The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 426 Hell’s intervention?

Ivita looked strange, "Can the Zerg in the Chaos Abyss still be loyal to others?"

The insect queen prayed: "Yes, yes, sir. The insect queen of the Chaos Abyss can give you her soul fragments. As long as you hold my soul fragments, you can kill me at any time."

"I have at most two masters. But this is the Magic Black Forest, not the Chaos Abyss in the south. As long as I don't get close to the Chaos Abyss, I can listen to your orders."

Iveta's face became even weirder.

Seeing Ivita's strange expression, the insect queen hurriedly said: "I have the primitive power of the Chaos Abyss. As long as you give me time, as many insects as you want can give birth to you. It will definitely be useful."

Iveta said coldly: "I think your insect swarm army is still rapidly approaching our position. Do you want to delay here?"

Ivita raised her wand again.

Seeing that the last trace of luck in her heart had been shattered, the insect queen quickly took out the soul fragment and handed it to Ivita, "Master, you misunderstood. These troops are here to serve you."

Ivita took over the illusory soul fragment and controlled it with her light soul. With the help of this soul fragment, Ivita seemed to have penetrated all the secrets of the insect queen lying on the ground in front of her.

Its thoughts, the genetic essence hidden in its body...

And I can still feel the fear, anger and anxiety of the insect queen.

From the soul body of the Queen of Insects, Ivita sensed the chaotic consciousness of those insect swarms. These insect swarms basically cannot be regarded as living things. It is not an exaggeration to call them biological puppets.

I'm afraid, Chaos Abyss is also here to control the insect swarm like I do now.

Only then did Ivita notice that the Queen of Worms is a defective life form. Its soul seems to be born with a missing part. That part is the original human soul that represents reason, appreciation of art, and higher creatures. part.

But the insect queens are obviously not a bunch of mindless lunatics.

Their intelligence seems to come from a larger collection of consciousness located far away. That collection of consciousness carries the thinking part of their advanced consciousness and gives them the ability to carry out advanced thinking.

'No wonder the insect swarms are so hostile to humans. It turns out that it is because they do not have the advanced brain of humans at all. ’ Ivita thought: ‘But observing such a soul has given me a deeper understanding of soul-related knowledge. ’

‘This will help me create my own dark soul in the future. ’

Ivita also noticed that although she controlled the insect queen, the great collective consciousness from the far south did not withdraw its support for the advanced thinking of the insect queen she controlled.

On the contrary, after realizing the existence of Ivita, he actually showed some kindness to Ivita and continued to support the advanced thinking of the insect queen controlled by Ivita.

'what happened? ’ Ivita thought in confusion.

The highest consciousness of the insect swarm actually acquiesces to outsiders controlling the insect swarm through the insect queen, and feels happy.

Is it to use this method to expand the power of the insect swarm?

Ivita came back to her senses and focused on her own body in the real world. He was not at ease with the insect queen who actively surrendered to him, so he tapped the insect queen's forehead with his wand.

The insect queen was trembling with fear. "My lord, what are you going to do?"

"I have surrendered to you."

Ivita said: "What is your name?"

"I...the name of our advanced Zerg is the same as that of humans. My name is Jinx Queen."

Jinx Queen replied honestly.

Ivita nodded and put a delayed release [Doomsday Bell Curse] into the soul of the insect queen. "I have put a spell on you. Once this spell is released, you will definitely die."

"I will help you delay this spell every half month."

"But if you don't come to me within half a month, then you will die under this spell, because this spell is put into your soul, so you'd better not think that the Chaos Abyss can help solve the problem." curse."

Jinx breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be just that. Anyway, it had long been bound by various threats in the Chaos Abyss and was not surprised by similar things.

In its view, Ivita's actions showed that it was safe.

Ivita turned into a peregrine falcon and flew back to her territory. Seeing this, Queen Jinx quickly chased after her.

Now it has a new owner.

When he returned to the territory, Rayleigh, Black Wolf and others were still confronting the anthropomorphic insect men who had sneaked into the territory.

Ivita fell from the sky and stood between the two parties.

