The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 553 Universal Nation (Finale)

Over the Holy Empire, Xiao frowned. Ever since he fought against the Dragon Mother, the Yuanmen behind him had been severely deformed, and part of it would be broken every hour.

The shattered Yuanmen formed a halo, round and thin, surrounding him.

Xiao checked the Yuanmen behind him, but he couldn't find the reason why it was like this. He could only attribute it to the battle with the two witch kings, which gave him certain sequelae, or the witch king secretly gave him Some kind of power-attenuating spell was cast.

This is all possible.

For thousands of years, he has been able to plot against others, and others have been able to plot against him.

He hides behind the scenes and is not easy to get caught, but he is hard to guard against. This is a small trouble for the immortals. In the endless years, you may always come into contact with something, and once contact is made, magic can follow. , this is also the interesting part of magic.

Xiao is not a person who likes magic, but he knows something about it.

Xiao no longer thought about why Yuanmen was somewhat broken. Anyway, after he regained the throne and strengthened his power again, any problem would be suppressed by absolute power. At this moment, his heart was burning towards the ground.

That's his empire.

It is very different from the ancient civilization, but the times are progressing, and now he wants to make this empire reborn from the ashes.

Xiao took a step forward. "The gods have nothing to do with me. The dark curse of the Witch King is like a passing cloud. I have usurped the supreme power of hell. Hell will not interfere. I am the king of hell."

"I have also arranged plans to target the powerful people hidden in the dark magic forest, so that they will get into trouble one by one and be unable to deal with me."

"The countries that used to waste their national power were all because they discovered the New World and put most of their power there."

"I've been waiting for this moment for thousands of years, and it's finally here."

"I may only have a dozen years to do whatever I want, but that's enough."

Xiao took a step forward, and the Yuanmen behind him once again opened a small opening, which made Xiao frown. He once again used the Yuanmen to summon the warriors from the past in history, and asked the soldiers to attack the city and capture the ground. , to destroy the scattered laws in the lands, to destroy the counties, viscounts, and even principalities.

Xiao knew that he couldn't rush this kind of thing, so he just stood in the void and watched his army expand its territory within the territory of the Holy Empire.

A few months later, Xiao glanced at the cracked Yuanmen behind him and frowned. "The Witch King's spell is really troublesome."

"They have been disintegrating my power. Unfortunately, they still underestimated the national laws. My laws are spread in different countries in various universes. As the father of enlightenment, my power is constantly regenerated. This little trick It’s useless.”

"It's just a facade. My decline is just an appearance. It just so happens that I can use this to draw out the enemies who may still be lurking in the dark."

These days, Xiao is still challenged by many powerful people who live in seclusion in the magical black forest. Some are powerful thousand-year-old immortal witches who take an alternative path, and some are powerful knight dukes who have drawn famous swords such as the Sword in the Stone.

There was even the former King of Knights who came to challenge him, asking him to abide by the unspoken rules of god and man and get out of the dark magic forest.

But Shaw defeated them all.

Xiao disappeared into the sky, landed on the ground, and accepted the map presented by the divine blood warriors in the past. Judging from the map, half of the territory of the Holy Empire has been controlled by Xiao's army. Foreign countries once wanted to stop this trend, but they failed. Was repulsed several times.

Moreover, national laws undermine universal values, and those countries cannot unite.

The Papal State has even been besieged by Xiao's army.

The pagan empire was also torn apart.

"In this case, I think the princes' sense of resistance is gone." Xiao scanned the map, "Order them to convene the Imperial Parliament."

"Immediately, today."

"At night. I want to get rid of the old and welcome the new, and I can also commemorate my victory over the Queen of Darkness."

The Divine Blood Warrior General immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Before the Imperial Conference began, Xiao opened the Abyss Gate alone and went to the three kingdoms with the strongest resistance in the Holy Empire, the Kingdom of Potsdam, the Kingdom of Saxony, and the Kingdom of Bosilia, and then he would go to the Kingdom of Alsace.

Because Alsace is in the north and his army starts from the south where the Holy Empire is weakest, Xiao has not controlled these four kingdoms until now.

At the same time, the three kingdom-level bishoprics are also a problem.

