The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 447 Stealing the Demon God’s Power

Everyone is quickly intercepting the demon energy.

The huge crack in the space suddenly revealed an eye again, but at that time Iveta suddenly raised her left hand involuntarily. There was a thunder and lightning lingering in her left hand, and then the thunder and lightning turned into a javelin and shot towards the sky. Eyes of the Demon God.

The Supreme Witch of the South didn't even have time to stop her. "No, you will wake Him..."

But it was too late to stop it.

The Demonic Eye in the sky seemed to be angered at this moment. The pupils of the Demonic Eye turned into a subspace magic wheel. Inside the subspace magic wheel was a huge new magic wheel. The magic wheel and the magic wheel. An infinite loop is completely unreasonable.

At the same time, 'Ivita' raised his head, and his eyes were actually golden at this moment. "It's the second time I met you. The first time I met you in the form of Ra, I was somewhat helpless at that time, but now I can take the initiative to do something."

"I didn't expect to meet the subspace demon again so soon."

"It's still the demon god who is hatching. It turns out that it's not that these witches are using you, but you are using these witches to protect you. But this time is indeed the best time to steal your power."

Ivita, who remained in the divine state of Zeus, had streaks of golden lightning flashing out of his eyes, escaping into the surrounding air. At the same time, he sent his light soul into the cracks in the sky through his gaze.

At the same time, time seemed to have stopped, all the witches in the witch coven, and even the three witch marquises, all stopped.

Only the Supreme Witch of the Witch Council of Epirus, the Witch of the South, was immune to time stopping after an emerald gold ring she wore on her thumb shattered.

"Has time been stopped?" The Witch of the South looked at Ivita at this moment in surprise, "Are you still Lady Ivita?"

Ivita, in the divine state of Zeus, glanced at her contemptuously, her eyes full of arrogance towards lower beings. "Witch, I ask you to help me, it will be of great benefit to you."

"When the eye of the devil appears again in that crack in the sky, you can use any spell to attack that eye."

"Remember, do as I ask."

A bolt of golden lightning struck down, and then 'Ivita' turned into a dragon eagle wrapped with golden thunder and lightning and flew into the crack in the subspace in the sky.

As soon as he entered the crack, the golden sun wand in Ivita's hand automatically released defensive magic, mixed with Ivita's own divinity, and then isolated the contact between the subspace power and him.

After entering the depths of the subspace, 'Ivita' swept through the void environment of the subspace, which is full of all kinds of strange creatures and upside-down concepts, as well as terrifying subspace storms that can crush everything from the main material plane. The power of face.

It can be said that the first time ordinary people enter here, they will be broken and turned into subspace power.

Creatures that can survive in subspace are not ordinary life forms.

Moreover, the power of subspace does not seem to be a space in essence, but a super huge magic wheel model system.

"There are eight magic wheels in total." Iveta lowered her head and said: "There are eight kinds of monsters in the subspace. This means that there are four awakened demon gods in the subspace, and four are sleeping and unformed. Daedric. Now this is the Daedric Egg, the deepest part of the power of the Warp."

"It is the power of the demon that is hatching."

"It is also the only place where the devil is likely to die."

The power of subspace seemed to be rioting, and seemed to be very angry at 'Ivita's words.

'Ivita' raised her left hand, and a golden lightning split open the violent power of subspace, as well as a group of strange subspace monsters. Then she saw the essence of subspace, which was eight huge rotating magic wheels. Each magic wheel is made of different materials. Each magic wheel is coupled with other magic wheels and rotates a certain core.

‘Ivita’ doesn’t know what that core is or what it is gestating, but it doesn’t matter, she has already arrived in front of the Demon God’s Egg.

In the center of the violent subspace storm, a huge Demon God's egg is located in it like chaos. At every moment, a huge Demon God's breath is breathed out by this Demon God's egg.

When 'Ivita' touched the Demon God's egg, a voice suddenly came from the Demon God's egg. "Great Lord God, even though we are separated by countless years, I can still feel your unquestionable divine power."

