The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 85 Behavior Patterns of the Three Major Civilizations Color Changes of Chitose Fire

In the mural, three witches from the East jumped into the brazier one after another, and the nascent flame of law melted their bodies, spirits, souls, and magic powers one after another.

Three witches from the East died.

No, in other words, it is their spirit and magic that are forever integrated into the constantly jumping and burning Thousand Years of Fire.

As long as the Chitose Fire continues to burn, their magic and spirituality will never disappear.

Although they sacrificed their lives and freedom, magic always comes with corresponding costs and risks, and vice versa.

They sacrificed so much, which in turn allowed their magic and spirituality to remain intact even after more than two thousand years.

The old witch who was watching the mural on the dome sighed. She said to Ivita: "I have heard my teacher tell some legendary stories about witches. The Three Witches of the East are witches from the civilization of fire. They used to use witchcraft. He helped many kings and left behind many legendary deeds.”

"I just don't know their magic levels."

"The civilization of fire is the civilization that is best at using flames. According to the only legends available now, we can also know that the civilization of fire is the first civilization in the world to light flames."

"The Three Witches of the East come from the civilization of fire, and the thousand-year-old fire is actually influenced by the civilization of fire."

"Of course, the source of fire magic should not only be the fire civilization."

Because he also has fire dragon blood, Ivita paid more attention to this content, and he frowned. "Part of the origin of the power of fire may be the civilization of fire, but one of the people who turned fire magic into black magic was my ancestor, the eldest princess of Alsace."

"So, the eldest princess was right when she said that the Thousand Years Fire is one of the most powerful fire magics. She should have seen this mural like me."

The scenes on the murals continue to change.

After the three witches from the east jumped into the brazier, the other witches standing behind became excited.

Some witches shouted loudly, thinking that the flame was a treacherous trick, a plan designed by the planetary civilization to kill the three witches of the East.

The two prophets looked at the five tribal leaders quietly.

The tribal leaders saw the witches and ordinary humans at war with each other, and they knew they had to make a choice.

Should we continue like this and let the witches and their efforts go to waste, or should we sacrifice ourselves for the future of mankind?

The old human leader who was the first to speak raised his hand, "Even the selfish witch gave everything for this flame."

"Why do we insist on protecting our own interests?"

"If this continues, all of us will be killed by the children of the forest and that ancient clam like livestock."

He said: "I don't want to be so humiliated and killed by the children of the forest who see us as primitive people. One day the children of the forest will know that we humans are on the right path. For the arrival of that day, I To protect our common flame, I swear here to defend it with my life."

"As long as I don't die, the flame will never go out."

The female tribe leader next to him immediately retorted. "This is not enough."

"We are different from individualistic witches. We have stronger protection for the flame. We must devote everything we have to protecting the flame."

She suddenly cut off the little finger on her left hand with a knife, threw it into the flames, and shouted loudly. "I hereby make an oath that my family and I will always protect the flame until the bloodline of our family is severed. Anyone who has the same bloodline and related bloodlines as me must abide by this oath."

"My family and the slaves who belong to my family must serve the mortal chosen by the Thousand Years of Fire and serve him as king!"

"Those who violate this oath will be devoured by the flames and become slaves of the flames!"

She looked at the other four leaders and said sarcastically to them who were still hesitating: "Why, haven't you made your oath yet?"

The four leaders looked at each other hesitantly. In this case, they could not tell whether they were forced or sincere, but they did all make the same oath as the female leader in turn.

Seeing that these human leaders had sworn to serve the mortal king, the witch knew that this was not a plot and calmed down.

Just like that, the Chitose Fire, which was originally just a flame, suddenly rose up. The flames shot into the sky and could be seen even from outside the forest.

Moreover, the color of the flame is blood red!

The dome mural shows that not a new redwood sapling grew on Ambrose's land in the five hundred years since that day.

The children of the forest who lost their forests were defeated steadily in front of the human army unified by the mortal kings chosen by the Thousand Years of Fire, and eventually lost their territory, wealth, cultural advantages, and Ambrose.

Without the giant ancient toad soul supported by the children of the forest, he could no longer easily obtain blood food.

It is withering day by day, already skin and bones, but it is still being hunted by Ambrose's humans.

At the beginning, it was able to escape from the arrest of the human army by relying on its own power, but its power gradually disappeared.

It lost first one leg, then the second.