Xiao first went to the Kingdom of Bosilia. He was not polite and went directly to Prague, the capital of the Kingdom of Bosilia. He came to the sky above Prague Castle. This is the base camp of the academic city. There are academies and books everywhere, and there are fountains. Scholars debating nearby.

When Xiao's Yuanmen suppressed the kingdom, squeezed the laws of the kingdom, and interfered with the politics of the kingdom, the scholars in the city issued a serious protest against him, and the entire capital's army took action and began to prepare for a counterattack .

Xiao summoned the Divine Blood Warrior Legion from the past again, and frowned: "It turned out that I planned to resist stubbornly. After this period of defeat, you still haven't given up resisting me. Why do you have to resist, for the benefit of individual feudal lords, and against your emperor? ,ridiculous."

He threw the Infinite Abyss Gate behind him directly towards Prague Castle, and the law that immediately ruled this land caused serious friction between the two sides.

Just like the gravitational pull of two planets colliding with each other, the stronger one will tear apart the weaker one, but after all, it is a kingdom-level law, and even Xiao will need a long time to destroy the law here.

Xiao was anxious and began to wreak havoc for the parliament held tonight. He fished for the power behind Yuanmen, even at the cost of damaging his own source of power. He wanted to speed up the suppression of the laws of this kingdom, and then used the Legion of Divine Blood Warriors to capture Capital, let this kingdom fall into war first.

At the same time, Xiao went to the next target, where he could continue to use the Legion and the Yuanmen to suppress it. Anyway, the Yuanmen was extremely vast. Suppressing one law was suppression, and suppressing several laws was also suppression.

‘Although it is a bit risky, there is no one in the Dark Magic Forest that can threaten me. ’ Xiao went to the second stop, the Kingdom of Saxony. He first expressed his intention to come, hoping that Queen Datou could surrender to him, dissolve the kingdom’s parliament and court, and then remove himself from the throne and be reduced to a duke.

Of course, the Big-headed Queen did not hesitate for a moment and immediately threw a bottle of heart-eroding potion at Xiao, hoping that Xiao would be corroded into bones by the potion.

Xiao didn't hesitate and immediately took action against her and her kingdom.

Xiao: "It's ridiculous. Even the Witch King has been defeated by me. Am I still afraid of you?!"

He then went to the next stop.

Kingdom of Potsdam.

Arriving at the capital of the Kingdom of Potsdam, the Witch Queen who ruled Potsdam did not waste any time. She took action directly and attacked Xiang Xiao with magic aura. The two sides once again had a fierce conflict.

Then, Shaw went to his next stop, the Diocese of Mainz.

Every time Xiao went to a place, he used Yuanmen to summon the legions in the past, and then used his Yuanmen to suppress the local laws and start a war against the capitals of various countries.

He went to seven places in a row and managed to deal with seven kingdom-level countries by himself at the same time.

Then, Xiao went to the skies above the Kingdom of Alsace. Xiao did not say a word but took action directly. Anyway, this was a force directly under Ivita and it was impossible to surrender to him.

Xiao wants to achieve the feat of suppressing eight kingdom-level forces at the same time!

"The Frankish Kingdom can also be conquered by the way." Xiao thought: "I left a lot of backup there, just in time to merge this country into the Holy Empire... huh?"

Xiao glanced at Yuanmen behind him and his eyes became serious.

Because the Yuanmen behind him was already covered with deep cracks, Xiao just took a small step forward, and a large piece of debris fell down, and the entire Yuanmen began to be unable to maintain its original shape.

It couldn't even maintain a planet-like shape, but turned into a pile of rubble rotating around a certain center, which was like the shape of the universe.

Xiao Wubi was confused: "Why is it that every time I suppress a kingdom within the Holy Empire, my Abyss Gate will break apart faster. I am obviously the father of enlightenment and have unlimited power, so why will my Abyss Gate begin to be unable to maintain. Eight Kingdom-level laws are just fragments of universal laws. Even if I face universal laws, I am not afraid at all. Why is this so?"

"what is that?"

Shaw noted that there were many schools in the Kingdom of Alsace, and in many countries close to it.

