The Witcher

Chapter 128: Beasley's Invitation

Although Lin Meng did not add any auxiliary witchcraft to himself to inspire the'Titatan Transformation', Lin Meng's power at this time should not be underestimated. The power of one blow is comparable to the witchcraft attacks of ordinary senior wizard apprentices, but it is still It was easily defended by the golden shield.


"Superalloy shield!!" This is Lin Meng who got the name for this golden shield. Of course, the magical effect of this golden liquid is more than that. For example, it turns into countless golden steel **** and shoots out like bullets. Either it turned into countless ox hair needles, covering all the holes towards the opponent, or it instantly wrapped Lin Meng's fists and turned them into a pair of golden ferocious metal gloves, as well as spears and long swords, which are infinitely useful.


   Lin Meng is very satisfied with this! !


"With this flexible attack method, coupled with my own improved witchcraft model, I finally have a foothold in the'Thorn City'!!" Lin Meng held a single hand, the golden liquid in his palm, leisurely Disappear……


After that, Lin Meng continued to appear as usual every day, appearing in the "Rose" alchemy shop on St. Crian’s Avenue for a fixed period of time. When a customer came, he would come out to do business, and no one would do some experiments in the shop. , Or to practice the'Golden Body', although I never fall into meditation every day, and from time to time I purchase some treasured medicines that are helpful to meditation to assist,


   But Lin Meng's mental strength increased slowly, making Lin Meng feel helpless.


One day six months later, Lin Meng was cultivating the'Golden Body' in the shop. For a while, Lin Meng's body was red, his muscles trembled, and a trace of pain flashed across his face, but Lin Meng gritted his teeth and held it back. At this time, a tall man came in outside the house.


   "Brother Link here?" Seeing that there was no one in the shop, the tall man frowned and stood at the door and shouted inward.


   It took a long while, just when the man outside the room became impatient, Lin Meng's voice came from inside.


   "It turned out to be Lord Beasley, it's been a long time since I saw him, come in and sit down!!" Lin Meng was walking out with a clean towel in his hand, wiping his face.


"Haha!! Brother Link, my brother hasn't seen you for a long time!! It has been a long time since I visited you last time, but recently my brother also has something to do. He left the tower for a while, Brother Link, what are you......" Beasley just sat down and looked at Lin Meng's red and **** appearance, puzzled.


   "Hey, Brother Link, your breath, you...have already broken through the senior apprentice?" Suddenly Beasley's mental power swept across Lin Meng, his face was shocked, and he stared at Lin Meng with a wicked expression.


   "It's also a coincidence, I wonder if your Excellency Beasley is here this time?" Lin Meng was silent when he heard the words, and he laughed, and picked the topic away.


"Uh..., nothing is just passing by my brother's shop and saw that the door has been opened, so I came in and took a look. It seems that my brother has some chance during this period of disappearance!!" Beasley's eyes rolled, seeming intentionally or unintentionally. Asked.


"Your Excellency Beasley thinks a lot, how can you compare with your talented apprentices? In order to break through the senior apprentices, you have already used all the means, and finally succeeded by fluke, which is like the Lord Beasley's many years ago. It's a senior wizard apprentice!!" Lin Meng frowned when he heard this, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes. Beasley was pretending to be confused, deliberately trying to confuse his own words. The question Beasley asked just now involved Lin Meng's own sex, which is very taboo among wizards, and it is easy to create conflicts if one is not good.


   But Beasley was like an okay person, with a rough and unscheming appearance, making Lin Meng secretly guarded.


   "Look at my brother's mouth!!" I don't know if he noticed Lin Meng's displeasure, Beasley took his own mouth twice and then continued. "Since Brother Link, who has just broken through and needs to be familiar with his mental power, I won't disturb him!!" After speaking, Beasley smiled at Lin Meng and got up to leave.


   Hearing this, Lin Meng didn't do much to detain him, but sent Beasley to the door of the shop with a smile on his face. It wasn't until Beasley disappeared on the street corner that Lin Meng turned around and returned to the shop to sit down. Thinking of Beasley's words just now, Lin Meng frowned unconsciously.


   Lin Meng has always disliked dealing with people like Beasley who are pretending to be rough and arrogant, but who are actually extremely shrewd. Moreover, the other party would often use his rude appearance to talk to himself, but he pretended to be unaware, which made Lin Meng feel very uncomfortable. .


   Especially what Beasley sang today, it made Lin Meng unable to understand what he meant.


   Just at Lin Meng frowned,


   While trying to figure out Beasley's intentions, Beasley returned to his residence with a gloomy expression and sent a message with the communication crystal.


   At the same time, in a gloomy building a few blocks away from Beasley, a pale man with a gloomy face frowned and took out a communication crystal from his arms.


