The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 454 The power of ancient chaos

Ivetta rolled her eyes. "Now the empire's ancestral property is in the hands of your lineage, but you can't even see the ancestral graves, and you still have the nerve to question me."

"I also read more books and found out that the core of the empire was originally Alsace. Later generations were incompetent and allowed Alsace to become independent from the empire, but it was invaded by the Frankish kingdom. And you didn't protect Alsace. Instead, he sold it to a businessman from a minor military aristocratic family."

The four gods were a little surprised. They lived deep in the star realm, had little information, and had few believers on the mainland. Anyway, as long as the empire was still there, they could still get unlimited faith support, so they really didn't know this.

The eldest son Lothair said to Fransky: "Have you sold your ancestral property to outsiders?"

"Yes... but the reason is very complicated. It's not like what this evil wizard said. He's talking nonsense." Fransky wanted to refute, but for a while he couldn't find any excuse, so he had to blame Ivita. .

What kind of human beings the four gods are. When they were mortals, they were the emperors on earth. At this moment, they understood how much Fransky's family had sacrificed the interests of the empire in order to usurp the throne.

Therefore, they all have no good impressions of Fransky's lineage.

It's just that they are the gods of the empire after all, and they cannot take action against the emperor. Otherwise, they will sever their faith, destroy their own essence of existence, and destroy their own gods.

So they didn't say anything.

God Pepin glanced at God Lothair and God Louis with some guilt, and carefully reminded Ivita: "The Frankish Kingdom was also part of the original empire, but it was separated later, so Ivita, you don't need to emphasize it."

"They are all our own people."

Ivita nodded. The original Holy Golden Rose Empire basically unified the Magical Black Forest, so now all the ancestors of these countries have something to do with the Holy Golden Rose Empire.

The territory of the Holy Empire was shrinking as time went by, and this time in the hands of Emperor Oyo III, the imperial power began to decline like never before.

He could even faintly lose control of the eight princes and bishops in the empire.

Charlemagne suddenly spoke to Ivita and asked: "You should know that before you, no male wizard has successfully created the Dark Soul."

Ivita disagreed. "The roads are made by people."

Charlemagne said: "What you said makes sense. I see that you have at least three laws, with you as the master. You are really ambitious. Let me ask you, what would you do if you came to be the emperor?"

Ivita didn't hesitate. "Everything in the world is the land of the king. The empire is a universal empire, not an empire of a nation or a region."

"The empire has no end."

Charlemagne, who had always kept a straight face, finally showed a smile on his face. "But if you don't have the matching strength, forcing yourself to do such a big thing will only make the empire decline further."

Ivita said: "I started from the common people and gained three independent countries. This is proof of my ability. Let me be the emperor, which will only be more reliable than the current Oyo III."

"Besides, now the Magic Black Forest is being defeated steadily by the pagan countries. Among the pagan countries there is Roma - the Seljuk Empire wants to condense universal laws. Therefore, if all countries want to protect themselves, they must unite under the Holy Spirit. Under the banner of the empire and the church, I follow the trend. This is the pattern of the mainland. How can the strength not match the ambition?!"

Charlemagne laughed. "That makes sense. It seems that you are more suitable to become the emperor of the empire than my three sons. You have risen from the bottom again, proving your ability. You also believe that now is the time for the empire to expand. These judgments are basically Be consistent with me.”

"Okay, I'll help you."

Charlemagne's three divine sons all looked sad. They had indeed disappointed their father.

When the god Charlemagne was a mortal, he had successfully created universal law: holiness.

However, their descendants left the law broken and the church independent of the empire.

The pope during Charlemagne's time was just a character who was destroyed and replaced by the people below. He was able to sit on the papal throne only because of the face of Charlemagne's army.

But now, everything has changed. The pope has become the real power player in controlling local churches and establishing an illusory church empire. On the contrary, the empire is becoming more and more unworthy of its name.

The fundamental reason lies in the fact that the three royal gods were not prepared to carry on the past and open up the future, which resulted in the empire falling into its current situation.

