The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 463 All Magic Evolution and Obtaining Three Frost Bone Dragons

When Ivita stepped into the phase space with one foot, she heard the sharp scream of the Hearthstone Witch. "Your Majesty, that's a trap! Don't come in."

The next moment, he completely entered this space, and immediately felt the difference in the magic of this phase space. The moment he entered this space, he was completely isolated from the outside world.

Moreover, the rules of the entire phase space were quickly improved, and it turned into a small world that looked similar.

Iveta felt that the nature of this small world completely changed the moment she entered.

The surrounding world turned into the magic of death and ice.

The two kinds of magic began to consume themselves around him, like the flames in a furnace, roasting and wearing away at themselves.

Ivita understood that this was the most authentic magic, completely different from divine magic and subspace gravity. It was the most orthodox magic trying to digest itself.

"The Law of Winter. Old friend." Ivita swept over the law that was hidden behind these two pure magic powers and had a fleeting breath.

After a brief moment of astonishment, the Winter Witch revealed her surprise. "Mr. Ivita, you have thrown yourself into a trap. It turns out that you are still so young. Killing you makes me feel a little guilty. I have no grudge against you at all. I am sorry for you. According to the truth, I am here to apologize to you. apologize."

"It's just that my mother was deeply affected by the seal, and you just spoke rudely and disrespected her. From this point of view, your death here is not unjust."

"This is the inside of the Doomsday Heroic Stone."

The Winter Princess met Ivita for the first time. She now has the help of the magic power left to her by her mother, and her mood has calmed down. As a magic master, she is broad-minded enough and does not care about the previous things with Ivita.

Besides, she was the one who was wrong in the first place.

The Winter Witch leaned slightly towards Ivita, and actually performed a skirt-lifting ceremony as apology. "The Doomsday Heroic Stone is used by my mother to extract magic power. All the power here will eventually turn into death magic power and winter magic power. No surprises."

"The moment you came in, I fully activated it, and the entrance you came in was at the center of the Doomsday Heroic Stone."

"Sorry, you're screwed."

Ivita didn't expect that this place was really a furnace. He smiled at this. The Doomsday Heroic Stone condensed the magic power of the undead in winter, causing a huge magic storm, and the core was where Ivita was standing.

The Winter Witch could not help but feel admiration when she saw that Ivita was still standing. "It's really amazing. It's rare to see a wizard as powerful as you nowadays."

"If I didn't have something important for the Commander of the Forbidden Army to do, I wouldn't be your enemy."

When the brothers of the three knights heard this, they felt very unhappy. However, they thought that Ivita was going to die, so they did not dare to speak for fear of offending the Winter Witch, who had an unstable personality and was willful and domineering.

Another quarter of an hour passed before the Winter Witch became surprised. "Mr. Ivita, how can you still stand at the stove?"

"You...are you robbing me of my Doomsday Heroic Stone?"

It took her so long to notice that Ivita had been standing in the most dangerous place, secretly eroding and cracking the magic inside the Doomsday Heroic Stone.

The Doomsday Heroic Stone is a high-level magical item owned by the Snow Queen, but it is so mysterious that even after hundreds of years of getting the Doomsday Heroic Stone, the Winter Princess was completely unable to master this item.

But what surprised her was why Iveta could see this.

What's even more surprising is why Iveta was not affected at all even while standing in the middle of a dead end.

She opened the legal realm in the border magic of the Witch Marquis, and then noticed that the divine light on Ivita was looming, and countless powers of faith descended on him.

"The Immortal Spark of Divinity!"

The Winter Witch finally understood why Ivita could stand at the mouth of the furnace of the Doomsday Heroic Stone without any impact, because Ivita already had immortal divine power, and the outside world was constantly sending faith from afar to enhance his divine power. .

Before that, Ivita sent three thousand construct puppets, but her intentions were suspicious.

I'm afraid it was used by him to test the reality inside this phase space.

The gods are the most sensitive to laws. Ivita used the construct puppet to test the internal reality. After confirming that there was no problem, of course she chose to enter this phase space.

Deep in the phase space, the Hearthstone Witch was bound by magic chains and restrained in mid-air. She was ecstatic to see this and shouted to Ivita: "Your Majesty, kill all the remnants of them quickly."

"These remnants will not die well. I can't wait to dig out their hearts with my own hands."

