The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 424 Newly involved forces

While everyone outside the castle went to rescue the burning carriage, Ivita's incarnation of a peregrine falcon flew into the castle and followed the sound of the envoy talking to Maximian and others into the hall.

He landed on the candlelight hanging from the ceiling of the hall.

Ivita looked at the envoy below who was still trying to persuade Maximian. The envoy said to Maximian: "The Grand Viscount has led the army and surrounded the city of Ambrose five times."

"Although they were repulsed by the city of Ambrose every time, their resistance became weaker and weaker each time. We have recently received help from the Chaos Abyss, and the Zerg army will enter our country from the Baron of Augustus in the west. .The outcome is already obvious. Those who don’t want to take advantage of the last chance to take sides are fools. Lord Maximian.”

On the candlestick, the peregrine falcon transformed by Ivita has cold eyes.

Entering from the west?

That was the location of his original territory.

Ambrose's noble faction was stupid enough to invite the insects from the Chaos Abyss to enter, and to enter through his territory. It was really stupid.

But he had to take care of this kind of thing.

Maximian said angrily: "Helping you will only help the villain, get out of here."

The envoy's eyes flashed with anger. "How could someone be so ignorant... Do you want to think about it again..."

After confirming Maximian's attitude, Ivita suddenly fell from the top of the castle.

"He doesn't need to think about it."

The envoy was shocked and turned pale. He took out the accessories from his waist and said inwardly: "Who? What do you want to do? You..."

With every step Ivita took, the sound seemed to be the most terrifying echo in the world. The skin on the envoy's face rapidly aged, with wrinkles, crow's feet, and even age spots appearing.

This is when Ivita saw the [Aging Curse] from the ancient library.

However, the premise that this spell can be established is that there is an insurmountable gap in spirit and soul between the two parties. Otherwise, it will not be effective, and it will even be counterattacked by magic.

"Ah~" The messenger saw in horror that he spanned the time from middle age to old age in an instant, and was about to die of old age in the end.

He fell to the ground, looked at Ivita bitterly, and made an old voice. "Why are you attacking me?"

Ivita turned back and gave him a cold look. "You don't need to know."

The next moment, the messenger was dead.

Maximian was still wary at first, but when he saw Ivita clearly, he became excited. "It turns out to be you, Mr. Ivita. I didn't expect that we would meet here. After I said goodbye to you before, I never heard from you again."

"I'm still worried that maybe we'll never meet again in this life. I heard that you seem to have gone overseas."

Ivita nodded. "Um."

"I went overseas and came back. That's not unusual."

Maximian asked Ivita to sit down. "Indeed, young people should go out for more walks. Please sit down. What are you going to do when you come back now? This is not a stable place. If my wife hadn't been unwilling to leave here, I would have moved a long time ago."

Ivita glanced at several servants in the hall.

It was discovered that these servants could not actually be regarded as pure-blooded humans, because their spirituality contained some spirituality that was different from humans. It seemed that these people were all black bear people.

Iveta looked at Maximian and said, "I can't sit down anymore. There's a fire outside, and now we have to rescue people."

Maximian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Did you do it? That's good. I thought they were quite annoying."

When the two of them left the castle together, the fire had spread to Mr. Lorenzo's entire army.

That magical flame cannot be extinguished.

Lorenco's troops were forced to abandon their baggage and carriages and stay away from all places on fire, but Lorenco was still in the carriage and could not get out at all.

As soon as Ivetta and others came out, they immediately surrounded Ivetta, Maximian and others, and started making noises, as if they had found a way.

"Is it your fault? Let our master come over quickly."

A knight pointed at the tip of Ivita's nose and said: "Wizard, don't try to make any conspiracy. I..."

In his own horrified eyes, the knight sword in his hand actually began to melt into molten iron from the tip of the sword.

"Ah..." The knight let go of the sword in pain, and the sword fell to the ground and turned into a pool of molten iron.

