The Witcher

Chapter 108: Mesertown

One day six months later, in a remote and desolate small town in the Principality of Como, in the province of Olas, I saw a burly figure standing silently at the only street in the town, looking at the run-down and cold street in front of him, and the silhouette looked around. Except for a few beggars huddled under the eaves of a shop, there were only a few pedestrians on the street. On the edge of the town’s street, stood a dilapidated stone monument that had been polished by wind and rain, on which the words "Meser Town" were written crookedly.

   "Jilulu!!" The figure looked at the stele, then pulled the horse behind him, found a tavern that looked like a hotel and walked over. Before reaching the door of this tavern called "Black Beard", Lin Meng was hugged by several small beggars under the previous roof.

   "Master Knight, give me something to eat!!"

   "Master knight, as long as there is a bun, I will follow you and be your obedience!!"

   Various pitiful voices came, surrounding the figure. It seems that if you don't give a little benefit, you won't let people leave. There are a few old beggars who rolled their eyes and winked at each other, and some people silently reached out their hands into the arms of the figure.

"Huh!!" A cold snort came, and the figure shook, and the surrounding beggars all fell off and fell into one piece, crying for father and mother, the older ones looked at them with fear. Looking at the figure, I knew that this time I had kicked the iron plate. If the opponent is serious about it, I'm afraid they will need something less.

   A few people fell on the ground, winking concealedly between each other, got up and turned around and ran. The other children who fell on the ground met, and quickly learned something, they got up to do things like birds and beasts.

"Shoo!" I saw the figure standing on the spot with the horse, watching the little beggar running away in all directions. The corner of his mouth curled up, and he reached out and touched his arms, grabbed a handful of silver coins, scattered them out, and suddenly took the silver coins in his hand. Every silver light broke through the sky and left.

   "Ouch!! Ouch!!"

   "Bang Bang!!" I heard a series of painful calls and falling sounds. The beggars who were running very vigorously just now fell to the ground. Holding the hit part with both hands, and constantly rubbing it, many people's facial features were wrinkled together in pain.

"Yeah!! It's a silver coin, pick it up!!" Just when everyone was crying for father and mother, a childish voice full of surprises suddenly came, and all the beggars on the ground were stagnant, and they were not crying for pain. Instead, he quickly climbed up and looked for the silver coin that had just overturned him.

   "Oh!! It's a real silver coin, Bill didn't lie!!!" I saw a little boy in a tattered suit bit the coin he had just found in his mouth, and said in surprise.

   Hearing the little boy's words, everyone immediately cherished the silver coins they picked up tightly in their arms, and looked at the surrounding friends vigilantly, with the same gaze as a female wolf guarding a cub.

"Ahem! Why are you so happy, this is my money, thank you for helping me pick up the money!!" Just as everyone was overjoyed, a cold voice sounded behind everyone, making everyone's expressions change. .

The older beggars who were in the lead screamed secretly, "Why forgot about this big devil!!" Looking at the figures walking towards him, one of the oldest men gritted his teeth and stood up. .

"I don't know this lord, is there anything I need to order to keep our brother?" Seeing the figure staring at himself with interest, the boy had to nervously pounce on Yu Yong and said, "I don't know what the lord has to order, as long as It is our'Blood Knife' help who can help, and we will definitely not refuse!!"

   "Oh? Does "Blood Knife" help? It's interesting. Since you can see my intentions, you have a bit of courage." When the figure listened to the boy's mouth saying "Blood Knife", the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. "Half an hour later, I'll be waiting for you with the black beard over there. There are some things that need to be inquired from you. You have to grasp it, kid. Maybe this is your opportunity! The money is just for you. Little brothers have an extra meal!!" After the figure said, he took the already impatient and sneezing horse and went straight to the'Blackbeard' bar.

"Jeff, wouldn't you really go? We took so much money today and we can eat for two days. That person is too dangerous just now!!" Suddenly a boy who was a little younger than the boy just asked Tao. It seems that he strongly disapproves of the boy named ‘Jeff’ going to the ‘Blackbeard’ bar.

"Maybe this is the turning point of my destiny, I can't miss it, I don't want to be a beggar for a lifetime!!" Jeff heard the words of the boy next to him and was silent for a long time. Finally he gritted his teeth, I don't know if it was for himself or Said to the children around.

   "Bang!!" The figure left the horse outside the bar, and then, alone, pushed open the door of the bar. Suddenly the noisy atmosphere in the bar was quiet. Everyone looked at the burly figure standing straight at the door.

   The figure was not affected in the slightest, still striding steadily, landed and walked to the bar in front of the bartender with a sound.

   "A cup of hot the best guest room!!" The figure put a gold coin directly on the oily bar and said simply. Then he took off the brim of his head, and took off the big cloak on his body, revealing a face with a masculine face and a hard line. It was Lin Meng.

Half a year ago, Lin Meng and Grand Duke Niss reached an agreement. Lin Meng traded Duke Niss a bottle of potions that could help Kerry Knight break through the legendary knights. In exchange, Duke Niss recommended Lin Meng go to one of the five great wizarding organizations in the Principality of Como. A letter of recommendation and identity guarantee for the'Black Thorns Tower'.

After finishing this transaction, Lin Meng packed up his luggage within a few days and was ready to set off, because he heard from Grand Duke Niss that he only had half a year to rush to a place called Messer in the province of Olas, in order to avoid long nights and dreams. Lin Meng deliberately set off earlier.

Just before departure, Lin Meng remembered that the two giant axes he used were still in the hands of Grand Duke Niss, Lin Meng imposed a light body technique on himself, dodged, avoiding all the guards, and went straight to Nis. The small courtyard where Duke Si was, heard the laughter coming from inside, Lin Meng was thankful that Duke Nisi had not returned to the Red Fort.

   "Cough cough!!" Lin Meng gave a light cough, and gently pushed open the empty door of the small courtyard. I saw Grand Duke Niss wearing a relaxed nightgown, teasing a child in the yard who was held in the arms of the maid.

   The child has black eyes and black hair, which is getting off all of Duke Niss's, and the response of ‘Yeah’ did not make Duke Niss laugh.

"It's you!!" Grand Duke Niss, who heard the movement behind him, turned around, and saw Lin Meng who suddenly appeared. Duke Niss's complexion changed and lost her voice, and her body intentionally or unintentionally blocked the maid~www.wuxiaspot .com~Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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