The Witcher

Chapter 216: Escort mission

Lin Meng took the crystal, directly released a trace of mental power into the crystal, and frowned soon. [No pop-up novel network]

"Just the fifth mission!!" After a long while, Lin Meng frowned and returned the crystal to Ignaz in front of him.

"Okay, this is about the details of the mission. Please keep your Excellency Link away, remember not to miss the time!!" Hearing this, Ignaz was overjoyed and immediately took out a crystal from the space ring in his hand and handed it to him. Lin Meng said carefully.

"By the way, regarding the future residence of your Lord Link, you can choose a separate residence built by the tower for each official wizard. If your Lord Link is not satisfied, you can also live in the'Ville Nile Mountains'. Choose a place to build, and then report to the tower, as long as it is not a place chosen by other wizards, or a forbidden area forbidden by the tower!!"

Ignaz, who was already about to turn around and leave, suddenly turned around and explained to Lin Meng.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Ignaz. I will wait until I return from this mission before choosing another address!!" Lin Meng thought for a while.

"That's fine, I still have something to deal with, so I won't stay longer!!" Ignaz nodded to Lin Meng when he heard the words, turned and returned to the hall.

A month later, in the province of Lucca, in the depths of the Kara Mountains...

At this moment, Lin Meng was standing alone on the deck of a flying boat, with his hands behind his back, looking blankly at the endless mountains in the distance.

A month ago, after Lin Meng accepted this task from Wizard Ignatz, he returned to his secret small building to make preparations.

Half a month ago, Lin Meng followed the instructions on the crystal and set off on time, heading to a stronghold of "Black Thorns" in Lucca Province, and escorted a batch of magic materials back to the tower.

After all, there are tens of thousands of optical disciples in the tower of "Black Thorns", and the amount of various resources consumed every day is staggering. Therefore, "Black Thorns" is also in the Principality. In some inaccessible places, many resource points have been opened up for planting some. Consumes huge casting materials and so on.

At this moment, the flying boat under Lin Meng's feet was a flying boat that escorted all kinds of supplies, but compared to the huge boat used by the Wizard of Pruss during the last trip to the secret realm, this flying boat was relatively small.

Due to frequent attacks on the tower's transport team during this time, besides Lin Meng, there was another first-level wizard and a dozen apprentices in the team this time.

But so far, the road has gone smoothly without encountering any danger. Lin Meng was also studying witchcraft in the room, and he was a little bored before he came out to stand on the deck to breathe.

Sure enough, standing on the flying boat, lean on the railing and looking far away, all the scenery was in full view, which made Lin Meng feel a little bored and relieved a lot.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, and a low and slightly clear voice came.

"Your Excellency Link, it seems to be in a good mood!!"

"Where, Ms. Roglina joked. I stayed in the room for a long time before I came out to breathe. I wonder why your Excellency?"

Lin Meng didn't smile back when he heard the words, and saw a middle-aged woman with lingering charm appeared next to Lin Meng.

The woman was wearing a blue long dress and her complexion was a bit stern, but from the grace between her brows and brows, it was vaguely seen that when she was young, the woman must be a beauty.

Lin Meng looked a little weird the first time he saw Roglina. From between his brows, Lin Meng saw the shadows of the "Snow Queen" Rowrina and the "Frost Arrow" Rosa.

But Lin Meng didn't ask carefully. After all, the woman in front of him was a first-level intermediate wizard. After meeting for the first time, Lin Meng couldn't inquire too carefully.

"I'm also a little bored, so I came out to breathe. I don't want Your Excellency Link but is already here!!" Upon hearing this, Roglina smiled lightly, but the tone was much easier than before.

"In another half month, this mission can be over, but in the next few days, there are some risks. After all, in the depths of the inaccessible Kara mountain range, even if something happens to us, it will not be a short time before the tower wants to rescue. You can make it!!"

"Ms. Roglina, it is right. If someone targets us, I am afraid it will be in the next few days, but the detour is not only farther, but also more risky, so I have to be careful!!" Lin Meng said, His complexion was a bit solemn.

In Lin Meng's room late at night the next day.

The golden red light mastered it and saw Lin Meng's eyes solemn at the moment, sitting on a chair with a serious face, staring closely at a golden longbow that appeared in the void in front of him.

The golden longbow is almost the same height as Lin Meng, and the bow body is shining with golden light, and it is covered with some complicated patterns composed of strange runes. It looks a bit magical, but at the moment the longbow has a bow but no bowstrings.


Suddenly, Lin Meng let out a low drink, several golden glows gushing out of his hand, submerged in the golden longbow, and then suddenly a golden light on both ends of the golden longbow flashed, and then a thin golden light flashed by, and a golden thread appeared out of nowhere. , Connecting the two ends of the bow tightly, a complete golden giant bow appeared in front of Lin Meng.

Lin Meng got up and grasped the huge bow, and immediately felt a sense of connection between his mind and heart, and instantly used Lin Meng's heart.

"'Giant Golden Bow'...Open!!"

Lin Meng sank his waist and exerted strength, put his other hand on the golden bowstring, and shouted.

Suddenly, Lin Meng saw the huge bow pulled away, like a full moon.

"The arrow of breaking the law!!"

With a movement in Lin Meng's heart, a cloud of golden liquid appeared between the fingers that pulled the string, which instantly turned into a fierce golden arrow, which was placed on the huge bow.

With bow and arrow, Lin Meng's entire popularity suddenly changed. An extremely fierce aura suddenly burst out of him and swept across the room.


After a while, Lin Meng recovered his momentum, and immediately the giant bow and golden arrows disappeared. Lin Meng breathed a sigh of relief. It was obvious that two things had been transformed just now, which had consumed a lot of mana.

The "Giant Gold Bow", the top meditation idea is the "Gold Forging Furnace", one of the witchcraft in the first part, especially in conjunction with the "Devil Breaking Arrow" that Lin Meng used to transform into the "Devil Breaking Metal" , It is even more powerful, and a little support may lead to death.

Of course, this is not just for shooting the ‘Arrow of Breaking the Law’, the giant bow can also shoot the energy arrow that Lin Meng’s mana transforms.

In addition to the ‘Giant Golden Bow’, there is also a witchcraft called ‘Golden Storm’ and a witchcraft called ‘Giant Golden Fist’.

‘Blurry Rain’ is to condense countless metal spikes directly around, and then turn into a violent storm and shoot towards the enemy, especially the raging fire with magic power on the metal spikes, which is even more unstoppable.

The ‘Giant Golden Fist’ is the caster shook the surrounding gold element particles, and then transformed into a huge metal fist, slammed at the enemy fiercely, very mighty without casting.

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