The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 440 Lighting the Thousand Years Fire and Becoming a Mortal King

The dark giants receded like a tide.

Ivita knew that the combat effectiveness of these dark giants would continue to increase, because the dark giants at this time were only in their newborn state.

But you don’t need to be afraid when the time comes.

Because Ivita has estimated their growth curve, it will probably take several years for their physical abilities and mental strength to reach the peak of the race.

Although this is extremely exaggerated, compared to myself, it is still too slow. As long as you give yourself some more time, you can create the Dark Soul.

Become the most powerful wizard besides the Witch King and Queen.

After the dark giants retreated, the whole city seemed to usher in a new life. When the civilians saw that the war had subsided, they finally hugged each other and cheered.

The soldiers were able to enjoy the fruits of victory.

At this moment, all humans in Ambrose City are the victorious party.

No one is a loser.

Ivita looked at the city and suddenly realized this. He transformed into a peregrine falcon and flew high into the sky, overlooking the entire city.

At the same time, he felt that his soul was making breakthroughs and changes - no one was a loser.

This thing seemed absolutely impossible, but now it has happened.

The bright sunshine shone on the body of the Peregrine Falcon, and Ivita felt that his soul was upgrading and changing. In an instant, he thought of countless complete transformation spells, the Peregrine Falcon's spells.

He subconsciously modified the spell, so that in the sunshine and light wind, he gradually transformed from a slightly smaller peregrine falcon into an incredibly strong eagle, dozens of meters tall.

This eagle has two dragon horns on its head and phoenix-like tail feathers on its tail.

It combines feminine elegance and masculine strength.

This eagle comes from Ivita's insights and is the transformation magic modified by Ivita, so this eagle has never appeared in the magical black forest before.

Ivita named this eagle [Dragon Eagle].

The dragon eagle possesses both the strength of the dragon and the immortality of the phoenix, as well as the speed and ferocity of the eagle. The dragon eagle transformed by Ivita is dozens of times faster than the peregrine falcon.

He was above the city, looking down at the people who were surviving the disaster, and at the same time noticed that he had been unable to successfully refine the four ultimate magic potions, but now he was able to refine them.

You can even successfully refine the Ultimate Door of Truth Magic Potion and the Purple God Magic Potion.

It turns out that refining magic potions is also a test before Dark Souls.

A wizard who has not sublimated his soul to a certain level cannot successfully refine the six magic potions.

In order to prevent late changes, Ivita quickly asked Maximian to summon the obsessive-compulsive viscount and the speakers of the city council together, asking them to admit the bet and be loyal to her.

At the same time, Christine was also asked to find the bishop of Ambrose City.

Soon, he came to the largest intact church in Ambrose. The sacred and solemn building made every visitor become silent and serious.

In the church, the people on the side of the Viscount Obsessive-compulsive Disorder and the people in the city council were arguing. They were discussing whether to just give up the position of Grand Viscount Ambrose to an outsider?

A nobleman who lost one eye said: "I am very grateful that Lord Ivita appeared at our most dangerous moment, repelled the druids and dark giants, and saved us all. But my My son died in the previous war, could it be said that our previous war was a joke?"

"Yeah. It's just a joke." Ivita, who transformed into a dragon eagle, fell from the sky and landed at the door of the church. The soldiers were so frightened that they stepped back and raised their weapons.

Ivita chose to transform from a dragon eagle into a human form.

Ivita said to the one-eyed old nobleman in front of everyone: "Well, it is indeed a joke."

"Except for allowing the children of the forest to find opportunities, your war is of no use at all."

The one-eyed old noble wanted to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, he had no shame and argued with the hero of Ambrose at this moment.

He sighed.

The moment the dark giant appeared, he suddenly felt that the nobles' persistence was like a joke.

The one-eyed old noble bowed his head to Ivita and said: "I am old and can't keep up with the ideas of you young people. But the results tell me that there are problems with our old people's ideas. I hope you young people can have more new ideas." "

Many nobles also took this opportunity to show their favor to Ivita.

