The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 112 Secondary Fire Element Plane 4

The chasing fire element was a little angry. I haven't bothered you yet, but these little bugs have bullied us again and again. Do you think we have no one?

It's just a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain. Who are you trying to fool? The big guy has already gone out. He needs to protect the tribe. He didn't want to come out, but he didn't expect that the younger brothers below are really useless. They can't even handle dozens of people, so he has to go out by himself.

Damn, it's quite smart. He even ran away in different places. Let me see who to chase.

After instructing his younger brothers not to chase too far, he chose Colin's direction to chase.

You know, Colin probably wouldn't be separated from his companions if he was so unlucky.

Although the fire element can't fly, his running speed is not slow. He can see Colin in front of him from a distance.

Little one, wait for me.

"Colin, he's chasing us." Connie said.

"My, are we so beautiful? We can attract the attention of the Fiery Element."

"Let's go, you still have time to talk about this."

"It's not up to me. The lion-winged beasts below should fly faster."

The lion-winged beasts below were speechless. Although they were running away, the two dogs and couples above were still flirting with each other all the way. Who were they showing off? If it wasn't for running away, they would have thrown them down long ago. I'm not a slave.

The distance between the Fiery Element and Colin and the others kept getting closer. Colin was a little anxious, but the guy below also tried his best.

After contacting Teacher Lina again, Lina had no choice. The battle between her and the Fiery Element had become fierce, but it would take some time to defeat the other party, maybe one day or two days. She also blamed Colin for not flying in her direction.

"......, don't you think my choice is wrong? Fly over, Teacher Lina's Fiery Spirit hasn't been dealt with yet. If I pull another one over, I think this one will definitely give up on me and attack her. I'm doing this for her good. Where can I find my disciple? Don't you think so?"

"Yes, yes, yes, you are right, but we can't escape anymore. We have to become a pair of mandarin ducks." Connie rolled her eyes and said.

Suddenly, the lion-winged beast below moved sideways to the left, scaring Colin and Connie, and almost fell down.


It turned out that the attack of the Fiery Element arrived, and the lion-winged beast below dodged.

"Hold it tight." Colin, who was holding Connie, said.

Alas, if it wasn't for the wrong timing, this opportunity would be really good. I've heard of the chariot and the horse, but I don't know what it means in the air.

The frequency of the exploding fireballs became more frequent. Connie also tried to shoot back a few arrows. The accuracy was okay, but before it got close to the Fiery Element, it was actually melted. My strength is so different?

The figure of the Fiery Element was already very clear. Colin felt that he could not escape. He calculated the time and estimated that it would take only half a day at most. There were still four and a half days before the fifth day. He was afraid that he would not be able to wait for Master Jaina.

"Hold it tight." Colin ordered Connie again.

"Hmm?" Connie felt that Colin behind her was doing something.

Looking back, she found that Colin had actually stood up.

"What are you going to do?" Connie asked.

"Dude, fly lower, and you will still fly in this direction for a while, don't stop!" Colin ignored Connie and touched the fur on the back of the lion-winged beast and said.

The lion-winged beast heard Colin's arrangement and began to lower its altitude.

While waiting for the lion-winged beast to lower its altitude, Colin hugged Connie fiercely and kissed her directly.

Connie was stunned. This guy, at this time, is still thinking about this. Didn't I say to consider it? When I return to Griman Island, I will probably agree. Why are you in such a hurry?

Is this the feeling of kissing? It looks good, but I should refuse this big pig's hoof.

While Connie was thinking about it, Colin had left Connie's lips and turned to jump down.

"Colin! Colin, what are you doing? Come back quickly." Connie slapped the lion-winged beast below, trying to make it turn around and pick up Colin.

However, the lion-winged beast did not listen to Connie, but flew westward at a faster speed.

I want to listen to you, all three of us will die. If one of us goes down, it will be much lighter, and maybe we can escape.

The lion-winged beast is a real wizard world beast. This time, it obeyed the call and came here. I think it has completed the mission very well.

Besides, I am not a slave. I have been able to obey Colin's arrangements until now, which is worthy of him. Let him listen to Connie and die again. Hey, he is not stupid, but very smart.

Besides, I didn't see the woman above jump down.

In the end, Connie didn't jump off the lion-winged beast. Impulsiveness can't solve the problem. It's better to find Jaina Wizard and the others as soon as possible.

Connie didn't jump off, and Colin didn't mean to resent Connie at all. After all, they haven't had any negative distance contact. It's good enough that they care about themselves.

Besides, he jumped down to let it escape.

Colin, who jumped down, didn't die. He had already observed the surrounding environment. There was no tributary of magma nearby. Although the fire element in the air was still the mainstream, it was definitely less than the place with magma. It was good to reduce the opponent's strength.

In fact, Colin thought too much. A first-level creature didn't care about such a small difference.

Seeing Colin jump down and want to make a gesture, the fire element also wanted to laugh, but he couldn't make this expression.

Okay, little bug, it's not too late to kill you first, and then chase those two little bugs.

A fireball exploded at random, fired quickly, with great power, and flew straight towards Colin.

Colin didn't bother to cast a defensive spell on himself, mainly because he felt that there was not much difference between casting and not casting.

Instead, he kept casting the earth wall spell in front of him.

The fire element opposite was six meters high, and Colin's earth wall was only more than two meters high. For the fire element, the earth platform was about the same height as a step.

However, the two-meter earth wall was indeed higher than Colin's height, and three earth walls finally resisted the attack of the explosive fireball.

Colin continued to release the earth wall spell behind the earth wall, gradually forming a similar closed earth house. The closed environment made the fire element in the distance unable to figure out what Colin was doing.

He just kept moving towards Colin. As long as he got in front of him, he would have to kneel down if there was anything weird.

What was Colin doing? After performing the Earth Wall Spell, he began to perform the Fossil to Mud Spell. As he continued to perform it, the land under his feet began to swamp. It was really rare. It was not easy to form a swamp here where water elements were extremely scarce.

Colin didn't know if this idea would work. He couldn't resist, and he couldn't hold out for more than a few seconds. He had no choice but to hide and try to see if he could hold out a little longer.

Before the Fiery Element came over, Colin finally swamped the land. After he finally sent a message to Teacher Lina about his location, he held his breath and jumped into the swamp.

After jumping in, he continued to dive, while releasing the Fossil to Mud Spell until all his mental power was exhausted.

He didn't know how many meters he had dived, but he felt the movement above. It should be the Fiery Element that had arrived and broke all the earth walls above him.

He took out the alchemical item that Teacher Lina had given him before the expedition, ready to activate at any time.

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