The witch thought I am a Demon God

The author talks about the theme of this book

In fact, at the beginning of writing this book, the author discovered that the only two great powers that had been dismembered in the past were the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, two traditional universal empires without national trends. The author further discovered that the Manchu Qing Dynasty was also disintegrated by nationalism at that time. Possibility (some countries may think so, but things did not develop in this process afterwards, because Chinese nationalism, by definition, had already appeared in the Han Dynasty and had different characteristics from European and American nation-states.

Based on this, the author wrote this article.

In other words, the main body has actually finished writing the pig's trotters and has completely become the emperor and accepted the power of the six gods. The readers can let their imagination run wild in the future.

There will be some extra episodes in the future to fill in the pitfalls everyone mentioned, and then further improve the theme of magic.

In fact, the author himself has many special and innovative ideas for the construction of magic, but unfortunately, the new Western fantasy book originally ordered was replaced by Xianxia.

I can only write about the special settings related to the Magic Network in the extra chapter of this book.

Hearthstone Witch's personal extra chapter will also be released, as well as one about Xiao.

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