The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 428 The ‘Dead’ Snow Queen

As Ivita's clone monitored both sides of Ambrose and broke into them, and began to investigate the forces involved in Ambrose, Ivita, the Hearthstone Witch and Christine had already left the castle and entered the dense forest. middle.

The Hearthstone Witch asked Christine: "Why are the trees here getting denser and denser? There is nothing near here, not even a village. Are you sure you are not taking the wrong path?"

"And there are more and more magical creatures here."

As soon as the Hearthstone Witch finished speaking, Kristine opened her bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow into the jungle. The hunting arrow wrapped with astonishing evil energy accurately shot into the spine of a dinosaur-like magical creature, and then decomposed That magical creature.

Ivita recognized the magical creature as the clawed crawling lizard that the witch's apprentice had been transformed into.

The Hearthstone Witch couldn't help but walk up to Christine and pat her shoulder. “Is this place reliable or not?”

But who knows, the Christine she slapped turned into a phantom and disappeared from the place.

Christine appeared on the branch crown of a tree five meters away, and Iveta immediately understood that this was the core skill of a fourth-level hunter, creating phantoms.

Christine said to Ivita: "Since you left Ambrose, I have often thought about the source of the hunter's ability. I have told you before that I found that the source of the hunter's power is not hatred."

"It's not revenge, it's protection."

"In this mood, I thought about the future of hunters day and night, and finally I discovered that hunters can also have their own fifth level."

"So, I gained a new ability - the mind's eye. Of course, I haven't reached the fifth level yet."

Iveta looked at her, surprised.

Unexpectedly, a profession that was originally at the third level would be pushed all the way to a height that was originally impossible to reach by Christine, a genius.

If the hunter can reach the fifth level, the importance of the hunter profession will increase significantly, and it will no longer be Ambrose's special profession.

The Hearthstone Witch was very angry when she found that Christine was ignoring her, but she suddenly remembered that Christine seemed to hate her identity as a wizard, so she kept silent.

Why is face so important as safety?

Ivita asked: "What is the Mind's Eye? Can it help me find the person who is spying on us?"

Kristen stood on the crown of the tree, stepping on the branches and looking into the distance. "'s not possible. Because it requires the combined skills of mind and hunting."

"Since I was sure that there was someone spying on me half a year ago, I have been thinking about how to track it. The mind's eye was created in this state."

Christine closed her eyes. "Since human vision cannot track the mastermind behind the scenes, let me use my mind's eye to track it."

Christine obviously just closed her eyes, but the Hearthstone Witch always had the illusion that she was being stared at fiercely.

In the devil's eye on Ivita's forehead, he saw a colorless and transparent eyeball three inches above Christine's head. The eyeball was about the size of a basketball, and the eyeball was still looking in all directions.

Suddenly, the eyeball was fixed on the southeast.

When Kristine opened her eyes, they glowed red. There was an illusory reflection in her eyes, as if staring at the enemy. Kristine quickly chased towards the southeast.

Ivita was about to transform into a peregrine falcon and catch up, but was stopped by the Hearthstone Witch.

The Hearthstone Witch said to Ivita: "I don't think we can fully trust her."

"Your Majesty, we should be more careful."

Ivita glanced at the Hearthstone Witch strangely, "You are too careful. Let's go."

The two took off together, transforming into peregrine falcons and vultures to follow Christine, who had already walked away.

In mid-air, Ivita began to think. ‘The Hearthstone Witch is very uneasy right now. ’

‘By the way, I almost forgot that compared to Ambrose, the Hearthstone Witch is also a high-level professional, she is also the fourth level. I am afraid that the existence that is spying on us has already affected the Hearthstone Witch in advance. ’

Ivita unfolded the light soul and checked whether there were any strange forces around herself and the Hearthstone Witch.

But nothing was found.

This made Ivita even more afraid.

'Under normal circumstances, especially in a place like this where there may be many wild beasts and magical creatures, it is impossible not to have a little magical power. But I can't find anything now. ’ Ivita understood that she was probably secretly spying on their existence, and now she was always watching them secretly. Its power caused the weak magical forces around her to retreat.