The expressions of the three knight brothers changed greatly, and their eyes revealed a cruel light.

The Winter Witch turned around and was about to confront the Hearthstone Witch when she discovered that Ivita's shadow appeared under her feet. The shadow climbed up along his body and restrained her. Her shadow naturally reacted and automatically He stood up from the ground and wanted to fight Ivita's shadow, but Ivita's shadow suddenly split into two, using half of the shadow to restrain the Winter Witch, and the other half of the shadow fought against the Winter Witch's shadow.

The Winter Witch was horrified to see this, which meant that half of Ivita's strength was enough to deal with her.

And the Doomsday Heroic Stone has nothing to do with Ivita's divine immortal spark.

At this moment, a three-headed ice crystal bird appeared behind the Winter Witch. It chirped, bringing the horn of death.

The ice crystal three-headed strange bird rushed towards Ivita, and a three-headed flaming phoenix also appeared behind Ivita.

Seeing this, the Winter Witch raised her eyebrows. "Your Excellency is so magical."

Behind her, a pot-bellied ice giant appeared again. The giant's belly seemed to have swallowed an iceberg. There was a powerful flow of ice energy in the belly, which was very powerful.

The Winter Witch ordered him: "Go and attack Mr. Ivita. I want him to take the initiative to let go of his shadow. This is too rude to a woman."

When Ivita saw this, a thunderous ice dragon also appeared behind him. When the dragon appeared, there was lightning and thunder, and the ice giant quickly retreated, unable to move forward no matter what.

In desperation, the Winter Witch had to use magic to construct an ice spider with seven long legs and an ice dinosaur. Wherever the spider crawled, all the energy was converted into toxins. Wherever the ice tyrannosaurus walked, , all turned into black ice cubes.

The Ice Tyrannosaurus, Ice Spider and Ice Giant worked together to fight Yinglong, which was constructed by Ivita using lightning magic.

Ivita touched the Winter Witch in the distance with her hand, and a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared between the two. Unfortunately, the Winter Witch summoned a death ice shield and a black ice shield in time, which blocked Ivita's thunder magic.

Ivita was still able to do it with ease. He had not yet pushed the three-headed phoenix magic and the Yinglong magic to the limit, but the Winter Witch had already begun to sweat on her forehead and kept chanting the spells in her mouth.

She had just fought with Ivita and found that every magic of Ivita was extremely advanced and the power contained in it was too complex, so she could only use dozens of magics to enhance the four-headed monster she had constructed with magic.

But still can't break the situation.

What makes the Winter Witch even more horrified is that Ivita seems to regard her as a tool for practicing magic. In the contest with her, Ivita's fire magic and thunder magic are actually evolving, upgrading, and slowly becoming more powerful. Become stronger.

The Winter Witch said to the three knight brothers: "Why don't you come and help!"

The three people came over in a hurry, and Ivita was not satisfied with this. His fight with the Winter Witch was helping him to improve his magic to a higher level and master it, but he did not expect those knights to disrupt the situation.

With an idea, Ivita used her privilege as the Lord of the Law to ask the Iron Crown to call the Black Knights to enter the phase space. Suddenly, more than two hundred non-living and non-dead men wearing black armor entered the phase space and intercepted them. Three Knight Marquises.

The Black Knights have the support of the Law behind them, and their strength is extraordinary. Even when the Law is declining, it is the Iron Crown's greatest weapon. Now that the Law is in the recovery period, it is even more powerful. The evil spirits of more than two hundred Black Knights are mutually beneficial to each other. After joining forces, something similar to the evil realm actually appeared. The evil realm against the three brothers delayed the three knights for a while.

The Winter Witch looked at it with awe. "Don't forget, this is the inside of the Doomsday Heroic Stone."

Ivita raised his eyebrows. He controlled about half of the Doomsday Heroic Spirit Four, but he could feel that the Winter Witch only controlled 30%.

This is the Witch Queen's high magic item after all.

Too profound.

It is difficult for wizards and witches below the Queen to fully master it. Ivita discovered the Doomsday Heroic Stone and gathered the frost magic of death into the body of the Winter Witch, allowing the Winter Witch to reach a higher level.

The Winter Witch began to use summoning magic. In this phase space, she summoned mid-to-high-level undead one after another, including the Ice Skeleton King, the huge Ice Source Phaseless Bird, the Undead Knight, the Ice Ghoul, etc... …

There are even three frost dragons!