Rayleigh and the knights were stunned at first, then seemed to have found a backbone and welcomed Ivita's return.

Reilly shouted: "Your Highness, you are finally back. The black door that suddenly appeared before was probably your work. You saved us."

Black Wolf said to Ivita: "Your Highness, be careful, these are not human beings, they are our enemies."

Those knights are not as close to Ivita as the two of them, but Ivita was once the savior here and their superior lord, and also created the prosperity of the territory today.

Therefore, they felt relieved when they saw Ivita smiling mostly.

Ivita glanced at the men. "You can't recognize the enemy either. These insect swarms blended into the territory without even noticing it."

Rayleigh, Black Wolf and the knights all looked ashamed.

Ivita added: "Now that I have subdued these insect swarms, you are going to attack them. Alas."

Black Wolf, Rayleigh, and the knights were about to nod and admit their mistake, but at this moment they all raised their heads in surprise.


All conquered?

Could it be that Iveta had eliminated all the enemies all over the mountains and plains in just a moment, and even turned them into her own troops?

For a time, these people felt that Ivita was unfathomable and very reliable.

Black Wolf asked Ivita: "Does Your Highness know everything here?"

Ivita said: "When you were ambushed by the insect swarm and you were deceived by the insect swarm into taking the initiative to attack, I watched the entire war and summarized many of your problems."

"The observation deck was too idle, and I didn't even notice a large number of insects approaching."

"The insect swarm did not attack our territory immediately. They must have noticed me and the Dragon Palace magic I left behind in this territory. That's why I led you out so that I could catch you all."

"Although the Chaos Abyss is very powerful compared to ordinary mortals, as long as you are careful and don't be fooled by these swarms of insects disguised as humans, stick to your own ideas, and use my Dragon Palace magic, you may not be able to defend your territory."

Black Wolf, Rayleigh and the other knights did not object.

Because for more than a year, the Dragon Palace magic left by Ivita has indeed caused many enemies to retreat in spite of difficulties.

Only then did the knight lords, who were originally arrogant and ignorant, become convinced of Ivita and regard him as their support.

But they didn't expect that Ivita would still help them clean up their mess as soon as they returned to the territory.

Ivita looked at the bugs who were kneeling in front of him. Because the fragments of the Queen's soul were shrouded in her own light soul, these bugs were obeying her orders in disguise.

"All of you left Baron Augustus and went to the city of Ambrose disguised as humans. Half of you infiltrated into Ambrose and became spies there, and the other half infiltrated into the troops of the obsessive-compulsive viscount."

After hearing Ivita's order, the insects all stood up, turned around, and left at a speed that did not match ordinary humans, quickly heading into the distance.

The soldiers and knights looked at the buggers who turned away and whispered to each other, lamenting that they had allowed hundreds of bug spies to enter the territory before without any notice.

Rayleigh and Black Wolf walked to Ivita's side. Black Wolf said: "Your Highness, during this period, there are many forces threatening our territory and hoping that we will be loyal to them."

Reilly said decisively: "That's their wishful thinking."

Ivita said: "I have unified Cross Island and the Principality of Lombardy. Now the power I hold is unprecedented, and I have many allies in Ambrose."

Rayleigh, Black Wolf, and the knights were all stunned when they heard this.

Many knights joined the Barony of Augustus because of money.

At this moment, they heard that their minds were swaying. Although they had heard before that the owner of this territory went overseas to pursue territory, they did not expect that Ivita actually told them that he went out and obtained two independent countries. territory.

But they didn't think that Ivita was joking.

The person who can control the entire insect swarm in a very short period of time is indeed no small character.

After a brief shock, Black Wolf suddenly thought of something and stared at Ivita.

Now that Ivita has regained so much territory and troops, it shows that Ivita's ambitions will never end there.

It seems that Ivita will take action against the Kingdom of Alsace in the near future.

Black Wolf said to Ivita: "We know that in order to win the war, the obsessive-compulsive Viscount has ignored Ambrose and sought help from many external forces with a bad reputation."

"The Chaos Abyss is just one of them."

