The Witcher

Chapter 96: Black thorns

Although the violent air currents have calmed down at this time, the giant snake and the golden sword are still stalemate, regardless of victory or defeat. At this moment, the curse mark on the hands of the wizard of Pruss changed again, and the giant snake was twisted and its tail was fierce. Slammed on Jin Jianjian.

   "Bang!" He drew the golden sword far away, receiving this blow, the wizard of Angus connected with the golden sword, his body shook, and his face became paler.

Taking this opportunity, the giant snake's body stretched, and a black shadow appeared beside the golden sword. When the snake body twisted, the golden sword was firmly trapped, and it was still tightening. With every tightening, Angus The wizard's face paled.

   "Puff!" After a few breaths, the Wizard of Angus couldn't hold on anymore, his body shook, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, his complexion extremely pale.

In desperation, the wizard of Angus showed a stern look, and pointed his finger at the golden giant sword tightly entangled by the black giant snake. He saw the sword body covered with mysterious runes on the surface of the golden sword. Suddenly several cracks began to appear. Looking at these cracks, the wizard of Pruss thought it was the work of the giant snake. After a while, he felt the more and more violent energy particles in the giant sword. The complexion of the wizard of Pruss changed, and he quickly pinched the curse imprints of both hands, and he saw The giant snake suddenly let go of the golden giant sword, and wanted to leave as soon as it drew up.

"Boom!" At this moment, countless golden rays of golden light came out from the golden giant sword, forming a ball of dazzling golden light in the air that swept in the giant snake that was just about to escape. Suddenly, the wizard of Purus His complexion turned white.

   "Puff!" With a sound, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. Seeing that the Wizard of Angus was not at all happy, instead his eyes were focused, his mouth was muttering words, and a series of complex gestures were drawn in front of him with both hands. After the gesture was closed, the wizard of Angus once again sprayed a mouthful of blood on his face. His whole person turned into six **** lightnings, and after a few flashes, they disappeared into the sky. He felt the breath of Angus in the six **** lights, and the wizard of Pruss couldn't catch it, and his complexion was extremely ugly.

   Finally, when the golden light in the air dissipated, the black giant snake appeared again, but this time the giant snake's figure became thinner, no longer solid, and its breath dropped sharply, and it looked a bit languid.

  "Hmph", feeling the change of the giant snake, the wizard of Pruss had a cold face and let out a cold snort. He turned to look at the wizards who hadn't had time to escape from the Norman Kingdom, with bloodthirsty in his eyes.

   At this time, the only remaining wizards in the Norman Kingdom, all face gray, looking at the giant shadow standing in the void, desperately desperate.

   "Hiss!" After a few breaths, except for a few corpses on the ground, there was no more standing wizard from the Norman Kingdom, including the Uto wizard who had chased Lin Meng and others in a very embarrassing manner.

   Two weeks later...

Lin Meng crossed Olas and Ontario to an unnamed place in the Frederic Province, surrounded by mountains. When the giant eagle flew for a long time and left countless peaks behind him, he once again bypassed a huge mountain. Lin Meng saw him. In front of a gentle gorge, the gorge is not wide but very narrow, and the surrounding walls are covered with black vines.

"Hey!" As soon as the wings of the giant eagle took a dive, it rushed towards the canyon below. Just when Lin Meng and others thought it was about to crash into the ground, the wings of the giant eagle spread out, the speed dropped suddenly, and the body slowly fell. Go to a square paved with slate.

   "Come down!" The Prussian wizard took the lead and floated to the ground. Behind him, Lin Meng and others hurriedly jumped off the giant eagle and landed steadily on the square, looking around curiously.

   "Welcome to the'Black Thorns' Tower!" The Wizard of Pruss turned around and looked at the young apprentices behind him, showing a meaningful smile.

   "Jonathan's rest is up to you!" After speaking, the Wizard of Pruss flew to the side with a flick of his sleeve, and disappeared behind a group of buildings after a few breaths.

   "Master Pruss, go slowly!" The wizard Jonathan said with a solemn expression on his face. "Well, you all come with the old man, remember that you are not the wizards of the'Black Thorns' now, and don't run around following the old man, otherwise the surrounding invisible restrictions will be activated, and the old man may not be able to save him in time!" After speaking, Wizard Jonathan walked forward first.

About half an hour later, Lin Meng followed the wizard Jonathan to a solemn hall. The hall was built of a black monolith. It was very majestic and solemn. The surrounding stone walls were all carved with strange monsters and monsters. It looks very ferocious and hideous, and seems to have other meanings.

   At this moment, there are a few people in the hall waiting, "Jonathan, this is the new blood this time?" one of the people in the hall asked. "It doesn't seem to be great! Even so old wizard apprentices have been admitted, why? Has the level of our "Black Thorns" income been lowered recently?" After finishing, the wizard gave Lin Meng a scornful look.