"Why would a great being like you steal the power of my subspace demon?"

‘Ivita’ was unmoved and said: “If you are successfully conceived, your power will not be inferior to that of the Lord God, so you don’t need to say those words.”

"You have used those witches to hide yourself from the church for hundreds of years. You have lived for these more years, and it is enough. Now please give me your authority. My mortal saint state, I still need your help."

When the palm of 'Ivita' touched the Demon God's Egg, which was like an egg of chaos, it was already rapidly decomposing its power, and wanted to erase the existence of this Demon God and let the Demon God's Egg become pregnant with itself.

But the existence within the Demon God's Egg is also quickly pushing back on Ivita's past. 'It turns out that when you were using the power of the gods to obtain magical talents that you should not have obtained, you wrote the names of gods that did not exist in this world on the tree, so the names of those gods fell on you. , you also possess their essence. When you are weak, this is just a special phenomenon that occurs unexpectedly. ’

‘But when you gradually become stronger than you are now, this is no longer a phenomenon, but there are six aspects of the Lord God in your soul. ’

The Demon God who was being born in the Demon God's egg was very panicked. "Great Lord God, I already know your origin. Let us join forces. The subspace has awakened. The partiality of despotism [Aberration], the rule of despotism by man [Human God], the power of despotism [Khorne], the extreme of despotism The [Devils] are already very powerful, and only by working together can we master the subspace magic wheel and master all the forces in this world that tend to rule the world by one person."

‘Ivita’, who was in the divine state of Zeus, was not interested in this at all. "What you said is very interesting. The divine number is indeed the key."

Five faces appeared behind him. The so-called faces are the existence of God in different time and space. At this moment, six god kings surrounded the devil's egg, and the situation was reversed in an instant.

Although these six god-king appearances are all superficial due to the relative weakness of Ivita's body, the fifth despotic and centralized power of the subspace [the Great Emperor] is also in a state of pregnancy.

[The Emperor] knows that the aberrations, human gods, Khorne, and divine evil will definitely not let him grow, and will definitely prevent him from being born, and will rob him of his power and authority, and take away his dependent subspace monsters, so he Venture to the edge of the Warp, placing the Daedric Egg at the interface between the edge of the Warp and the Prime Material Plane.

In this way, the demons in the subspace cannot find him, and the witches in the main material plane will take the initiative to help him hide because of the benefits he gives, and will not alert those who threaten him in the main material plane.

In fact, this is also risky. After all, the Witch Marquises have dark souls and can enter the subspace without being assimilated.

However, the Witch Marquises of the past generations were afraid of the existence of the Demon God, so they did not dare to take such risks. They were not only afraid that the Demon God would threaten them, but also were afraid that the benefits gained would be lost.

It was a very good plan. He would be conceived and completed in another sixty years. Who knew that today he would meet the sixth child, Ivita.

It was equivalent to meeting six god kings who wanted to use him to make plans.

The Demon God Emperor felt that he was really miserable.

The Demon God was about to subconsciously use his stored subspace power to counter a wave of Ivita, but he did not expect that he was suddenly interrupted by an outside force. "Someone is shooting at my eyes. It's the Marquis Witch outside. Could it be that the Marquis Witch discovered my true state and wants to take a share of the pie?"

"If this continues, I will definitely die, but I haven't been born yet. Will a child be wiped out before he is born?!!" The Demon God Emperor said to Ivita angrily: "Don't wipe out my existence anymore. If this continues, I would rather explode the Demon God's egg than let you bastards get it. I have a suggestion, I will temporarily lend you my identity as the Demon God!"

"Twenty thousand years later, you return it to me. I will wait for you to return it to me twenty thousand years later. This is my final bottom line. If you don't agree, I will blow up the devil's egg. You will never be so good again. An opportunity to threaten the Warp Demon!!"

The divine 'Ivita' seemed to have expected it, and only said: "Okay! Give me the egg of the devil, and let my body be the devil for you."

"Twenty thousand years later, if you still want to take back the power of the subspace demon from me, I will give it to you."