On the contrary, Fransky in the Void Ark retorted sharply to Ivita: "You talk like a court jester, your words are so funny, and things are not that easy. My father is just Balancing the eight electors, balancing the imperial power and the church, and balancing the conflicts between independent bishops and princes within the empire, we are already exhausted. Countries outside the empire all have their own ambitions. They will ally with us today and betray us tomorrow."

"It is already very difficult for my father to just maintain the empire, but you are talking nonsense here. The pagan empire is at its peak, and whoever starts a war with them will lose. You are the way to death, that's why you are like this If you become the emperor of the empire, the empire will definitely fall."

Ivita continued to roll her eyes, your words can't attack me at all.

Your words can only prove in front of the four gods that your father is a waste.

It's okay if you fool other gods. The key point is that when they were mortals, each of the four gods in front of you was a legendary emperor and a wise and wise master.

If you complain about the difficulty of being an emperor in front of them, you are simply humiliating yourself. These arrogant emperors will look down on you because of this.

The four gods were indeed silent as Ivita thought, and looked at Fransky with more contempt.

Fransky's ridicule towards Ivita made the four gods lean more towards Ivita.

Charlemagne said to Ivita: "Okay. In that case, we will help you create the Dark Soul. But after all, we are not witches and do not understand magic at all. If anything unexpected happens, we can't help you. "

Ivita said indifferently: "Please help me from the four late emperors and gods. I am already sure, so you don't need to worry."

Fransky screamed: "You can't help him."

Before he could finish speaking, the Void Ark started to vibrate on its own.

Then, the Void Ark, which was knocked out of a crater by the Immortal Flame Mountain, started automatically and left the tomb of the gods, flying backwards quickly outside the dead universe.

The god Charlemagne kicked Fransky out.

Charlemagne looked at the void ship coldly. "A bunch of trash. In fact, I had no intention of agreeing to his stupid request. If the empire can't even handle ordinary wars, that would be outrageous. It would be better to change to another emperor. After all, our divine power is also limited. It is impossible for the empire to do so every time When we encounter danger, we will send down divine punishment. From the star realm to the material world, we don’t know how many planes we have to pass through and how much power we lose.”

"You three are really outrageous."

The three royal gods all bowed their heads and remained silent. After all, before Ivita arrived, they were really ready to help the current emperor.

Charlemagne said to Ivita: "But we will not help you. The reason is that the emperor of the empire is theoretically at the same level as us. Within the imperial system, he is also the god of the empire, as long as he is still in the position of emperor. superior."

"Of course, a long time ago, the emperor of the empire could not ascend to heaven and become a god after his death."

"Strictly speaking, as the current emperor, the Imperial Emperor is half a level higher than us in the imperial system. Therefore, we can remain neutral at most. But it doesn't matter if we help you create the Dark Soul. This cannot be regarded as standing in On your side."

"We are just exploring the mysteries of magic."

The eldest son, the god Lothair, immediately took over his father's words. "Yes, we are just discussing the way of magic with you, Ivita, do you understand?"

God Louis said: "If anyone asks you in the future, you tell them that we are neutral. If we are biased towards you, the current emperor will attack us with the broken universal law: holiness."

God Pepin was about to speak, but he fell silent under the eyes of his father and brother.

Who made it possible that the Frankish Kingdom, a land that was separated from the empire during his mortal period, has now become a country that takes action against the empire's sphere of influence.

Strictly speaking, his father and brother now rely on the empire to obtain divine power, but he mainly relies on the Frankish Kingdom. If everyone doesn't exclude him, who else can they exclude.

Therefore, God Piping now knows that if he still wants to hang out in this small circle, he has to keep a low profile. After all, he feels that the Frankish Kingdom has become more and more powerful over the years, so that his divine power has become more and more powerful.

But if he didn't pretend to be a snake with his father and brothers and stayed together, there was no guarantee that his father and brothers wouldn't take action against his Frankish kingdom in the mortal world.

Ivita said to the four gods: "Everyone, I am going to prepare the materials now to make a [nine-level abyss wheel magic] here to help you enter my heart."

God Charlemagne simply said: "No need to prepare materials. Just tell me the magic array diagram."

Confused, Ivita used psychic magic to tell Charlemagne [Nine-Level Abyss Wheel Magic].

