The Witcher

Chapter 133: Ice flame cold gold

"The strong on the'Black List', the'Black Smoke' Makarondi!" Lin Meng shook his fist and said silently in his heart, his eyes flashing cold, and his whole body exuded fierce fighting spirit...

"Hmm...Is it really gone?" After a while, Lin Meng, who was standing by the underground river, frowned deeply. Within the range of his perception, Rosa could not be detected at all. It seemed that the other party really didn't want to go to this beach. The muddy water has already left. 【Full text reading】

"But you can't be careless!" Lin Meng was very careful for a while, and then took out a pet bag from his arms.

Immediately, a dense swarm of insects appeared in front of Lin Meng's body. Under Lin Meng's mental energy, they spread out with a sound of'crash'. Lin Meng danced with both hands, squeezing out several curse seals, and golden red light in his hands. Surge, instantly submerged in the insect swarm in front of me, and saw the black insect swarm swarming, swiftly dived into the ground and disappeared without a trace, with no breath.

With the "giant golden beetle" lying in the ground, Lin Meng felt relieved. Even if Rosa took the opportunity to come back and wanted to take advantage of it, Lin Meng was not afraid. However, Lin Meng also thought of another possibility, that Beasley hadn't told Rosa at all that there might be a rare material like ‘cold spar’ in the cold pool.

Otherwise, a wizard like Rosa who specializes in ice-cold attribute witchcraft cannot give up the precious material of'cold spar', which is the first-level material that can only be used by formal wizards to refine enchanted items, and'cold spar' It is completely complementary to Rosa's ice-attribute witchcraft, and immediately after obtaining it, the strength will be greatly increased.

"It seems that I have been thinking too much!" Lin Meng shook his head and walked to the side of the cold pool, squinting his eyes and carefully looking at the deep pool that continuously exudes cold air.

"Hi! It's really weird!" Lin Meng stretched out his arm and caught a ray of cold air floating in the air. When the cold air started, he immediately felt a sense of icy coldness, and goose bumps appeared on the back of Lin Meng's hand, which was irritated.

Lin Meng stood in front of the cold pool without saying a word, frowning deeply, as if thinking about a surefire solution.

"It seems that this is the only thing to do. Fortunately, I have done enough preparations beforehand!" Lin Meng sighed lightly, took out a few potions from his arms and held them in his hands. As a pharmacist, in many cases, some weird medicines are also very lethal, and they can often achieve unexpected results. However, Lin Meng has not configured such highly offensive medicines, and usually only uses them. Prepare some medicines you need.

The potions that Lin Meng held in his hand were also specially prepared by Lin Meng for this trip to the cold lake, and even the previous "water breathing potions" were prepared by Lin Meng beforehand. While the "diving technique" on his body had not disappeared, Lin Meng no longer hesitated, drew two potions from his hand and poured them into his mouth.

One is the ‘underwater breathing potion’ previously given to other people. It is made from a very special fish gill and some rare witchcraft materials under a kind of ‘alienated witchcraft’. After taking the medicine, Lin Meng immediately felt that a strange change had taken place on both sides of his neck. It seemed that he had two more breathing cheeks. He took out the mirror and took a photo. As expected, he saw that there were two one-to-one pieces on both sides of his neck. Lin Meng touched the gill-shaped respiratory organs with his hands, and the sticky feeling was like the slippery feeling on the skin of the fish.

Another is the "Underwater Phantasmal Potion", which is made of a rare fish called "Rem Fish" and is made of refined isinglass as the main material. It can make people change their feet during a period of time underwater. It resembles the tail of a'rem fish', swimming in the water is very convenient and fast.

"Puff!" Feeling that his legs were changing, Lin Meng immediately slid and jumped into the cold pool.

"Hiss! It's so cold!" Lin Meng who was in the water, felt an extremely cold chill pierced through his heart, and shivered violently. He quickly took out a flaming red potion from his arms, drank it, and suddenly a warmth flowed in his body, which made it feel better.

"Hey! There is no cave below here!" The majestic mental power gushed out in all directions, carefully sweeping the environment within a radius of 20 meters, and found no creatures, Lin Meng began to look at the water in front of him. Case.

Within the range of Lin Meng’s mental power perception, he still did not sense the edge of the water pool. Lin Meng’s face changed slightly, and he didn’t know where to find it. What he saw in his'wizard's eye' was all dark, without any light. , And did not detect the breath of any creatures.

As a last resort, Lin Meng's body jumped down and the legs that turned into fish tails swung lightly. With the blessing of'diving technique', Lin Meng's body was like an arrow from the string, swimming towards the bottom of the water,'gurgling' neck The two cheeks on the side brought up a series of bubbles, without any feeling of suffocation.

"Huh! This is..." After swimming for a while, Lin Meng's expression suddenly changed. During the detection of his mental power, he felt a mass of ice-cold thing, not far below, Lin Meng didn't. Surprised and rejoiced, he quickly applied a'sorcerer's eye' in the direction that felt abnormal just now, and a group of blue and gleaming flames reflected in Lin Meng's eyes, swaying unsteadily under the water.

