The Witcher

Chapter 113: Zoe

Regarding Duke Nisi's words, "It has been handled almost all the time", Lin Meng was non-committal. Below every throne of the superior is a **** road paved by white bones and human lives.

"Sure enough!!" Lin Meng showed a clear look after listening to Grand Duke Nisi's narration.

"You knew Link would be like this for a long time? Will it have any bad effect on him?" Duke Nisi asked Lin Meng anxiously when he heard the words.

"Don't worry, listen to me, and don't exclaim when you see anything!!" Feeling the panic of Grand Duke Nisi, Lin Meng had no choice but to comfort him.

In the next moment, Lin Meng was transformed into a giant nearly four meters tall in the horrified gaze of Duke Niss. His head was huge and his head was on the roof of the study. In desperation, Lin Meng had to stay with Duke Niss. Under the incredible gaze, he changed back to his original appearance.

"Well, now you understand why I'm so sure, Link will have an abnormal situation!!" Seeing Grand Duke Niss looking at him with a monster look, Lin Meng had no choice but to smile.

"You mean, the reason why Link is like that is inherited from you?" Duke Niss heard the words, showing a suddenly realized expression.

"Yes, otherwise, why did your grandfather, Wizard Denier, count you and me!!" Lin Meng said in embarrassment, thinking of the wind and snow between the two that night, Lin Meng couldn't help feeling stunned, his eyes flashed. Yixue looked at Grand Duke Niss.

"At the beginning, after I was arrested by your grandfather, your grandfather discovered an ancient rare bloodline from me, which he called the'Titan Bloodline'. Inspiring this bloodline can transform into an ancient Titan, and your strength and strength are greatly increased. It was precisely because of the "Titanic Bloodline" that my grandfather was interested in, that he deliberately designed the accident. Now the abnormality in Link's body is to inspire the "Titan Bloodline", which is only good for him, there is no harm to him! ! "

"Hey!!" Listening to Lin Meng's words, Duke Nisi also had a strange look in her heart, and Lin Meng's cheeks were flushed and white. For a while, the atmosphere in the study began to become a little ambiguous.

"'Ancient Titan' is the'Titan Giant' in myths and legends that can fight against the gods without falling to the wind?" Duke Nisi blushed after listening to Lin Meng's narration, and asked in surprise. It seems that after many years, his son will be transformed into an ancient god, with the army of the Principality of Como on the battlefield, invincible and invincible.

"Where did you think of going? Where did the gods in this world come from, if they had been arrested by those old monster wizards long ago for research!!" Lin Meng shook his head amusedly when he heard the words.

"I don’t know if this'Titan Bloodline' has anything to do with the mythological'Ancient Titans', but I'm sure that if you reveal a little bit of news about the'Titan Bloodline,' you will definitely be targeted by some evil sorcerers, just like back then. Your grandfather wanted to steal my blood."

"Hmph!!" Hearing that, Duke Niss snorted coldly, seemingly dissatisfied that Lin Meng always mentioned his grandfather Denier Wizard.

"However, Link's body with the'Titanic Bloodline' from an early age will be much higher than ordinary children in terms of physique and strength, and it is simply a'treasure' in the eyes of other high-ranking knights. It will be no problem to become a legendary knight in the future. I think The'Titanic Bloodline' can at least guarantee the longevity of your bloodline in the Principality of Como."

"Huh!! You are reasonable!!" Duke Nisi turned his anger when she heard Lin Meng's words. Lin Meng gave Lin Meng a white look and forgot her displeasure just now.

"I am going to put my knight's secret skills, some cultivation techniques, and the secret techniques that are suitable for Link's cultivation from your Cuomo family library, sort them into a systematic practice system, and give it to Link. And I also configure it. With some potions to increase his physique, he can develop his'Titan Bloodline' more perfectly. In other respects, I think you are a qualified teacher and will train him into a qualified king!!" Lin Meng thought for a while. Said his thoughts.

At the same time, while Lin Meng and Nissi were discussing in detail in private, they were far away in the Mansion of the Marquis of Edlin in the province of Lucca...

"Your Excellency Adelin, Uris is dead!!" When Adelin Cuomo was about to go to bed under the wait of the maid, a low voice suddenly sounded outside the house. Adelin Cuomo's face changed when he heard the words, and hurriedly pushed away the naked maid, got up and dressed, and hurried out.

In the study of the Marquis Mansion, Adelin Cuomo was working with a man in a black robe as the guest and host. At this moment, Marquis Adelin frowned and his face was gloomy.

"Master Zoe, are you sure that Uriss is dead?" As if not believing what he had heard, Marquis Adelin asked again.

"Why the Lord Marquis doesn't believe me, Zoe?" The black-robed man said with an unhappy expression on his face. "I used to cast a spiritual mark on Yuris. Once he died, I immediately felt the spiritual mark dissipated on my side!!!"