‘What on earth is it? ’ Ivita thought, ‘Could it be the sealed witch marquis? If it is the Witch Marquis, he has border magic that ignores distance. Putting a curse on the whole country seems to be no problem. ’

Ivita and the Hearthstone Witch followed Christine to a valley deep in a dense forest. This valley was too hidden and located in a dense forest, so it was basically inaccessible.

Ivita even saw some human bones on the edge of the valley.

Come to think of it, some lost civilians have accidentally come here, but most of them were trapped here and died.

Ivita found Christine and said to her: "Is the person behind the scenes in this valley?"

Kristine didn't speak, just shook her head, looking at the rocks full of confusion.

After she was silent for a few minutes, she suddenly said to Ivita: "My inner eye told me that this is the direction to go forward. But when I crossed this valley, my inner eye told me to go back."

"Come back to the valley."

"But standing in front of the valley, my mind and hunting instinct made me move forward. Ivita, do you know what is going on?"

Before Ivita could speak, the Hearthstone Witch was shocked. "This means that this place is hidden by magic. It must be a powerful magic. Your Majesty, why don't we leave here first and then make a long-term plan."

"I always feel like it's not simple here."

Ivita glanced at the Hearthstone Witch with deep meaning. The Hearthstone Witch was almost talking nonsense.

It can be seen that the people behind the scenes have a profound influence on her spirit.

It is right for you to find the person behind the scenes first.

I'm afraid that if the Hearthstone Witch delays for a few more days, she will go crazy like the high-level professionals who enter Ambrose.

Ivita said: "I just checked, Miss Christine, this is a trick that witches and wizards like to use. Ambrose's witches are generally not that powerful, so it's normal that you don't know."

Ivita used her light soul to lock the hidden spell magic in the valley.

He put his hand in the void, and then heard the sound of breaking glass one after another. The invisible barrier shattered like mercury and tilted down, and then a different valley was exposed to everyone.

I saw that the valley that was originally spring has now turned directly into winter.

The harsh winter has taken over here, and there is ice everywhere. Some of these ice blocks are even black.

Ivita suddenly thought of it, instantly opened a door to darkness, and used her magical hands to capture both the Hearthstone Witch and Christine.

Christine exclaimed: "Ivetta?"

The next moment, the three of them appeared in a dense forest a thousand meters away from the valley, and all three of them saw that an ice rock in the shape of a black glacier lord's crown was automatically drilled out of the land where they were standing, and all the trees touched the ice. Yandu died quickly, and life no longer lingered for a moment.

Christine's eyes widened and she said in horror: "Is this what you witches and wizards do? The creatures of the night are much gentler than you."

Iveta looked ugly.

He recognized the black ice. When he fought the Ice Lich Lord in the disappeared territory, the other party also used black ice magic.

It was a combination of undead magic and ice magic.

Now that I think about it, this is actually a representation of the winter law.

The sealed existence in the valley is closely related to the Law of Winter.

In the valley, thirteen tentacles of black broken ice and death magic were stretched out. After these tentacles touch the soil, they will instantly absorb the vitality of the microorganisms in the soil and destroy the fertility of the soil.

If the tentacles touch the trees, they will wither.

When the tentacles touch the sky, they can even erode void holes in the sky.

"Give me...I want more...I want more..." The existence lying in the valley seemed to be awakened by Ivita's magic. "Feed me quickly, I want more."

Ivita used the flying spell to fly the two of them into the air, looking down at the valley. They saw terrible death magic and ice magic flowing in the cracks inside the valley that seemed ordinary before.

A woman without life or death lay quietly in the valley.

But she only had the left half of her body. She slept on a bed made of magical energy in the valley. Although she fell into a deep sleep, her handsome and beautiful face made people unable to forget it for a long time.

If one only observes her from one direction, the observer will conclude that this is one of the rare beauties in the world who can still daunt pursuers even if she falls into a deep sleep.

But when Iveta looked down, she saw with her own eyes that this guy only had the left half of his body.

She was like a woman whose inner being had been hollowed out.

