The Witcher

Chapter 146: Elemental activation

"That's so heavy?" Lin Meng frowned, gritted his teeth, his arms banged, and with a bang, the black shoulder pad on the stone platform was finally picked up by Lin Meng.

"A shoulder pad is so heavy, what if you wear all the armors neatly?" Lin Meng struggled to raise the heavy armor shoulder pad in his hand. With his current strength of nearly seventeen, it was unexpectedly difficult to lift, Lin Meng thought that if he wears the entire armor on his body, he must not be directly pressed on the ground.

"You must not be able to bear all the weight of Qianjun, but in the early years, I drew a reaction force witch formation inside this armor, which can help you reduce the weight of Qianjun. After you gradually adapt , Increase the weight of the body little by little!!" On one side, the wizard Aola looked at Lin Meng with a strenuous expression, holding the heavy armor shoulders, smiling, and told Lin Mengdao.

"So that's...whoop!!" Lin Meng heard this, and then he was relieved, otherwise he would only be able to look at this heavy armor, and would never dare to wear it.

"Little guy, if you really want to become a student of the old man in the future, then remember that the technique of body training must not fall. If you want to learn the'chaotic force field', first of all your body is strong enough to withstand the'chaotic force field'. My own tearing. Bikron is obsessed with'puppetry' and his body is not strong enough, so he can only learn the old man's dark elemental witchcraft, as well as other knowledge of'puppetry' and'corpse alchemy'." Suddenly, Austrian When the wizard pull thought of something, his expression solemnly reminded Lin Meng.

"Okay, I've said everything that needs to be said, Bikolun, take Link away!!"

"Yes... Teacher" Hearing this, he gave a respectful salute to Koren before turning around and leading Lin Meng to the door. Lin Meng hurriedly put the rest of the heavy armor parts on the stage into the space bag, and finally gave Aura to Ola. The wizard saluted respectfully and hurriedly followed behind the wizard Bikron and left.

"Little guy, I hope you don't let me down..."

"Link, since you signed a contract with the teacher and decided to go to the'Crimson Secret Realm', I also have a few materials to collect, I don't know what you want to exchange?" The wizard Bikron, who was walking on the road, suddenly stopped. When Lin Meng came forward, he said.

"I wonder if Lord Bikolun has a potion that can help the apprentice to break through the formal wizard?" Lin Meng heard the words, and said in a slight thought.

"Uh... No, those things were used up long before I attacked the official wizard!!" Hearing this, Bi Kelun was a little embarrassed.

"Then, please show me the information that needs to be collected first..."

Hearing that, Wizard Bikolun directly took out a crystal from the ring in his hand and threw it to Lin Meng. Lin Meng took the crystal, closed his eyes and scanned the information recorded in the crystal. After a while, he opened his eyes and pondered for a long time. .

"A total of four materials, three of which have been heard, but this'Dead Soul Grass' has never been heard, but with the graphics and its distribution in the'Crimson Secret Realm', it should be no problem to find it by then. Big, I don’t know if other people will fight for it. It just so happens that Link wants to buy knowledge of "puppetry" from an adult. In this case, there are four materials, and the reward for each material is a knowledge of witchcraft. I don’t know what the adults want. How about it?"

"I don't know which witchcraft knowledge you plan to buy?" When the wizard Bikolun heard this, he did not refuse, which made Lin Meng secretly happy.

""Elemental Creature Activation", "Puppet Technique", "Scorpion Alchemy", "Rune Formation"" Lin Meng immediately said the long-awaited knowledge of witchcraft in his heart.

"Um... well, I agree. From tomorrow on, you will go to the old man every morning, and I will teach you "Elemental Activation" and "Rune Formation". It will take about six months to one year. It depends on your usual comprehension. As for the remaining two pieces of knowledge, you will wait until you come back to pay. I don't know what you think?" After hearing the words, Wizard Bikolun nodded and agreed to Lin Meng's request.

Two and a half years later, the basement of Lin Meng's secret small building...

Lin Meng was carrying a bag at this time, using the bone meal of a first-level fierce beast he bought at a high price, and using the ground bone meal, he wrote and painted on the ground. An hour later, Lin Meng finally completed the work. A very complicated hexagram witch formation was drawn on the ground. At each node of the witch formation, Lin Meng placed an intermediate magic stone. After finishing everything, Lin Meng took an altar carved by himself and placed it on the hexagram. The center of the witch formation.

The altar is divided into two layers, the upper part is small and the lower part is one-meter square. It was carved by Lin Meng from a blood-red stone called "flamestone". It was covered with various lines and runes, and it was also carved with one exactly the same as the ground The six-pointed star array looks very mysterious.

Seeing that the preparations were almost complete, Lin Meng got up and checked it carefully. After nothing was missing, Lin Meng shot a ray of light with both hands and sank into the six-pointed star rune array on the ground. The magic stone in the rune array immediately began to emit a dazzling light. The witch formation began to move, making a'buzzing' sound.