"This... is definitely not'cold spar', but...'ice flame cold gold'!" Feeling the power of extreme cold, Lin Meng's eyes were bewildered. It stands to reason that the cold air of'cold spar' is not so heavy. Yes, suddenly Lin Meng's body shook, and his eyes showed ecstasy. Looking at the blue spar below, he seemed to have thought of something. He quickly went out downstream and looked intently. The blue ore with two fists was quiet. Quietly resting on the bottom of the water, a layer of ice-blue flames tightly enveloped it. Sure enough, it was ‘ice flame cold gold’, which was a second-level rare material, far from what ‘cold spar’ could compare to, Lin Meng was overjoyed.

"Hmm..., is this...?" A little further downstream, Lin Meng clearly felt that the water temperature was starting to become lower, and huge chunks of ice flicked around him from time to time, waiting for Lin Meng to swim away from the'ice flame cold gold'. At a distance of more than ten meters, the blue flame surrounded by a block of transparent ice the size of a house can be seen with the naked eye, constantly swaying and beating in the center of the huge ice.

An icy chill was continuously spreading through the huge ice to the surrounding area, forming fist-sized pieces of broken ice in some places. Lin Meng swam to the huge ice and circled the huge ice. Still, there was no way to enter the huge ice. It was on the top of the ice. Lin Meng stopped and found a few deep pits. Lin Meng guessed It is the place where the nest of'Black Water Cold Toad' usually lives, and it can absorb the ice and cold power emitted by the'Ice Flame and Cold Gold'.

"But how did the'Golden Devouring Rat' get under the eyelids of a group of'Black Water Cold Toads' last time, and got into it and picked out a piece of'Ice Flame Cold Gold'?" Lin Meng was very puzzled and swam for a while. The circle also did not find any secret passages. "Could it be that it was once again frozen by the ice-cold power exuded by'Ice Flame and Cold Gold'?"

After thinking about it, Lin Meng swam straight to the top of "Ice Flame Cold Gold" and stopped, took a red boiling potion from his hand, unscrewed the lid, and circled the potion in his hand. , All fell on the surface of the ice cube directly above the'ice flame cold gold'.

"Zizi!" A puff of smoke filled it, and all the ice cubes stuck to the red liquid turned into a cloud of water vapor and quickly melted. For a while, the bottom of the water bubble burst, and the head-sized bubbles of ‘gulugulu’ kept pouring towards the surface of the water.

After a few breaths, a spacious passage large enough to pass through Lin Meng's body appeared in front of Lin Meng's eyes. A piercing cold came along the tunnel opened by Lin Meng. Lin Meng shuddered, and a layer of icy debris appeared on the arms stretched out. Looking at the tunnel that was about to be frozen again, Lin Meng hurriedly used it. A'sorcerer's hand', a big invisible hand with a length of ten feet, suddenly appeared above the'ice flame cold gold', and slammed it towards the'ice flame cold gold'.

"Boom!" was grabbed by the'hand of the wizard', and the surface of the'ice flame cold gold' was rolled with blue flames, the'hand of the wizard' was immediately frozen into a giant hand of ice sculpture, and then there was a'bang', shattering For countless small ice cubes. 'Bingyan Hanjin' was still lying quietly under the water, Lin Meng's expression sank when he saw this.

The next moment, Lin Meng's finger flicked, a golden light flashed, and an extremely small golden silk thread instantly passed through the ice flame and twisted the two blue stones tightly, allowing the ice flame to burn on the golden silk thread. , Frozen the gold thread into an ice rope thick with a thumb. Lin Meng shook his hand and withdrew the golden silk thread, and the two'ice flame cold gold' were immediately pulled into Lin Meng's hand by the golden thread.

The golden light of Lin Meng's palm flashed, and a layer of golden liquid covered Lin Meng's palm, forming a metal glove to isolate Lin Meng's palm from the "Ice Flame Cold Gold". Lin Meng could also feel the chills emanating from the two blue stones in his hand through the glove formed by the'super alloy'. At the moment when the'ice flame cold gold' started, the surface of the entire metal glove was immediately covered. A thick layer of frost.

"Huh! I finally got it!" Looking at the blue flames that kept shaking in his hands, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Lin Meng felt relieved, and immediately took out a special box full of runes, put the two'ice flames and cold gold' in his hand, and closed the lid. The chill that lingered all the time, instantly Disappeared without a trace. Then Lin Meng's body kept swinging, and immediately swam towards the surface of the water.

After a few breaths, ‘puff! Lin Meng jumped out of the pool, his legs that were still fishtails in the air immediately changed to their original appearance. The gill-shaped organs that had originally grown on both sides of Lin Meng's neck also disappeared.

Lin Meng stood still, turned his head and glanced around the cave, and found that it was no different from when he left. He was relieved. When he jumped out of the water just now, Lin Meng had already contacted the ambush in the underground river with his mind.' When the giant golden beetles' group found that no one had broken in, Lin Meng dared to jump out of the pool swaggeringly.

When he came to the underground river, Lin Meng shot several golden and red lights in his hand. When he sank into the ground, he saw dense black beetles burrowing out of the ground and quickly crawling towards Lin Meng.

Three days later, Lin Meng hurried back to the tower without stopping. When Lin Meng cautiously came to his alchemy shop, he did not find that there was no one around the shop. This made Lin Meng secretly regretful and lost an opportunity to spot the enemy.

Without finding anything, Lin Meng groaned slightly, and had to return to his secret stronghold first... (To be continued.)

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