Xiao felt uneasy and teleported to a school. After entering the school, he saw adults in robes teaching students some knowledge, but what they were teaching was not common religious classics, but something else.

A teacher is patiently explaining to young children. "The meaning of this sentence is that a person should respect his elders, because only those who respect their elders will love and care for others, and society will be peaceful."

"Why should we respect them? Because if we just give our elders some food, is that enough? We also give food and shelter to our pets, so we must respect our elders, whether they are alive or dead."

"The meaning of that sentence is that if you don't want to do something, don't ask others to do it. Therefore, we humans are all kind and loving. If an intelligent creature is kind and loving, then he is a human being. No matter what his origin is, as long as he is a human being, he is a citizen of our empire."

The children at the desk were confused and confused. "Then the teacher is from a different country, but he is from the same country as us?"

The man laughed. "Yes. As long as they learn our culture and do things according to our culture, then we are brothers. Will you be alienated from your brothers because of different countries? So the country and the nation cannot stop us."

The children laughed.

"Then we will be a family, and there will no longer be distinctions between countries and ethnic groups."

The teacher smiled. "That's right. But if an intelligent creature doesn't learn our culture, then even if it is from the same country as us, it is completely different from us. It is even less worthy of being a human being."

Xiao couldn't stand listening anymore and hurriedly reprimanded: "Nonsense. If a pig, a kobold, and a mermaid also learn your so-called culture, can they also be called human beings? How can they deceive themselves and others when their appearance is so different? ?”

The teacher looked up, as if he had just seen Xiao at this moment, and said softly: "Old friend, it turns out you are here, hello."

"It's just a pig or a dog. As long as he can learn our culture and do things our way, he is a human being."

"Old friend, you are too narrow-minded. Don't you realize that if there is an intelligent creature that can really understand us, then his own living habits are close to ours, and he is compatible with us? Haven't you noticed that universal laws have the advantage of universal values, but lack cohesion, and although nationalism has strong cohesion, it can only be limited to a time and a place, and then I take the two and combine them, which is universal nationalism."

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I talk to you, but you and I are like old friends who haven't seen each other for many years."

Xiao's eyes widened. "Ivita? Didn't you enter a special state and not be in this world?"

Xiao soon calmed down, looked up and down at the middle-aged man in front of him, and suddenly sneered. "So that's how it is. Your real body is still not in this universe, not in the Great Void Realm, but you used illusion to enter this man's mind and waited for me here."

"Ivita, you are really good at talking nonsense."

"You are here to stop me. It's too late. I have crippled most of the countries in the Holy Empire. I have suppressed eight kingdoms. My subordinates can even seize the Frankish Kingdom within two days."

"The Papal States is in a desperate situation. It's too late for you to send an illusion clone to intervene at this time. Even if your real body comes, it will be useless."

Xiao said: "In this case, I will capture you and take you to the Imperial Parliament. Tonight, I can force you to abdicate."

Ivita shook her head. "I'm not here to stop you. Do whatever you want to do."

Xiao looked at Ivita in confusion.

Ivita asked the children to leave here. "In fact, not long after I entered the state of complete meditation, I reached the point where I could use illusions to come to this world. I may have to stay in this state for hundreds or even thousands of years. I was a little worried at first, but later I was no longer worried. Xiao, everything you do is to prepare for my future."

"What!" Xiao sneered. "Are you crazy?"

Ivita replied: "You should have noticed that as you suppress the countries within the Holy Empire, your power is declining."

"Today you performed a feat and suppressed eight countries in one day, which resulted in your power declining to the extreme."

"You have reached your limit, Xiao."

Xiao sneered. "I thought you were going to say something, but you only know one of them, not more. I am the father of enlightenment, and my weakness is just an appearance I use to deceive the enemies hiding in the dark. You actually believed it, hahaha, it seems that you are just like that. I have unlimited...power..." When Xiao wanted to mobilize the power of the national laws in other universes in the Great Void Realm, he was shocked to find that he was like a mortal who had been hungry for several days, and he had already lost his strength. 'Crack~' The abyss gate behind him shattered again, and even the national laws and the abyss of human existence began to separate. Xiao's expression was extremely solemn. He looked at Ivita and said, "What did you do to me?" Ivita shook her head and sighed. "It is because I did nothing that you are like this. You are hostile to the princes in the Holy Empire, which is essentially strengthening the imperial power. You spent more than half a year to eliminate these privileged classes, but you forgot that I am the emperor and I am the one who benefits the most. The privileged class was consumed by the war, and then our country was unified. War is indeed the biggest way to consume the privileged class."

