The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 55 (Revised) The Center of the Ancient World The Angry Children of the Forest

The sons of the forest around the ancient spirit of farming and animal husbandry immediately hesitated, and after a delay, only one of the sons of the forest dared to present the sheepskin to God Pan.

God Pan took the sheepskin. He had no expression at first, and he didn't even care much.

Because the strength of Baron Moro is too weak.

This is the border area of ​​the Viscount Kingdom. It is located among the mountains and has few resources. It cannot be compared with the wealthy Ambrose Basin.

The only value of this land is that it is the only way into the Ambrose Plains from the west.

The Children of the Forest are here to intercept some human forces that want to enter Ambrose, so that the Chitose Fire will never be able to recover.

However, when he read the first sentence, his eyes suddenly became serious.

"King of the Kingdom of Alsace?" God Pan frowned, with cunning and worry in his eyes. "Did the king of the Kingdom of Alsace go on a personal expedition? If so, how many superior knights, how many champion knights, and how many knight dukes did he bring with him? Is he going to launch a large-scale crown war? !”

"If this is the case, we must avoid the edge for the time being. With our current strength, even if the Thousand Years Fire is extinguished, we will not be the opponent of the Kingdom of Alsace."


"The Franks, Alpoles, and Lower Burgundians have just fought a war with the Kingdom of Alsace. The army of the Kingdom of Alsace should be unable to dispatch now."

"The Lower Burgundians are a people of water. They may cause floods to overflow in the Kingdom of Alsace at any time. However, the people of Red Steel [Franks] have never been trustworthy and may take the opportunity to invade Alsace."

"The [Alpolites] in the Crack will never miss this opportunity. They will seize every opportunity to expand their territory in the Crack, because the Alpolites, like us, are being squeezed. A group that has lost its living space.”

"At this time, it is impossible for the Kingdom of Alsace to send too many troops across the Alps and into the Ambrose Plain."

"How is this going?"

Next to the wooden frame where Pan is sitting, stands a snake girl. This snake girl wears a simple wooden crown on her head. She has human beauty, but her lower body is a snake body.

Chief Snake suddenly spoke: "Ancient Soul, the person who wrote you the letter must indeed be someone who claims the throne of Alsace."

"It's just that the Alsatians have betrayed their oath to their king."

"They overthrew the royal family of Alsace, and the current king of Alsace is a descendant of a family of minor warlords."

"The Alsatians have lost their soul."

"I think the King of Alsace in this gauntlet should be the legacy of the Alsace royal family."

God Pan breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that it was not the army of the Kingdom of Alsace that directly intervened.

But even so, the other party is also of the blood of the Alsace royal family.

This point alone made Pan Shen have to pay attention.

And when Pan Shen continued to read the war letter, he immediately burst into intense anger.

The other party actually wants him to see his position clearly, the other party actually wants him! An ancient soul cherishes the lives of his people.

The other party actually thought that the noble and powerful ancient soul was weak in front of him, a human being.

Damn thing!

If it had been 2,300 years ago, if he had said one word, the other person would have died.

It is now that the children of the forest are in decline, and their ancient souls are also in decline.

When Pan showed the war document to the chief of the Sons of the Forest, all the Sons of the Forest became furious.

In their view, it is a small broken territory in the mountains. If you don't open the city gate and surrender, you dare to threaten the ancient souls and the children of the forest.

What a shame!

Arrogant and ignorant!

Centaur Khan snorted and said: "Ignorant boy, if he were two thousand three hundred years ago, with his status, he would not even be qualified to talk to you, the ancient soul."

"How old is he? He's not even twenty years old, but you, ancient soul, have lived for thousands of years!"

"A young boy actually talked to us as equals and even insulted us."

"Damn it. Are you deceiving us, children of the forest, that our time has passed?"

"I'm going to kill him!"

God Pan shook his head, "The era of the Children of the Forest has indeed passed temporarily, and we are indeed talking as equals now."

"Trouble, there is still such a person appearing. It seems that the humans guarding the city are not all trash."

Pan Shen's eyes flickered. After he calmed down, he suddenly understood that the people guarding the city now were not just ordinary people.

The other party saw it accurately.

Because the truth is exactly what Ivita said.

The side that cannot afford to be dragged away are the children of the forest.

Even though Ambrose's humanity has entered an era of decline, the Chitose Fire has not really been extinguished after all, and this is still the era of mankind.

All I can say is that he is worthy of the blood of the royal family of Alsace.

Not to be underestimated.

If a person can be insulted by his enemies, it is the highest praise.

Otherwise, if your enemies praise you, you should reflect on what you did to make your enemies so happy.

Pan understood that the children of the forest were cursing now because Ivita really threatened them.

Pan Shen said: "It seems that the other party is not ready to negotiate with us. Let's start besieging the city and cut off all contact with the outside world."

"The other party did not negotiate with us. It is a pity that we did not fall into the trap. If Ivita had not caused trouble, maybe humans would have fallen into the trap."

"But our army has a numerical advantage, and there are always ways to deal with them. I will make him regret writing a challenge to me, and let him understand what the status between me and him is."

The centaur Khan and the snake chieftain, as well as the two-headed ogre high priest, the temporarily elected leader of the dryads, and the tauren leader, all half-knelt on the ground and bowed to the ancient spirits of farmers and herdsmen sitting on the wooden shelf. Show respect.

Centaur Khan said: "They are asking the human farmers in nearby villages to retreat into the castle."

"I suggest that we intercept these human farmers and massacre them before they enter the castle!"

The leaders of the Children of the Forest were eager to try.

The hatred between them and humans is too deep.

The ancient spirit of farming and animal husbandry immediately denied it, thinking that Centaur Khan was too stupid. "No. My friends, I know that you centaurs are cruel by nature, and your troops are also the main source of cavalry among us. However, I wanted to use a peaceful method to obtain the barony because the Chitose Fire has not been extinguished."

"Before the Chitose Fire is extinguished, if the land of Ambrose is contaminated with a large amount of human blood, there will be serious consequences."

"We can't cause too many killings until the Chitose Fire is completely extinguished."

"As long as the Thousand Years Fire is extinguished, my power and the power of other ancient souls will return to their peak. By then, all humans on this land will be easily destroyed by us."

Chief Snake raised her head and suddenly asked her own question. "What will happen if we kill a large number of humans before the Chitose Fire goes out?"

Pan shook his head. "We're supposed to share information, you ask me, I'm supposed to answer you. But I can't answer because I don't know what's going to happen."

"This information comes from friends of our allies."

Chief Snake had a strange expression. "Do we have any allies in Ambrose?"

"Yes, the ice witches and snow monsters on the snowy mountains in the north of Ambrose are also quite dissatisfied with humans."

God Pan said: "With their help, I got a chance to prophesy from the Virgin of the Olive Crown at the Temple of the Prophet, the center of the ancient world and the leader of the polytheistic faith before the church."

"She told me the oracle, and the content of the prophecy pointed to Baron Moro."

"But even I can only get one chance to predict from the temple. You also know how arrogant those prophets are. They claim that the predictions of druids and priests are all lies."

"The witch's prophecies are no better than nonsense."

Chief Snake sneered. "How arrogant. But Lord Ancient Soul, it is true that only the predictions of the prophets can predict the fate of a country and the fate of gods."

"It is simply impossible for ordinary prophetic abilities to predict such an existence involving huge spirituality."

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