The Witcher

Chapter 118: Encounter

   "You all copied the route with blank crystals. Even if you lose yourself later, you will know the direction and destination!!" Karen Wizard thought for a while, turned and said to everyone. After hearing the words, everyone quickly took out the crystals from their bodies, and stepped forward to copy the road map.

   After half a day, Lin Meng and others have entered the depths of the Black Mist Mountain...

   "Kacha!!" In the dark, quiet dense forest, there was a sudden sound of a branch breaking, and a few birds took off, which was slightly gloomy. Lin Meng and others are marching hard with one foot high and one foot low.

"Papa!!" Lin Meng's leather boots stepped on the ground fiercely. In the pile of dead leaves that had been decayed for a long time, the entire foot was sunk in, and the air was filled with fermented grass leaves. The sour and musty smell was very pungent, everyone frowned and followed Lin Meng silently.

   The trees in the dense forest are mostly luxuriant, and the light that can penetrate is sparse. The forest is extremely humid and dark. Everyone has to stare at their feet and heads carefully for fear of being attacked by poisonous insects and beasts. Just now, everyone inadvertently stepped on a hideous black spotted poisonous insect. As a result, the poisonous insect's juice exuded a strange smell. After a while, all the spotted poisonous insects around were attracted, densely packed with thousands of them. Lin Meng and others had numb scalp, especially the three children and Fanny, their faces were pale, they had never seen such a horrible scene.

   In the end, everyone had no choice but to cast a fireball technique to clear the way. Suddenly, the surrounding area was filled with a strong protein burnt fragrance. Under the stimulation of the flame, the insect swarms became more and more crazy. Everyone struggled to make a **** path in the encirclement of the poisonous insects. However, in order to prevent the poisonous insects from chasing after them, they had to leave behind a giant wolf domesticated by Karen Wizard to attract the attention of the insects. Transfer.

   "Who?" Suddenly Lin Meng looked sideways at the deep forest on the right hand side, already touching the axe handle on his waist with both hands. Just now, Lin Meng's ears after genetic medicine modification heard a very subtle sound of breaking branches, which is hard to find if you don't listen carefully.

At the same time, when Lin Meng made a sound, Fanny behind him immediately grabbed a dagger with both hands and disappeared into the team silently, while the Karen Wizard and others stared at the direction Lin Meng was looking at. If you are approaching a big enemy, you will start to make a move immediately if there is something wrong with your mouth.

   "Cough cough!! Don't worry, everyone, I am not an enemy!!" A dry cough came from behind a tree held by two people, and a middle-aged man with tattered clothes and blood stains walked out embarrassedly.

   "Who are you?" Looking at the man in front of him alone, Lin Meng's expression became a little slow, and he still asked in a deep voice. However, there was a faint spirit wave from the opponent that was much stronger than his own, and Lin Meng did not dare to relax.

   "I am Kelberg Kahn, from the province of Frederick!!" The middle-aged man in tattered clothes replied immediately.

"Fred's Kahn family? I've heard of it. It seems to be in the Fred Villinia Gorge. I don't know who Qiaohuat Kahn is for you?" The Karen wizard who heard the words pondered for a while. .

   "That's my uncle, I don't know how you call it?" The middle-aged man was overjoyed when someone heard about his family and quickly said.

   "Old man Karen Fatt!"

   "The Fat family in the Qinke grassland in Lanka province?" the middle-aged man asked with joy.

   "Not bad!!" The wizard Karen said solemnly, but the suspicion in the words has gone a lot. "It shouldn't be the one who ambushed us just now, but try to be careful."

   "Why are you doing this?" Seeing Kelberg walking slowly, the wizard Karen frowned and asked.

   "Not good!" Just as the Karen Wizard's voice fell, Kelberg suddenly changed his expression in anger. "They are coming after them. The detection witchcraft I left on the road has been destroyed by them!!"

   "What's the matter? Someone is chasing you?" Lin Meng said before his face changed.

   "It's not the time to talk about this now. Let's say as we walk, you all rushed to the Black Mist Forest, right?" Kelberg looked anxious and hurriedly greeted everyone on the road.

"No! The thorn vine that the old man planted behind us was also triggered and destroyed. How did they keep up with us?" At this moment, the Karen wizard on one side was also furious, and seemed to be black behind him. The cloaked wizards were able to detect their whereabouts and found it difficult to understand.

   "Go!!" Everyone changed their colors and hurriedly accelerated their pace. Even Fanny, who disappeared just now, silently returned to the team and followed Lin Meng's back, as the team once again disappeared in the depths of the dense forest.

About half a day after everyone left, a small snow-white beast appeared in the place where Lin Meng and the others had just stayed. After turning around two times, it stopped, and saw its small nose wiggling constantly in the air. How long has it been that Uto wizards and others who have been in hot pursuit appear here.

