The witch thought I am a Demon God

Chapter 99: Cut to pieces by a thousand cuts! Terrible throwing magic!

Miss Alexey raised three arms in protest, she was anxious. "No, this is not in line with our agreement. I haven't finished telling my story yet."

On the lion's platform, Ivita discovered that the old witch's fire magic could not eliminate the ice magic. He immediately made a decision and said to the big witch of Hearthstone: "This is a matter between me and her. You can go and help Mrs. Alice first." , Alice is fighting with Lord Prowl."

Ivita blinked at the old witch, and the old witch immediately understood what Ivita really meant.

Just ask her to leave temporarily, but not too far away, and be in a position where she can come over for support at any time.

However, Iveta felt that she could deal with this Alexey, and keeping the old witch nearby was just for insurance.

He just needs to delay it for a while to completely digest and consolidate the [Throwing Magic].

Generally speaking, even if a spell is learned, it requires a lot of practice before it can be mastered. But here, in this battlefield, Ivita is learning this magic with amazing understanding, and even based on it. , slightly improving the structure of this magic.

Miss Alexey breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the Hearthstone Witch leaving.

At this time, not only Iveta and Miss Alexei were fighting, but the entire city hall had become a battlefield, where the armies of both sides fought recklessly.

The ancient statues, fireplaces, and furniture in the city hall that were more than a hundred years old were all treated like garbage in this melee, kicked down and trampled underfoot at will.

There were corpses everywhere, and blood had flowed from inside the city hall to outside the house.

The fat president of the Wool Guild, protected by several personal warrior professionals, ran around inside the chaotic city hall, and finally ran in the direction of Miss Alexei.

Miss Alexei was angry that someone suddenly came over. She stretched out an arm made of ice on the right side of her body and pointed at the soldiers from a distance. Suddenly, a stream of ice air erupted from her fingertips, attacking Looking at those warriors, the two warriors at the front immediately felt as if their bodies were wearing many more layers of armor. They felt very heavy and their movements slowed down.

They looked down and saw a thick layer of ice on their chests.

In addition, because their knees were also frostbitten by the cold wave, they fell to the ground, and the ice on their chests suddenly shattered. Their bodies turned out to be like porcelain dolls. Only the chest part was broken, but the other flesh and blood parts were not broken. broken.

So they are still alive, but have lost their ability to fight.

The situation is appalling.

Ivita saw them, but had no intention of helping them because most of her body was still an ice sculpture.

Besides, Miss Alexei's willingness to consume magic power is her own business.

Her two magic levels should be wizard level, because she has two sources of magic, but her magic belongs to someone else. Secondly, her soul does not have the gnosis fog structure corresponding to an official witch, nor does it have any connection with celestial phenomena, seasons and The natal magic corresponding to the constellation.

Therefore, she should be far inferior to an official witch.

If he didn't fall into the trap and faced off head-on, this guy would not be his opponent at all.

The head of the Wool Guild cried out in fear, "You witch!"

"Damn it, come on now."

He ordered the three soldiers who protected him to attack Miss Alexei.

The three warriors were all dead soldiers trained by the Wool Guild since childhood. Naturally, they had nothing to fear, so they rushed over.

Miss Alexey sneered: "Stubborn."

She once again raised the arm made of extra ice on the right side of her body, and the top of the middle finger of that arm spurted out a stream of ice air.

But this time, the three warriors had expected this move, and they all rolled on the spot, rolling in a circle on the ground, and then dodged the ice airflow.

At this moment, Miss Alexey panicked. She pointed three times casually again, and the icy air burst out from her fingers, flying out like lasers.

But they were all dodged by the soldiers.

The icy air fell on the wall, turning a famous oil painting hanging on the wall into ice cubes.

The irony is that the painting is a picture of sunflowers blooming into the darkness. At this time, it is frozen by the ice, but it actually has a touch of art.

Iveta withdrew her gaze from the painting, and the old god looked at Miss Alexei from the ground. At this moment, the ice on his chest slowly receded, and his body began to return to flesh and blood.

This shows that Alexei's magical powers are waning.

If you think about it carefully, you will know that if it were the ice witch who cast this magic today, Ivita would indeed be in bad luck.

But Alexei is just a puppet, her magic is just like what she said, without any sense of belief.

She was like a child holding a long sword, not knowing what a sword was. At this moment, Alexei actually wasted too much ice magic power fighting several warriors.

Alexei obviously realized that something was wrong. She could no longer consume the ice magic. The ice owl on her shoulder had shrunk like melting ice cream.

If this continues, it is still unclear whether she can suppress the terrifying high-quality magic power of Ivita.

Therefore, she uses blood magic instead.

Her eyes lit up with red light and she glared at the three warriors. The three warriors were knocked away by a glance and fell against the wall.

At the same time, Miss Alexey manipulated some blood beads and let them enter the bodies of the soldiers, causing the blood to flow backwards in the bodies of the three warriors. The veins became thicker one by one. In less than a minute, each and every facial feature was bleeding. Then die.

Miss Alexei gasped slightly. "I spent too much blood magic power to heal the Lord before, and in order to maintain the freezing spell on Ivita, I couldn't mobilize too much ice magic power."

"If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be so embarrassed."

At this moment, the blood tengu following Miss Alexei's feet was also quite small.

A pure vampire can use human blood to restore mana, but Miss Alexei cannot do it because she is not a vampire and cannot filter the mixed spirituality from human blood.

Therefore, her Blood Tengu could not regain its mana by swallowing the blood all over the floor.

"We need to deal with Ivita as soon as possible." Miss Alexei realized the problem. "Fortunately, he promised me to remove the witch of unknown rank around him and not to use his most terrifying magic, lightning magic. I can't delay it any longer."

Not far away, the president of the Wool Guild tried to escape, but the Blood Tengu bit him, suppressed him on the ground, and dragged him alive to Miss Alexey. She stabbed him in the heart with a dagger and struggled to death.

"Three months ago, Lord Impaler found the Ice Witch and convinced my master to conduct an experiment using ice magic, blood magic, and unintentional people."

"My story has been told. Next is your death. I want to strangle Ivita..."

Miss Alexei stood up, but felt a pain in her body. When she looked down, she found that ten daggers had been inserted into her body.

She raised her head in disbelief. Only then did she realize that at some point, the daggers next to the corpse on the ground had flown up. There were at least hundreds of swords floating in the air. She turned to look at Ivita in disbelief. "What kind of magic is this? Object-moving magic?"

"Why does an apprentice wizard know so many attributes of magic?"

"And didn't your hands turn into ice sculptures before? Why did they recover again?"

Iveta's hands had turned back to flesh and blood at this moment. He looked down at his palms and said, "Miss Alexei, it must be that my magic has finally adapted to your ice magic."

"Actually, even if there is a magic circle that amplifies your magic power, you can't turn me into an ice sculpture."

Miss Alexei looked incredulous. "How can it be!"

"How is it impossible?" Ivita snapped her fingers, and the swords floating in the air were arranged in an orderly manner in the shape of a cover. "Miss Alexei, I listened to your story, so I probably understand why you are so perverted and prefer to strangle others."

"I do think you are very unfortunate, but I can only tell you that you can't kill me. Even without using lightning magic, you are still no match for me."

The next moment, hundreds of swords were thrust at Miss Alexei. In an instant, she turned into a hedgehog, and cracks appeared on the ice owl on her left shoulder.


"Master Ice Witch, don't abandon me. You said you would live with me in the ice castle forever."


The ice owl exploded and turned into fragments all over the place.

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