But in the church, many guild leaders were still unwilling to give up. After fighting for so long, their interests were about to be taken away by Ivita who suddenly appeared.

A leader of the blacksmiths' guild stood up and questioned Ivita: "Mr. Ivita, I am grateful for your contribution to Ambrose. But one thing is the same thing."

"I would like to ask you whether you are the monarch of Lombardy or the governor of the Black Sea."

"If you rule Ambrose, will we become slaves to our lord?"

Ivita raised a brow at him. "First of all, I want to deny that I am not the governor of Cross Island. I transformed Cross Island into the original feudal monarch, so I am the king of Cross Island."

"Also the King of Lombardy."

As soon as this statement came out, the city council immediately started arguing.

And Ivita's recognition made the eyes of the nobles present brighten up. Speaking of which, Ivita turned out to be the person with the highest title present.

It would be a good thing for everyone for a monarch of two countries to rule Ambrose.

In the eyes of the nobles, this was even better than the fact that the obsessive-compulsive viscount actually became the grand viscount.

Some middle-level nobles were already ogling Ivita and wanted to circle around her immediately.

They regretted not using the courtesy toward a king and welcomed Ivita's arrival.

The nobles completely became supporters of Ivita becoming the Grand Viscount.

Many nobles spoke directly.

"It is our honor for Master Ivita to be our king. He is such a powerful king, and his strong hand will bring new life to our country."

"With noble blood and perfect rule, Ambrose is welcoming the arrival of Lord Ivita! Anyone who dares to stop is simply betraying Ambrose."

"Do you still have any dissatisfaction with your city council? Is there anything else that Sir Ivita does not meet your harsh standards that are simply made out of nothing?"

The obsessive-compulsive viscount turned pale. He knew that he had completely lost the chance to compete for the Grand Viscount.

The nobles of Ambrose now found a more powerful noble.

The president of the blacksmith's guild in the city council kept a close eye on Ivita and said, "So, how do you protect the original order of Ambrose? Do you want to destroy and change it?"

Ivita glanced at him coldly. "First of all, Ambrose must have a mortal king. My clone can serve as a mortal king. Ambrose must have a king. This cannot be changed."

"Secondly, my territories all have different systems and can be governed in different ways. I am very satisfied with the existence of independent local parliaments."

"This can save me a lot of trouble, and I have no intention of changing it."

Ivita knew what the parliament was worried about and said directly: "I can promise not to destroy the parliament and respect the parliament's tradition of autonomy."

The councilors behind the Speaker and several guild leaders immediately relaxed. They were already quite satisfied with Ivita, and now that they have received the guarantee, they are even more relieved.

I heard that even members of their council welcomed Ivita.

The speaker and several guild leaders could only sigh, knowing that they had completely failed, because the parliament is an institution that uses the will of the majority to trump the will of the minority. Now that most people in the parliament are supporting Ivita, then they I can only support Ivita.

When the president of the blacksmith's guild heard Ivita's assurance and saw everyone's support for Ivita, he immediately put aside his prejudices and apologized to Ivita: "I'm sorry, I really shouldn't use my shallow understanding. I know, let’s speculate on such a great monarch like you.”

"Your support for Parliament will make you invincible."

Ivita nodded.

He knew that since these people knew that he was the monarch of two independent countries, he was different in their hearts.

Whether they are nobles or guilds, they are actually treating themselves with the same attitude as they treat the monarch.

"When I'm at this point, there's no point in hiding my power. Instead, I'll miss a lot of opportunities." Ivita thought.

Then, at the canonization ceremony presided over by Bishop Ambrose, all the nobles and guild leaders, as well as everyone present, knelt down to Ivita and pledged their allegiance to Ivita in front of the God of All Things.

Ivita's clone No. 2 sat on the throne, and suddenly felt that he could see a huge flame burning in front of him. In the flame, there were three witches from the East watching him quietly.