"All your previous actions only made you gain some petty profits, but you never thought that the person who benefited the most was me."

Xiao Bing's face.

Ivita continued, "You spent thousands of years laying out your plan, triggering a change in national thought. I borrowed your plan to turn national thought into universal national thought."

"Whether you believe it or not, I have indeed seen a place where people claim to be a certain nation, but they do not refuse others to join this nation, but open the door to convenience."

"National limitations and universal fragility are therefore overcome."

"Xiao, I didn't expect that all your actions would eventually make me successful. Before I realized you, I had already begun to build books, build schools, recruit talents, and start to change the people of my country and establish a universal nationalism in their hearts. The nationalism you said is the only correct path, but when you fight the Queen of Darkness, why do your national laws repeatedly fail to keep up and have flaws?"

Xiao stared at Ivita, his eyes full of cold light, and he said stubbornly: "I don't believe it."

"This is impossible."

"Ivita, I'm going to kill you."

The next moment, the abyss behind Xiao rose again and smashed towards Ivita.

Xiao was furious. "No matter what, you are just an illusion in this universe. You don't even exist!"

The middle-aged man incarnated by Ivita was wiped out by the Yuanmen.

The expression on Xiao's face relaxed slightly. "Ivita is just a kid. Why should I take him seriously? How much of what he said is true?"

"Yes, there is still a chance to save it."

The next moment, Ivita's voice sounded in his ears. "Really?"

The expression on Xiao's face froze. He slowly turned his head and saw Ivita standing at the door of the house. At this time, Ivita showed her true form. "How is it possible? Although it is just an illusion, it is impossible for things killed by Yuanmen to be resurrected. Your illusion can no longer be projected into this universe. Yuanmen can kill any phenomenon and prevent it from being resurrected again. !”

Xiao sighed and raised his fist. "That's all. I'll do it myself."

Xiao once loved watching gladiatorial fights, so he was also good at hand-to-hand combat. With a random punch, he had already locked in all of Ivita's evasion directions and possible counterattacks, but Ivita didn't move at all, allowing him to shatter her illusion.

The next moment, a new Ivita appeared outside the window. "Xiao, old friend, I know your vocation. Your vocation is violence, and you are the god of violence."

"Xiao, your power is not pure. You have the so-called source power of the Sea of ​​Chaos. The Sea of ​​Chaos once invaded this world, so it left behind the so-called Warlock profession. The Witch Kings came into contact with me, and then I understood what happened."

There was no expression on Xiao's face, and he smashed the window and Ivita outside the window with one fist, but soon Ivita appeared beside him again.

Xiao finally became serious as he watched Ivita's vision reappear. "The fact that you can detect that shows one thing. You have risen to a level similar to mine in a short period of time."

Ivita did not refute. The power of the Six Gods was continuously poured into herself, and her own magic network resonated with the universe of the Black Magic Forest. It developed towards the many universes in the Great Void Realm and became stronger and stronger. This led to the fact that at this moment, she was even equivalent to a full moon. The Queen infuses magical power into the Dark Queen's state.

Moreover, it is more harmonious in strength.

But that's not the point.

Ivita said to Xiao: "I came to see you just to tell you, Xiao, you have lost. Nation-states are stuck in their ways and can easily create divisions. If you allow the Holy Empire to transform into a nation-state, the Holy Empire will fall apart. It turned into dozens of small countries and the emperor’s crown lost its original glory.”

Xiao frowned. He thought carefully, sometimes raising his eyebrows, sometimes frowning more, and then he said: "I have expected this. As long as I become the emperor, the country will not be divided."

Ivita shook her head. "Then you will only be attacked by a group of people."