A divine light flashed in the eyes of God Charlemagne, and then [Nine Levels of Abyss Wheel Magic] appeared under their feet without using any magic materials.

Ivita looked down at the nine concentric circles at her feet, and felt the magic wave coming from above that was more powerful than the original version. ‘No magic materials were used, it was created out of thin air. ’

‘This may also be the path wizards will take in the future. ’

‘Creating something out of nothing is the special ability of the King of Elves. I didn’t expect that a powerful god in the star realm could also use this ability. ’

Charlemagne simply explained to Ivita: "In the material world, I may not be able to do this. But in the Tomb of the Gods, we can mobilize the ancient chaotic power of this universe at will."

Ivita looked into the universe with her devil's eyes, but could see nothing.

"I can't see any power. On the surface, there seems to be no power at all, just a hole."

God Charlemagne laughed, and said in a tone to the younger generation: "Strictly speaking, mortals do not know this, it is normal. But now, Grandpa, let me tell you, in this dead universe, we gods, as long as we are moderate Anyone with divine power or above can use the power of ancient chaos here to create precious materials out of thin air, or even open up a small world here."

"It doesn't matter that there is nothing here, but in fact it is all fake. There are many gods who have created small universes in this universe, and then pretend to be the Creator in that small universe. That's why it is so empty here, and it is difficult for you to find Him. They are. There are also some gods who appear to be lying in the tombs of the gods. In fact, their appearances are in other worlds outside the magical black forest, dominating and blessing. Therefore, the tombs of the gods are actually a very lively place. world, it’s just that people don’t visit often.”

Ivita's eyes widened, and she suddenly thought of the myth and legend of Pangu speaking in the chaos of the earth's previous life.

Is the power of ancient chaos... related to the creation of the world?

Forget it, there's no use thinking about it now.

"Everyone, please walk to the outermost concentric circle of the [Nine-Level Abyss Wheel Magic]." Ivita said: "Then gradually walk in with the sound of my spell."

Ivita hesitated for a moment. He had too many secrets, and his own magic power had reached a level that surpassed that of the average Witch Marquis. The Witch Marquis could already compete with demigods, so he still reminded the four former emperors: "Please be careful. , my inner avatar may be quite scary, and the wizards and witches who helped me last time all suffered a big loss because I underestimated the avatar."

"You guys should be careful."

Those participating in the [Nine-Level Abyss Wheel Magic] are God Charlemagne, God Lothair and God Louis, and all three of them are smiling.

"We are considered powerful among gods. How much divine power can we spend to help you deal with your inner incarnation?"

"If we spend too much divine power, we will suffer a lot. We will naturally save our divine power."

As he spoke, the three gods gradually walked toward the core circle amidst Ivita's spells. Ivita felt three incredibly large sun-like beings walking into her heart.

If he were an ordinary wizard, his inner world would not be able to accommodate these huge spiritual beings.

But Ivita only felt a fleeting heat, and her perception returned to normal.

God Lothair, the eldest son, entered the secret inner realm of Ivita, "Humph, I am best at finding people's secrets. The more I know other people's secrets, the more at ease I feel. Ivita, let me help you develop it." Your inner secret.”

Secret Ivita came out, holding a golden wand, and smiled at her eldest son, the god Lothair. "Really? If you had come earlier, I really couldn't do anything to you."


He raised his right hand, which was the mark of the authoritarian [Emperor] of subspace.

God Lothair's expression suddenly changed. "It's bad, that boy Ivita didn't tell us that he is the reincarnation of the warp demon god as a human being."

On the other side, the curious incarnations and imaginary incarnations faced by God Louis and Charlemagne all revealed the mark of the devil. In the three major realms of the soul, three terrifying beings with scarlet sights in the darkness gradually came out and interacted with them. The three inner incarnations of Ivita actually merged into one.

Ivita paid attention to this scene and said, 'What's wrong, I took the devil's egg, but this unexpected situation happened. The identity of the demon god seems to have strengthened the quality of the three major potions in my heart. In the future, the quality of the dark souls I create will be even higher, but when it merges with the three incarnations of our heart, unexpected situations occur. ’

‘Thankfully, I got three gods with medium power or above to help me. ’

'Now I can only trust my ancestors. ’

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