Seeing this scene, Lin Meng retracted his arm in satisfaction and stopped the circle. From his body, he took out a fist-sized, blood-red flaming spar, and placed it in the center of the blood-red altar.

This flame spar is a drop of essence and blood extracted from the heart of the'Lava Troll' after Lin Meng has spent a lot of effort. Lin Meng used the method recorded on the scroll of the'Spirit Burning Potion' to collect all the blood from the'Lava Troll'. Two drops of blood were extracted from the troll's heart. One drop was preserved by Lin Meng using a special method, and it is still in liquid state. After Lin Meng took out the other drop, it turned into a hard energy crystal when it encountered air. stone.

Now it has been two and a half years since Lin Meng went to meet Wizard Ora last time.

After returning from Wizard Aura, Lin Meng spent a whole year going to the Wizard of Bikron to learn the two witchcraft knowledge of "Elemental Activation" and "Rune Array". With the help of the Earth, It took Lin Meng half a year to record all the knowledge about the two witchcrafts of Wizard Bikolun.

Then Lin Meng began to design his own elemental creature summons, and took advantage of this time to go to the Bikolun wizard to learn. Lin Meng asked the Bikolun wizard in detail for each of the problems he encountered. It took another half a year. , Lin Meng finally had some confidence in his heart, and then he left the Wizard of Bikolun.

In the next year and a half, Lin Meng was not only studying how to refine the blood of the ‘lava troll’, he was also studying the heavy armor of the ‘thousand-thousand-thousand’ that the wizard Aura paid to Lin Meng as a deposit.

At first, Lin Meng put the heavy armor on his body, even if the heavy armor's "reaction force witch formation" had been opened to the maximum, he almost pressed Lin Meng to the ground, with such a heavy weight on his body, Lin Meng Meng was extremely unaccustomed. He had to wear it on whether he stood up or walked. At first Lin Meng couldn't even walk normally, let alone running, he could only move slowly on the ground step by step.

After Lin Meng wears such a heavy iron knot, the whole person looks more burly and tall. In order not to attract attention, Lin Meng has to cover himself under the'cloak of invisibility' every day. After half a year, Lin Meng began to adapt. After removing the heavy objects on his body, Lin Meng was able to walk normally under this weight a year later. Now Lin Meng has fully adapted to this weight and can easily run and jump to make various movements, exactly the same as usual.

However, with such hard work, Lin Meng's current physical indicators have increased significantly, and the effect is quite remarkable.

"Lin Meng, the top wizard apprentice, strength 19, agility 4, physique 5, mental power 6, mana 2. At this moment, Lin Meng has reached the critical value of a top wizard apprentice, and the'eternal time' is temporarily useless. After the Titan transforms, his mental power , Mana unchanged, strength 2, agility 2, and physique 4."

Lin Meng clenched his fists hard, and immediately felt a surge of surging power flowing throughout his body.

"If you take off the heavy armor of the'Thousand Jungle', I am afraid that there are only a handful of apprentices in the'Thorn City' who can fight hard against him!!" Lin Meng touched the heavy armor of the'Qian Jun' and said...

Putting the bright red flame spar in the center of the altar, Lin Meng spent another half an hour to recover the mana that was lost when setting up the formation just now, feeling that he had recovered to the best state, and his whole body was full of mana. Lin Meng immediately squeezed out the weird curse seal with both hands, and a few rays of light flew out of his hand, submerged in the six-pointed star formation in front of him.

The six-pointed star formation in front of me was modified by Lin Meng based on the most basic "Summoning Array of Elemental Creatures" learned from the Wizard of Bikolun. Just such a witch formation, it took Lin Meng and "Earth" a full month of work~www To continue to design and improve, and strive to meet the elemental creatures in Lin Meng's mind.

"Buzz..." Inspired by Lin Meng's mana, countless rays of light immediately lit up in front of the array. The magic stones that Lin Meng placed on all nodes of the array began to output energy continuously, and Lin Meng painted with bone meal on the ground. The lines that emerged, like energy wires, began to light up visible to the naked eye, leading all the surrounding energy to the blood red altar in the center of the formation.

"Boom..." The blood red altar was madly infused with surrounding energy, ‘Boom! ! With a sound, a large group of flames burst out immediately, covering the entire altar. Seeing this, Lin Meng's curse imprints on both hands kept changing. He murmured words and spit out a series of low and weird syllables. Finally, Lin Meng collected all the curse imprints on his hands and pointed at the blood-red altar, and he saw the altar that was already wrapped in flames On the surface, countless runes lit up, and all the fire element particles in the surrounding air seemed to have been affected, rushing toward the flame spar in the center of the altar.

With the influx of free fire element particles in the surrounding air, the flame spar, which was originally red as blood, became a masterpiece of red light. With a'poof', a red flame burst out of the flame spar, enveloping the flame spar. , Beating constantly. At the moment the flame appeared, the fire element particles in the room suddenly became more frantic, rushing towards the flame spar, and even forming several red ribbons visible to the naked eye in the air. (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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