Humanity's hatred for him is too deep, so only this ancient soul, Ambrose's humans will kill it no matter how much they pay.

Finally, the toad ran out of oil and asked a witch from the north to petrify it and turn it into a mountain.

Under the dome mural, Ivita lowered her head and murmured to herself. "The original color of Chitose Fire is blood red."

"It's the color of the Chitose Fire flames I saw here."

"Then what happened to the normal flame color Chitose Fire that I saw in the eldest princess's secret room when I resumed my path to magic?"

"Isn't that Chitose Fire?"

"No, that must be the case, otherwise the eldest princess wouldn't be able to use the Thousand Years Fire to meet me here."

Ivetta knew he might have gotten the point.

He has always been good at grasping the key points and extracting information.

The change in color of Chitose fire definitely hides an important secret.

The old witch said: "Your Majesty, look quickly, there is something else on the dome mural!"

Iveta looked up at the mural and saw two prophetic saints having a conversation next on the dome mural.

A prophetic saint frowned. "Five hundred years ago, planetary civilization failed to condense the second universal law."

"The confrontation with the civilization of fire turned out to be our failure."

"However, wars between civilizations are different from ordinary national wars."

"The great emperor who represents our civilization was born. He declared that he was a god, not a human being. He conquered all the laws of the civilization of fire."

Another prophet scoffed. "It may not be a good thing. Now that he has the laws of two civilizations, is he the emperor of the fire civilization or the emperor of our planetary civilization?"

"He is actually learning the language of the Fire Civilization, and using the King of Fire Civilization's title [King of Kings]!"

"The temple has given due warning long ago."

"Soon, our civilization will enter an era where gods are no longer gods and humans are no longer human beings. The boundaries between gods and humans are no longer obvious, and a disaster is imminent! That's why we escaped here, where we integrated into the local society and helped to stabilize the world. The Buros people protect their thousand-year-old fire, and at our suggestion, they build fire sacrificial sites like this one here."

"To record history."

"But have you seen the country to the south of Ambrose?"

"I noticed that it is a country that likes to collect laws. I think it is likely to become the overlord of the next era and condense new universal laws. And it is different from planetary civilization, which spreads laws everywhere. seeds, but almost never forcibly collect them, just let them surrender on their own. It is like our civilization established a colony in Ambrose, and then let the colony become independent on its own, with its own laws, and even with our political system. It’s different. It has to be said that tribal monarchy is no different from barbarians in our eyes.”

"Even oligarchy and tyranny are much better than tribal monarchy!"

“Planetary civilization is a sower, but it hardly reaps.”

"But that warlike country is constantly conquering, and it is constantly collecting laws, just like our great emperor."

"It is like a huge furnace, containing and accommodating everything that does not belong to them, and turning it into their own. I believe that soon, even Ambrose's Chitose Fire will be invited in sooner or later. Their pantheon. However, this is normal, our world is about to encounter huge destruction, and that destruction cannot be avoided and cannot be stopped."

"However, this has nothing to do with us. The reason why we are here is to prevent the Druids from coming over, getting involved in the Thousand Years Fire, and achieving their sad and destined to fail purpose."

The dome murals came to an abrupt end.

But the amount of information left behind is huge enough.

Ivita and the old witch stood there, lost in thought for a long time.

Lolita, on the other hand, doesn't care about historical truth or laws at all. She is just an ordinary person living under the law.

Instead, she was paying attention to why the dome murals that were glowing before were no longer glowing.

When she asked the old witch and Ivita this, Ivita did not answer because he was caught in the storm.

First, he figured out the origin of the Chitose Fire.

Thousand-year-old fire comes from the legal seeds of the universal laws of planetary civilization, and burns under the embers of redwood trees and the sacrifice and unity of humans and witches.

Chosen by the Thousand Years Fire, the leader of mankind in Ambrose, he was born unable to learn magic and possess power.

Therefore, this may be the reason why Grand Viscount Ambrose died mysteriously so easily.

Because if this is the case, then the Grand Viscount is probably an ordinary person.

"The Grand Duke of the Forest said before that the Children of the Forest were completely defeated two thousand three hundred years ago and were expelled by the humans of Ambrose. However, the time when the Thousand Years Fire burned before was five hundred years before the Children of the Forest were completely defeated. Years, that is to say, the scene we see should be 2,800 years ago from now."

Yvetta murmured. "Planetary civilization may refer to the ancient world."

