The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 88 Leap of Faith Skill System

In the chaotic streets, Iveta had no intention of helping Lady Alice and other ladies.

It is true that if you save almost all the wealthy ladies in [Palvega] here at once, it will be a very good thing to make others have a good impression of you.

But in fact, apart from the iron casting business, I don't have any other needs for [Palvega] now.

After rescuing these people, he was unable to turn their goodwill towards him into his own interests in time, and goodwill was the most elusive thing.

What's more, if a person dares to help without even knowing who his opponent is and how deep the water is, he is simply asking for death.

I don't even know who hired the Little Faith Brotherhood, so I can't just intervene and disrupt other people's plans.

I came here really just to do business.

Lolita hid behind Ivita, "Sir, do we want to leave here?"

Ivita shook her head. "There's already a stampede in the streets."

"If we leave the stables at this time and mix with the crowd, we will only get into the crowd, which will cause trouble."

"The other party's target is not us, so just stand here and don't move. I have dealt with assassins from the Little Lutheran Brotherhood several times. I know what kind of people they are."

"These assassins are not killing innocent people indiscriminately."

That day, the upright assassin [Basang] showed himself the assassin's martial arts and ability to manipulate shadows, but he had not yet seen the assassins' faith skills.

At this moment, Iveta was very interested in seeing the opponent's abilities from a close distance.

I saw the five assassins who landed on the top of the carriage. They 'swiped' on the top of the carriage and disappeared.

The next moment, some assassins appeared in the carriage, holding daggers and stabbing the lady in the carriage.

Some appeared on the street, behind the shadows of the ladies.

Ivita's face twitched, there were actually five official assassins.

This is not a small-scale hired killing, this is strife and harm between political parties.

Alsace's previous arrest of him was more like a casual move than taking it too seriously, so the first time he assassinated him was actually just a trainee assassin.

Probably the current King of Alsace thinks that he can't make any waves.

But now, the other party actually hired five second-sequence level assassins to assassinate all the wealthy ladies in Palvega.

How much does this cost!


What kind of hatred is worth so much trouble!

The guards of the ladies reacted reluctantly, quickly drew out their one-handed swords and one-handed shields, and faced the assassin.

But these assassins didn't even intend to fight the guards head-on.

They stepped on shadow steps, bypassing the guards again and again, and appeared behind the ladies. The dagger in their hands was like a poisonous snake, stabbing the chests of the ladies, taking their lives.

These assassins, among the troops composed of ordinary soldiers and low-level warriors, were simply searching for things, like killing indiscriminately.

One by one, noble ladies died tragically, and the people around them became more and more frightened when they saw these tragedies, so the scene became even more chaotic.

An assassin targets Lady Alice, the most dazzling among the ladies.

He appeared behind her using Shadow Step, and stabbed her back with the dagger in his hand, right at her heart.

In panic, Mrs. Alice shouted: "I am willing to pay twice the price! As long as you don't kill me!"

The assassin of the Brotherhood, who had nothing but money, slowed down a bit with the dagger in his hand, but still stabbed the woman in the back accurately.

If such a deal was accepted in public, which employer would patronize the brotherhood's business!

Ivita raised her eyebrows, her prospective partner was about to die.

However, the opponent has five official assassins, and he is alone at this time. Black Wolf, Griffin and the old witch are not with him.

Therefore, even if I have the intention, I am powerless.

At this moment, someone suddenly threw a two-handed knight's sword in the crowd. The two-handed knight's sword carried a huge force and hit the dagger in the hand of the assassin who was chasing Mrs. Alice, causing the dagger to fly away. Got out.

"The assassins of your brotherhood are killing people in the open on this street."

"And the one who was killed was a noble woman."

"It's so shameless. The rats at the bottom want you to live openly. This kind of organization is a cancer."

Iveta looked at the person who spoke and was stunned for a moment, because she had seen this person herself.

He was the noble knight Gaslot whom he met at the Druid elder's stall in the town of Cali.

He seemed to be carrying a sick person with him.

At that time, the Druid elders asked him to go to the west to find hope for the sick man.

It’s just me, I didn’t expect to see him here.

Gaslot rushed over like a bison. Iveta didn't know what kind of life seed he ate or what secret medicine he used, but he moved very fast and his movements were powerful.

Gaslot used his left hand and punched the assassin with his bare hands.

The assassin instantly felt that even the air seemed to be compressed by Gaslot's fist, as if a wooden stick had hit him in the face.


He used Shadow Step to leave the spot.

Gaslot's fist fell into the air and hit the ground. The fist actually broke through the bricks on the ground. Everyone around looked at his terrifying strength in horror.

The assassin actually appeared behind Gaslot, pulled out his spare dagger, and stabbed Gaslot in the back.

But at this moment, Gaslot laughed.

And Ivita also frowned and muttered to herself. "The assassin fell into a trap."

Many people around looked at Ivita sideways.

It seemed that Gaslot's left fist was empty, but when he bent down, his right hand retrieved the two-handed knight's sword on the ground.

He turned around suddenly, and with the huge inertia and the strength of his whole body muscles, even the air made a whimpering sound, which was the sound of the wind being torn apart.

Gaslot turned around suddenly. When the sword and the dagger came into contact, he did not block the dagger. Instead, he took the initiative to suppress the dagger by rotating the sword body.

The assassin was horrified and found that he could not draw the dagger.

But Gaslot's sword slid on his dagger, and then seemed to be handed over to his chest.


The knight's sword penetrated the assassin's chest.

The assassin's eyes widened, his mouth bled, and he quickly stepped back, allowing the sword to be withdrawn from his heart. "Attack and counterattack sword skills..."

"Who are you...A knight like you shouldn't be here in the city. If you are just a passerby, please leave here."

He retreated as if facing a formidable enemy, holding the dagger in his hand as if praying, and his body was slightly emitting black fluorescence.

Gaslot raised his eyebrows and immediately saw the other party's true and false intentions. "It turns out that your heart was not born in a normal position."

"Not on the left?"

"I made a mistake. Next time I will insert the sword into your right chest."

The assassin found it difficult to deal with the opponent's rich experience. "Your Excellency is definitely not Palvega's lackey. Why do you want to protect that Alice?"

"What benefits has she given you that are worth offending the Brotherhood?"

Gaslot spoke righteously. "I am Knight Gaslot, a knight loyal to the king and the God of All Things. I just can't stand your slaughtering of women."

The assassin's eyes darkened.

He is an idealist.


In the eyes of the enemy, this kind of person is just like a madman. He is not an opponent that can be solved through negotiation.

The assassin raised the dagger as if praying, and a black light emitted from the surface of his body.

"I swear an oath to money. I will be loyal to money all my life and will do anything for money."

His eyes became sharper.

Gaslot raised his sword and became cautious. "What you swore was a money oath, a superficial oath."

"Is this your assassin's [Leap of Faith]?"

"It looks like your physical fitness has been increased."

"Mrs. Alice, it's too dangerous here. Your only chance of survival is in the stables."

"If he can protect you, you'll be fine."

Mrs. Alice was stunned for a moment, stable?

Isn't that the place where she just went and gave the child noble bread?

Although Alice was puzzled, she didn't hesitate at all. She directly grabbed the arm of the maid next to her, rolled up her skirt regardless of appearance, and ran over there.

And Ivita, who was watching the play in the stable and was enjoying it, had a strange look on her face.

Even if he met an 'old friend' here, he actually got involved.

Looking at Alice running wildly in her direction, Iveta was still hesitating whether she should just ignore it.

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