven gryphon knights left out of the original fifteen, and everyone was still injured.

But these knights are all superior knights, and the Griffin Knights are still powerful.

Duraubin looked at the Iron Crown, with unwillingness, anger, disappointment and disbelief in his eyes. As the prince of the empire, he finally seized the opportunity and wanted to obtain this land so that he could truly compete with those who had the ability to compete for the throne. The princes competed, but the wizard lord cut off this fantasy.

He has more advantages than other noble heirs.

He has partial dispatch rights of the Griffin Knights, and the support of his grandfather's Imperial Sword Master. He carries many resources that ordinary people don't know about, but he still has no chance of getting the Iron Crown.

Duraubin asked his grandfather, the Imperial Sword Master, and whispered: "Grandpa, is there really no other way? Can we just watch a stranger take the Iron Crown now?"

The Imperial Sword Master shook his head. "There is really no other way. In this situation, even your father, the emperor, can only bless the other party and express generous rewards."

"He has now mastered the laws of the Iron Crown and is the master here. In principle, the Principality of Lombardy still belongs to the Holy Empire. Therefore, even your father can no longer attack him openly."

"On the contrary, treat him as a powerful prince."

The old swordsman of the empire said to his grandson Duraubiner: "There are some things that can't be helped. This world can't all go as you want. Instead of being sad and gaining nothing, it's better to think more about how to make friends with him."

The expression on Duraubin's face was uncertain.

On the other side, Qixiong among the Elephant God weapons suddenly let out a breath. "It failed. I still didn't get the Iron Crown, and I failed to live up to the resources my family gave me."

"But actually, I could have expected this kind of thing from the beginning. After all, this place was already so twisted and strange before."

"Elephant God, we have to prepare to go back."

Not only them, but also many heirs in this country, some are glad that the monsters have finally disappeared and they can live on; others are disappointed that they have no chance to obtain the Iron Crown.

But more people, after going through this incident, have a clear understanding of themselves - how can there be a throne in this world that is given to you for free.

When these people first arrived in this country, they thought their luck was so good that it exploded, but later they discovered that everything was different from what they imagined when they came.

Just when these people wanted to leave, they met their old acquaintances, the black knights, in the greatly changed Kingdom of Lombardy.

Out of etiquette, Ivita planned to entertain them in the castle that had just been renovated in the royal capital.

As night fell, these heirs saw the elegance of the wizard lord who took away the Iron Crown at the banquet.

Everyone was not used to it at first, but soon Ivita allowed them to talk happily with her.

Ivita 'accidentally' told them that she had just unified Cross Island and solved the Black Sea piracy problem that had plagued the countries for many years, which surprised many nobles.

Only then did they realize how different Ivita was from them.

When a person sees someone similar to himself succeeding, he will only be jealous and hateful, wishing that you did not do any good things.

But a person who is much better than himself will uncharacteristically bless that person with sincerity and will no longer be jealous.

This is human nature and inevitable.

In an instant, the nobles in the somewhat simple banquet in the castle looked at Ivita with no trace of jealousy, but with legendary admiration.

A young man from a minor noble family raised his glass to Ivita and said, "To our king, to our hero."

"King Ivita!"

He drank the wine in one gulp, and other nobles followed suit. Some of the younger nobles really looked at Ivita like a hero.

There are even many female nobles who originally wanted to inherit the Iron Crown, and they are ogling Ivita.

After having enough wine and food, Ivita made suggestions to everyone at the appropriate time. "Everyone, I know that many of you are here with family missions."

At the dinner table, many nobles were silent.

Because now, they have indeed let down their respective families.

They no longer hate Ivita, but they still lament to some extent that they are Ivita's background and stepping stones.

Ivita became king, and they returned to their homeland bearing the mark of failure.

They are basically from small and medium-sized noble families.

They may seem prominent, but they are not the first heirs in line to the family, or even the second heirs in line.

Because these aristocratic families would not let the second heir to take risks in distant places. In this era, the probability of the death of the first heir is still very high, so the family usually has a second heir.

They basically couldn't inherit the family territory, so they wanted to take the trouble to come to the Principality of Lombardy to try their luck.

But now, the reality is cruelly telling them that they have no chance to inherit the territory.

Iveta picked up the turkey on the table, cut it open with a knife and fork, and stuffed it into her mouth, enjoying the fragrance of the fat in her mouth. "Why are you looking so depressed? You can't inherit the Iron Crown, but now my country is vast and sparsely populated, so you can stay here."

At the dining table, hundreds of small and medium-sized nobles took a deep breath, and then excitement and happiness reappeared in their eyes.

Iveta's words woke them up.


Why are they staring at the Iron Crown? Isn’t this too ambitious?

Even if Ivita canonizes one of them as a baron, they have earned it.

Iveta took the opportunity to continue: "You can write to your family, tell them the current situation, and then propose to divide the family in advance, and ask the family to give you resources, money, and people to help you establish a business in Lombardy. A new branch of the family.”

"From now on you are pioneering nobles."

"Even better than your brothers at home, who inherit your family property, don't you think about it?"

Ivetta accurately captured what these people from small and medium-sized noble families care about most - territory, family property, and their desire to surpass their brothers who are more valued and favored by their parents.

Under Ivita's continuous attacks, some nobles who reacted quickly knelt down directly to Ivita and expressed their willingness to serve Ivita as his king and become a noble of Lombardy.

Soon, most of the nobles at the table were begging Ivita to canonize them.

The candidates for the heir to the Iron Crown who came from great nobles even had the idea that if Ivita gave them a high enough title, they might as well stay here and become Ivita's subordinates.

At the dinner table, the nobles were discussing.

"Most kings only become monarchs by blood, and they are far inferior to Lord Ivita. We really should stay here, this is our way out. Why return home when we can serve Lord Ivita here? , to serve our brothers who were just born before us?”

"This is indeed our best choice. But once we make a choice, we must always be loyal to our monarch."

Ivetta raised her glass to the man and smiled.

Things went surprisingly smoothly.

Now that the Principality of Lombardy is short of people, I can simply bring these people over. I can also use the resources behind them to attract people and resources to the country.

It really kills two birds with one stone.

Moreover, these people are considered to be relatively outstanding people, and they are originally suitable for being canonized as nobles and allowing them to serve the country.

Next to Ivita's left hand, Qixiong said to Ivita: "Dear Lord Ivita, I am sorry that I cannot accept your kindness. I still need to return to my family."

"But I cherish my friendship with you."

Iveta smiled and didn't mind. This is other people's freedom.

Qi Xiong himself was born into a noble family and had many options, so it was normal that he was not his first choice.

Ivita didn't care about the previous rift with him and said: "It doesn't matter, my brother."

Qixiong immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Ivita looked at Duraubin, and her people were cleaning up the mess in this country. When she restored the timeline, she retained the Sun Cult members and the Tomb King.

This keeps them alive.

The Hearthstone Witch took the leader of the Sun God Cult to check whether there were any enemies left in the country, especially those who had previously manipulated the puppets. The Tomb King was in the basement of the castle.

Since he knows the Tomb King's weakness, he can naturally control him.

Just Duraubiner…

In fact, strictly speaking, they are their enemies, but they haven't discovered their true identity yet.

The old sword master whispered: "Mr. Ivita, why are you always staring at us?"

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