"Huh! Byron! Don't talk cold words here, but Master Prussian Link nodded in agreement. If you have any comments or dissatisfaction, you can go to Master Prussian!" Jonathan seemed to be with the wizard named Byron. , A little uncomfortable, immediately counterattacked mercilessly. "I wonder if you can escape from the chase of a formal wizard when you are an apprentice to an intermediate wizard?"

   "Huh!" By Jonathan's merciless counterattack, Wizard Byron looked extremely ugly. But Wizard Byron was speechless and had to look at Lin Meng bitterly. Lin Meng in the crowd felt the unkind look of Wizard Byron, and sighed helplessly in his heart. He was the one who provokeed someone. He had offended an official wizard as soon as he arrived at'Black Thorns'.

Lin Meng also knew that his qualifications were not good, and he was a renunciation halfway through. He looked at everyone around him. They were all younger than him. The youngest was only fifteen or sixteen, and the oldest was seventeen or eighteen, like the three grandsons of Karen Wizard. In that case, he was only seven or eight years old. It was probably because he had excellent aptitude, or he would have a formal wizard income as soon as he entered the tower. Otherwise, it would be difficult to survive in such a fiercely competitive environment. Lin Meng felt that he was a young uncle who had mixed into the team of young people. He was always looked at with strange eyes by the surrounding young people, confused, contemptuous, and more curious.

   "Okay! Byron, you just need to say a few words!" At this moment, one of the people in front of him suddenly said, ending the dispute between Jonathan wizard and Bycolon wizard. "Jonathan heard that this trip to the Black Mist Forest was quite uneasy. Even Mr. Purus was injured. I don't know if this happened?" The headed old man asked solemnly, telling the people around him that he most wanted. Know things.

   "Hmph! It's not just unrest, if it weren't for Mr. Pruss, I'm afraid the old man would not be able to come back!" The wizard Jonathan had no good air.

"Oh? What happened, Jonathan, tell us, these little guys let them wait first!" The old man didn't even look at Lin Meng and others. He said lightly, but revealed an indisputable taste, Lin Meng. He didn't dare to complain with others, so he waited honestly. Wizard Jonathan explained the situation in detail. Except for Lin Meng, none of the teenagers around him knew that so many things happened at that time. Everyone exclaimed, especially when Wizard Jonathan talked about the earth-shattering battle between Lord Pruss and Wizard Angus. The teenagers all showed their yearning and envy, and even the wizards on the opposite side also showed envy. The color.

   "Ahem!" After a long while, the old man let out a soft cough, awakening the obsessed crowd. "It seems that this time is also thanks to Lord Pruss. I didn't expect that the wizards of the Norman Kingdom have been black hands on us all these years. Angus, I remember, is the second-level wizard of the Iris Academy of the Norman Kingdom!"

   "Okay! Ignaz, there are thirty-three people this time!" Jonathan stretched out his hand and said.

"Little guys, I am very glad that you can join the great'Blackthorn' tower. I am the person in charge of the daily affairs of the entire tower. I am responsible for the daily operation of the entire tower. You can call me the Ignatius wizard or Ignatius. Master Naz!" The old man paused and looked at Lin Meng and the others, in a calm tone, as if he was just stating a fact without any excitement, and he seemed to be talking to himself. "I'll let someone take you where you should go later, and explain the basic situation of the'Black Thorns'."

"Little guys, don't think you can sit back and relax after you join the'Black Thorns'. You will understand how difficult it is for newcomers after reading UU!" After that, the wizard Ignaz took out a bell With a light shake, there was a clear and sweet ringtone.

"My lord!" Before long, two figures appeared outside the hall, one male and one female, male with big ears, short blond hair, female with tall stature and exquisite features. Both of them wore gray wizard robes to cover themselves. Strictly, he walked straight ahead and bowed in front of the wizard Ignaz.

"Sylvia, Larios, these little guys will leave it to you!" The wizard Ignaz stretched out his hand, "We still have our own business to be busy, so we won't stay too much!" Ignaz and Jonathan and other wizards all flew away with a flick of their sleeves.

"Well, new here! Remember that you are called New Blood now! After three years you are still alive, then you can be called old people!" The blond man Larios looked at Lin Meng and the others arrogantly. Said politely. "You have all heard clearly, what I want to say below, but it is related to your future life and death in'Black Thorns', I will not say it again."

"First,'Black Thorns' are not allowed to kill each other. I mean on the bright side, if you have a way to prevent the tower’s law enforcement team from finding flaws, then I have to do it for your enemy. Silence! Second, every newcomer can choose five free public knowledge courses within three years, and they will be cancelled after three years. If they continue to study, they must hand in a certain magic stone to the tower! Third, I advise you to find a wizarding organization among the apprentices to join, so that you will not be bullied by some old people, and your life is extremely guaranteed!"

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