The Witcher

Chapter 255: Crystal star

   "I wonder what this adult wants to buy?"


A moment later, just as Lin Meng stepped into the door of the'Crystal Star' and was raising his eyes to sweep around, a man in a blue robe, with a serious expression, hurried over to Lin Meng and asked respectfully. Tao.


   "I wonder if you have any high-precision microscopes for sale?" Lin Meng asked when he glanced at the man in the green robe.


   "Of course, sir, I dare say that the alchemy items of our'Crystal Star' are definitely the topmost in the entire'City of Mercury'!!" At this point, the man in the green robe immediately became confident.


   "Also ask the adults to come with me. This floor is only for wizard apprentices. What the adults want is still on the second floor!!" After speaking, the man in the green robe immediately led the way and walked towards the second floor.


   "Master Ruby, this customer wants to buy a high-precision microscope!!"


On the second floor, in a counter with several microscopes of different shapes and workmanship, an old man in a gray robe with a sallow skin is sitting on a wooden chair, squinting his eyes intently at the man in his hand. A book of animal skins.


   Hearing this, the gray-robed old man moved his brows and closed the animal skin book in his hand. Then he raised his eyes to look at the two men in the green robe and Lin Meng standing in front of the counter.


   "Okay, I see, you go down!!"


   The gray-robed old man felt Lin Meng's real first-level wizard spirit fluctuate, and waved his hand to dismiss the green-robed man, and continued.


   "I wonder what kind of microscope the customer would like to buy?" After speaking, the old man looked at Lin Meng.


   "Excuse me, can I take a look at it, the most accurate microscope here!!" Lin Meng heard this and directly stated his request.


   "Of course, please come with me!"


Speaking of the gray-robed old man, he led Lin Meng to a metal instrument that covers a large area and is full of runes. Before putting a magic stone on the base of the instrument, the gray-robed old man let him Lin Meng operated it by himself.


After a while, Lin Meng shook his head with disappointment.


   "Why, the customer is not satisfied?"


  The gray-robed old man caught a glimpse of the disappointed look on Lin Meng's face, and couldn't help asking in surprise.


   "Yes, although the accuracy of your instrument is quite high, it still does not meet my requirements. I wonder if you have a higher-precision microscope!"


   Lin Meng couldn't help looking a little ugly, and finally he thought about it and asked again, a little unwilling to give up.


   "A higher precision microscope?"


   The gray-robed old man squinted his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and a hint of thinking flashed across his face. After a while, he continued.


"There are still two upstairs, master Alpha’s proud work, but the upstairs is mainly for wizards above the second level. It’s not impossible to go upstairs like yours. Since you open the door to do business, how can you shut out customers? It makes sense, but you must have enough magic stones if you want to go to the third floor!!"


   "Oh? I don't know how many magic stones are needed? I am confident that I still have some wealth!!" Lin Meng raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and asked calmly.


   "One hundred thousand magic stones!!" The old man didn't say anything directly this time.


   Hearing this, Lin Meng's eyes flashed, and after looking at the old man for a long time, he took out a spatial ring from his arms and handed it over.


This space ring is exactly the spoils obtained by Lin Meng's two enemies that he killed during the fall of the'Notre Dame College'. There are hundreds of thousands of low-level magic stones in it, all of which were made by Lin Meng alone for this trip. ready.


   As for some intermediate magic stones, Lin Meng received them alone, in the flame-shaped space ring in his hand.


After all, the original Andre Lennon was a second-level high-level wizard, and he was almost able to become a third-level wizard. The space ring he used was far from comparable to that of ordinary first-level wizards. Lin Meng was very good at the flame ring in his hand. The storage space is very satisfactory.


   "Your Excellency, please follow me!!"


   The gray-robed old man took the ring that Lin Meng handed over, swept away his mental strength, then handed it back to Lin Meng, then turned around and walked towards the third floor with Lin Meng.


   After a while, the two of them went up to the third floor.


   Compared with the second floor, the third floor has the same size of space, but the layout is more elegant, and there are relatively fewer alchemical items on the third floor, but all of them are exquisite.


  Although Lin Meng's mental power could not disperse too far under the suppression of an inexplicable ban around him, Lin Meng could also feel the energy fluctuations from some of the alchemy items around him.


  "Ms. Millie, this customer wants to buy a high-precision microscope. Please also ask Master Alpha, the two proud works, to let this guest see if they are satisfactory!!"


   The gray-robed old man took Lin Meng straight through the hall on the third floor, to a remote corner behind the hall, and said to an old woman who was holding a black cat and was sleeping with her eyes closed.


   "Well, isn't this customer satisfied with the microscopes below?"


   Suddenly, the old woman had a black cat in her arms and opened her eyes, staring at Lin Meng and spitting out. Lin Meng was startled, but the old woman still did not open her eyes.


   But it was the gray-robed wizard next to him. He seemed to be ignorant and careless, so he couldn't help showing a wry smile, and continued. "If I'm satisfied, I won't bring this guest up there."


   "Well, well, you can go down for the rupees!!"


   Hearing this, the old voice came from the black cat in the woman's arms again. The gray-robed wizard was not angry when he heard it, so he nodded to Lin Meng, turned and walked outside.


   "Guest come with me!!"


   This time the old woman got up directly from the reclining chair, put the black cat in her hand on her shoulder, and walked towards a room. Lin Meng noticed that her eyes had not opened yet, and she couldn't help feeling surprised.


   "Why are customers curious about me like this?"


   The old woman who suddenly walked in front of Lin Meng kept in shape, but the black cat on her shoulder suddenly turned her head and stared at Lin Meng with a strange asked with her mouth open.


   "Uh, Ms. Millie is misunderstood. I am only interested in this ‘Shadow Night Cat’ on your shoulder!!" Lin Meng said, his expression unchanged, and said calmly.


   "Well, I didn't expect that the customer's eyesight was good, and he recognized the origin of my black cat!" The old woman heard the words and said without comment, she saw the black cat on her shoulder opening her mouth again.


   After speaking, the old woman stopped talking, and led Lin Meng into a room.


   "The two microscopes you need are there, you can try them, but these two microscopes are the proud work of our masters, and the prices are not cheap. I hope you have a mental preparation!!!"


   Inside the room, the old woman pointed to the two giants in front of her, which took up half of the room, and said to Lin Meng.


   After finishing speaking, no matter what Lin Meng did, he took the black cat from his shoulders to his arms again, stroking the hair on the black cat's back with one hand, and turned around to sit in a recliner in the house.


   Seeing the black cat squinting his eyes, he seemed to be enjoying the caress of the old woman very much.

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