"Haha!! Master Zoe misunderstood. I heard the news at first, and I was a little unbelievable. What kind of cards Niss Cuomo had to deal with the assassination of the two legendary knights? It's not that I don't believe the words of the master! !" Marquis Adelin chuckled and resolved the unhappiness between the two of them.

"Hmph!! The legendary knight is already the top combat power among you ordinary people, but in the eyes of our wizards, it is like an ant, so it is not a big deal to be able to solve the two legendary knights!!" Hearing that, Zoe's face turned slightly. Slowly, still disdain.

"But now the Red Fort can easily win the two legendary knights. It seems that there are still some unknown cards. The Marquis of Edlin should be careful. Don't overturn the boat in the gutter and make the family ruined when falling down. Prisoner of the Underworld!!"

"From Master Zoe's opinion, what method did Niss Cuomo use to kill the Minoan Knights and Uriss?" Marquis Edlin looked a little ugly, and I really can't think of Niss Cuomo's other methods. I had to ask Zoe on the side.

"The means? There are so many! The most direct thing is that other wizards will take action, or some alchemy items in the wizarding world. As the Grand Duke of the Como Principality, I think Niss Como should have the financial resources to buy a few pieces and leave them outside. Demonized items." Zoe thought for a while after hearing the words, and said his opinion.

"What did a wizard do?" Marquis Adelin's expression changed drastically, he couldn't believe his words, and his face was panicked.

"Your Excellency Marquis thinks too much. I mean it's possible, but the chance of meeting a wandering wizard in the mortal world is not high. The most likely thing is that Niss Cuomo has one or two offensive alchemy items in her hands. If this is the case, I would not hesitate to take a shot, but it is still inconvenient for me to intervene in your mortal fights, so I will only take away the alchemy items in Niss Cuomo's hands, as for how to deal with them, I will hand them over to Your Excellency Marquis Go!!!"

"So thank you, Master Zoe! No matter what Master Zoe's requirements are fulfilled, they will definitely be met!" Marquis Edlin was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly made a promise.

"Haha!! Don't have to be so troublesome, I just hope that your Excellency will give me a secret laboratory and some condemned prisoners, and you can do experiments for me!!" Looking at the grateful Marquis Edlin, Zoe smiled.

"So I won't disturb your lord the Marquis to rest, and leave now!!" Zoe got up and said goodbye to the Marquis of Adelin.

Seeing Zoe's departure, after experiencing the conversation just now, Marquis Edlin was not sleepy for a while, sitting on the chair, frowning deeply, startled, and not knowing what he thought of, his eyes flickered...

Zoe returned to his residence and went straight to a basement. The basement, which was originally dark and dark, became brightly lit and extremely bright as soon as Zoe came in.

In the middle of the empty room, a tall alchemy puppet stood quietly. The puppet is about three meters tall, covered with jet black heavy armor, and wearing a blood-red cloak, full of momentum. The surface of the heavy armor is carved with all kinds of weird patterns, which look gorgeous and heavy, but under the heavy armor are engraved with countless dazzling witchcraft runes and formations, which are mysterious and abnormal. The specific function is unknown.

The puppet is holding a very huge cross-shaped huge sword, with thick blades on both sides in the middle of the huge sword, and the sword body is covered with various runes to form a strange style of ornamentation, which looks mysterious and gorgeous. At the junction of the hilt and the sword body, a dark jewel is firmly embedded there, highlighting the mystery and preciousness of the giant sword.

When "Kacha" saw Zoe walked to the puppet, he patted a piece of armor on his back. The armor with no gaps in the original fit ~ suddenly revealed a big hole. Zoe took out a magic stone from his arms and threw it in, closing his armor.

Zoe squeezed out the weird curse imprint with both hands, muttering a word in his mouth, and a black light flew out of his hand, sinking into the immobile puppet. He immediately met the black-clad puppet knight, his eyes lit up with blood-red light, and there was no wind behind him.

"Boom!!" Seeing the puppet knight react, Zoe's eyes flashed with joy, the curse in his hand became more swift, and the vague and weird syllables were spit out, and several black lights hit the puppet knight. Seeing the puppet knight shocked all over, he turned to look at Zoe.

Seeing this scene, Zoe's eyes were even more joyful. He hesitated for a while, then his face was sharp, and he bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then the curse in his hands kept printing, the blood in the void was under the curse marks of Zoe's hands. Like invisible gravitational pulls, they began to turn into strange blood-red runes, and finally all submerged into the puppet knight on the side under the traction of Zoe's mental power, and suddenly a blood-red light appeared on the puppet knight.

At this moment, Zoe was pale, and almost fell to the ground with a sway. After he stood firm, he quickly took out a few bottles of medicine from his arms and poured them into his mouth. After a while, his pale face began to return to a trace of blood. Although the series of spellcasting just now made Zoe extremely weak, there was a flash of ecstasy in his eyes. (To be continued.)

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