He looked at Ivita in shock and fear, not knowing what to say or what to do for a moment.

Ivita raised the golden sun wand she had just obtained. As soon as the wand appeared, the entire surrounding area lit up, like the reflection of gold.

"If we don't have a big knight, it means we can't use evil energy. Without a large number of evil energy users to suppress and resist my magic, the number of people doesn't mean much to us."

Ivita waved her magic wand, and all the weapons in the hands of hundreds of troops broke automatically, and the armor on their bodies also peeled off piece by piece.

This is Yvetta applying the aging spell to these objects.

Maximian's eyes widened and he whispered to Ivita: "I originally wanted you to step back and protect you. But now it seems that I am being smart."

He smiled bitterly. "Why has Mr. Ivita and I changed so much after not seeing each other for more than a year?"

Ivita glanced at him, then waved her wand at everyone, and monstrous flames appeared at the feet of the troops.

Because of the infinite magic power, Ivita does not need to take into account how much magic power will be consumed.

At least twenty more flame tornadoes appeared at the feet of these troops, and then bells full of death and destruction rang all around. Flowers and grass withered, and forest feathers and leaves withered, as if it was the end of the world.

This is the Doomsday Clock Spell!

A cross appeared under their feet, and then a huge fireball fell from the sky. A huge sound was heard, and it scorched a large area of ​​land, melted an unknown number of stones, and harvested all life.

When the magic stopped, the troops originally surrounding the castle disappeared.

Maximian opened his mouth wide and looked at this scene in disbelief.

Ivita frowned, wondering if it was an illusion. When she used magic, she always felt like she was being watched from behind.

As I continue to strengthen my magic, that feeling becomes stronger and stronger.

When Ivita's light soul had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, Ivita took the initiative to lower the magic intensity, and the sense of spying behind it was much weaker.

It was strange that Ambrose was a magical desert, Ivita thought, and neither the thousand-year-old fire nor the laws of the snowy mountains suppressed the supernatural power.

The territory of Ambrose is not a desert or Gobi, nor is it lacking in resources.

Why would this place become a desert for extraordinary people?

In the past, many high-level professionals entered here, but they all encountered different misfortunes. Now it seems that these are probably not false.

Ivita thought for a moment and felt that she had to change her plan.

If this hidden danger is not solved, then I really don’t know what accidents will happen in the future.

The existence that is spying on itself secretly can spy on itself secretly, but it cannot find its location.

Ivita waved her magic wand, and the door of the carriage that was suddenly on fire opened. Mr. Lorenco, who was huddled in the corner of the carriage, flew to Ivita like an object.

Lorenko turned pale with fright. "Devil! You are a demon. You dare not kill me, my father is..."

Iveta stood above him and looked at him coldly, "I have two questions for you. First, how many adopted children did your father adopt?"

"Two, please tell me, why should I spare your life?"

Lorenko looked at everything around him, his face turned pale, and he knew that no matter how much he pretended to be powerful, he would be the unlucky one, so he lay down at Ivita's feet and said to Ivita: "Great sir, I was talking nonsense before. Gibberish. That’s what it is.”

"My father had hundreds of adopted children..."

Maximian snorted disdainfully.

Iveta understood. Sure enough, she had guessed it right. Now the obsessive-compulsive viscount's biological daughter was dead and was already in ruins.

The adoption spree began.

This is also a way.

If a ruler has no heir, his subordinates will start to consider retreat.

Lorenko took advantage of Ivita's thinking and quickly said to Ivita: "There is a reason why I contacted Maximian at this time. I know a big secret of the Viscount."

"I think this should...should keep me alive."

Ivetta and Maximian looked at him in surprise.

They didn't expect that this timid and cowardly guy might actually have the secret of the obsessive-compulsive disorder Viscount.

Ivita said with a dark face: "Say!"

Lorenko looked at Ivita, as if he wanted Ivita to promise that she would not do anything again after he explained the matter.

