The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 44: Let the enemy not guess your operations

Angel took them into the castle, on the first floor.

He asked Blanton to go to the hall on the second floor first to meet with the Barons of Moreau.

Blanton was a little scared, because in this way, he would be separated from Ivita and others.

But he had to go upstairs first, otherwise it would look too weird.

Angel took Ivita and others to the side hall on the first floor.

In the side hall, he expressionlessly pushed away the maid who entered, and said to Ivita and others: "Before meeting the baron, you must first remove your weapons and armor and pass my inspection."

Ivita was stunned for a moment.

Because disarming one's weapons would be very detrimental to one's own side.

And the opponent will soon discover the [Executioner], [Broken Steel Sword], and the old witch's expensive Mithril swords.

At this moment, Black Wolf suddenly sneered. "You don't even need to take off your armor and weapons to meet the king."

"Why is your Baron so special?"

"Your Majesty, you have gone too far."

Angel's face changed slightly.

Iveta suddenly thought.

By the way, this is not the ancient Celestial Dynasty.

The custom here is that meeting important people does not require disarming.

This son of the forest disguised as a human officer was just trying to make things difficult for them.

Moreover, it is difficult to say whether the other party will kill them next moment if they really disarm them.

Angel said forcefully: "This is our rule here."


Black Wolf said: "It's okay to disarm. But we need spices, soap, bath water boiled from a warm spring, four young and beautiful maids, and clean clothes suitable for the status of gentlemen and ladies for the four of us. .”

Iveta estimated that according to the prices in this world, this set would cost at least a hundred gold pounds.

Even more than that.

Angel was obviously dumbfounded. He said strangely: "What are you talking about?"

Black Wolf speaks his mind. "To meet the King of Alsace, you do need to disarm, take off your armor and put on clothes, but there will be a special etiquette department to teach you how to learn the etiquette of meeting the King."

"Hot spring hot water, beautiful women's clothes and food will also be provided."

"If it were the Frankish Empire next to the Kingdom of Alsace, then the cost of an audience with His Majesty would be an astronomical figure, and these are all provided by the other party to us visitors."

Ivita added, "Since you asked us to disarm, we also ask you to provide us with equal or similar treatment."

Angel was silent.

Silent because of poverty.

After a few minutes, a dangerous look flashed in his eyes. "I understand, okay, I will take you to see the Baron."

"Come with me."

Ivita breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this level has been passed again.

Hope there won't be any more troubles in the future.

Angel led them out of the side hall and to the lobby on the second floor.

At this time, the hall was actually full of people. Some middle-aged people were sitting on the high wooden stools provided by the baron, and some young attendants were standing beside these middle-aged people.

These people should all be vassals of the Moro family.

There are many formal knights and knights squires inside, which are all the details of this barony.

When they got here, Hei Lang and others became nervous.

Because the irony is that the Son of the Forest, who replaced Baron Morrow, can actually order these human vassals to deal with them through feudal law.

Baron Moreau was sitting on the chair in the middle, scolding Blanton who bowed his head and said nothing. "I told you, there are no ogres."

"do you understand?"

"I say it again, there are no ogres in the Barony of Morrow!"

Poor Brenton was so scolded that he didn't dare to say a word, and his palms were trembling.

Ivita came over and said calmly: "No, I saw the ogre with my own eyes in your territory."

"As the person who reminded you, you must give me a reward. If you don't believe it, you can find a place where I can tell you what happened in detail."

He walked over, and when Blanton saw Ivita coming, he suddenly seemed to have seen a savior, and his eyes shone.

The vassal knights of the Moro family who were watching the show were all whispering.

"Which family does this child belong to? So bold! He actually dared to speak to the Baron."

"It doesn't seem like he's from our barony. Is he a noble from nearby?"

"I think he looks like an explorer. Maybe he's a newborn calf who's not afraid of tigers, or maybe he's the second son of a noble who's out for training, right?"

"I still admire him quite a lot, haha..."

Baron Morrow's face darkened, and he glanced at Ivita.

After hearing the voices of the knights, he clenched his fists and suppressed his anger.

It seemed that he should have sent people to arrest all these explorers in the afternoon.

I didn't expect that when they were about to force the army to go to the palace, such a big mistake would happen because of these explorers. How shameful.

Baron Morrow said: "In that case, you and Brenton will go to the side room with me to talk."

"Now, immediately, Angel, take charge of the situation here."

Baron Moreau stood up, his figure looking unusually tall, like the tallest pillar among all the pillars, supporting the atmosphere and situation of the scene.

He walked into the side hall, and Branton, Ivita and others immediately followed him.

After entering the small side hall next to the hall, the wooden door was immediately closed.

There is only one maid, Baron Morrow, Blanton, Ivita, Rayleigh, the old witch and the black wolf.

Baron Moreau looked at Blanton angrily. "What on earth do you want to do, kid? I've told you a long time ago. You don't have a sister at all, and now you've actually come up with false news about an ogre."

"Guests, don't believe what he says."

"Let's go have some drinks together. I'll pay for all the expenses. I've prepared a lot of drinks in the castle. It's better to enjoy the wine than to waste time on this idiot."

Ivita noticed that the maid came around behind her and others and blocked the door.

But he didn't seem to notice, "No need, Your Excellency Baron."

"Actually, we didn't see the ogre at all."

"We did lie before."

Baron Moreau was dumbfounded, and so were the others.

Especially Black Wolf, Rayleigh and Blanton, they felt that they simply couldn't keep up with Ivita's ideas.

What's going on?

Baron Moreau looked strange. "You should know that if you lie about the news, you will be hanged, right? Since you didn't find the ogre, but you lied..."

"Yeah." Ivita pretended to sneer and started to show off. "But so what! You are going to be out of date soon."

"Lord Blanton will force you to give up your position as baronet and the castle."

"Things like ogres don't matter. The position of Baron is the most important thing."

Baron Morrow looked at Blanton as if he were seeing his son for the first time, "So... this is a rebellion?"

"The purpose of meeting me alone is to hold me hostage?"

Brenton hesitated, "Yes, that should be the case."

Baron Moreau was speechless.

In his eyes, this baronetship was little better than air.

He doesn't care about the hierarchical order of humans. The children of the forest are relatively equal, and there are no kings or ministers.

He said to Blanton in a very speechless tone: "I am the only heir. After I die, my seat will be yours."

"If you really want it, fine, I'll give you this seat in a few days."

"How can you not rebel?"

Blanton: "I'll have to think about it."

Baron Moreau relaxed completely. "Then think about it."

Ivita noticed that the maid behind her left the door and looked at them with a speechless expression.

She yawned, sat casually on a stool, and looked at them as if she were watching a farce.

At this moment, Ivita suddenly rushed towards the baron, hoping to launch a surprise attack while the enemy didn't know what he was going to do. "No, we are going to hold you hostage and make you say give way to Blanton in front of those people outside!"

Brenton also rushed forward instinctively, and everyone else rushed forward at this moment.

The original maid wanted to stand up, but it was too late. Then she thought about the Baron's strength compared with that of a group of explorers.

She sat back down.

In her eyes, this has completely become a child's farce.

An unrealistic fantasy of rebellion.

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