The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 67 Ancient civilization and the ancient world unite the laws!

Of course Iveta must put away something as good as the Sakura Dragon Tree as soon as possible.

The Great Witch of Hearthstone said that the Sakura Dragon Tree can be placed in her carriage. It is a carriage created by magic and will never be entered by anyone except her!

Ivita blinked, pretending not to hear the words, and put the Sakura Dragon Tree into her jacket pocket.

Just kidding, if you give the Sakura Dragon Tree to the old witch, who knows if she will secretly sell it one day.

To be honest, the Great Witch of Hearthstone is not from her side in a strict sense.

She has never really been loyal to herself.

In this world, the Rite of Allegiance should be a universal law.

It is not a law for one time and one place, but a universal law for all times and all places.

Only those who have performed the salute of allegiance can believe it themselves.

God Pan reminded Ivita: "This is just a seedling. The number of seeds of life that can be produced is limited. It will take about ten years to produce the limited one or two."

"Of course, you can quickly get the life seeds of the Sakura Dragon Tree by piling up resources. But to make the Sakura Dragon Tree grow bigger, you need not only resources, but also time."

"The ancient nobles are powerful precisely because their ancestors have been cultivating exotic plants hundreds of years ago."

"Even if you pile up resources, it can't compare to what others have accumulated over hundreds or even thousands of years."

The children of the forest looked at this scene with displeasure.

They really couldn't understand why the ancient soul would give strange plants from heaven to humans.

Although the children of the forest cannot use the exotic plants, just occupying them is not bad. It is better than giving it to the hateful humans.

The leader of the Tauren Alliance couldn't help but speak out. "Great ancient soul, you never told us that you have extraordinary plants in your hands."

"Should we ask other ancient souls for instructions on such an important matter?"

God Pan gave him a cold look. His cold gaze made the Minotaur Chief, a third-level priest, inexplicably quicken his heartbeat. He felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

The Tauren Chief did not expect that God Pan's eyes would be even more terrifying when he was angry.

He was puzzled, he was confused, he didn't understand why Ivita could talk very normally under Pan's eyes.

Even during the conversation, God Pan's eyes were clearly very stern several times, but Ivita didn't notice it at all, as if she didn't realize that Pan's eyes were magical at all.

The leader of the Minotaur Alliance can only attribute this to the fact that Ivita is a wizard.

The power of the children of the forest all comes from the ancient souls, and they are all priests of the ancient souls. They are not actually a magic race, they can only be said to be a natural priest race.

What they used was not magic, but ancient rituals.

Therefore, magic is also a very mysterious thing to the children of the forest.

God Pan gave an explanation to the leader of the Minotaur Alliance this time. "The Sakura Dragon Tree is my private property, so I can do whatever I want with it."

"In fact, I have sacrificed my own interests for the children of the forest."

"The Children of the Forest cannot use the Seed of Life, because even humans could not use the Seed of Life during the ancient civilization. They spent thousands of years asking millions of pharmacists to analyze the medicinal properties of exotic plants and combine them , after countless failures, many aberrations emerged due to failures, and finally the secret medicine system was formed at the end of the ancient civilization."

"The secret medicine system is based on human physique."

"You can't use it, and you will only get into trouble if you use it. You don't have the patience to be a pharmacist, so you can't spend thousands of years and let the pharmacists improve the medicine bit by bit for your physique."

The leader of the Tauren Alliance scratched his head. Even so, he still felt that something was wrong.

However, the seeds of life are indeed of no use to the children of the forest, and they cannot even perform the most basic function of eating.

It's a pretty good poison.

Because whoever eats it will die.

Ivita suddenly asked: "Pan, do you think you know about ancient civilizations?"

"Just a little bit." Pan turned around and found that he was talking to Ivita who was not afraid of his gaze. Instead, he relaxed a little and both parties could communicate equally.

Ivita became curious, because there are many kinds of power in this world, and knowledge and intelligence are also a kind of power.

He also wanted to find out about the famous ancient civilizations and ancient civilizations. He suppressed his urgency and made his voice sound normal, like asking a casual question. "Then do you know what ancient civilizations and pre-ancient civilizations were like? Why did ancient civilizations collapse?"

"Did the large-scale use of the Seed of Life system occur after the collapse of ancient civilization?"

Iveta suddenly realized a problem and her eyes lit up. "Could it be that the Seed of Life and the Knight System are a force that maintains the land aristocracy."

"Well, that's true. The knights are a powerful force that maintains the power of the nobles. Therefore, the kings cannot achieve absolute control over the knights and nobles."

"The warrior secret medicine in the north was originally an innovation jointly developed by the monarch and urban capital. Unfortunately, it was not successful at all. Instead, it strengthened the knight class. Because knights are deeply bound to their aristocratic status, the warrior secret medicine system actually strengthened the feudal nobles. army." Pan said, "You are very smart."

"The nature of the problem can always be discovered. This insight should serve you well, whether on the battlefield or in a book."

"The guys in the school city will probably like you, but it's a pity that you are a lord now, otherwise you can enter the school city and become a bachelor."

"Oh, the school city is composed of those universities that have formed an alliance."

Pan Shen said: "They aim to eliminate magic and faith. They believe that humans do not need gods and magic, or even supernatural power, but only knowledge. However, in the past few years, they seem to have changed their tune and only dare to claim to eliminate magic."

"It should be because the Holy See put pressure on them."

"Sometimes, I feel like they are a sect that believes in knowledge. They just believe in knowledge."

Pan Shen said: "But you have too many questions, and I don't know how to organize the words to answer."

"No one knows the truth behind the collapse of ancient civilizations."

"The Knight's Secret Medicine System did not become popular until the early days of this era. My range of activities was limited. After the Children of the Forest fell, I would not even leave a cave for a long time. So I missed many things. Well, I can only tell you that the so-called ancient civilization and ancient civilization are the absolute winners of a certain era."

"In every era, there will be some civilizations that have unified laws of a certain order of magnitude and become a special existence of that era."

"At this time, these civilizations will be very arrogant. The ancient civilization believed that he and another civilization called [Fire Civilization] are the eyes of the world."

"And the ancient world thought that they were the whole world. But they were too arrogant."

"I don't know the specifics. Whether the ancient civilization was in its heyday or when it was destroyed, I lived in seclusion in a cave for some reasons. And the ancient world..."

Pan Shen showed a nostalgic expression and didn't speak for a long time. In the end, he could only say one sentence. "The same thing happened then as it does now."

"I have long said that no one will always win."

"In the era of the ancient world, let alone knights, there were very few witches, and the druids had never arrived there."

"That time was..."

Pan Shen suddenly stopped talking and his eyes gradually became colder. "Your Excellency Ivita, do you know why Ambrose's urban class can directly fight against the landed nobles?"

"Because there is a base camp for professional hunters in Ambrose Plains."

"You can learn about these by yourself later. If you go on, I will charge a fee, but there is something that is free."

"I can divine for you once. I heard from people that you seem to want territory and an army. The reason is not difficult to guess."

"I can divine for you once, just once."

Pan took out six leaves from his pocket and placed them on the stone table.

Ivita frowned, and he suddenly realized who the person behind Pan was.

Because there is only one force that has divined for itself.

It was because of that divination that he came here.

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