"I heard that they have recently become involved with druids."

Ivita looked strange. "Okay, I get it now."

He didn't want to discuss the issue of druids in depth because he wasn't clean in this regard either.

Black Wolf said to Ivita: "What does Your Highness want us to do?"

Ivita said: "There is no need to reveal our identities for the time being. Just stay put and stay where we are. If there are any powerful forces that want to attack the territory, contact me immediately with Dragon Palace magic. As long as you use the magic in my study in the castle Washbasin, speak to the washbasin and I can hear you.”

"I'm going to meet up with the hunter Christine. She's good at finding things. I just want her to help me find someone who is spying on me."

Black Wolf wondered: "Don't we need to go to Ambrose as soon as possible?"

"Don't worry, let the Viscount and the others go crazy for a while first." Ivita said: "It would be too unkind of us not to let him go crazy. Besides, only when he goes crazy can things get worse and worse."

"From what I have learned about him during this period, I know that he will only make things more and more troublesome."

On the other side of Ambrose, the obsessive-compulsive Viscount was under Ambrose's city wall. Behind him were thousands of troops, and among his team were many mercenaries from foreign forces and their leaders.

These armies from different countries made the armies of Ambrose's own aristocratic faction insignificant.

A messenger came to the Viscount with obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the messenger said to the Viscount: "The general of the Kingdom of Potsdam said that he observed the rain clouds in the sky and found that it was raining this afternoon, and it was inconvenient to attack the city today."

"He wants to ask the Viscount to postpone the attack on the city."

The obsessive-compulsive viscount nodded indifferently.

But I was actually very unhappy inside.

He is the marshal of the army, but now he has to listen to these foreigners in everything. These foreigners are too troublesome.

Although it seems to have helped him now, it also promised him unknown benefits, and if these foreigners hadn't helped the city guild faction, he wouldn't have needed to ask for foreign aid.

After all, these foreigners are still troublesome.

The obsessive-compulsive viscount looked coldly at the foreign mercenaries on his side, and then whispered to the knights beside him: "Next time, let those mercenaries line up in front, and our people in the back, do you understand? "

The knight looked at the viscount in embarrassment. "Putting unreliable soldiers in the front will affect the morale of the army."

The obsessive-compulsive viscount snorted coldly. "Do you think I don't know? It's just that the people in front of the siege are cannon fodder. It will affect the morale of the army. If anyone retreats, let our spearmen stab them."

The knight had no choice but to give up and nodded sadly.

Suddenly, the obsessive-compulsive viscount heard a sound in his ears. It was the sound of drums. A puppet man was surprisingly able to move on his own. He also held a rattle and kept beating it in his hand.

The puppet man chuckled. "Lord Viscount, I think you have encountered some problem. It seems that you need my help now."

The obsessive-compulsive viscount looked at him coldly. "Who are you? What are you? If you don't answer your origin, I will have you burned."

"I am a messenger from hell to help you. Even hell is looking after you now." Pinocchio did not panic at all and lied casually. "Did anyone say anything bad about us to you before? It makes you look so unkind when you see the puppets. It makes me sad."

"" The obsessive-compulsive viscount couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he heard this. "What the hell are you doing here?"

The Pinocchio puppet said: "Hell noticed that too many people died here, and then it noticed you. You are destined to be the master of this land."

"We want to help you. Please keep these soybeans. If you are in danger, scatter the soybeans and it will be enough to turn the tables."

“Even when you’re winning, it helps you ensure your victory so that no one else can take it away from you.”

The obsessive-compulsive viscount wondered: "Then what do I have to pay? Those druids ask for a lot of conditions."

The Pinocchio puppet shook his head: "No need for anything. We just want to do an experiment in this land. You can do whatever you want. We just need to wait quietly for how things will happen."

After saying that, the Pinocchio puppet turned and left.

The obsessive-compulsive viscount stared at it with evil eyes. "Gentiles, demons, and druids all regard me as a fragrant cake and want to take a bite."

"Damn outsiders."

"When I've finished using you, I'll kick you all out."

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