"You have provoked too many enemies. You yourself know that even if all your plans succeed, which is unlikely, you will only have a few years to do whatever you want. When the enemies you provoke react, your country will only will be shattered. In the final analysis, the nation-state has excluded its allies and friends, denied potential resources due to national issues, is full of internal divisions, and provokes troubles externally. It is completely inferior to the universal nation I established. "

Xiao heard the words and immediately wanted to attack Ivita again, but he was shocked to realize that his power was constantly passing away, the abyss gate behind him could no longer be maintained, and the abyss of human existence was constantly separated from him, escaping from his control.

Iveta said to Xiao: "Actually, it's not that my intelligence is much better than yours, it's just that I stand on the shoulders of giants and can see further than you. Your idea was wrong from the beginning, or it's not as good as mine. , then I don’t have to put in much effort at all, I just need to wait for you to destroy yourself.”

"Xiao, of course your power will decline. At this moment, my universal national thoughts will be guided to countless universes along with the changes you initiated. Eventually, the civilizations in each universe will undergo corresponding changes."

"And you don't have to bother attacking me. You are the one who attracted my illusions. You are the one who keeps provoking my illusions."

Ivita appeared next to Xiao. "This matter cannot be solved by force, so I will not fight with you."

"It's just that I advise you to give up. Your Yuanmen has already broken itself. If you continue to fight, you will only gain for me..."

Xiao shook his head violently and looked into the distance fiercely. "No, it's absolutely impossible. Since you are an illusion without power, I simply don't care about you. As long as I subdue those kingdoms, I can still regain the throne at the imperial meeting."

Xiao Fei left alone in mid-air, as crazy as a demon.

Ivita watched him leave and shook her head. Xiao was defeated. Xiao's next thought would only benefit himself, and after losing Yuanmen, his combat power may not be much stronger than a powerful god.

But he had to face eight kingdom-level forces alone, and even more potential enemies.

Ivita shook her head and simply stopped talking to Xiao. Instead, she used illusion magic to transform into an ordinary middle-aged man and walked into the next school.

Education is the foundation for shaping the cultural cohesion of a nation.

The melee lasted for a full ten years, and finally ended with Xiao Huo burning down his palace. The armies he summoned from history were all sealed, and could never be summoned from history again.

Although the emperor of the Holy Empire rarely appeared in front of everyone, he used war to eliminate a large number of privileged classes and began to centralize the country, transforming the Holy Empire into a normal centralized country.

At the same time, education was promoted in the Holy Empire, universities were built, compulsory education was provided, and a universal nation was built. More and more small countries began to actively join the Holy Empire. There were also some kingdoms that wanted to remain independent, but took the initiative to sign contracts with the Holy Empire. Various treaties have made it a de facto semi-vassal state.

Thirty-six years after the war, the Holy Empire was thriving. Because the Magical Black Forest was relatively unified, there had been no war for a long time.

Next to the lake in the capital of the empire, the city of Alsace, Ivita's vision was fishing in the lake. Suddenly, a tall figure with a serious face appeared behind Ivita. "I thought about it carefully and I think you are right."

“A universal nation is indeed much better than universalism and national thinking.”

"So I extended the war for ten more years to clear the way for you. Today's development is just as I wanted, but the material of the Chaos Sea continues to float over. The Holy Empire has been transformed, although it can withstand more than before. It’s chaos and disorder, but if this continues, sooner or later the tragedy of the past will happen again. What are you going to do?”

Ivita did not look back and continued fishing. He said softly: "That's a big problem. We can find a solution together."

"I have an immature idea. I discovered before that the energy generated when a person makes a good wish can purify the energy material transferred from the Chaos Sea. This is also the reason why the flower fairies fulfill people's wishes again and again. I think maybe We can make the Magical Black Forest, the source of magic, a truly ideal world. We may be able to create a wishing machine that will allow everyone who takes action and works hard to get the rewards they deserve."

"Let everyone who works hard get the happiness they want."

"Of course, this is a big project."

"By the way, we can ask the Hearthstone Witch to help us think of a solution. I heard that she is still cheating and abducting recently. I didn't expect that even after she regained her kindness, she would still be the same as before she met me. It's just that she finally recovered. No more dead people.”

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