The Witcher: Son of the Planes

Chapter 60 Academy Mission 3

Early the next morning, Helen hurried to the academy to learn the content of the open class.

Colin staggered to the mission hall.

Connie and Conrad had been waiting for a while.

"Sorry, I'm late." Seeing that Connie and Conrad had arrived, Colin said a little embarrassedly.

"It's okay, choose the mission." Connie said.

The three browsed the mission information scrolling in the hall.

After choosing and choosing, they finally chose a mission to collect 50 red-eyed ravens' eyes.

Colin was also a little speechless. This was a fight with these crows.

"What's wrong?" Connie asked.

"Nothing, let's go."

There are red-eyed ravens in the forest where red raspberries are distributed. It's not difficult to find.

However, with the advantage of Colin's last mission, Colin led the way to the last mission location.

Soon, the three arrived near the place where Colin collected red raspberry fruits last time.

"Don't go any further, or they'll find you."

Looking at the group of ravens in front, there are dozens of them, which is enough to complete the task, but they can't kill these ravens by force.

The three discussed for a long time and decided that Colin would attract the attention of the ravens first, and Connie and her brother would kill the lone ravens from behind. If the ravens turned around and chased Connie and her brother, Colin would return to kill the ravens behind.

It was a simple kite-flying tactic.

Soon, the three of them took action.

The red-eyed raven on sentry noticed Colin's provocation and took the lead to chase after him. The other ravens that were pecking at the red raspberries stopped eating and followed.

But there were always some who reacted slowly and stayed behind, and were killed one by one by Connie and her brother.

The red-eyed ravens did not let Colin and his brother fly kites easily as they wished.

Instead, they split into two groups and chased Colin and his brother.

After going around in a big circle, Colin and his brother got rid of the ravens.

Looking at the five red eyeballs in Connie's hand, only one tenth of them were completed. This tactic didn't seem to work.

The three of them met again in the bushes not far away and discussed new tactics.

"This won't work. It takes too much time. If we follow this method, it will take us five days. The merit points given are not worth it at all." Conrad said.

Colin and Connie were also thinking about this problem. Is there any better way?

"Colin, do you think these ravens are afraid of anesthetics?" Connie asked.

"Hmm? That's a good idea. Then you guys take it first, I'll go back and buy it."

After that, Colin returned to the academy to buy potions.


Two hours later, Colin returned to the bushes where Connie and the others were hiding.

Then the three of them formulated a new tactic.

Conrad attracted the attention of the red-eyed ravens. After leading the ravens away, Connie and Colin applied anesthetics on the red raspberry fruits.

"Walk around for a while. We can't apply it all at once." Colin said.

Conrad did not say anything and began to execute the tactics just now.

Soon, the group of red-eyed ravens flew away.

Colin and Connie began to apply paralysis potion on the red raspberry fruit. After applying it, the two hid again.

Soon, the group of red-eyed ravens flew back again.

Some ravens had already begun to peck at the red raspberries. Colin and Connie watched quietly, waiting for them to "fall to the ground."

Because they were close, a faint fragrance came from the side. Colin moved his nose, "It's Connie's smell," Colin thought.

Not long after, Conrad also rushed over.

At this time, they found that some ravens began to stand unsteadily, staggering and falling from the branches and falling to the ground.

The strange appearance of these companions immediately attracted the attention of the raven sentinels, but several sentinels observed for a long time and did not see anything unusual.

And those who ate slowly gradually began to be affected by the paralysis potion and fell one by one.

"It's done."

Seeing that there were only a few raven sentinels, Colin and the other two rushed forward.

Soon, those ravens were killed.

The three began to kill the red-eyed ravens that fell to the ground one by one.

Although some ravens with strong resistance held on for a few times, they could not fly steadily at all and were easily killed by the three. The other ravens that fell to the ground were like lambs to be slaughtered, and their lives were easily ended by the three.


The three who completed the task sat on the ground to rest for a while and began to dig out the eyeballs of those ravens.

After collecting them, they counted them and found 76 red eyeballs.

"Connie, you are so smart. Thanks to you this time." Colin praised.

"I just had an idea and wanted to give it a try."

"It's a pity that it succeeded, otherwise we would have to spend five days here with these ravens, which is too strenuous."

"Let's go, there is still some surplus this time, not bad." Conrad said.


The three returned to the academy.

After completing the task, I earned 12 merit points. I also sold the extra red eyeballs to a material store for 8 wizard coins.

After deducting the 2 merit points Colin used to buy the paralysis potion, each person got 6 merit points.

"Ha, the academy is really shady. It's better to kill them directly and sell them here." Colin said.

"It's different. Although it seems that the exchange rate between wizard coins and merit points is one to one, merit points are more popular in the academy. Merit points can be exchanged for knowledge within the academy, while wizard coins need to be exchanged for merit points."

"Besides, our achievements will be recorded. The number of tasks you have completed will be useful in the future. This is different from exchanging wizard coins for merit points directly." Connie explained.

"Does the college value students' contributions to the college more?" Colin thought.

"How many merit points have you accumulated these days?" Colin asked.

"Our total is almost 100. If it is enough, we can consider finding a mentor for Connie." Conrad said.

"Can you find a mentor with 100 merit points?" Colin said.

"Well, it's a benefit for freshmen. The mentors are all wizards with strong financial resources. Who cares about these 100 merit points? However, the college has mandatory tasks, and the mentors have to accept some students as appropriate." Connie said.

"Do you have a favorite mentor?" Colin asked.

"I haven't had time to inquire yet. The personalities of the mentors are different. Some are easy to get along with, some are weird, and some have special hobbies." At this point, Connie was also a little afraid.

Soon, he and Helen received a sum of wizard coins. Colin was not worried about not being able to find a teacher, but after hearing Connie's words, Colin also understood that a normal personality mentor was what he and Helen needed.

After parting with Connie and her brother, Colin returned to his residence and talked to Helen about choosing a mentor.

"I'm still mainly doing tasks these days. Helen, you should ask others which mentors are more normal and easy to get along with. I don't want to be transformed into some monsters at any time."

After hearing Colin's words, Helen also felt sympathetic and decided to ask around these days.

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