The Hearthstone Witch whispered to Ivita: "I have seen her. I have seen her, but she has not seen me. This guy is the ruler of the land of winter law in the north, the Snow Queen."

"The Snow Queen hasn't walked for a long time. I didn't expect that she was sealed. This is too tragic. Is this turning her into two parts?"

Ivita made a point. "If that woman is really the Snow Queen, then she is not divided into two parts. Did you see her eyeballs? She doesn't have an eyeball on this half of her body now. Someone took away her eyeballs. She is The person who has been spying behind our backs?"

The Hearthstone Witch shook her head. "How is this possible? Who could make her become like this? She is sealed. Look at the sealing formations around the valley."

Ivita also noticed that around the valley, there were eight rocks emerging from the ground, as if they were naturally formed rocks.

These rocks form a very ancient but powerful sealing magic - the eight-tone seal.

But not only that, there is also a special power hidden in it that Ivita has never seen before.

Just when Ivita was in a daze, the Ice Queen, with only half of her body left in the valley, suddenly danced with her left hand, her face no longer graceful, and she looked very angry. "Give me the food. Give me the food quickly. Do you want to starve me to death?"

"Give me the food quickly!"

Following her angry voice, more than a dozen tentacles in the valley, which were combined with necromancy magic and ice magic, launched attacks on the surrounding areas.

The tentacles are still sucking the life force of the surrounding matter.

All this life force was returned to her, maintaining her unchanged appearance and trying to restore her injuries, allowing her to grow the other half of her body.

But the life energy of land and trees alone is very low.

Therefore, as soon as the other half of her body recovered a little, it naturally collapsed because it had no shape, and her body returned to its original state.

"I want to eat, I want to eat more." When the Snow Queen lost consciousness, she instinctively used magic to capture more life energy to supply her with recovery, and even wanted to break through the seal.

Ivita saw the eight-tone seal, which was constantly resonating secretly and entering the brains of living beings, causing panic in the living beings and keeping them away.

But the Snow Queen seemed to be trying to restore herself, so she emitted spiritual thoughts to confuse the approaching living beings, trying to pull them over.

Ivita finally understood why Ambrose's high-level professionals were in danger of going crazy. It turned out that the seal conflicted with the power of the Snow Queen, causing the high-level professionals to not be able to find the source and unable to get rid of the two opposing forces in their minds. Clash of forces.

To find the source, you need at least a fourth-level hunter who didn't exist before. This hunter must also be a genius enough to understand the [Inner Eye] skill that fourth-level hunters don't have.

Even with this hunter, it would take a witch marquis to break the magic that shrouded the valley.

Ivita pondered. "I'm afraid it's not that no one here knows, it's just that those who know don't need to tell the public, and the public has nowhere to go to know these things."

The Ice Queen's tentacles suddenly attacked him while Ivita was thinking.

Ivita did not dare to directly contact the Snow Queen's magic, so she immediately used the Dark Portal to teleport away from the place.

But the tentacle still followed Ivita, and the distance to him was even closer.

Ivita thought to herself: "The person who has been secretly watching me before is probably the Ice Queen's magic. As long as my power exceeds a certain limit, it should be able to break the distance of space and attack me directly."

"I can't get rid of it now."

Ivita tried to use the Dark Portal to teleport again, but the tentacle kept following him, and instead kept getting closer to him.

In the face of danger, Christine frowned, ready to help Ivita at any time.

And the Hearthstone Witch had an idea. "You might as well let it take away some of your magic power and see if it comes back on its own."

Ivita thought the same, and threw a magic hand at the tentacle. After the tentacle received the magic power, it was directly satisfied and quickly retracted.

The Hearthstone Witch said: "Sure enough, what I thought was right. The Snow Queen is like a living dead now. Her brain knows how much magic power needs to be collected to return her tentacles to her body once."

Ivita looked at the queen in the valley with a bad expression. "You're really posing a problem for me. Isn't this guy in the north? Why did he suddenly come to Ambrose?! He's specifically posing a problem for me."

"Could it be that when the undead from the north invaded the south in the past, the Snow Queen was defeated here and her body was divided and suppressed?"

"But the most important thing now is how to prevent it from threatening me."

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