"Crack squeak!!" The Snow White Little Beast suddenly jumped in front of the Uto Wizard and called out. The Uto Wizard reluctantly took out a group of black plant rhizomes from his arms and threw it over. The Snow White Little Beast immediately caught it with joy. , Ate it beautifully on the side.

"The old man's snow raccoon told the old man that they stayed here for a while, and when the old man's snow raccoon has eaten enough, they will take us to catch up with the group of people just now. We are not far away from them." At the end, Uto wizard smiled sternly.

   "But why does ‘Snowbird’ say that there is more human aura here?" When it came to this, Uto Wizard was a little surprised.

At night, the entire forest was already out of sight. Lin Meng and the others had to stop and rest overnight on the tree. At night, due to poor vision, poisonous insects and beasts that like to forage at night started to move out. At this time, it was dangerous to hurry. It was too big, so everyone had to choose a few big trees that were hugged by a few people, and found a tree branch that was convenient for rest to sit down, and eat something to replenish their physical strength.

Fanny still sat silently next to Lin Meng as always, took the canteen that Lin Meng had added to her, and drank in silence. At this time, everyone had no desire to speak, and they were racing against time to recover their mana. Dongxi Lin Meng greeted Fanny, found a thick tree branch and began to meditate.

Although the trees where Lin Meng and others were all sprinkled some insect repellent powder with different smells, everyone decided to take turns to watch the night. A total of six people Lin Meng ranked fifth, so Lin Meng was going to meditate and regain his spirit tomorrow. Only then have sufficient energy to deal with everything.

I don’t know how long it took, everyone began to enter a state of meditation, and the entire camp was only left with the slight snoring of the three little guys, Ambrosi. After the daytime panic, the three of them consumed a lot of energy and soon Go to deep sleep, snoring sound.

   At this moment, a pitch-black vine quietly climbed up to the big tree where Clived was, and slowly approached Clived who was leaning on the trunk.

   At the same time, Lin Meng, who was immersed in meditation, suddenly opened his eyes and looked around carefully. After not finding any suspicious signs, he stood up quietly, came to Fanny, and awoke Fanny.

   "Shhh" Lin Meng hurriedly covered Fanny's mouth and motioned to her not to make any movement, until Fanny nodded, Lin Meng slowly let go of her hand.

"I just put some small things around the camp. They are very vicious and will not die easily. But just now, in my mental perception, I lost several mental sensations. There are things around us. Be careful. Run away if it's not right!!" Lin Meng whispered in Fanny's ear, the hot breath hit the girl's ear, Fanny's cheeks suddenly flushed, but because it was too dark and the situation was unknown, Lin Meng I didn't even bother to pay attention to these.

"Go, go quickly!!" Suddenly, Lin Meng's expression changed anxiously. He felt that the giant golden black ants he had placed around the camp had died. Lin Meng no longer hesitated, and hurriedly imposed a light-weight technique on himself. Then her figure flickered, and a few breaths disappeared into the dense forest. At the moment when Lin Meng's voice fell, Fanny had given Lin Meng her own one-of-a-kind sorcerer, and her figure disappeared from the place in a flash.

"Bang!!" Just when Lin Meng was about to disappear into the depths of the dense forest, he suddenly turned around and lifted his hand. An egg-sized fireball drew a dazzling arc in the It hits accurately. Already sneaking onto the vines behind Krived, "boom" the fire was everywhere, and immediately everyone who was in meditation woke up.

   "It's you!!" Kelberg's complexion changed greatly and looked at the distance, and a bunch of people who were illuminated by the fire light stunned.

"Jiejie!!! I didn't expect it to be you, a bereaved dog!!" Standing in front of a group of black-robed wizards, the short, rickety figure looked at the frightened Kelberg, and gave out a night-like sharp smile, which made people creepy. .

"Separately break through!!" I saw the Karen wizard let out a long roar, and suddenly three giant wolves sprang out from under the tree to catch the four Karen wizards who jumped down from the tree, and then the wolf body twisted and ran in one direction. .

   "Want to go!!" Seeing the wizard Uto stretched out his hand, a black light flew out, intercepted in front of the wizard Karen, and rolled to the ground, revealing a black leopard.

   "Black Wind Leopard!!" The wizard Karen exclaimed as he stared at the black leopard in front of him, his complexion changed drastically, and he looked around in confusion, as if he wanted to find a way to escape.

   "Why do you want to go too?" The Uto wizard looked at Kelberg with his eyes rolling and sneered. As soon as he floated, he flew towards Kelberg and stopped in the air more than ten meters away.

   "Old guy, don't deceive people too much!!" Kelberg looked at the black-robed wizard who was enclosing, and said with a desperate expression on his face.

   "Ah!!!" At this moment, a screaming pierced the night sky, Kelberg turned his head and saw that Krived was already in a different place. Something had cut his head off. Majori and Karen Wizards are not much better. They are surrounded by everyone in danger and are in Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www. For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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