The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 48 Spiritual Light Mercenary Group

The Mercenary Union is headquartered in the leisure and entertainment area of ​​the imperial capital, with branches in major cities.

After a night's rest, Colin left his residence early and came to the Mercenary Union. Looking at the people coming in and out of the union and the major mercenary groups recruiting people around the union, Colin did not delay and soon entered the Mercenary Union Hall.

There is a huge screen in the hall, which scrolls and displays the recent unfinished tasks. If the tasks are completed and the tasks that have been accepted by others will not be displayed.

Looking at this huge screen, Colin has a sense of technology that can be seen immediately. Maybe this is the application skill of magic.

Shaking his head, Colin quickly found the reception desk. The girl at the reception desk handed Colin a form, which simply recorded Colin's birthplace, strength, skills, etc., and after paying a Nomisma, Colin successfully registered as a free mercenary.

Just becoming a mercenary, Colin is still a newbie. He needs to follow others for a while, so he has the necessity to join a mercenary group. With the help of the girl at the reception desk, Colin looked through some mercenary groups that are recruiting people.

What are the Wind Mercenaries, Giant Wave Mercenaries, Blue Shield Mercenaries, Leo Brotherhood, Free Knight Mercenaries, Karad Squad, Giant Snake Mercenaries, Hawkeye Mercenaries, Glory Brotherhood, Spiritual Light, etc.

Seeing that many of them have more than a thousand people, Colin gave up directly. He would not be able to train and grow if he went there. Finally, after screening, only the Karad Squad and the Spiritual Light had a small number of people, only a dozen people.

After meeting with the leaders of the two mercenary groups, I found that the Karad Squad was a mercenary group mainly established on a regional basis. Many people in the team were from the Karad area. After repeated consideration, I finally chose the Spiritual Light Mercenary Group.

The Spiritual Light Mercenary Group, including Colin, only has 13 people. After joining, I found that I was a little fooled.

The mercenaries were all students of the Imperial Capital Royal Academy. Only the leader Conrad was a third-year student, and most of the others were second-year students. Their strengths were uneven. Conrad was a mid-level knight attendant, and the others ranged from mid-level to low-level. There was also a tail, Connie, a first-year apprentice magician apprentice.

However, after knowing the brother-sister relationship between Conrad and Connie, I understood it immediately. Nepotism is indispensable at all times, and understanding is long live.

After meeting the members of the mercenary group, they exchanged contact addresses. Colin went home, and he would naturally be called when he went on the next mission.

"Is everything going well, brother?" Nora asked with concern when she saw Colin coming back.

"Hey, don't mention it. I said I didn't understand, so I found a skilled mercenary group, but I found that they were not much better than me. I guess they have only organized one or two activities. But coincidentally, they are all students from the same college as Helen."

"Can't we change one?"

"No, at least we have to complete a task together."

"Be sure to pay attention to safety. You can go to the store area to buy some potions in advance."

After Colin bought some recovery potions, he received a notice from the Light of Spirituality within two days, asking him to gather at the Mercenary Union tomorrow morning.


"You are here, brother Colin." The leader Conrad greeted with a smile.


"Well, wait for the others, they will be here soon."

"Okay, leader, what is the main task we have accepted this time?" Colin asked.

"It's not a dangerous mission. We just need to go to the Dharavi Forest west of the Imperial Capital to collect a magical plant."

"Uh, does such a simple mission need to be so mobilised? One person can complete it, right?" Colin thought he had received a big mission, but he didn't expect it to be so simple, thinking to himself.

Seeing Colin's expression, Conrad seemed to have guessed Colin's thoughts and said, "This is not a very simple mission. Large and medium-sized mercenary groups don't look down on this commission. A lone mercenary may not be able to complete this mission. The magical plant grows there, and you need to collect it. Not to mention that you need to search for it, you will also encounter some magic beasts along the way."

There are still magic beasts so close to the Imperial Capital?

The powerful magic beasts will be cleared, there are definitely none. The Imperial Capital Academy did not clear the low- and medium-level magic beasts in order to train the students' practical skills.

As he spoke, the other team members arrived.

Following Conrad, Colin and his team began to head towards the Dharavi Forest.

During the march, Conrad reiterated the mission, which required collecting 20 blood-replenishing grasses, and arranged for Sean, a low-level knight attendant, to serve as a scout, with Colin cooperating.

Seeing Colin's skilled reconnaissance skills, Sean was a little surprised, "Have you learned it?"

Colin nodded and didn't say much.

The Dharavi Forest is not small in area, and there are many kinds of magical beasts living there, but the aggressive ones have not been encountered yet. Seeing this small group of humans, some small animals began to hide consciously.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Suddenly, Sean and Colin heard some sounds. Following the direction of the sound, it seemed that some creatures were approaching. Waving his hand back, the people behind began to be alert.

Soon, it was discovered that it was a group of wild wolves, more than 30 in total. The leader was larger than the other wild wolves, and the fur seemed to be smoother.

Colin pulled out the spear behind him and was ready to attack at any time. Sean also clenched the iron sword in his hand, and several magician apprentices behind him were already preparing magic.

Almost at the same time when Colin and his team were ready, the wild wolf pack launched an attack. This creature, which was a hybrid of a magic beast and an ordinary beast, was very flexible.

The knights had already engaged the wild wolf pack in close combat. The magicians began to release single-target spells. Because they were all less than level one, they released zero-level spells. Some released fireball spells, some released entanglement spells, and some released ground spikes, water arrows, etc.

The wild wolf was just an ordinary beast. Even if there was a trace of magic beast blood, it was no match for the mercenaries without skills.

The battle situation was basically one-sided. Only the wild wolf leader could fight Colin and his team for a few more rounds.

After losing more than 20 companions, the wild wolf leader no longer insisted and led the remaining wild wolves to retreat.

The wild wolf was not of much value. Only the fur could barely sell for some money. Soon the knights cut the head of the wild wolf with a knife they carried with them, and peeled off 21 wolf skins from top to bottom. After the magicians released the cleaning spell, they collected them.

The roasted wolf meat was a little sour, but after adding some seasonings, it was barely edible. Everyone was a little tired after the fight, so after a simple meal, they continued to move deeper into the forest.

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