Ivita said: "Well done."

He also mobilized the authority of his Doomsday Heroic Stone to gather the frost magic of death into his body, which also improved slightly. He also used Dragon Palace magic to summon a group of summons to fight those monsters.

The Winter Witch took a look at Ivita's summons. "It's just some useless water elements. Hahaha... your magic is not very powerful."

She was at the end of her rope. The three Frost Bone Dragons were actually summoned objects from the Doomsday Heroic Stone, not hers, and they didn't really listen to her.

But she thought that Ivita was also at her wits end.

The three frost bone dragons destroyed Ivita's three water elements respectively. But who knew that after the three water elements were destroyed, the vortex on their chests suddenly grew larger and restrained the three frost bone dragons.

The Winter Witch was shocked when she saw this. "what happened?"

Ivita was also surprised, and then he figured it out. "It turns out that the three-headed bone dragon is not yours. The three-headed bone dragon has already crushed ordinary knights and witches.

"But they seem to be too powerful, and they don't listen to you. I have modified the Dragon Palace magic a long time ago, but there have never been any powerful summons."

"Although each of the three-headed bone dragons are stronger than the superior knights and inferior to the knight marquis, they are ownerless things after all. If you put them in front of me, it is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth."

About ten minutes later, the three-headed bone dragon was completely bound by the Dragon Palace magic, located at the bottom of the Dragon Palace magic, and began to accept the transformation of them by the Dragon Palace magic.

Ivita also perfected the spell of Dragon Palace Magic during the battle. "Winter Witch, thank you for allowing me to completely perfect this spell. The three-headed bone dragon will turn into a three-headed water elemental dragon king in three days."

Ivita's divine power also refined the three Frost Bone Dragons inside the Dragon Palace, once again strengthening the original Dragon Palace magic.

Ivita uses Giant Magic and Dark Portal Magic appears from the soles of her feet. "After I became a god, my understanding of magic became deeper. These spells should have evolved long ago, but due to lack of pressure, my six natal magics have remained unchanged."

"Now thanks to you, I have gradually improved my magic spells to keep up with my current level of magic. I am really grateful to you all."

Ivita used giant magic, and the invisible giant punched the Winter Witch with a fist. At this time, the Winter Witch could only use teleportation magic to flash and leave the place. After all, she herself was still bound by the shadow.

Ivita's shadow left her body.

The Winter Witch's eyes widened. "You...are you holding back on me? Are you letting me go?"

Iveta said calmly: "You can come and attack me."

"Aren't you going to save your mother?"

The Winter Witch was at the end of her skills and sneered for a moment, then suddenly raised the ice staff in her hand and pointed towards Ivita. "I don't want to owe you. This is my advanced magic. Anyone touched by my ice scepter will turn into an ice sculpture, but there is another hidden condition, that is, I must know his name."

Ivita snorted coldly in her heart. The princess naturally knew her name. It made no difference if she said this condition or not.

However, the giant of power around Ivita split into two, and then divided again, and finally stopped when it turned into sixteen tall giant clones wearing cold armor. These giant clones didn't wait for her to get close to Ivita. Punch it with a fist.

The Winter Witch could only use defensive magic to protect herself.

Mysterious runes appeared one after another at the Dark Gate at the foot of Ivita, evolving toward its final form. According to the Lacedaemonians’ magic book, this final magic also existed among the Lacedaemonians. Rarely.

The Dark Door turned into a simple bronze boat, which was the Dark Breaking Bronze Boat that the Lacedaemonians once used to conquer the distant territory of Trojan City.

Ivita was extremely satisfied with the control of the boat. She felt that she could leave the phase space that was originally a cage in just a moment.

Ivita said to the Winter Witch: "Your Excellency, you are a woman. It is inconvenient for me to do anything with you, but I used magic to create sixteen giants that control gravity and repulsion. Your Excellency, enjoy it slowly."

The Winter Witch cast the Ice Frost Star on the surrounding giants, and an ice ring exploded, but the giants worked together to block the Ice Frost Star with repulsion.

On the other side, the monsters created by the Winter Witch's magic were all at an absolute disadvantage.

Seeing this, the Winter Witch could only sigh to Ivita, who was one level below her: "Forget it. I surrender. I just ask you to spare my life. Now it seems that you are much smarter. I am in front of you." I am the clown who plays tricks on everyone."

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