The flames burned away all the magic left in Ivita's Clone 2.

Let Ivita's No. 2 clone become a mortal.

Because only a mortal can become the king of the Thousand Years Fire.

This is a law that was laid down thousands of years ago.

In the flames, the three witches from the East saw through the hiding of the body and saw Ivita's soul and the incredibly huge light soul.

The three witches from the East were in the flames and said: "We have seen your soul, Ivita. We once helped you in the battle against the fire demon. We had met at that time, but we would never have realized that we would be there. Let’s meet in this situation.”

"An interesting way to become a mortal king."

"If it were before, we would definitely stop it, but the Chitose Fire is declining and needs your help. This is our little reward for allowing you to cheat and act sneaky."

"We can trust you. Even if the mortal king of Ambrose is the most powerful wizard in history, even if he has such power, we believe that he will not act recklessly."

The boss of the Three Witches of the East said to Ivita: "We guess that you will not know the formula for the last set of potions to make the Dark Soul."

"Because the Queen of Darkness cast a knowledge curse on it in order to protect this secret."

Ivita didn't expect that it would be like this.

The boss of the Three Witches of the East said: "The source of the last set of potions cannot be found from the outside world, but must be found from within."

"The first one is the Sun Mystery Potion, the second one is the Moon Mystery Potion, and the third one is the Dark Mystery Potion."

"The materials used in these three medicines are not materials taken from other places, let alone materials from your body, nor materials from your soul."

"It is about materials taken from your heart. The Sun Mystery Potion requires you to take all the curiosity in your heart, the Moon Mystery material requires you to take all the imagination in your heart, and the Dark Mystery Potion requires you to take all the curiosity in your heart. All the secrets. But be careful, if you make a mistake when taking the three substances in your heart, the potion you refine will have huge problems."

"That's why the Dark Queen sealed them."

"This is a method of taking three inner substances and refining them into dark group magic potions. This is the only way we can help you."

The eldest sister of the Three Witches of the East pointed at the forehead of Ivita's soul, and countless information suddenly poured into Ivita's brain.

Only then did Ivita know that because of the curse of knowledge, he could only realize this knowledge by staying inside the Chitose Fire.

In other words, in the magical dark forest, due to the curse of knowledge, no one can know the knowledge of the last set of dark group potions under normal circumstances.

Probably because the current flame was too weak, the shadow of the flame slowly receded soon.

Ivita's soul bowed in the direction of the flames.

The Three Witches of the East taught themselves such precious knowledge without any request.

If he were a Hearthstone Witch, he would probably put a lot of demands on himself.

"Taking magic materials from your own heart." Ivita thought deeply for a moment, and then realized what a wonderful field the Witch Marquis is. It is already the highest knowledge of magic.

Ivita gave his first order to all the Ambrosians who had pledged themselves to him. "Take out the gold pounds treasured in your homes and throw them into the Thousand Years Fire."

"This is the only way to prevent the Chitose Fire from going out."

"As long as the Thousand Years Fire burns normally, the Druids, Dark Giants, and Children of the Forest will have nothing to do."

Although everyone present seemed confused, because Ivita came to power in the most powerful way, they did not dare to resist.

Ivita nodded at this.

Sure enough, his strategy was correct.

Five days passed quickly. During this period, tons of gold coins were thrown into the Chitose Fire underground in the city. Then the Chitose Fire burned brightly and turned golden.

At this moment, everything on the earth is renewed, and the vast redwood forests have withered and declined.

The once withered river tributaries were given new life, the fields that could not produce food became fertile again, the insect plague disappeared, and even the Black Death lurking in Ambrose was burned away by the flames.

The entire Ambrose human race is welcoming their new life.

At this moment, Ivetta was reading a letter in the Book Tower, the tallest building in the city of Ambrose, a letter from the current king of the Royal Palace of Alsace.

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