"Huh? It was so. Huh, he is lucky this time!!" After reading the information, the shady man frowned, and the whole room immediately became gloomy, dark mist, and even the surrounding temperature. Also followed by several degrees lowered.


   Then the shameless man thought for a while, and replied with a message from Beasley. Then he took the communication crystal back into his arms and closed his eyes again to meditate. Under the black mist around him, the face of the shady man became more and more blurred.


In another room, Beasley also saw the reply message on his communication crystal. He frowned. After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't seem to come up with any useful information. He had to give up, and took the communication crystal back into his arms, no longer thinking about it. This matter.


Lin Meng still arranges his work and rest schedule every day in an orderly manner. It seems that he can't squeeze out any spare time, but the only thing that annoys Lin Meng is that his current meditation speed has returned to the original state of turtle speed, which is surprising. In this state, even if Lin Meng himself has a hole card like "Earth", he still does not have the confidence to successfully break through the official wizard, but for the treasured potions that can increase mental power or improve the efficiency of meditation, any wizard can cover it. Tight, will not show people easily.


But the only thing that comforted Lin Meng was that after these days inadvertently in the "Thorn City" library, on a dilapidated classic with many pages missing, Lin Meng found that he had obtained the scroll from the skeleton in the cave. Information.


This is remarkable, that scroll is actually the famous “scroll of fate” in ancient times. It can only be made by a third-level wizard. As for the specific production method, Lin Meng never knows anyway, but it seems that even a third-level wizard makes it. This kind of scroll is also very expensive, and it is generally not easy to make. Even if it is made, it is reserved for the life of his closest people. Lin Meng has never seen other'scrolls of life scars', and of course he does not rule out Lin. The circle that Meng now comes into contact with is limited to the circle of apprentice wizards in the'Thorn City', and can't come into contact with such high-end alchemy items.


After discovering the purpose of this ancient scroll, Lin Meng was overjoyed, rubbing the line of runes that gathered on the scroll into a flame, Lin Meng couldn't help but wonder, "Could it be something made by Lius, the'Ember Warlock'?" ".


  With this scroll in hand, even in some dangerous situations, he can save his life at any time. This made Lin Meng feel a lot of confidence every time he faced a high-level wizard, and the feeling of precariousness in his heart was greatly reduced.


   However, there is another medicinal material that was also obtained from the cave. Lin Meng has not found any information about it. Regrettably, Lin Meng had to put it away and put it away, leaving it to be identified later when he had a chance. As for the heart of the ‘lava troll’, Lin Meng hadn’t figured out how to deal with it for a while, but had a preliminary idea. As to whether it works, it depends on future experiments.


But Lin Meng did not dare to leak any wind. If other wizards knew that Lin Meng had a'lava troll' heart that was comparable to a third-level high-level wizard, I'm afraid Lin Meng would definitely not survive tomorrow, maybe even a tall tower. Lin Meng didn't dare to be careless in the least of his third-level wizards.


Lin Meng's next plan is to first study the "Encyclopedia of Elemental Creature Activation" and "Elementary Puppet Technique" obtained from Zoe. After he has mastered this knowledge, he will go to buy more advanced knowledge than the Coron wizard. Then use the heart of the'lava troll' to summon an elemental creature of his own. Lin Meng always thinks of the'flame giant' in the cave of Lius's ruins and the'dark flame knight' of the Bikolun wizard, Lin Meng's eyes are hot. Endlessly, I also want to have a senior puppet of my own...


Time flies, and it has been more than a year since Lin Meng returned to the On this day, Lin Meng still took time to sit in his shop. In fact, most of the time, Lin Meng was in the middle of the shop. Either experiment or practice the'Golden Body'. Although the cultivation of the'Golden Body' is still extremely difficult, Lin Meng has become accustomed to the pain of twisting and tearing all over his body.


However, today Lin Meng did not stay in the same room as usual. Instead, he sat quietly behind the counter holding a book "Elementary Puppet Art" and read it with gusto, especially when he saw the puzzles, Lin Meng had to Stopped, frowned and discussed with the "earth" in his head, and didn't continue to look at it until I figured it out.


"Brother Link, are you free to sit in the store today?" Just as Lin Mengzheng was reading and fascinated, suddenly a grinning, slightly shrewd voice called out the door, Lin Meng frowned. Immediately after disappearing, Lin Meng sighed helplessly, and immediately put on a smiling face.


   "I don't know, Lord Beasley, why come to my'rose shop' to sit down?" Lin Meng only smiled and asked Beasley when he said that he didn't hit the smiley person with his hand.


"Where, on the entire St. Crian Street, who doesn’t know the name of Brother Link’s Rose Shop, brother, I also have something to ask, so I can’t help but come to you with a face, but it’s for Lin Brother K has great benefits too!!" Seeing Beasley pretending to be mysterious. (To be continued.)

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