Time flows again.

The Supreme Witch of the South looked at the sky where nothing had happened and the ritual that had been completed with astonishment in her eyes, but no one except her seemed to have noticed what had just happened.

The Supreme Witch of the South tested Ivita: "Lord Ivita, do you still remember the agreement I made with you?"

Iveta glanced at her doubtfully. Iveta felt that the substitute fight she had just made came out again, but the difference from before was that this time her memory seemed to be able to finally withstand part of the memory of his substitute fight, so it still remained. A small part of the memory is in my head so that I can figure out what happened.

At the same time, he looked at the back of his right hand, and there was a pattern of authority that could only be seen with the devil's eye or other detection spells. The pattern of the scepter was black and shone with a strange light.

It seems to contain infinite power.

‘I seem to have acquired the power of the autocratic, centralized [Emperor], but unfortunately his power is not mature and will only take sixty years to perfect. ’ Ivita thought: ‘Dai Da helped me get this identity. Although it does not temporarily increase my combat power, from now on, my identity in the subspace is not a mortal, but the demon god [Great Emperor] of the subspace. ’

"I don't know if it's good or bad." Ivita murmured.

The Witch of the South saw that Ivita didn't seem to know what had just happened, but she wisely did not ask any more questions. It was normal for every wizard to have his own secrets, and she also had her own secrets.

Who knows if Ivita cut off her own consciousness for some powerful power.

However, because she had seen Ivita's more powerful power, she had subconsciously lowered her status towards Ivita at this moment, and said in a low posture to Ivita: "Thank you for getting so much demonic aura for us, The harvest really exceeded our expectations.”

"You should be the king of Alsace. The old king and his son are just a group of mortals who are not witches and wizards. They are so stupid that they make people laugh."

The Witch of the South spoke of the current mortal king of Arthas with disgust. "Our coven will be your staunch allies. This is our agreement."

"As an ally, I want to tell you that the King of Alsace has sent more than a dozen groups of envoys to the locations of the three major republics. Those envoys will convince the parliaments and citizens of the three major republics to help them and stay away from you and me, or at least keep neutral."

Ivita had long expected that Alsace would send people to the three major republics.

After all, the administrative agencies of the three major republics are the Citizens' Assembly and the Council of Elders, so debates will be more popular there and can really determine the direction of the country. Therefore, Henry VII of Alsace will almost certainly send envoys to those three countries. .

Ivita nodded. "Thank you for the reminder. I am about to go to the three major republics. I think I will meet the usurper's thugs - I will ask them if they salute the real king."

"The people will only respect the true king and be full of disdain for the pretenders. This is the right principle of the world." The Supreme Witch of the South avoided leaving any trace, and Ivita saluted her. She could never forget what she had just heard from Ivita. The divinity seen in Vita's eyes, just now Ivita seemed to be the incarnation of a divine saint walking in the world, and her whole body was full of divinity.

The witches respected their strength, so she dared not accept any courtesy from Ivita showing her respect.

The old witch Papar took out the void battleship and angel feathers she had promised before and gave them to Ivita, "Lord Ivita, your promise is indeed full of effectiveness. I will be your most loyal friend."

The Witch of the West stepped forward and put a necklace around Ivita's neck. She had been stopped by time before and did not see anything unusual about Ivita. There was no psychological burden in communicating with Ivita. "Dear Mr. Ivita, this is the treasure of Epirus [Comet Necklace]. It allows you to teleport freely in the astral realm."

"This is in the Tomb of the Gods and will be useful to you."

The Witch of the East took out a scarecrow. "This is a scarecrow created by my advanced magic. It condenses all my mana. It can resist fatal attacks for you three times and move you three times. To maintain its existence, I can only use half of my usual strength. Mana.”

"Please accept it and tell me what the tombs of the gods look like."

The Witch of the North took out a magic book. "This is Sazar's Winter Spell Book. It has no special ability, but I know there is a god in the tomb of the gods who will help you for it. You can lend it to that god for half an hour."

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