"When we signed the armistice agreement in Baron Moro before, God Pan told me that a young emperor appeared in the late period of the ancient world. He used the resources of the ancient world to conquer all the laws of the fire civilization. Let the number of laws in the ancient world expand to an unprecedented level, break the boundaries between God and man, and create a world where God is man and man is God.”

"But here, the statement is reversed. Two prophets from the ancient world said that it was a world where gods were not gods and humans were not humans."

"And they seemed to have predicted the end of the world, so they ran to Ambrose and integrated here forever, allowing the mortal king of Ambrose to build many fire sacrificial sites buried deep underground."

"What kind of disaster did they predict?"

"What happened in the ancient world?"

"Moreover, during their conversation, the country originating from the southern peninsula should be the ancient civilization. At that time, the ancient civilization seemed to have just begun."

Ivita thought deeply: "By the way, is there still civilization in this world now?"

"After the disappearance of the ancient world and ancient civilization, it seems that no new civilization was born. Why is this!"

Judging from the nature of the two civilizations, the behavior pattern of the ancient world was to sow the seeds of law all over the world, and then let the countries where the law was born join the ancient world.

The behavior pattern of ancient civilizations seems to be like a melting pot of all things, taking away laws from various places and putting them into their pantheon.

As for the behavior pattern of the fire civilization, Ivita doesn't know.

Judging from the content on the dome murals, the time span between the fire civilization and the confrontation with the ancient world is quite long.

However, for some unknown reason, the Fire Civilization has been fighting against civilizations of the same size.

What concerned Yvita the most was that the prophets finally mentioned the Druids.

Druids once supported a civilization and participated in the wars between at least three civilizations.

In the past, after hearing this, Ivita couldn't understand what civilization in this world meant, but now he fell into deep thinking.

A war between at least three civilizations?

But the civilization supported by the Druids should have gone to war with the other two civilizations after the collapse of the ancient civilization!

What exactly is the civilization that the Druids support, and why a long time ago, when the ancient civilization was just rising and the ancient world was about to come to an end, there were prophets who wanted to guard against the Druids.

Which two civilizations were at war with the Druids?

Ivita rubbed his head. He knew that it would be good for him to understand it now. With his level and power, it was impossible for him to participate in something of this level.

The most important thing at the moment is to improve the strength of yourself and your territory.

Otherwise, just like now, the most valuable thing in this ruins is the flame of the Chitose Fire, but because I have no resources to develop the flame, I can only let it disappear before my eyes.

"What do the druids want to do? And why does the Chitose Fire have two colors? The change in color of the Chitose Fire must contain a huge secret."

Ivita rubbed her eyebrows and said to the old witch with a headache: "Let's go."

"We have dealt with the wizard here."

"He will no longer threaten my territory."

"And we also learned about the origin of the Thousand Years Fire, obtained a prophetic dagger about the spirit of the ancient civilized republic, and learned some information about the ancient world and ancient civilizations."

This information is actually very useful.

But their value will not be revealed now, but in the future.

Because of the current power and influence of Ivita, the value of this information cannot yet be developed.

Ivita said: "I don't know if Ambrose's urban faction and aristocratic faction know this information."

"They should also have a flame sacrificial site."

"If any of them can be selected and see the content on the murals, they should understand that in the early days, the ancestors of mankind defeated their enemies precisely because they overcame many difficulties and united together. And internal fighting only It will make them more susceptible to enemy conquest."

The old witch shook her head and said: "It is the nature of bad people like us to harm the interests of the whole for our own benefit."

"We will never be like the human ancestors on the murals, giving up ourselves to help future generations. Alas, early humans were so simple. This is probably the result of not reading too many books."

Ivita was ashamed, what does this have to do with reading.

He understood that probably in the eyes of the old witch, only those who read a lot of books could learn how to be more self-interested.

Iveta said: "We have finished exploring the flame sacrificial site. Let's clean up and catch up with Black Wolf and the others quickly."

"As long as this iron casting business is completed, our territory will be able to protect itself in the coming troubled times!"

"The content on this mural shows us the horror of troubled times and the value of strength."

The old witch perked up. "If you can really maintain a stable iron-casting business, your barony can even recruit many witches. Of course, releasing your name as a demon will have the same effect."

Ivita shook her head. Perhaps the name of the Demon God could attract the attention of low-level witches, but it would also attract the attention of those who came to the church.

Besides, witches are all young and unreliable.

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