The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 71 Future planning for the territory and learning magic

After the matter between the assassins and the children of the forest was settled, it was time to formally sort out the territory and count their property.

Ivita went from being a wandering prince to a lord who controlled a large territory.

Although this is still territory in a narrow gap in the mountain road, it is an important road.

Ivita immediately had seven toll stations set up in his territory to collect transit taxes. A week later, these toll stations made of wood and bricks were basically completed.

There is no way, after all, there is no agricultural industry or handicraft industry in this territory of my own.

After being fucked like this by the son of the forest, he was completely ruined.

Moreover, after the territory was destroyed in this way, the original population of 30,000 to 40,000 people has become the current population of barely 10,000 people.

Just like this, there are still people fleeing every day.

The main reason is that the farmland of the fourteen villages belonging to the Barony of Moro has been limed and the buildings have been damaged.

Without farmland, what would everyone eat?

In addition, a ruler was changed, which caused everyone to have little confidence in the barony, so a large number of serfs fled.

Within the territory, almost hundreds of people were escaping every day.

These people generally went to nearby towns, villages and cities, and a few went to nearby feudal noble territories.

Ivita asked Griffin Knight to symbolically prevent the peasants from escaping, but she didn't take it too seriously.

Because those who should stay will eventually stay.

Those who want to leave, no matter if they leave, there will be times in the future when they will regret it.

Only after becoming a lord did Iveta realize that being a lord is not only a pleasure, but also a responsibility.

Although for the self-motivated, this responsibility itself is a pleasure.

He has to take on the responsibility of making sure the people in the territory have enough to eat and drink, and even make a fortune.

Ivita knew that the agricultural products route in the current territory would definitely not work.

The only feasible route for them now is to engage in industry and commerce.

And now the Ambrose Plains is plunged into suspicion of an imminent war.

At this time, what is the most profitable?

Of course it's selling weapons.

However, if you want to sell weapons, you need a systematic blacksmith training institution, but it is too late now.

Therefore, Ivita thought of another one with a lower threshold - ironmaking!

Sell ​​raw materials!

He can create a blast furnace to smelt wrought iron and, combined with his sophisticated knowledge of thermal processes, create cast iron.

Cast iron is the material for weapons that transcend this era.

Although Ivita has already seen the red steel of this world.

It may come from a more magical source, but its quality may already exceed that of almost all steel materials on the earth.

However, the commonly used iron in this world is still pig iron and sponge iron, and wrought iron is rarely found.

If he could produce cast iron in the Barony of Moro, this barony would soon become one of the most important cities in Ambrose.

Moreover, what is even more advantageous is that the Morrow Barony itself has a medium-sized iron mine.

It is also one of the main outputs of the barony.

However, turning the iron ore in the iron ore veins into cast iron requires several epoch-making prerequisite technologies.

The first is the push-pull blower box.

The second is a blast furnace that can heat to temperatures above 1,500 degrees.

Third, iron-carbon reduction technology.

However, to heat a blast furnace above 1,500, mature fireproof brick technology and regenerator (generating hot air) and other technologies are required.

However, Ivita knows that if you want to climb the technology tree step by step, it will require a lot of manpower, money and time.

This is not something that can be achieved in one fell swoop.

Even if you know the results, just extrapolating the results will require a lot of manpower, resources and time.

Therefore, he planned to use the 1200 to 1300 degree earthen blast furnace from ancient China.

If operated well, this kind of earthen blast furnace can also be used to make porcelain in the later stage.

The reason why ancient Europeans could not produce cast iron and porcelain was because their blast furnaces could not reach temperatures above 1,200 degrees for a long time.

Temperature is key!

Then, he planned to use the ancient Chinese crucible steel-frying method and iron filling method to make decarburized cast iron.

Therefore, Ivita first asked Black Wolf to summon the craftsmen in the territory, and only wanted the blacksmiths who signed the contract of lifelong attachment to Ivita.

Then, he drew many more drawings and asked Raleigh to go to the nearest city to buy dry pots, fire clay, and charcoal.

In fact, if you can use coke, you can still ensure that the temperature is between 1300 degrees and 1400 degrees.

But Rome wasn't built in a day.

Ivita needed speed and couldn't invest too many resources and manpower, so she had to keep everything simple.

When he summoned the old witch and told her his plan and wanted to discuss it with her, the old witch was shocked.

In the study.

The Great Witch of Hearthstone looked at the drawings drawn by Ivita. Although these drawings were not very standard in the region, in the eyes of the old witch, they were still very bluffing. "These……"

"If it is true as Your Majesty said, we can make cast iron that is better than ordinary iron."

"Then these technologies alone can be exchanged for several earl territories."

"I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable."

Ivita nodded, tapped her fingers on the table, and said, "The earl territory can be obtained by one's own strength."

"It's better to keep this kind of technology in your own hands."

The old witch realized it later and said, "That's right."

"Your Majesty, if this technology of yours is really implemented in our territory, its strategic significance will not be lost to Sakura Dragon Tree."

"Moreover, it can also bring wealth that Sakura Dragon Tree cannot bring!"

"When the time comes, I won't be surprised if this barony is promoted to a viscounty territory in the title system under Ambrose."

The old witch looked strange and said: "And this is also good for your magic power. Inventing a technology that spans the ages is also a way to obtain the source of magic power."

"It's just that most witches and wizards are too eager for quick success and are far away from mortals."

"They basically don't have the patience to think about mortals day after day."

"Furthermore, wizards who can digest this kind of magic require extremely special talents. They are even rarer than wizards who can digest war magic."

"But I think you can probably digest the magic."

Ivita thought of the natural magic power that Taiyi God had brought to her, and nodded.

If you want to increase your natural magic power, managing your territory seems to be a faster and more direct way.

In addition, the magic power of the destruction attribute that he had rapidly increased in the past has gradually decreased recently.

Judging from subsequent developments, the damage spell that I used to inflict damage on Ji, the leader of the dryads, had some kind of mutation and was actually contagious.

It was precisely because of this that the plague suddenly broke out in the troops of the Children of the Forest.

But now it seems that the children of the forest have begun to suppress the plague and will soon be able to get rid of it.

After all, it was just a spell equivalent to the strength of a formal wizard's spell.

If the level were higher, Ivita guessed that the plague at this time might not be so easy to solve.

Iveta said: "The energy in my body is beginning to lose balance. There is too much war magic and destruction magic. The natural magic is also rising due to the management of the territory."

"But we need to find other sources of magic power for thunder attribute magic, fire attribute magic and rain dragon attribute magic."

The old witch thought for a moment. "If that doesn't work, we can hunt down the magic monsters with corresponding magic attributes on the Ambrose Plains."

Iveta said: "But that is not the best source of magic power. If possible, I want each one to be better."

The Great Witch of Hearthstone smiled bitterly in her heart, those were six sources of magic power.

If each one is a source of magic power that achieves the best quality, then how powerful should such a wizard be?

The current intensity of Ivita's magic is no longer right.

Ivita said: "Also, I should try to learn some magic. After all, I have to learn six natal magics."

"Do you have any recommendations?"

Just as the Great Witch of Hearthstone was about to speak, the door to the study room was opened, and Knight Griffin walked in with a letter and said: "Sir, we used carrier pigeons to rush to Ambrose's territory. The letter requesting canonization has been There’s a reply.”


Griffin Knight looked strange. "There are actually two replies, and they are replies to you from two different people."

"One is from the City Council of Ambrose, and the other is from the obsessive-compulsive Viscount of Winchester."

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