Although Maximian didn't know what Ivita wanted, he still scolded Lorenko: "You'd better say it quickly. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen to you."

Lorenko hesitated for a moment, but still said to Ivita: "My lord, I want to tell you that the obsessive-compulsive disorder Viscount has gone crazy recently. He is always talking to a person in the cellar of his castle."

Ivita looked impatient.

Lorenko quickly accelerated the progress. "Because I and several of his other adopted sons were responsible for feeding the war horses in his castle, I overheard him talking to people in the cellar a month ago. At first I thought he was talking to some shady person, but I found out later that he was just talking to a hole in the cellar."

"What's more, the puppet people will help him, and this siege of Ambrose City will definitely succeed. It will be an extremely tragic war, and most of the Ambrose people will die."

"Because I was scared, I wanted to find Puss and let Puss help me save my life."

"Two adults, please let me go. I just want to survive."

Maximian snorted coldly.

Ivita started to think about it. She used magic to sense whether he was lying, and the results showed that it was most likely true.

Then this is weird.

Why did the obsessive-compulsive viscount talk to a hole in the cellar in his castle? Could it be that he was suffering from an illness?

Iveta looked at Lorenco. This guy had the power of a formal knight, but he was burned by his own fire magic before, which damaged cells everywhere in his body, causing his physical condition to decline rapidly.

Wait a moment.

Loren did not see the Viscount talking to anyone, but only saw the obsessive-compulsive Viscount talking to himself.

But the problem is, what he saw may not be true.

Moreover, the puppet man also appeared in the Lombardy country. At that time, the puppet man seemed to be siding with the Tomb King.

Ivita suddenly thought of something and stretched out her hand to Lorenco's forehead. Lorenco was almost scared to death, thinking that Ivita was going to kill her.

He began to beg for mercy quickly.

But Ivita's purpose was not here. He just extracted this guy's soul, and then started to examine this guy's soul.

A quarter of an hour later.

Ivita looked strange.

Maximian asked Ivita: "Old friend, what's the problem?"

Ivetta said to Maximian: "My guess is correct. This fool was discovered long ago when he was eavesdropping, and the part of his memory that overheard their conversation was taken away."

"His memories have also been modified. The chronological order of some memories is out of order, and some memories are other people's memories that have been stuffed into his memories."

"No wonder this guy is so stupid. After his memory has been destroyed and modified, it means that his original algorithm has changed. I don't know if the adopted sons of the obsessive-compulsive disorder have all had their memories modified."

Ivita shook her head. "None of this guy's words can be believed. But I'm afraid the obsessive-compulsive disorder Viscount is really talking to someone."

Ivita extracted the memory and soul of the other party from the body, then summoned a leaf and placed Lorenco's soul in the leaf.

Ivita said to Maximian: "He has some secrets about Ambrose's fate. I separated his soul from his body. Can you help me imprison him temporarily?"

Maximian smiled and said: "Okay. If you have helped me so much, of course I will help you. But I didn't expect that Mr. Ivita's magic is so powerful now, and he can pull out other people's souls at will."

Ivita nodded.

In fact, the ancient library mentioned the reverse application of medium-difficulty magic [Psychic Magic: Psychic Medium]. With his spirituality far beyond that of ordinary humans, he could easily extract the souls of mortals.

However, what made Ivita think deeply was that she didn't know which force the obsessive-compulsive disorder Viscount had negotiated cooperation with.

Ambrose City has to make a trip to itself.

See if you can catch any leaks.

Ivita said to Maximian: "Old friend, this time I am here to invite you to be my ally. The terms are easy to negotiate, and I want to take over Ambrose."

Maximian didn't hesitate at all. "Okay, I support you!"

Ivita looked at him in surprise. "I originally thought that since you have rejected the Viscount so many times, you would also reject me."

Maximian looked at the corpses on the ground and said, "That's because they don't deserve it. And Ivita, I believe in you."

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